academic literature, process for reviewing see literature review

accounting performance, productivity and 4779

agency costs of free cash flow 320, 332, 475, 509

agency theory: entrepreneurship in MBOs 406; failed companies 186; family firm buyouts 178, 180, 181; hedge funds 367; human resource management (HRM) 458; innovation 375, 37881; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 102, 107, 11516, 375, 37881, 4934; performance and 375; private equity 78; private equity funds 367

allocation of resources see resource management

Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD): adoption of 74; alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) 75; assets under management (AUM) 75; capital requirements for fund managers 789; conduct of business rules 767; controversies about 74; delegation of functions by EU-based AIFMs 78; depositories 76; employee protection 801; EU financial system, protection of 79–80; fraud or malpractice, prevention of 76; impact of provisions generally 78; investor protection 767; manager remuneration 778; market access (“passport”) 812; scope of 75; stakeholder protection 801; valuation of private equity funds 77

Arkwright, Richard 41

asset stripping: 1960s and 1970s 29, 43; controversies about 1, 21, 51, 492, 508; frequency of 380

assets: assets under management (AUM) 75; divestment see divestment; financial assistance laws, relaxing of 30

banks: collaboration decisions with PE firms 2869; lead banks 278; private equity firms in relation 278; syndication networks 2789, 2989; and venture capital (VC) 284

Baumol, William 45

behavioral perspectives, overview of 1718

behavioral theory 89

benchmarking of PE returns 26972

Berle, Adolf 43, 91, 102

bondholder wealth transfer hypothesis of PTP transactions 1045, 107

Bottomley, Horatio 41

bought deals see institutional buyouts (IBOs)

Boulton, Matthew 41

Brazil, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

Brexit see United Kingdom (UK)

BRICS economies, PE attractiveness rankings 31619

business failures see failed companies

business risk of PE investment 254

buybacks of shares, leveraged buyouts as 58

buyin-management buyouts (BIMBOs) 101

“buyout”, definition of 419

buyout longevity and post-exit performance: buyout industry classification and 512; buyout size and 512; different types of buyouts 51314; exit process 510; exits and longevity in relation 50910; financial performance 51618; financial performance and PE firm reputation in relation 51718; long-term 544financial performance 517; market conditions and 51314; operating performance 51416; PE backing and 511; PE firm characteristics and 51112; PE syndication and 512; research methodology 5089; short-term financial performance 51617; stock market indexes 515; summary of research 51824

capital gains: of independent funds 32; taxation of 31

capital markets, information asymmetries 391, 393

capitalism: capital market dominance in business 441; changes in 441; finance-led capitalism, change to 441, 4425; financialization 441, 4501; full-employment capitalism, change from 441, 4423; micro instruments of private equity 4457; neo-liberalism 441; and private equity 4425

captive funds: buyouts of 334; exit policy 32; length of investment term 32; ownership of 32; yield from investments 32

Centre for Management Buyout Research (CMBOR) 1011, 37, 90, 187, 478, 484

change management 4612

China: detachment of post-MBO firms from government control 220; distinctive features of MBOs 212; financial performance of MBOs 21819; history of MBO development 21314; information asymmetries in MBOs 217; local governments, role of 213, 21617; MBO research methodology 21718; organizational performance of MBOs 21920; ownership concentration by MBOs 2201; PE attractiveness ranking 31619; performance of MBO firms 21721; political control of MBO activity 214; private equity, role of 21516; privatization 213; reasons for MBO usage 21415; requirements for research on 212

collaboration decisions: and bank syndication 2789, 2989; emerging issues in 2946; between firms 2846; between firms and banks 2869; between firms and investors 279; between firms and targets 27984; information asymmetries 279, 284, 287, 294; international aspects 290, 299300; and investor protection 299300; limited partnerships 279; performance impacts of 2904; power differentials among prospective buyout participants 2968; research on 279

commitment risk of PE investment 254

company failures see failed companies

conduct of business rules, AIFMD 767

conglomerate firms: diversification discount on shares 924; external funding 93; internal funding 89, 934; rise and fall of 92

control hypothesis of PTP transactions 103, 107

corporate finance see private equity; private equity funds

corporate governance: changes in 186, 376; emerging economies 3089; governance engineering 163, 375, 380, 476; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 492; productivity and 47980

corporate refocusing see divestment

cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) measurement 11314

debt merger acquisitions (debt M&As) see leveraged buyouts (LBOs)

decisions on collaboration see collaboration decisions

depositories, AIFMD regulation of 76

development capital, definition of 29

discriminant analysis (DA) 109

diversified firms see conglomerate firms

divestment: academic studies of 902; conglomerate firms, rise and fall of 92; in corporate refocusing 89, 945; by failed companies 186; information asymmetries 93; MBOs and 8996; multidivisional form of corporate structure 89; reasons for 923; reasons for MBO usage 95

divisional buyouts: resource management 425, 427; studies of 119

due diligence: conduct of 23, 52, 77, 166, 177, 351, 355, 421, 433; costs of 250, 306; definition of 279, 427; hedge funds 355; importance of 17; information on 63; level of 8, 78, 197; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 64, 65, 134; reports 419; responsibility for 298; review of 127

economic performance, productivity and 4779

economics see capitalism

efficiency buyouts 406

efficiency measurement, productivity and 4801

emerging economies: attractiveness for PE investors 30611; BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) 31619; capital market depth 3078; control variables 326; corporate governance 3089; Country 545Attractiveness Index see Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index; data on 3216; deal opportunities 30910; dependent variable 321; early-investor disadvantages 306, 31920; economic activity 307; employment and employee relations 309; entrepreneurial culture 30910; entry strategies 305; factors for favorable investment environment, identification of 31011; general partners’ role in investment 306; general sample characteristics 321; growth opportunities 305; human factors 309; independent variables 326; investor protection 3089; limited partners’ role in investment 306; multivariate analyses 32831; research methodology 306; research results, interpretation of 3301; returns, research on 3201; shift of PE market towards 305; societal factors 309; statistics on 3216; taxation 308

employment and employee relations: agency theory and 4934; AIFMD protection of 801; average LBO effects 498500; average pay, LBO effect on 503; different types of buyouts, impact of 500; different types of workers, LBO impact on 5001, 5034; emerging economies 309; entrepreneurship theory and 4945; failed companies 191; future research on LBO impact 5045; health services 207; human resource management (HRM) 45862; LBO impact on 124, 492505; MBO impact on 201; PE impact on 355, 44950; redundancy, regulation and use of 447; summary of studies of LBO effect on 4968; trade unions, recognition of 4489; wages effects of buyouts 5024; see also human resource management (HRM)

entrepreneurial buyouts 408

entrepreneurial companies: data on 338; empirical research on 33845; exit performance 3435; growth equity 337; information asymmetries 337; investment size and valuation 3423; regression analysis of 3415; statistics on 33841; venture capital 336, 3368

entrepreneurial culture in emerging economies 30910

entrepreneurial finance in UK c.1770–1975 413

entrepreneurial mindset 406

entrepreneurship in MBOs: agency theory and 406; buyout failures 408; buyouts with entrepreneurial focus 406; efficiency buyouts 406; entrepreneurial buyouts 408; entrepreneurial growth 41011; entrepreneurial mindset 406; entrepreneurship theory and 406; evidence on entrepreneurship in buyouts 41012; exporting and 41112; family firms 408; future research on 41214; innovation and 412; managerial mindset 407; PE involvement 409; revitalization buyouts 408

entrepreneurship theory: entrepreneurship in MBOs 406; failed companies 186; innovation 375, 3801; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 910, 375, 3801, 4945; performance and 375

equity finance see private equity; private equity funds

Europe: buyout market 508; controversies about LBOs 51; first wave of large deals 32; investment impact of buyouts 390, 398; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 100, 1346; mezzanine finance 136; PE regulation and policy 366; trends in MBOs 37; vendor sources 31

European Union (EU): AIFMD see Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD); financial system, protection of 7980; private equity regulation and policy 7482; UK withdrawal (Brexit) see United Kingdom (UK)

exit: by captive funds 32; entrepreneurial companies 3435; by independent funds 32; post-exit performance see post-exit performance; routes 6; short term see asset stripping

failed buyouts: case study 4513; entrepreneurship in MBOs 408

failed companies: agency theory and 186; case studies 1935; divestment by 186; employment and employee relations post-buyout 191; entrepreneurship theory and 186; failure of buyouts from 192; future research on 1956; general characteristics of buyouts 18790; information asymmetries 190, 191, 192; loan notes 189; MBO or MBI 189; mezzanine finance 189; parts of companies, buyouts to save 187, 1934; PE fund involvement 1901; PE influence on 53041; PE-backed buyouts from insolvent parents 1945; post-buyout performance 1913; pre-pack deals 190, 195; recession and insolvency 186, 187; sector distribution of buyouts 187; theoretical approaches to buyouts 186

family firm buyouts: agency theory and 178, 180, 181; bargaining power in buyout negotiations 1623, 166; buyout process phases 17781; doing the deal, phase of 177; “external” family succession, definition of 147; 546family firm perceptions 1612, 166; family succession, alternatives to 176; family succession, problem of 147; future research on 167; gaps in research 1647; influences on outcome 180; information asymmetries 150, 15961, 166, 178, 179, 180; limited research on 173, 174; literature review 14967; market for 150, 166; negotiation behaviors 178; negotiations 17781; PE investor perceptions 161, 166; post-buyout professionalization of firm 1813; post-deal perspectives 180; post-deal phase 177; pre-deal phase 177; preference for MBO or MBI 176, 178; reasons for 176; resource management 425, 42931; suitability of PE 148; valuation of firm 180; value creation 1634, 167; see also family firms

family firms: assumptions about 174; buyouts see family firm buyouts; definition of 147; differences from non-family firms 1747; disputes within 175; as dominant business ownership model 173; entrepreneurship in MBOs 408; “external” family succession, definition of 147; innovation by 174; longevity of 173; ownership as permanent objective 175; ownership structures 175; psychological ownership of 175; separation of ownership and management 175; size of 174; succession, issues about 147, 176; variety of 174

fiduciary duty 1, 7, 268

finance see private equity; private equity funds

finance purchases see institutional buyouts (IBOs)

financial assistance laws, relaxing of 30

financial crisis of 2007–2008 see global financial crisis of 2007–2008

financial engineering 375

financial performance: buyout longevity and post-exit performance 51618; Chinese MBOs 21819; health services 2067

financially distressed companies, PE influence on 53041

forward mergers 55

France: investment impact of buyouts 396, 397; MBO market size 5; PE regulation and policy 366; private equity regulation and policy 74

fraud, prevention under AIFMD 76

free cash flow: agency costs of 320, 332, 475, 509; definition of 8, 378; high level of 279, 287, 320, 406; limits on 466; misuse of 229, 390, 392, 396; as reason for PTP transactions 101; reduction of 44; theory of 55, 92, 93, 94, 103, 107, 241

funds see private equity funds

Galbraith, John K. 43

general partners (GPs): investment in emerging economies 306; role of 2, 227; unfunded commitments of 36

Germany: MBO market size 5; private equity regulation and policy 74; second wave of MBOs 1

global financial crisis of 2007–2008 36

globalization, rise of 35

governance see corporate governance

growth companies see entrepreneurial companies

health services: care quality effects of PE 2078; conceptual framework for research on 200; differences from other businesses 2002; efficiency effects of PE 206; employee well-being effects of PE 207; evidence from related literatures on PE 2034; financial performance effects of PE 2067; future research on 209; information asymmetries 202; innovation effects of PE 206; multidimensional performance of PE in 203; nursing homes, evidence on PE in 2036; organizational performance effects of PE 2067; PE market generally 199200; requirements for research on 2036; shareholder approach to research on 202; stakeholder approach to research on 2023, 204

hedge funds: agency perspective on 367; as alternative investment type 348; controversies about 3501; distinctive features of 348; due diligence 355; investor activism 3523; PE funds in relation 34868; performance 3501; regulation of 35567; research interest in 34950; socio-economic perspective on 367

historical perspectives 1113, 2939, 408

human resource management (HRM): agency theory and 458; change management 4612; definition of 456; different types of buyouts 4656; employment relations 45862; future research on 4679; high-performance work systems (HPWS) 4578; importance of HR issues in buyouts 457; industrial relations 464; institutional context 467; investors’ country of origin in relation to 4667; pay systems 4601; strategy for 4578; training provision 45860; work relations 4624

547incentive realignment hypothesis of PTP transactions 102, 107

independent funds: capital gains 32; exit policy 32; length of investment term 32; ownership of 32

India: investment impact of buyouts 397; PE attractiveness ranking 31619

indirect share buybacks, leveraged buyouts as 58

Indonesia, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

industrial relations see employment and employee relations; trade unions

information asymmetries: capital markets 391, 393; Chinese MBOs 217; collaboration decisions 279, 284, 287, 294; divestment 93; entrepreneurial companies 337; failed companies 190, 191, 192; family firm buyouts 150, 15961, 166, 178, 179, 180; health services 202; initial public offerings (IPOs) 516, 517; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 107, 119; venture capital (VC) 517

initial public offerings (IPOs): advantages of private equity 148; as exit from MBOs 6; information asymmetries 516, 517; post-exit operating performance 51415

innovation: agency theory and 375, 37881; entrepreneurship theory and 375, 3801; family firms 174; future research on 377, 3835; health services 206; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) and 37586; management innovation 377, 3823; MBO impact on 21; technological innovation 377, 3823; see also entrepreneurial companies

insolvencies see failed companies

institutional buyouts (IBOs) 35, 101, 355, 393

interest, taxation of 34

interest rates, IRR calculation 2512, 2667

investment: cash flow sensitivities 3946; effects of buyouts on different types of investments 3978; future research on 398401; indirect evidence on PE firms and financing constraints 3967; length of term 323; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 390; overinvestment 390; PE controversies 390; PE investor role in buyouts 3913; post-buyout realignment 390; returns on see returns; varieties of PE investor involvement 3923; yield 32

investment risk of PE investment 2545

investor protection: AIFMD regulation of 767; collaboration decisions and 299300; emerging economies 3089

investor-led buyouts (IBOs), definition of 2

IRR calculation 2512, 2667

Italy: leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 12, 5566; PE regulation and policy 366

Jensen, Michael 22, 90, 92, 103, 128, 132, 186, 215, 320, 475, 476, 493, 535

jobs see employment and employee relations

junk bonds crisis 229

labor see employment and employee relations; human resource management (HRM); trade unions

legal perspectives, overview of 1113

leverage risk of PE investment 254

leveraged buyouts (LBOs): agency theory and 102, 107, 11516, 375, 37881, 4934; behavioral theory and 9; bidder competition 11819; bondholder wealth transfer hypothesis 1045; “bootstrapping acquisition” 99; buyin-management buyouts (BIMBOs) 101; case studies 1257; categories of 1001; collaboration decisions see collaboration decisions; control hypothesis 103, 107; controversies about 51, 5660; corporate governance 492; cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) measurement 11314; debt, acquisition of 545; definition of 2, 99, 101, 375, 492; discriminant analysis (DA) of 109; divisional buyouts, studies of 119; due diligence 64, 65, 134; duration-oriented PTP literature 109, 12831; empirical PTP literature, theoretical framework of 10831; employment, effects on 124, 492505; entrepreneurship theory and 910, 375, 3801, 4945; European trends in 1346; financial engineering 375; financial structure of 53; and firm performance 64; firms under private ownership, quantitative studies on 1225; first wave of MBOs 1323; forward mergers 55; free cash flow hypothesis 92, 103, 107; future research on 1368; governance engineering 375; impact-oriented PTP literature 109, 11221; incentive realignment hypothesis 102, 107; as indirect share buybacks 58; information asymmetries 107, 119; and innovation & investment 37586; institutional buyouts (IBOs) as type of 101; intent-oriented PTP literature 108, 10912; international PTP trends 1316; investment, impact on 390; investment process 535; legality of 5664; longevity 513; management buyins (MBIs) as type of 100; management buyouts (MBOs) as type of 100; management input by private 548equity funds 64; merger of newco and target company 55; new company (newco), establishment of 534; operational engineering 375; premiums analysis 115; process-oriented PTP literature 109, 11927; public-to-private (PTP) transactions 99, 100; purchase of target company shares 55; reasons for PTP transactions 1018; regulation and policy in Italy 12, 5566; reverse LBOs (RLBOs) 101, 125; reverse mergers 55; second wave of MBOs 110, 1334; secondary initial public offerings (SIPOs) 101; shareholder-related agency costs hypotheses 102, 11516; takeover defense hypothesis 106, 107; target company value, activities to increase 375; tax benefit hypothesis 1056, 107, 117; taxation 612; transaction costs hypothesis 106, 107, 117; UK and US trends in 1324; undervaluation hypothesis 107, 1078, 11718; wealth gains from, sources of 99, 101; wealth transfer hypothesis 1045, 107, 11617

limited liability partnerships, taxation of 312

limited partners (LPs): co-investment with private equity funds 38; collaboration decisions with PE firms 279; investment in emerging economies 306; limited partnership model 443; role of 2, 227; unfunded commitments of 36

liquidity risk of PE investment 254

literature review: identification of literature 150; identification of search terms 149; methodology 149; process 149; review, consistency of 150; selection criteria for scope of review 149; selection of databases 150

longevity see performance

malpractice, prevention under AIFMD 76

management: agency theory and 7; behavioral theory and 8; change management 4612; entrepreneurship theory and 9; fiduciary duty 1, 7, 268; innovation see innovation; management input by private equity funds 30, 35, 64; managerial mindset 407; private equity firm research implications 2414; remuneration, AIFMD regulation of 778; see also human resource management (HRM); resource management

management buyins (MBIs): buyin-management buyouts (BIMBOs) 101; definition of 2, 101, 393; employment and employee relations 500; family firms see family firm buyouts; as LBO type 100; longevity 513; process 3545; rise of 35; trends in 4

management buyouts (MBOs): concluding comments about 213; controversies about 1; current study content and structure 1119; current study contributions 1517; definition of 1, 2, 101, 212, 393, 475; emergence of 1, 902; exit from see exit; first wave of 1, 3, 4, 7, 30, 1323, 228, 508; impact of see performance; introduction to 12; management led MBOs, decline of 35; process 354; second wave of 1, 3, 4, 7, 345, 110, 1334, 229; terminology 2, 29; theories of 710; trends in 37

management innovation see innovation

Means, Gardiner 43, 91, 102

Mexico, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

mezzanine finance 7, 45, 136, 189, 229

Netherlands: human resource management (HRM) 458, 459; post-buyout resource management 4237

Newcomen, Thomas 41

Nigeria, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

nursing homes see health services

operating performance: buyout longevity and post-exit performance 51416; productivity and 47785

operating risk of PE investment 254

operational engineering 375

partners see general partners (GPs); limited partners (LPs)

pay see remuneration

PE see private equity

PE-backed firms 148

pension funds: benchmarking of PE returns 26972; PE buyout fund returns 272; PE returns 2679

performance: accounting performance 4779; agency theory and 375; analysis of returns, level of 378; collaboration decision impacts on 2904; concluding comments about 213; current study contributions 1819; economic performance 4779; employment and employee relations 201; entrepreneurial companies 3435; entrepreneurship theory and 375; financial performance see financial performance; first wave of MBOs 31; funds returns 20; health services 203, 2067; importance of 487; innovation see innovation; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 64; longevity of buyouts 21, 50824; operating performance 47785, 51416; persistence 2627; post-exit performance see post-exit performance; productivity see productivity; profitability 20; returns 31, 378, 24874


Philippines, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

political economy see capitalism

portfolio firms 148

post-MBO firms, limited life 2

private equity: advantages over IPOs 148; agency theory and 78; as alternative investment type 348; business model 495; capitalism and 44153; controversies about 1, 508; current study contributions 1517; development of PE industry 22830, 248; distinctive features of 349; emerging economies and see emerging economies; funds 2; historical perspectives on 2939; importance of 1; investment risk 2545; investor-led buyouts (IBOs) 2; length of investment term 323; micro instruments of 4457; PE-backed firms 148; portfolio firms 148; regulation and policy 5173; terminology usage 29; transactions with or without PE backing 2; trends in 37; vendor sources see vendor sources; venture capital distinguished from 148, 278, 3368; see also private equity funds; venture capital

Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index: allocation recommendations 31516; BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) 31619; building of 31114; countries covered by 313; country coverage 31213; early-investor disadvantages 31920; historic comparison 31516; key drivers, assessment of 31112; key drivers, disaggregation of 312; key emerging economies 31619; ranking 31415; weighting scheme 31213

private equity firms: banks in relation 278; collaboration decisions see collaboration decisions; development of PE industry 22830, 248; differentiation between 240; diversified firms with focused portfolio groups 2356; financial structure emphasis 231; general partners (GPs) see general partners (GPs); limited partners (LPs) see limited partners (LPs); long-term equity position niche firms 2335; management implications of research on 2414; movements between strategic positions 23840; portfolio firm scope 231; positioning of, theoretical background for 2301; public policy implications of research on 2445; research methodology 2278; short-term diversified efficiency-oriented niche firms 2368; short-term efficiency niche firms 2323; strategic configuration model of 2312; strategy, definition of 227; theoretical implications of research on 2401

private equity funds: agency perspective on 367; appropriate measure of performance 2513; benchmarking of PE returns by pension funds 26972; boom of 2005–2007 356; business risk 254; bust of 2007–2008 36; capital gains 32; capital requirements, AIFMD regulation of 779; captive funds see captive funds; co-investment with limited partners 38; commitment risk 254; controversies about 3512; current structure of market 37; cyclicality and performance 2568; deal flow 35; definition of 443; establishment as limited partnerships 2; globalization 35; hedge funds in relation 34868; independent funds see independent funds; initiation of transactions 35; investment risk 2545; investor activism 3535; IRR calculation 2512, 2667; IRR/PME comparison 2667; leverage risk 254; liquidity risk 254; management input by 30, 35, 64; operating risk 254; pension fund returns from 26772; performance 3512; performance in future 2724; performance measurement 2505; performance of 25562; performance over time 2667; persistence of performance 2627; public and PE performance compared 25861; public market equivalent (PME) calculation 2523, 2667; recent research on performance 25662; recovery after global financial crisis 36; regulation of 35567; research interest in 34950; returns 20, 31, 378, 24874; sector specialization by 35; socio-economic perspective on 367; and stock market indexes 2612; structural risk 254; unfunded commitments of 36; valuation of companies still in fund portfolios 2534; valuation risk 255; yield from investments 32

private nursing homes see health services

productivity: and accounting performance 4779; different types of buyouts 4837; and economic performance 4779; efficiency measurement 4801; firm-level analysis 4823; future research on 4878; governance and 47980; importance of 487; MBO impact on 20, 47588; and operating performance 47785; sector-level analysis 4812

profitability, MBO impact on 20

550public market equivalent (PME) calculation 2523, 2667

public policy implications of private equity firm research 2445

public-to-private (PTP) transactions see leveraged buyouts (LBOs)

receivership buyouts, resource management 425, 4334

recession and insolvency see failed companies

redundancy, regulation and use of 447

regulatory perspectives 1113, 5173

remuneration: AIFMD regulation of 778; LBO impact on 492505; pay systems 4601

resource management: across different buyout types 425, 4346; adjustments in resource allocation 418; bundling of resources 424, 426, 428, 430, 432, 434, 435; and buyout strategy changes 4201; case studies 4289; divisional buyouts 425, 427; family firm buyouts 425, 42931; importance of 418; leveraging of resources 424, 426, 428, 430, 432, 434, 436; models of 419, 4237; orchestration of resources in buyout strategy 423, 425, 427, 429, 431, 433, 434; and post-buyout management changes 4212; and post-buyout organizational changes 4223; receivership buyouts 425, 4334; secondary buyouts (SBOs) 425, 4312; strategy for, components of 423; structuring of resources 423, 425, 428, 430, 432, 434, 435; see also human resource management (HRM)

returns: cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) measurement 11314; emerging economies 3201; MBO impact on 20; pension fund returns from PE fund investments 26772; performance 31, 378, 24874; reduction 24874

reverse LBOs (RLBOs) 101, 125

reverse mergers 55

revitalization buyouts 408

risk: early investment in emerging economies 306, 31920; PE investments 2545

Russia, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

Schumpeter, Joseph 43, 406

secondary buyouts (SBOs): buyout longevity and post-exit performance 51516; definition of 4; as dominant buyout type 420; employment and employee relations 500; as exit from MBOs 6; resource management 425, 4312

secondary initial public offerings (SIPOs) 101

share buybacks, leveraged buyouts as 58

share premiums analysis 115

shareholder approach to research 202

shareholder-related agency costs hypotheses of PTP transactions 102, 107, 11516

shares of conglomerate firms, diversification discount 924

Slater, Jim 43, 44

Smith, Adam 102

sources of deals see vendor sources

South Africa, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

sovereign wealth funds 348

stakeholder approach to research 2023, 204

state owned enterprises (SOEs) see China

stock market indexes: buyout longevity and post-exit performance 515; PE funds and 2612

strategic entrepreneurship theory see entrepreneurship theory

“stripping and flipping” see asset stripping

structural risk of PE investment 254

Sweden, employment and employee relations 498, 503

takeover defense hypothesis of PTP transactions 106, 107

taxation: emerging economies 308; of interest 34; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 612; limited liability partnerships 312; “loop holes” 34; tax benefit hypothesis of PTP transactions 1056, 107, 117

technological innovation see innovation

trade unions: and human resource management (HRM) 464; recognition of 4489

training provision for employees 45860

transaction costs hypothesis of PTP transactions 106, 107, 117

Turkey, PE attractiveness ranking 31619

undervaluation hypothesis of PTP transactions 1078, 11718

United Kingdom (UK): academic studies of MBOs 902; Brexit 74; buyout market 508; buyout of captive funds 33; Centre for Management Buyout Research (CMBOR) 1011, 37, 90, 187, 478, 484; controversies about LBOs 51; controversies about MBOs 2; corporate refocusing 94; emergence of MBOs 902; employment and employee relations 447, 44850, 498, 503; entrepreneurial finance c.1770–1975 413; failed buyout, 551case study 4513; failed companies see failed companies; finance-led capitalism and financialization, transition to 4415; financial assistance laws, relaxing of 30; first wave of MBOs 30, 435, 508; full-employment capitalism 442; global financial crisis of 2007–2008 458; history of MBO development 408; human resource management (HRM) 457, 458, 459, 462, 463, 464, 467; investment impact of buyouts 390, 395, 396, 397, 398; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) see leveraged buyouts (LBOs); limited liability partnerships 31; loan notes 189; management input by private equity funds 30; MBO market size 5, 7; mezzanine finance 136, 189; micro instruments of private equity 4457; PE regulation and policy 366; post-exit performance of firms see buyout longevity and post-exit performance; private equity case studies 44753; private equity firm strategies 236; private equity regulation and policy 74, 4445; redundancy, regulation and use of 447; returns 31; second wave of MBOs 1; taxation 31; terminology usage 29; trade unions, recognition of 4489; unfunded commitments of private equity funds 36; US experience compared 45; value appropriation from portfolio firms 4457

United States (US): buyout market 508; controversies about LBOs 51; controversies about MBOs 1; corporate refocusing 94; emergence of MBOs 1; employment and employee relations 498, 503; entrepreneurial companies 33646; first wave of large deals 32; first wave of MBOs 30; hedge funds 351, 355; human resource management (HRM) 459, 467; investment impact of buyouts 390, 396, 398; leveraged buyouts (LBOs) see leveraged buyouts (LBOs); PE firm strategies 22745; PE fund performance and returns 24874; PE regulation and policy 366; private nursing homes see health services; taxation 31, 32; terminology usage 29; UK experience compared 45; vendor sources 31; venture capital (VC) 508

valuation of private equity funds, AIFMD regulation of 77

valuation risk of PE investment 255

value appropriation from portfolio firms 4457

value creation, model of 423

value of target companies, LBO activities to increase 375

vendor sources: changes in 4; current study contributions 1315; first wave of MBOs 31

venture capital (VC): as alternative investment type 348; bank syndication and 284; definition of 29, 336, 444; dominance of 508; early examples of 41; first wave of MBOs 30, 43; history of MBO development 40; information asymmetries 517; private equity distinguished from 148, 278, 3368; rebranding as private equity 33; separation from buyout markets 45; use of term 29

Watt, James 41

wealth transfer hypothesis of PTP transactions 1045, 107, 11617

work relations see employment and employee relations; human resource management (HRM)

workers see employment and employee relations; human resource management (HRM); trade unions

Wright, Mike 90

yield from investments 32

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