Entries in italics indicate figures.

adult learners 8486

aesthetics, as source of innovation 78

Afghanistan 102104

alienated followers 30

anaerobic digestion 110115

anticipatory learning 85

applying innovation 45, 23

Arab culture 101, 103104, 107

Arnoldsen, Ron and Keppy 110115

artistic work, creating 6669, 73

arts organizations 6567, 73

attitude, and cross‐cultural leadership 104

banking, impact of innovation on 58

behaviors, use of term 17

benchmarking 22, 49

best practices, reviewing 4, 22

Bezos, Jeff 26

business acumen 18, 2223

business impact statement 5758

capital expenses 5455

CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography) 7579

CBA (cost benefit analysis) 5355, 5859

Chamberlain, Joshua 84

change: fostering 84; in healthcare 126; as purpose of innovation 9

change agents 5, 25

characteristics, use of term 17

choices, evaluating 4, 23

cities, and sustainability 8994, 9697

classroom, culture of 8586

coaching, active techniques 29

coalitions, as source of innovation 68

cognitive styles 1617

collaboration: Arnoldsens’ use of 114; in sustainable leadership 90, 9394

collectivist society 101103

commerce, as source of innovation 6

commitment: of followers 30; as leadership competency 19

communication: between employees 4142; as leadership competency 19, 21, 23, 26; methods of 19, 25; positive 40, 94

companies, oldest 130

competence, of followers 30

competencies, use of term 1011, 17

competency model of innovation leaders 11, 1721, 18, 26, 124, 128

competitive advantage 49, 59

complex systems 9596

conference calls 117122

confidence: professional 105; self‐ 20, 76

conformist followers 30

Confucian values 106

consistency 117, 120122

continuous innovation see culture of continuous innovation

costs: breakdown of 5758; identifying 53, 59

courage: of followers 30; as leadership competency 20, 25, 7576, 81; moral 89, 94

CREATE Model xv, 3, 4, 1112; and arts organizations 65, 72; and competency model 2126; and diffusion of innovation 32; research foundations of 56; steps of 45; and sustainable leadership 97

creative ideas 3, 5, 12, 46, 50, 66

creative industries 69

creative people, leading 40

creative team: at Diavolo 6873; interdisciplinary 21

creative thinking 6, 22, 66, 73, 85

creative work 71, 124

creativity: dynamic cycle of 45, 46, 50; in higher education 85; as leadership competency 20, 128

crisis adaptability 128

cross‐cultural engagement 101

crowdfunding 5556

cultural awareness 101, 105106, 108

cultural engagement 106

cultural values 35, 4849, 106

culture, tacit knowledge of 102

culture of (continuous) innovation 11, 16, 4450; deterrents to 83; in healthcare 124125, 129

dance companies 6569, 71, 73

data capture 4, 2122, 97

delegation 19, 2425

destination, in sustainable leadership 90, 93, 97

Diavolo dance company 6573

diffusion of innovations theory 5, 7, 1012, 25, 3032

disrupting, as purpose of innovation 10, 23

diversity, as source of innovation 8

Dubuque, Iowa 88, 9092, 97

early adopters 5, 25, 41

ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) 41

education: higher 18, 8287; self‐ 114; in sustainable leadership 90, 93, 9697

educators 83, 85, 87, 96

EMI 75, 77

emotional intelligence (EI) 19, 21, 26, 33

empathy 19, 104105

employee creativity 16, 20, 49

employee development 31

employees: and change 123; meeting needs of 127128; and organizational culture 45

employee surveys 48

energy/motivation level 1819, 26

entrepreneurial funding 55

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) 117118

equity funding 5556

ethical leadership 106

evaluation, in sustainable leadership 90, 93

executive fit 126

exemplary followers 30

expectations, clear 128

expenses, levels of 52

experimentation 22, 26, 70, 84, 114

exploratory innovation 5, 65, 72, 124

external environment, understanding 2022, 2526

external funding 5456

extrinsic rewards 38, 72

farm wastes 110115

fear 83, 85

financial data 5759

financial impact 52, 5559, 66

financial institutions 5556, 58

financial planning 52, 55, 5859, 113

followers: in arts organizations 7172; building trust relationships with 33; characteristics of 2930, 34

followership 29, 34

Four Ps, Old and New 41

Franklin, Benjamin 38

funding, levels of 5455

GE (General Electric) 7580, 94, 130

globalization 38, 4849

goal setting 93, 97, 117, 122

governments, as source of innovation 8

group level of innovation 56, 89, 15, 73

groups, leading 16, 18, 24

growth, as purpose of innovation 10

healthcare organization 124129

Heim, Jacques 6573

high context culture 102103, 106

high‐visibility assignments 80

honesty 65, 68

HR (human resources): in public sector 117122; strategy 49

IBM 91, 94, 96, 130

imagination, as leadership competency 20

improvisational process 6973

individualist perspective 1112

individual learning 17, 22, 26

individual level of innovation 56, 810, 15, 73

innovation 6; in arts organizations 66, 69; funding of 5254, 5659; levels of 89; measuring 128; most important 130; openness to 82; ownership of 105; purposes of 910; sources of 58, 5859; use of term 3

innovation leaders 3; characteristics of 1112, 1517, 3839; dyadic relation with followers 2934, 31, 128129; in education 84; see also competency model of innovation leaders

innovation leadership: competency assessment of 2122; perspectives on 1012; use of term 3

innovation network teams xv, 11, 3641, 125

innovation strategy 13, 4548, 50

innovative learning 85

innovative mentality 83

interactive process perspective 10

interdisciplinary teams 21

internal funding 55

interpersonal skills 19, 21, 26, 3233

intervention, forced 37

intuition 39, 69, 72

Iraq 103, 106

Islam 101, 103104, 106107

Jackson, Henry 8889

Junto 38

Kasriel, Staphne 26

Kirton’s Adaption‐Innovation theory 1617

knowledge: management 1718, 22; sharing 90, 95, 121; tacit 102

Kurdish culture 103, 106

Lawrence, T. E. 105107

leadership styles 3, 15, 17, 21, 32, 124

leadership teams 5253, 57, 59, 92, 125126

leadership theories 3032, 65, 71

learning: and innovation 7; as leadership competency 1718

learning competencies, individual 22

Learning Factory 112

leveraging resources 125, 128

LMX (Leader Member Exchange) theory 3031, 65, 71, 73

loans 48, 5556, 112

management, as leadership competency 19

market level of innovation 5, 810, 1516, 23

Maslow, Abraham 3839

MBTI (Meyers‐Briggs Type Indicator) 39

media, as source of innovation 7

mental flexibility 101

mentoring 127

Merriam, Sharan 86

meta‐competencies 104

Middle Eastern cultures 101, 103108

middle management 21

mission: employee belief in 40; as leadership competency 20

motivational behaviors 30

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 79

multidisciplinarity 92

Musk, Elon 26

NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) 89

new product teams 9, 36

Nimitz, Chester 84

nuance, interpersonal 104

openness 40, 85, 105, 124

opinion leaders 5, 25

organizational culture 44; assessment of 4648; development of 45; and leadership style 15, 17; management impact on 128; in public sector 118; use of term 50; see also culture of (continuous) innovation

organizational learning 17, 22, 26

organizational level of innovation 5, 89, 1516, 23, 25

organizational structure, flat 4142

organizational sustainability 88

organizational talent 125, 128

organization performance, enhancing 121

ownership, sense of 19, 25

partners, self‐selecting 65, 7071

partnerships, sustainable 94

passive followers 30

patents: costs of 53; developing 110, 113; searching 59

path‐goal theory 3, 3031, 65, 71, 128

patience 71, 103104, 114115

peer learning 92

Pennsylvania State University 79, 112113, 115

perceptual barriers 66

performance improvement, as purpose of innovation 10

perseverance 19, 2426, 114

Persian culture 103104

personal development 26, 127

personalism 37

personality tests 39

politics, as leadership competency 20

power, as leadership competency 20

problem‐solving abilities 24, 127

production teams 5, 2425

progressive change 3, 12, 17

project management 24

project team, as stakeholders 57

public sector 117123

regulation of industry 5859

rewards, intrinsic 6, 3839, 72

risk: and long‐term expenditure 54; in performing arts 66, 68, 72; spreading 21

risk‐taking 25, 48, 7677, 7981

Robb, Walter 7580

ROI (return on investment) 52, 5455, 5759

role definition 31

role identity 20, 25

role modeling 84, 125126

Sample, Steven 85

Schmidt, Terry 85

science, as source of innovation 67

self‐awareness 33

self‐management 30

shared value, creating 94

situational awareness 102108

social values 94

societal level of innovation 5, 78

socio‐technical systems theory 3132

soft innovation 66

SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) 118122

stakeholders: in education 85; in healthcare 126; and innovation funding 52, 54, 5658; in sustainability 89, 9394

STAR Community network 91, 95

strategic thinking 90, 93

strategy, long‐term 23, 40, 49

strength, inner 84

structural phenomenon perspective 11

Sunni and Shiite see Islam

support system 110, 115

sustainability 8889; indicators of 91, 9596

sustainable communities 88, 9397

sustainable leadership 8890, 9294, 96

sustaining, as purpose of innovation 10

synergy: between organizations 3941; developing in teams 4042; research on 3738; and self‐awareness 33; use of term 3637

systems theory 38

systems thinking 20, 23, 93

teaching methods, innovative 84

team training 5, 2425

teamwork: cultivating 29; and organizational culture 48

technology, as source of innovation 7

tenacity 19, 2425

test environment 45

time: cultural values of 103; management 19, 24

training, interactive 117, 121, 123

transactional leadership 15

transformational leadership 15

trends, establishing 5, 25

triple bottom line 67, 89

underwriting 55

upper management 21

USDN (Urban Sustainability Directors Network) 92

value‐added innovation 5, 23, 65, 72, 124

values, core 65, 68, 71, 73, 101

venture capital 5556

visibility, meaningful 128

vision, as leadership competency 20

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