
Page numbers for images are shown in italic type.

Actors 67, 446, 41417, 442, 448

Adjust Volume node 15860

advice, dialogue for 2014

algorithmic forms 132, 396403

aligned transitions 1902

always play 308

ambience and environment 2356; area loops 2631; embedding sounds 446; occlusion issues 4651; player-oriented one-shots 414; reverb 513; sound cues 357; source loops 315; source one-shots 3741; sourcing and masking one-shots 44; trigger sounds 536; types of sound 256

ambient/incidental/chatter/grunts dialogue 198

Ambient Sound actors 6, 7, 10, 133

Ambient Zones 2506

Animation Editor (Persona Editor) 280

animations 27989

Anim Notifies 2801

apply effects 308

area loops 2631, 334

arrangements 131, 156, 190, 302

arrays 1767, 21215, 222, 387, 407, 41720

assets: browsing for 79; checking 121; importing 1620; preparing for import 1116

asynchronous loops 667, 3989

attenuation 2731, 2403

Attenuation node 245, 430

attraction 327

audio: components 1601, 42730; files compression 645, levels 4536

audio, role and function of 30133; background 3012, 309; concepting 3323; feedback 3235; I.N.F.O.R.M. Model 310; instruction 31020; mechanic 32730; mixing 3029; notification 3203; orientation 3267; rhythm-action 327; testing 3312

Audio Finished 4367

audio physics 26678; collisions 26978; Doppler 2679; speed of sound 2667

Audio Volumes 52, 22733

auto-attenuation 31617

automation, mix for parallel layers 16671

auto-saves 34, 451

backing up 3

Bajakian, Clint 130

bit depth 12

Blueprints 1011, 42, 446, 133, 43949, 449

bookmarks 5

Boolean variable 108, 20910

Box 29

Branch 10610, 206, 209, 210, 215, 216, 276, 286, 365, 395, 426

branching dialogue 21721

branching forms 132

breaths 198

bullets 3526

buses 305

call and response 4068

cameras: and cutscenes 28992; and listeners 2929; vehicle 372

Capsule 29

cascading physics system 2768

casings 354

casting 4456

cellular automata 403

chain of events, concatenation for 768

character dialogue 197

character state 321

choices, dialogue 20812, 2213

chords 3912

clicks and pops 198

clunky transitions 1738

clusters of activity 70

cocktail party effect 301

collisions 26978

color commentary 37880

combinations, generative 3979

commenting 37885, 452

compiling Blueprints 4412

compression/limiting 302

Compression/Ogg Size 121

Compression Quality 646

concatenate node 74, 79, 3814

concatenation 719, 3805

Concatenator 70, 745, 1334, 138, 380

concepts 3323

cone 30

confirmation sound 324

console commands 4335

Content Browser 5, 79, 17

Continuous Modulator node 11819, 1623

controller input 535, 3368, 410

counts to dialogue choices 21011

creep/walk/run 2856

crossfades 11216, 1757, 3613

crossfade by param node 11216, 431

crowds, sports dialogue and 37589; commentary 37885; dialogue queues 3858; systems 3758

culling 31617

curves 4224; pitch 3645; user-defined 11620; velocity reading through 273; to volume 1646

Custom Event 153, 191, 438

cutscenes and cameras 28992

damage layers 370

debug tools 122, 433, 449

decay tails 1367, 1823

deconstructing sounds 858

decoy 32830

de-essing 198

delay node 3840

demo projects, setting up 1

detail over distance 2456, 350

Details panel 28

dialogue 197225, 372; for advice 2014; branching 21720; characters, contexts and choices 2214; conditions and choices 20816; crowds and sports 37589; discussed 1978; interrupts 2048; languages 2245; randomization 198201; scenes 290

directional sources 2348

distance attenuation 2405

Distance Algorithm 33, 2413

DoOnce node 151

Doppler 2679

drag and drop 17

dry sound 227

ducking 31013

DuffNote 406

dynamic occlusion 2545

dynamic range 315

earcons 324

editing 12

embedding source sounds 446

engine sounds 35967

Enveloper node 96, 99, 138

envelopes 92100

environment (listening) 305

Epic Games launcher 2

EQ 303, 31213

equal volume 304

Event Dispatcher 447

Event Graph 10

events and triggers 41113

excitement levels of crowds 3768

exclusions and obstructions 2534

Extents settings 2730

fades (editing) 15

fadein node 4950

fadeout node 4950, 156

FalloffDistance 2930; see also attenuation

feedback 310, 3236; weapons 3467

files 3, 1213

filters: audio 323, 198; files 89

Find feature 445

FlipFlop node 49

folders: project 1; searching 8; structures 7, 1718

Foley system 2878

footsteps 2809

forms: algorithmic 396403; musical 1303; parallel 131, 1434, 15666

Game Actor Blueprints 456

game editor 45

gamepad inputs 41011; see also controller input

Gate node 54, 1867

gears, automatic 3645

Generic Asset Editor 64

Get Distance System 1614

Get Float Value node 119

global interrupt 2078

good practices 44957

Graph Action Menu 4434

graphically led style 4046

Group Control node 277

groups (mix) 305

headphones 64

hearing 301

help advice 2012

high-pass filter 198

horizontal resequencing 132

HUD interactions 3246

icons 67, 27

impacts 3524, 370

importing assets 1620

inflection 385

informational dialogue 197

I.N.F.O.R.M. Model 310

in-game Actors 67, 41417

input 535; see also controller inputs

instruction 31021

interactivity see parameterization

interrupts, dialogue 2048

inventory 21215

inverse attenuation 242

IsMusic 308

IsUisSound 308

key input 535, 41011

languages 2245

layered concatenation 756

layered variation 8190

layers: distance 3501; environment 34850; impact and damage 370; parallel 16671; stress 3712; suspension 372; switching or fading 1579; wind 3712

Level Blueprint 10

levels: dialogue 198; editors 2, 6; excitement 3768; streaming 1235

LFE bleed 307

linear attenuation 241

linear variables 1606

listeners and cameras 2929

listening 301

location-based switching 174

logarithmic attenuation 242

log reverse attenuation 243

longer music pieces 18590

looking and moving 46

looping 1316, 13541, 3445

looping node 389, 133

loops: asynchronous 6671, 3989; for moving objects 2623; for weapons with tail 3434

lossy format 64

loudness 304

macros 42, 424

MakeNoise node 329

manual looping 13940

Markov chains 403

masking 44, 1778, 330

Matinee 2568, 2636, 435

Matinee Controller 2601, 264

Max Volume 2930, 315

measure-based transitions 18193

mechanic 310, 32730

mechanical systems, Matinee events for 2636

melodic pickups 3956

memory 601, 1216

midi files 137

Min Volume Threshold 31516

mix: automation for parallel layers 16671; changes 31420; principles 3029; testing the 331

Mixer node 401

mockups 3323

modes 5

modifiers 195

modulation/modifiers for variation 90105; oscillation

1003; pitch 905; volume 96100; wavetables 1035

Modulator node 39

monophonic (one voice) system 40

mono sound source 234

mouse moves 56

movement, creating 2589

moving/looking 46

MP3 64

multichannel sound source 234

multigate node 81, 206, 379, 399, 426

music, advanced 391458; forms 396403; melodies 3956; rhythm-action 4038; stingers 3915

music, introduction to 12947; interactive principals 1303; loops and decay tails 13541; parallel forms 1434; playlists 1335; stingers/ornaments 1413; transitional forms 1446

music, parallel forms and basics 14971; basics 14956; mix automation 16671; parallel forms 15666

music, transitional forms 17395; clunky transitions 1737; musical transitions 17894; options 1945

naming conventions 1718

nasty transitions 1734

natural sound attenuation 243

navigation 3267; Blueprints 1011, 439; browser 79; game world 27

nested reverbs 22933

nodes 4267, 445

Non-Spatialized Radius 33

normalization 304

notification 310, 3203

NPC Footsteps 2889

NPC state 321

number of voices control 2789

numbers 41720

NumChannels 121

Nyquist-Shannon theorem 12, 62

objects, moving 2606

object state 3223

obstructions and exclusions 2534

occlusion 4651, 24650, 2545

Ogg Size 65

one-shots: music 1502; sounds 404, 69; source 3740; volume envelopes 968; weapons 33840

organization, dialogue 198

orientation 310, 3267

ornamental forms/stingers 131, 1413, 1546

oscillation 1003

Oscillator node 100

panning 302

parallel forms 131, 1434, 15666

parameterization 10621; with Crossfade 11216; monitoring approaches 1216; with Set Pitch Multiplier 11012; swapping out sounds 10610; and user-defined curves 11621

parameters 41725

passive sound mixes 31415

pawns 329

Perforce version control 3

Persona Editor (Animation Editor) 280

physics see audio physics

pickups 3234, 3956

pitch 905, 11012, 307; oscillation 1012; velocity to 35961

playback medium 64

play-by-play commentary 3804

Play Cue 3

Player Component 151

player-oriented sounds (POS) 26

playlists 1334

Play Sound Attached node 10, 1501

play then loop 1378

polyphonic one-shots 401

POS (player-oriented sounds) 26

prebake 233

preduck strategy 316

Preselect at Level Load option 889

pre-syncs 18790

principles, interactive music 1303

Print String node 4501

prioritization 2789

procedural forms 396403

procedural sound design 59127; background 5965; layered variation 8190; modulation/modifiers for variation 90105; monitoring memory 1216; parameterization 10621; sample rates and audio compression 625; sequenced variation 6581

programming 43941

project folder 1

projectiles 3456

proximity 395

Proximity Component 1612

punishment 323

queues, dialogue 3858

radio filter volume 308

RAM (restricted memory) 60

ramps 18790

random combinations 815, 3979

randomization 198201, 2001, 376

Random node 379, 2001

realism 22799; animations 27989; cutscenes, cameras and 28992; listeners, cameras and 2929; moving objects and sounds 25666; number of voices control 278; physics 26678; sound propagation 22755

Real Time Audio 5


recall 328

reference levels 305

repelling 327

repetition 37, 59, 66, 76, 106, 137, 281, 3234

restricted memory (RAM) 60

retriggering 3403

reuse 902

reverb 513, 22733, 303, 308, 3489

Reverb Effects 2278

rewards 1312, 142, 323

rhythm-action 310, 4038

ricochets 352

rolling 2745

rotating doors 2601

routing 4256

running slow tips 4567

Sample Rate 121

sample rates 1213; and audio compression 625; concatenate 789

scalability 889

Schmidt, Brian 59

scraping 2745

searching 810

seeds, random 4003

Sequence node 42, 50, 426, 440

sequences 6481; concatenation 719; note-level 399400; start points 801; time-based variation 6671

Set Boolean Parameter node 54

Set Float Parameter node 429

Set Int Parameter node 184

Set Pitch Multiplier node 11012, 429

shapes attenuation 2930

shortcut keys 3356

Show menu 27

simple collisions 26971

skids 3678

sliding 2745

Sound Class 51, 207, 251, 3059

Sound Cue 36, 74, 169, 4303

Sound Cue Editor 367

Sound Mixes 31020, 331

sound propagation 22756; distance attenuation and detail 2405; occlusion, obstruction, and exclusion 24656; reverb 22733; spatialization 23340

sound tracks, Matinee 2657

Sound Waves 8, 9, 367, 359

sources: diffuse 23940; directional 2348; loops 26, 315; music 14950; one-shots 26, 3740, 44

spatialization 23340

spawn 43

speakers 64

speed, walking 2856

speed of sound 2667

Sphere 29

split and crossfade 1516

sports dialogue see crowds, sports dialogue and

Start menu 122

start points, multiple 801

stealth 174

stereo bleed 307

stereo sound source 234

stingers: harmonically appropriate 3913; ornamental forms 131, 1416, 1546; rhythmically-synched 3935

streaming 1216

stress layer 3712

structures 443

surfaces 2815

surface/tire layers 3668

suspension layer 372

swapping out sounds 10610

switch, controlling 1835

switching ambience 4651

Switch on Int node 1834

systems, crowd 3759

tail 3414

testing 44957

time-based variation 6671

timed events, music for 1524

TimeLine 104, 11012, 436

timer node 437

tire layers 3668

toggle for occlusion 24950

toolbar 5

tracking 21215

transitions 17893; forms 132, 1446; junctures 17981; masking 1778; matrix 181, 193

triggered advice 2023

Triggers 35, 40, 42, 4651, 535, 31013, 41113

troubleshooting 44957

turbo dump 36970

turrets 89, 10, 321

Unreal Unit (UU) 27

utilities 8

variables 15966, 41725

variations 8190, 398

vehicles 35973; automatic gears 3645; cameras 372; elements 3613, 36872; smooth operator 3656; surface/tile layers 3668; velocity to pitch 35961

velocity 2714, 35961

version control 34

vertical re-orchestration 131

View Options menu 8

Viewport panel 5

views 45

voice center channel volume 308

voices control 2789

volume 96100, 302, 307; curves to 1646; determining 15966; equal 304; oscillation 1002; velocity to 272

walking speeds 2856

Wave Param node 429

wavetables 1035

weapons 2878, 33556; background 3356; bullets 3516; environment and distance elements 34851; feedback 3468; one-shot, retriggered, or loop 33845; projectiles 3456; system 3368

wet sound 227

whizzbys 352, 3556

widgets 41415

wind layers 3712

wind sounds 68

words, spacing 385

World Outliner 5, 67, 9

zero crossings 15, 135

zones, prioritizing 2524

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