Chapter 10. Themes and Templates

Let's face it: most application developers are not graphic designers. Despite this fact, they frequently are tasked with making an application "look good." Oddly enough, you rarely hear about graphic designers being tasked with creating entity-relationship diagrams, tuning slow queries, and the like.

Good design is extremely difficult to create, yet amazingly simple to recognize. A well-designed site can exude a level of confidence to your users that will make them feel more confident about the quality of the goods or services that your site provides, even if it is nothing more than a simple department-level application. Unfortunately, it takes all of a second or two to realize whether or not a web site was professionally designed.

And while looks are not everything, they do make a lasting first impression on your users. You would be much less likely to provide personal information to or purchase something from a site riddled with spelling and grammar errors. Hackers know this, and so they go to great lengths to make phishing sites look identical to the sites that they are mimicking. This alone has caused many otherwise intelligent individuals to fall victim to credit card fraud and identity theft. While we surely do not endorse such behavior, the point is clear: looks do make a difference, for better or for worse.

Fortunately, not every site that you create needs to have an expensive, award-winning design. That would simply not be practical, necessary, or even possible. A good, achievable goal should be to make your applications look like you bought them from a vendor, rather than built them yourself.

APEX gives you a jump-start by providing 20 prebuilt sets of templates called themes. You can use any of these built-in themes in your applications with little to no modification. While these themes may not be revolutionary in terms of their design, they are more than adequate for most business and other applications. The new themes provided with APEX 4.0 provide a much more professional look and feel than those in previous versions.

This chapter will not teach you graphic design principles or how to become an expert in Photoshop, but it will outline some of the features in APEX that can help you, as a developer, make your application look professional, crisp, and clean.


The main user interface component that APEX provides is themes. Themes, an APEX shared component, are a logical collection of templates and their associated defaults. Themes have attributes, which dictate which templates are used as defaults for APEX regions and components. Aside from that, themes have little to no bearing on the actual user interface of an application. Templates, which will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter, control how an application looks and feels.

APEX 4.0 ships with 20 built-in, ready-to-use themes, as shown in Figure 10-1. Some are more professional-looking and better suited for business applications; others are designed to look more hip and modern. You can use any of these themes "as-is" in your own applications, or make modifications to a theme's corresponding templates to suit your specific needs.

Two of APEX 4.0's 20 built-in themes

Figure 10.1. Two of APEX 4.0's 20 built-in themes

More often than not, developers tend to choose one of the built-in themes and make a few minor changes to it. They then use this slightly altered theme throughout all of their applications.

An APEX application can contain one or more themes. However, only one theme can be set to the current or active theme per application. Changing the current theme can be achieved only at design time by an APEX developer. Users of an application cannot elect to change themes during runtime. Although this is a limitation, it is unlikely that you will need more than one theme per application.

Associating a Theme with an Application

When creating an application, you have the following two ways to select which theme to associate with it:

  • Copy a shared component from another application. Copying a theme from a shared component will create a copy of a theme from another application. The application that you are copying a theme from must also be in your workspace.

  • Select a built-in theme. Creating a theme from a built-in theme will take a copy of one of the predefined themes and place it in your application.

If you want to create and reuse a single, consistent theme, you may want to consider using subscriptions, which are discussed in the "Template Subscriptions" section later in this chapter.

Copying a Theme

If you elect to copy a theme from another application, select Yes when prompted to Copy Shared Components from Another Application, and then select User Interface Themes, as shown in Figure 10-2.

Copying a theme

Figure 10.2. Copying a theme

On the next screen, you can select which theme to copy (if the application contains more than one) and whether to validate the theme, as shown in Figure 10-3. Validating the theme will inspect it to ensure that all template classes have been defined. Your choice of whether or not to validate the theme depends on how many and which types of templates you need.

Selecting a default theme and validation rule

Figure 10.3. Selecting a default theme and validation rule

Choosing a Prebuilt Theme

If you choose to use a prebuilt theme, you will be prompted to select one of the 20 themes before completing the application-creation wizard.

When you choose a built-in theme, a copy of that theme will be added to your application. Any changes or modifications that you make to the templates in that theme will not be propagated back to the master copy of that theme. Thus, feel free to experiment with altering the templates of the built-in themes, as you can easily restore a clean copy of the original theme. You will always get a clean copy of a theme when adding it to your application.


In APEX 4.0, you can customize themes and add them to the available themes list.

Viewing Theme Details and Reports

Developers can control two major sections of a theme: the theme defaults and the associated templates. It may not be obvious that two different components of themes exist, as the default view for themes is set to Icons. In this view, shown in Figure 10-4, it is only possible to edit the associated templates that make up a theme. You will need to change to the Details view, as shown in Figure 10-5, in order to modify the default templates and other attributes of a theme.

The Icons view of themes in an application

Figure 10.4. The Icons view of themes in an application

The Details view of themes in an application

Figure 10.5. The Details view of themes in an application

Once the report is switched to the Details view, clicking the name of the theme will display the theme defaults. Clicking the magnifying glass will display the templates that make up the theme. Not all of the template types are shown in the default report. If you click the Select Columns option under the Actions button, you can decide which template counts to add to the report as shown in Figure 10-6.

Modifying the templage count report for a theme.

Figure 10.6. Modifying the templage count report for a theme.

Clicking the Reports tab allows you to see theme reports. The term theme reports is a bit misleading, as most of these reports focus on the contents of templates rather than the attributes of themes. Most theme reports can be applied to one specific theme or all themes in a given application.

Application Templates Report

The Application Templates report simply lists each template associated with a specific theme or with all themes in your application. Clicking any of the template names will bring you to the Template Details page, where you can make changes to the individual templates.

Theme Template Counts Report

Each template has the following two major attributes:

  • The template column refers to the type of component that the template is used for (page, region, report, and so on).

  • The class maps the template to common uses.

You'll learn more about template types and classes in the "Understanding Template Types and Classes" section later in this chapter.

The Theme Template Counts report displays every possible iteration of template types and classes with a count of each. If the Show Custom check box is checked, the report will also include all of the custom classes. None of the APEX built-in themes contain any templates associated with a "custom" class, so expect to see a 0 for the Template Count for any template that starts with "Custom" when viewing a report for a built-in theme.

File References Report

The File References report is aimed at making it easy to discern which files are referenced throughout the templates, shared components, and page components of an application. It allows the developer to search for a number of commonly used file extensions (.gif, .jpeg/.jpg, .png, .js, .ico, .swf, and .css) and identify which template, shared component, and/or page component references those types of files.

Files can be displayed with or without context.

Without Context:

Only the file name and image are displayed. This will produce a list of distinct files used in your theme or themes. This option is useful for when you are moving an application from one server to another and need to also include all of the supporting files.

With Context:

The component, theme, component name, and page are also displayed. This option will provide you with more details about each item. It is useful for locating or understanding where in an application a given file is referenced. This option could be used when you are considering removing an image and want to see which pages will be impacted, for example.

When using either option of this report, there is one thing to consider: it will not identify any files of any type that are generated as a result of a named PL/SQL program unit. You will need to search for files in your named PL/SQL program units—packages, procedures, and functions—separately.

Class References Report

The Class References report functions in almost the exact same manner as the File References report does, but locates Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class references as opposed to file references.

As with the File References report, the Class References report does not search any named PL/SQL objects for CSS class definitions. It also does not search any CSS files that may be in the file system of the Apache webserver (if you are using a separate HTTP server).

This report searches for and identifies CSS classes, not the template classes that were previously mentioned. They are two very different and distinct constructs.

Template Substitution Strings Report

The Template Substitution Strings report will identify all possible, probable, and actual usages of substitution strings found in a given theme's templates. This report has limited practical use, as it attempts to combine possible values with actual values, and when used with the built-in themes, contains a lot of repetitive data.

Performing Theme Tasks

Situated on the right side of the Themes page is a group of tasks that can be performed on themes, as shown in Figure 10-7. Most of the theme tasks are self-explanatory.

Theme tasks

Figure 10.7. Theme tasks

Two of the tasks worth a bit of explanation are Import Theme and Export Theme. Themes, much like applications, can be exported and imported from one APEX application to another.

Exporting a theme produces a SQL script that will contain all of the APEX API calls required in order to reconstruct the theme. When imported into a different APEX application, this file will run and rebuild the theme in that application. The file will not contain any of the CSS, JavaScript, or images in the file system that the theme references. If you are moving the theme to another instance of APEX, you will need to move any associated files in the file system or database separately.

If you open the resulting SQL script that is exported and peruse through it, you will see the raw HTML that is used in the templates. Never edit and then import this file unless directed to do so by Oracle Support, as one typo can bring your entire application to a screeching and unpleasant halt.

Defining Theme Attributes

Themes have a few attributes that a developer can define during design time. Most of these attributes have to do with which template is mapped to which component.

To access the attributes of a theme, simply click the name of a theme. You'll see a page with four sections: Name, Component Defaults, Region Defaults, and Calendar Icon Details.


The simplest of the theme attributes, Name allows you to change the name of your theme. Only developers will see the name of a theme; end users will not see this value anywhere in an APEX application.

Component Defaults

The Component Defaults section, shown in Figure 10-8, allows you to specify a default template when new components are added to your application via the APEX wizards. Defaults that are assigned to APEX components can always be overridden when creating or modifying components in the Application Builder.

Mapping templates to components

Figure 10.8. Mapping templates to components

Region Defaults

Similar to Component Defaults, the Region Defaults section, shown in Figure 10-9, allows you to specify which region templates to use when creating regions with the APEX wizards.

Specifying default region templates

Figure 10.9. Specifying default region templates

APEX themes will have at least one region for each type of page component: report, form, chart, calendar, and so on. While this approach gives you maximum flexibility for your template design, it can add unnecessary complexity and actually make your application's user interface harder to manage.

In most applications, there is no difference between the appearances of region templates for charts, reports, forms, and calendars. In fact, you can assign the Chart Region template to a Form region and vice versa. No validations are performed when assigning templates to regions. Thus, there is little reason to have four separate templates—one for each component type. In fact, having four templates makes managing your templates four times as difficult.

You can consolidate even further by removing rarely used region templates from your theme. Some of the less popular region themes include all of the Alternative 1 regions, both Button regions, the Bracketed region, and both Wizard regions. See the "Removing Unused Templates" section later in this chapter for the case for getting rid of unused templates.

Calendar Icon Details

The Calendar Icon Details attribute allows you to change the default icon used when rendering a date-picker item. By default, the date picker will look something similar to the one shown in Figure 10-10 (results will vary based on which theme you use).

The default date picker

Figure 10.10. The default date picker

This option allows you to override the standard icon and use a custom image to represent a date picker. While this option is rarely used, it is nice to know that it does exist and where to find it.

Switching Themes

You can change or switch the current theme of your application at design time. In order to switch themes, the following two criteria must be met:

  • You must have at least two themes installed in your application.

  • The source theme must contain templates that correspond to the class of the templates in the target theme.

The first criterion is self-explanatory—without another theme, there is nothing to switch to. The second criterion means that both themes must contain corresponding classes in order to be "switchable." See the "Understanding Template Types and Classes" section later in the chapter for more information about template classes.


Almost every component in APEX has an associated template. The template's function is to provide the user interface for a specific component type when pages are rendered. Templates are mostly HTML, but also contain template-specific substitution strings or tokens that, during runtime, will be replaced with another template or the contents of its associated component. Templates may also contain references to static files, such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript libraries.

Removing Unused Templates

Most applications need only one or two of each template type. Keeping a large number of templates for each component type will only lead to inconsistencies, as developers will select templates that they feel look good rather than keeping to a standard. If there are only two region templates to choose from, for instance, the chance that a developer selects the proper one is 50%, versus a 10% chance when there are ten. By employing the "less is more" concept here, you can remove most of the templates from your theme, which will make your application look and feel more consistent from page to page.

Removing unnecessary templates also makes it easier to manage a theme. By default, APEX themes can have almost 70 templates. Thus, taking some time to remove what you do not think you will need will ultimately help keep your applications easier to manage.

You can use the reports on the Templates and Utilization subtabs, as described in the next section, to determine which templates are not being referenced in a specific application. Using this approach, you can trim the fat off your themes.

If you delete a template and want to get it back, you can simply create a new application based on the same built-in theme and copy it from there.

Viewing Template Information

When you click the magnifying glass next to the name of a theme (see Figure 10-4), you are technically now in the templates section of the APEX shared components. You will see a list of templates, in a report format, which correspond to the theme that you were just viewing. This page has four subtabs: Templates, Utilization, Subscriptions, and History.

Templates Subtab: Template Lists, Previews, and Tasks

By default, the Templates subtab, shown in Figure 10-11, lists only templates for the theme that you are viewing. By using the Theme select list, you can select a different theme (if one exists) or see all templates associated with any theme in your application.

The Templates subtab displaying only page templates. The default page template is indicated with a check mark.

Figure 10.11. The Templates subtab displaying only page templates. The default page template is indicated with a check mark.

You can further refine the report with the Show select list, which lets you select a template type. This select list will filter the report based on a specific template type: page, region, label, list, popup list of values, calendar, breadcrumb, button, or report. Using the Show select list comes in quite handy when editing a single type of template.

Another filter is the Referenced select list, which has three choices: All Templates, Templates Referenced, or Templates Not Referenced. This filter is particularly useful when determining which templates can be removed from your theme without impacting any existing pages.

Regardless of the filter settings, you can do one of three things with any template: preview it by clicking the stoplight icon, edit it by clicking its name, or copy it by clicking the copy icon.

Template Previews

Page, region, and report templates have an additional option: Preview. Clicking the preview icon, which will be available for only these three template types, will display a rough preview of what that template will look like when rendered in your application. This preview is intended to illustrate the structure of a template, rather than show exactly how it will appear in an application. There is no way to see how a template will really look aside from actually running it in an application.

The page template preview will give you an understanding of how the core structure of the page is designed by rendering all of the substitution strings and region positions found in a given page template. It will also attempt to lay out these items in the same way that the actual page template will place them. Some user interface components will be included, but most will not. Figure 10-12 shows an example of a Two Level Tabs Page template.

The preview of the Two Level Tabs Page template from Theme 12

Figure 10.12. The preview of the Two Level Tabs Page template from Theme 12

Region template previews will render more information about a specific region template, but offer an even cruder view of how the template will look. In addition to the Title and Body tokens, each button position will be rendered as part of the preview. Immediately following the visual preview, a list of substitution strings and whether or not they are referenced is displayed. This list will give you a quick summary as to which button positions are referenced in the region template. Finally, the actual source of the region template is displayed on the page in a read-only fashion. Figure 10-13 shows an example of a Form Region template.

The preview of the Form Region template from Theme 12

Figure 10.13. The preview of the Form Region template from Theme 12

The report preview is perhaps the roughest of the bunch. Aside from where the report template is based on named or generic columns, only the core structure of how a report template will render is provided. Each preview uses only four columns when constructing the preview. As rough as this preview may be, it does give you an idea of the basic underlying table structure of a report template. Figure 10-14 shows an example of a Standard Report template preview.

The preview of the Standard Report template from Theme 12

Figure 10.14. The preview of the Standard Report template from Theme 12

Template Tasks

The Templates subtab also displays the Tasks region (it does not appear on the Utilization, Subscription, Publish or History subtabs), as shown in Figure 10-15. The Theme Reports option, will take you back to the associated reports for a given theme.

Template tasks

Figure 10.15. Template tasks

The other tasks are a bit more complex. "Replace templates in this application with templates from another application" does, well, just that. Instead of switching an entire theme, you may need to copy over some individual templates from one application to another. This item will facilitate such a copy. First, you will need to select the application from which you want to copy templates. Next, you can map which templates will be replaced with the new selections. Templates can simply be copied over or copied over and subscribed to (see the "Template Subscriptions" section later in this chapter).

The "View page template region position utilization" option displays a report of which region positions contain content based on page templates.

Utilization Subtab: Viewing Template References

The Utilization subtab, shown in Figure 10-16, gives you a slightly more detailed, but inconsistent, view of which templates are being used in your application. If a template is being referenced in your application, this subtab will display a count of how many times it is referenced. Some template types will provide a link to the page where the template is used; others will not. You can get a better view of which templates are being referenced from the Templates subtab.

The Utilization report for page templates

Figure 10.16. The Utilization report for page templates

Subscriptions Subtab: Viewing Template Subscriptions

The Subscriptions subtab, shown in Figure 10-17, contains a report of which templates are subscribed from another application. Any or all subscriptions can be refreshed from this report by checking the corresponding template and clicking the Refresh Checked button. Subscriptions are discussed in more detail in the "Templates Subscriptions" section later in this chapter.

The Subscription report for templates

Figure 10.17. The Subscription report for templates

History Subtab: Viewing Historical Changes

For a historical view of who made the most recent modification to either page or region templates, take a look at the History subtab, shown in Figure 10-18. Historical changes for templates of other types are not tracked by APEX. This report will show only the last person to edit a specific template and how long ago that change occurred; specific changes and multiple edits are not tracked by APEX.

Recently updated page templates shown on the History subtab

Figure 10.18. Recently updated page templates shown on the History subtab

Understanding Template Types and Classes

Templates themselves have two major attributes: types and classes. The type of a template refers to which APEX component it applies. When a template is created, the first option is to select the type. Currently you can choose from nine template types: page, region, report, label, list, button, breadcrumb, calendar, and popup. These are described in the "Choosing a Template Type" section later in this chapter. You cannot alter the type once the template is created, as the components of one type do not necessarily match those or another. For example, a page template makes up the structure of a page, whereas a breadcrumb template makes up the structure of a breadcrumb region, and thus the two cannot be interchanged.

Template classes are related to the template type. Each type has a predefined set of classes. Unlike types, classes can be changed after the template is created. Template classes are in no way whatsoever related to CSS classes.

The idea behind template classes is to streamline the ability to switch themes. If you have a region whose class is set to Report Region, then ideally, you would map it to a region of the same class in the destination theme when switching themes. Aside from mapping templates from one theme to another, template classes have little practical use. In fact, they can actually introduce some confusion.

As explained earlier, it is a good idea to delete any templates that you do not need. For example, if you have a region template whose class is set to Form Region, that region template can be associated with any type of region in APEX: form, chart, calendar, or otherwise. No validations or checks based on the template class occur when specifying a region's template.

Managing Template Files

Most templates will contain a mix of HTML and references to static files. Images and CSS files are used to create the user interface of an application. JavaScript libraries enhance the functionality. It is important to understand how each type of file is used and the best practices for managing them.


In APEX, it is possible to upload and store images or CSS files in the database. While this method is convenient and simplifies deployment, it is not recommended in many cases, as it will potentially degrade the overall performance of your applications. If you are using the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway, the easiest way to handle images is to store them in the database. You can use the filesystem of the database server to store images, but you would have to build a custom PL/SQL procedure to access them.

When an image is uploaded to the database, it is stored as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) in a shared table called WWV_FLOW_IMAGE_REPOSITORY. This table is segmented so that files are secured from other workspaces. When accessing a file from this table, you can use either the #WORKSPACE_IMAGE# or #APPLICATION_IMAGES# syntax, depending on how the image was uploaded. When your page renders, APEX will translate either of those tokens with a call to the APEX function wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file. This, in turn, will query the database for your file and then send it over the network to the client.

Images can be classified into two types based on their usage: template images and content, or "transactional," images. The type of images is based on how it is used; APEX makes no distinction between the two. Template images are those that make up the actual template of an application. Tab corners, logos, and images used to construct the borders of a region are good examples. Content images are those that are associated with an item in your data. A picture of a product is an excellent example of a content image.

Content images can be stored in the database, and in some cases, this is a better solution. This is because content images are not rendered on every page of an application; they are rendered only when requested. Think of a web site based on a catalog of music. Content images are rendered only as each user searches for different types of music and views album artwork. You will (or at least should) never have a single page that always renders all content images.

There is no simple metric that you can inspect to determine where to store content images. You can consider a number of variables, and then make an educated decision. If you anticipate a very high volume of transactions, you may want to consider storing your content images in the file system and storing a pointer to the corresponding image in the database. If a good portion of your target audience is connected via slower connections, the file system makes more sense as well, as each client will cache your images, so in the case of a repeat request, it will not need to query the database and send the image again.

On the other hand, if you anticipate a lower volume of transactions, and want to simplify the overall management of your site, you may opt to store content images in the database. This way, you will not need to rely on a system administrator to grant you access to the HTTP server. Also, when the DBA backs up your schema, all of the content images will also get backed up.

As an example, let's assume that you use a small image to make up the right corner of a noncurrent tab. Let's also assume that your application has five tabs, any four of which can be noncurrent. Thus, for each page in your application, you will need to render this image four times. If you have 100 users using your application, each with 20 page views, the procedure that calls the tab image stored in the database will be executed 8,000 times per day! (100 users × 20 page views × 4 tabs per page). A single week will yield 40,000 calls to the same procedure for the same image. Now what if you have a different image for the left side of a tab? Double the calls to the same procedure, for a new total of 80,000 executions per week—just for the tab images!

Still assuming that you get 2,000 page views per day, and adding the assumption that each tab image is 2KB to the equation, you will generate about an additional 16MB of network traffic per day, or almost 80MB per week! (2,000 page views × 4 tab images × 2KB each image). And again, this is just to render the tabs.

As if this isn't bad enough, the URL format that APEX uses with images stored in the database is executed as if it were a call to a procedure each time it is encountered. If we leave the browser to its own devices, it will never refer to its local image cache before pulling the image from the server for images stored in the database. For more details on static file storage, see the "Image, CSS, and JavaScript Storage" section coming up shortly.


Tyler Muth's blog describes a way around the image caching issue. If you believe that the lack of image caching is causing issues in your system, by all means check out his blog entry at

Cascading Style Sheets

While HTML controls the structure of a page, CSS files are often used to control the user interface or style of a page. Think of HTML as the foundation, frames, and drywall, and CSS as the paint, trim, and carpeting.

It is a good idea to keep all styles in CSS files, and rely on HTML only for the core structure of a template. This will provide a few advantages. First, it will keep your HTML lean and easy to read. This will aid in the overall manageability of your applications. Second, keeping all style definitions in a CSS file is more efficient. Styles need to be defined in only a single place, and if a change is required, it can be quickly and immediately applied.

But perhaps the most important reason to put all style definitions in a CSS file is for Section 508 compliance. In the United States, the Rehabilitation Act was amended in 1998 to ensure that those with limited or no vision can still use computers as effectively as others. In a nutshell, this means that any web application needs to adhere to a set of standards that make it compatible with either high-contrast colors and large fonts and/or screen readers.

In either case, the necessary modifications require the separation of the structure of the user interface and the style. Thus, if you use CSS files to control the style, your application will be easier to make compliant with Section 508.

JavaScript Libraries

You may include JavaScript with an APEX application in a number of places: in a page header, as a static or dynamic region on a page, or in a static file referenced as part of the template. Typically, JavaScript libraries contain a number of functions that a developer can refer to from an APEX page, component, or item.


Including JavaScript libraries as part of a page template is a common practice that is not limited to just APEX. These libraries can help extend the functionality of your application by providing more interactive controls to the end user.

All APEX pages will automatically include five built-in JavaScript libraries: apex_4_0.js, apex_legacy_4_0.js, apex_widget_4_0.js, apex_dynamic_actions_4_0.js, and jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js. These libraries contain a number of prebuilt functions that are used in APEX itself, as well as in applications created by APEX. While most of these functions are undocumented, there are plans to provide more documentation in a future release of APEX. Should you wish to take advantage of some of these functions, it may be a good idea to copy them to a custom directory and then refer to them there. This will ensure that when the next release of APEX is applied and some of the functions are changed or removed, your applications will not be impacted.

Image, CSS, and JavaScript Storage

To investigate the impact of where files were stored, we created a simple APEX application with five tabs and pages, using Theme 12. We then copied this to a new application, where all references to the tab images stored in the file system were replaced with references to the exact same images stored in the database as shared components. Using Mozilla Firefox with the Firebug extension (, we loaded each page with image timings enabled.

We performed the first test with the application whose images were stored in the database. The total time to render these images was 152 milliseconds (ms), as shown in Figure 10-19. What is more important to note is that only 2KB out of 8KB, or 25% of the images used, were retrieved from the cache. A full 75%, or 6KB, were retrieved from the database server. Of the 2KB retrieved from the cache, neither file was part of the changes we made to the templates—e.gif is the embedded edit link, and is burned into APEX, and ParentTabBase.gif is referred to in the associated CSS file.


In Firebug, light-gray bars indicate that the image was retrieved from the cache. Dark gray bars indicate that the image had to be retrieved from the server. See the "Tools for Working with Templates" section later in this chapter for more information about Firebug.

The results of loading templates images stored in the database

Figure 10.19. The results of loading templates images stored in the database

When we ran the same test on the application that stored its images in the file system, it took only 139 ms to render the images, as shown in Figure 10-20. In the grand scheme of things, this does not represent a significant savings. However, 100% of the images used were retrieved from the image cache! Not a single round-trip to the HTTP server or call to the database was necessary to render the images. This cost savings are drastic when the results are scaled up to more complex pages and/or more page views.

The results of loading templates images stored in the file system

Figure 10.20. The results of loading templates images stored in the file system

The moral to this story is to put all images, CSS files, and JavaScript libraries that will be referred to frequently in the file system. The performance gain is far worth any extra effort required to manage these files.

Despite the obvious gains, there is one drawback to storing files—particularly CSS and JavaScript libraries—on the file system. When a change to a file is made, a browser may not immediately see that change, as it will refer to the cached version instead. In order to prevent this, you may want to append a version number to your CSS and JavaScript files. Each time you make a change to the file, change the name of the file to reflect a new version. This way, when a change is made, the browser will see a completely new file and always pull it from the server rather than use a cached version.

It is clear that storing files in the file system of the HTTP server is much more efficient than storing them in the database. But where on the HTTP server should these files be stored? One place that they should not be stored is the APEX images directory, commonly aliased as /i/. The files in /i/ are controlled by Oracle, and they can change or be renamed at any time. For example, suppose that you created a new CSS file called main.css and put it in the virtual directory /i/. Now suppose that Oracle releases the next version of APEX, and has decided to rename one of its CSS files to main.css. During the upgrade, you simply copy over the new images directory. All of a sudden, main.css is a completely different file, and your version is lost forever.

While copying your own files to /i/ is bad, referring to images, CSS files, or even JavaScript in /i/ can be equally as dangerous. If you have taken the time to examine the contents of the /i/ directory, you will have seen that it contains a wealth of images and JavaScript libraries. You may even be using some of these images and/or JavaScript libraries in your own applications. The danger in that is that if Oracle decides to change the contents of an image or JavaScript file, your application will also unintentionally change as well.

The recommended best practice for storing CSS, JavaScript, and images on the HTTP server is to use a completely different physical and virtual path. This way, your custom directory will be completely isolated from any changes that Oracle may decide to make, ensuring the integrity of your contents.

In keeping with APEX's tradition of simplicity, create a virtual directory called /c/, map that to a physical location on the HTTP server, and then upload your content there. Creating a new virtual directory is quite simple. All you need to do is add a single line to the httpd.conf file and restart the Apache server. For example, if you wanted to alias /c/ to the physical path /usr/local/custom_images, you would add the following line to your httpd.conf file and then restart Apache:

alias /c/ "/usr/local/custom_images/"

As simple and safe as this process is, you will typically run into resistance when you ask the system administrator to actually do it. Most system administrators don't like the idea of giving anyone access to anything. Thus, your challenge will be to convince the administrator that all you need is an operating system user that can read and write to a single directory, and do nothing else. Explain the savings in bandwidth that will be realized by moving images to the file system, citing the previously mentioned examples. Get the DBA's support, and approach the system administrator together as a united front. And if all else fails, find out her favorite restaurant, coffee spot, or retail store and include a gift card with your request.

Template Source

The template source is where you can put everything together to make up your user interface. Images, CSS files, JavaScript libraries, and HTML are all molded into a single place in the template itself. In addition to referencing content in the file system, all templates have a number of substitution strings or tokens that can also be embedded in the template source.

There is nothing special or proprietary about the HTML used in APEX templates. In fact, it may help you understand how templates are structured if you copy and paste the source of a template into an HTML editor. This will show you a rough representation of how the template will look when rendered in APEX.

Choosing a Template Type

Each template type is structured differently, based on its function. A button template, for instance, is much simpler than a page template. Here, we will examine each template type and describe some of the more common tokens used.

Breadcrumb Templates

Breadcrumbs were formerly called menus in previous versions of APEX. They are typically found at the top of the page and help facilitate navigation. Their name is derived from the Brothers Grimm fable Hansel and Gretel, where the main characters leave a trail of breadcrumbs to mark their way back home. Unlike the ones in the aforementioned fable, birds will typically not eat APEX breadcrumbs, so you can feel quite confident when using them in your application.

Breadcrumbs can be either current or noncurrent, and the structure of the template reflects that. The template provides attributes for some HTML to open and close the breadcrumb. Finally, there is a place to define which character or characters will be used to separate the breadcrumbs.

Most of the APEX themes will enclose the breadcrumb in a DIV region, thus using <div> for the region Before First attribute and </div> for the After Last attribute. If you are not comfortable with this approach, you could opt to use <table><tr> and </tr></table> in lieu of DIVs. Just remember to enclose the breadcrumb entry in a <td> and </td> if you elect to use HTML tables.

Although it is rare, sometimes a template will allow you to specify how an APEX component behaves. In the breadcrumb template, the Maximum Levels attribute is an example of this. Once the breadcrumb has expanded to this level, no additional levels will be rendered, no matter what. It is a good idea to keep this value artificially high, so you never accidentally run into this limitation.

In theory, the breadcrumb link attributes should render inside an anchor tag. However, it seems as if this functionality does not quite work. If you do need to define attributes of an anchor tag, you can simply do so directly in-line in the Current Page or Non-Current Page Breadcrumb Entry attribute.

#NAME# and #LINK# are the most commonly used tokens with breadcrumbs. Alternatively, you can also reference #LONG_NAME# to render the long name, as per the breadcrumb entry definition.

Button Templates

APEX supports three types of buttons: HTML, image, and template. It is best to create and stick to a single button template in your applications. HTML buttons will look different on different browsers and different operating systems, as illustrated in Figure 10-21. Using them will produce slightly different-looking user interfaces for each operating system and browser combination that your user base has. This can cause some pages to look different from how they were intended to appear and lead to confusion.

The same HTML button rendered in Internet Explorer 8, Firefox for Windows, Firefox for Linux

Figure 10.21. The same HTML button rendered in Internet Explorer 8, Firefox for Windows, Firefox for Linux

Using image buttons as your default button type should also be discouraged. Not only will they generate additional overhead that needs to be sent to each client, but they are also difficult to maintain. For example, if you have a button called "Save Changes" and want to change it to Apply Changes, you will need to re-create the image and upload it to the server. Any image that contains words is also not Section 508-compliant unless it has a corresponding title tag, so use image buttons with discretion.

Template-based buttons give you the best of both worlds. You can use CSS to create an attractive-looking button and also retain full control over what it says, changing it as often as you like. Creating a template-based button is quite straightforward, as it is the simplest type of template. You can change only a single region for a template-based button. Like breadcrumbs, buttons can be either DIV-based or table-based.

The #LINK# and #LABEL# tokens are the most important to note with buttons. #LINK# will be substituted to the button's corresponding link, if it has one. #LABEL# will contain the name of the button, per the APEX definition in your application.

A button template can be as simple as the one shown in Figure 10-22. All of the style for this button is defined in the CSS class called button-gray.

button.button-gray {
        background: url(../images/bt-gray-r.png) right no-repeat;
A sample button template

Figure 10.22. A sample button template

While all of that may seem like a foreign language, rest assured that a number of CSS editors are available, and they make editing CSS classes a breeze.

Region Templates

Region templates are twice as complex as button templates, meaning that they have two attributes that can be defined: the template itself and the HTML table attributes. Figure 10-23 shows an example of a region template.

A sample region template

Figure 10.23. A sample region template

Region templates must at minimum contain a #BODY# token, which will be substituted with the contents of the region it is associated with: a calendar, report, form, chart, and so on. In addition to the #BODY# token, it is quite common to also incorporate a #TITLE# token in a region template. This will be replaced with the title of the region at runtime.

Most, but not all, regions will also contain a number of button positions. These button positions will be available when creating buttons that are bound to a region position. APEX has several predefined button position names. You cannot add your own to this list. Currently supported button positions are #CLOSE#,#PREVIOUS#,#NEXT#,#DELETE#,#EDIT#,#CHANGE#,#CREATE#,#CREATE2#,#EXPAND#,#COPY#, and #HELP#. Most regions from the APEX built-in themes will include most (or all) of these button positions.

Similar to template classes, the names of button positions do not necessarily need to represent their content. You can have a button called Create and assign it to the #HELP# position, as APEX does not check to see if the purpose of the button and button position match.

To keep things simple, it is not a bad idea to have only a couple button positions, and then rely on the sequences of individual buttons to control how they render on a page. This allows you to control button layout at the page level, rather than at the template level. It also offers more flexibility, as you can sequence buttons differently on a page-by-page basis, all with a single button template.

If you want to control the class of the items within a region, you can define it in the HTML table attributes. This class will then be applied to all items within a specific region.

Label Templates

Continuing with the trend of exponential complexity, label templates are twice as complex as region templates, with a total of four editable attributes. There are a pair of attributes for each label template itself and for the label template that displays when there is an error.

Unlike with button or region templates, you do not need to define a token for the content. There is no #LABEL# token, as APEX will automatically append that between the Before Label and After Label attributes.

Most of the prebuilt APEX themes have four types of label templates: Required, Optional, Required with Help, and Optional with Help. The Required and Optional label templates are the simpler types; clicking them will yield nothing. The Required with Help and Optional with Help label templates will open a pop-up window and display any help associated with their respective item. Figure 10-24 shows an example of a Required with Help label template.

A sample Required with Help label template

Figure 10.24. A sample Required with Help label template

In any case, it is a good idea to start any label template with the <label> tag. This will provide speech-based browsers with a concise label to read, rather than the often-cryptic item name. All item templates from the APEX built-in themes use the <label> tag.

For labels that provide item-level help, a JavaScript function is included as part of the template. The JavaScript popupFieldHelp function accepts two parameters: the current item ID, which is referred to with the token #CURRENT_ITEM_ID#, and the current application session. When called with these two parameters, a pop-up window that contains the item-level help will render.

When a validation throws an error that is associated with an item, the label template will use the On Error Before Label and On Error After Label attributes to render the item in question. The token #ERROR_MESSAGE# can be used in these attributes, and will be replaced with the error message of the validation that failed. Most prebuilt label templates simply use a different CSS class for the error attributes to render the label in red or a different color than the standard labels.

List Templates

Lists are one of the more complex templates, with 14 attributes to define. Fortunately, you will rarely need to define more than four or five of these attributes. APEX has the following two types of lists, as illustrated in Figure 10-25:


The flat list is the simpler of the two. It is nothing more than a list of items that, when rendered, will all be displayed, as long as each list entry's condition resolves to true. Most lists in APEX are flat lists.


List entries in hierarchical lists are related to one another in a parent-child fashion. This definition is assigned when creating the list entries themselves. There is no setting or option for the list itself to make it a hierarchical list. As soon as the Parent List Entry attribute is set for at least one list entry, the list is considered hierarchical.

A hierarchical list and a flat list

Figure 10.25. A hierarchical list and a flat list

The templates required for flat lists and hierarchical lists will vary. A flat list needs only the Template Definition section defined, whereas a hierarchical list will need both the Template Definition and the Sublist Entry sections defined. The only way to tell for certain which type of list is associated with a template is to edit the list template itself and inspect the Sublist attributes. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, the class of a template is designed to facilitate switching from one theme to another. Classes can be completely arbitrarily assigned and do not necessarily describe the template with which they are associated.

When creating a list, a list template must be associated with it. If the list being created will be hierarchical, be sure to select a hierarchical list template. If you do not, then when your list renders, you will see only the top-level list entries. If you are creating a flat list and select a hierarchical template, you will be OK in most cases, as the top level of the hierarchy is all that you will have defined. You can always override the list template when creating a list region in your application, as shown in Figure 10-26.

Overriding the default list template when creating a list region

Figure 10.26. Overriding the default list template when creating a list region

List templates themselves are quite simple to understand. The list itself is sandwiched between two attributes: List Template Before Rows and List Template After Rows. In most cases, these two attributes are used to open an HTML list or table and then close it. Class definitions for the list itself can be included.

Once the list is opened, each list entry will then be rendered according to its sequence. If a list entry is the current entry, per its Current on Page attribute, then the List Template Current attribute will be used. Otherwise, the list entry will be rendered using the List Template Noncurrent attribute. Often, these two attributes are identical, except that the current entries are bolded. The substitution strings #LINK# and #TEXT# can be used to automatically generate the associated link and name of each list entry.

This is all that needs to be defined for a flat list. All of the remaining attributes for lists have to do with hierarchical lists. The hierarchical list templates included with APEX vary greatly as to how they render. Some will render all list items at once; others employ Dynamic HTML (DHTML) to provide an expand and contract function. In the simpler cases, the additional Subitem attributes are identical to the regular items. Others, such as the DHTML templates, are much more complex. If you need to create your own hierarchical list templates, it's best to begin with a copy of one of the built-in templates and modify that, rather than to start from scratch.

Page Templates

Page templates make up the foundation of the APEX template system. All other templates can map back to some portion of a page template. The three major classifications of page templates in APEX are no tabs, one level of tabs, and two levels of tabs. In addition to these three types, there are also specific page types for the login page and pop-up pages.

Page templates control more than their names may lead you to believe. In addition to storing the basic structure of the page, page templates also control the breadcrumbs, navigation bar, success and notification messages, error page, and both standard and parent tabs. At the bottom of every page template is a report of the associated substitution strings and whether or not they were referenced in this specific template.

The core structure of a page can be subdivided into three parts: the header, body, and footer. The header and body are required elements in a page template. The header portion of the page template is relatively constant in all APEX themes, as it is used to set up the default attributes of an APEX page and little else.

Page Header

The following in an example of a page header:

<html lang="&BROWSER_LANGUAGE." xmlns:htmldb="">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#themes/theme_1/theme_V3.css" type=
   "text/css" />

The substitution string &BROWSER_LANGUAGE. will be replaced with the current language setting of your application. This tag will inform the browser which language the page will be rendered in so that it can act appropriately. The #TITLE# token will be replaced with the title of the page as defined in the application. Next, the style sheet for the theme is included. #IMAGE_PREFIX# will be replaced with the virtual path to APEX's image directory on the HTTP server. This parameter can be defined at the application level and rarely needs to be altered.

The #HEAD# tag will create a number of references to the required APEX JavaScript libraries and CSS files. If the #HEAD# tag is not included, your application may not function properly.

Inside the <body> tag, the #ONLOAD# token will be replaced with anything defined in a specific page's OnLoad region. Typically, this is used for JavaScript calls that need to execute as the page loads. Finally, #FORM_OPEN#—a required token—will open the HTML form that makes up the APEX page. Omitting #FORM_OPEN# from your page template will cause the loss of much or all of your application's functionality.

Page Body

Next is the body of a page. Technically, all that is required here is the #BOX_BODY# token, which will be replaced with the three fixed regions in APEX, Page Template Body 1 through 3. All of the other tokens are optional, but many are almost always used, as excluding them will limit the functionality of your APEX application.

Page Template Body 1 through 3 are fixed positions, in that they will all render stacked on top of one another. There is no way to alter this behavior. If you need a more flexible layout, you can use APEX's other fixed region positions—#REGION_POSITION_01# through #REGION_POSITION_08#—which can be added anywhere in the body template. Once added to a page template, any region on a page associated with that template can be assigned to these region positions. If only three are referenced in the template, only those three will be available when assigning regions to region positions. Repeating a region position definition in a page template is permitted, but be aware that the content will be rendered in each place the region position is defined in the template.

In the APEX built-in templates, some of the region positions have been assigned to specific purposes. #REGION_POSITION_01# is almost always used for the Breadcrumb region, #REGION_POSITION_02# is used for the Sidebar Content region, and #REGION_POSITION_03# is typically right-justified. If you need to repurpose any of these region positions for other needs, you can safely do so. However, be warned that if you do switch back to an APEX built-in theme, some of the components may not render in their intended positions.

The #LOGO# token will be replaced with a reference to the application's logo, per the application definition. #GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION#, #NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE#, and #SUCCESS_MESSAGE# will be replaced with the site's global notification message, any error messages or validation messages, and success messages, respectively. These three tokens usually appear consecutively in the body region of the page templates. Both the notification message and success message will actually be replaced with their corresponding regions in the page template. This allows the developer to incorporate some additional HTML or CSS references that can enhance the style of how these messages are rendered. For instance, it is common to render the notification message in a red font and the success message in a green font.

The #NAVIGATION_BAR# token will also be replaced with another template definition: Navigation Bar. This region is used to define the characteristics of the navigation bar itself, not each individual entry. When the navigation bar renders, it will replace the token #BAR_BODY# with an instantiation of the Navigation Bar Entry template for each item in the navigation bar. The Navigation Bar Entry template requires both a #LINK# and a #TEXT# token to render the corresponding link and name for each entry. Other tokens that can be used when specifying navigation bar entries include #IMAGE#, #WIDTH#, #HEIGHT#, and #ALT#. It's no coincidence that when defining navigation bar entries, the same attributes are available.

When placing regions on a page, one of the options is in which column to render the region. This allows you to place two regions next to one another, rather than on top of one another. When multiple columns are used, APEX will automatically manage the underlying HTML table structure required. As a developer, you can specify the options of that table in the Region Table attributes, as shown in Figure 10-27. You can specify attributes directly in the table tag, or you can include a class.

Developers can specify the table options for multi-column regions.

Figure 10.27. Developers can specify the table options for multi-column regions.

Page Tabs

Tabs are also part of the page template. Depending on which classification of page you are using, you will see one, two, or no references to the two tab tokens #PARENT_TAB_CELLS# and #TAB_CELLS#. When rendered, each of these tokens will be replaced with its corresponding current and noncurrent subtemplate entries.

Pages with two levels of tabs will naturally contain both tab tokens. Often, parent tabs are rendered above the standard tabs. Again, this is more of a de facto standard than anything else, and you can change this behavior if desired. However, if you decide to go with an unorthodox tab configuration, you may generate more confusion than its worth. Thus, it is advisable to adhere to this standard, especially for business applications.

Pages with only one level of tabs will contain only the #TAB_CELLS# token. When using one level of tabs, a virtual parent tab set is associated with all of the tabs. There is no need (or way) to render this tab set. Often, the user interface used for one level of tabs will resemble the parent tabs in two-level tab pages.

Pages with no tabs will not contain a reference to either tab token.

The standard and parent tab attributes subtemplates function identically. They differ only in which token they will replace when rendered. Each has two attributes: Current Tab and Non-current Tab. A number of tokens are available for both types of tabs. #TAB_LABEL# and #TAB_LINK# are two of the most common. It is also possible to refer to the image defined at the tab level with #TAB_IMAGE#.

In most cases, the current template will render the tab in a different color and/or style than the remainder of the table. For two levels of tabs, the current tab in the second level is typically bolded, and the noncurrent tabs are not. How to render current and noncurrent tabs is ultimately a decision that will be left up to the developer and/or graphic designer.

Error Page

Another attribute of a page template is the Error Page Template attribute. Each theme can have only a single error page, per the theme attributes, so it is necessary to define this section only for the page template that you designate as the error page. It is a good idea to have a separate page whose exclusive purpose is to serve as an application's error page.

Most of the APEX page templates contain rather Spartan-looking error messages. You will probably want to spend a few minutes to enhance this section to appear a bit more appealing. After all, most users will typically become more anxious when errors occur, so a friendly message with a number to call should ease their anxiety.

You can use the following four tokens in the error template:


When #MESSAGE# renders, it will be replaced with the corresponding error message. It is a good idea to supplement this token with a phone number or contact person so that the user can report the error.


The #BACK_LINK# token will render a bit of JavaScript that will take the user back one page. #BACK_LINK# should always be included as part of an anchor tag, such as <a href="#BACK_LINK#">.


These tokens are required only if you are translating your application to more than one language.

Report Templates

The report template is one of the most sophisticated template types in APEX. It is also one of the few template types that contain logic or business rules. Each report in APEX will have an associated report template. Keep in mind that each report is technically an APEX region, and thus will also have a region template associated with it. Think of the region template as the container for the report, and the report template as the rows and columns of the report itself.

You can choose from two main types of report templates: generic column and named column. Generic column report templates can be used for any query. Named column report templates include references to specific columns, and they can be used only with specific reports.

Generic Column Templates

Generic column templates or just column templates are the more common of the two template types. They can be used for any valid SQL report without any special provisions. In fact, all of the report templates that ship with APEX are generic column templates. The term column template is also used to describe generic column templates, because all columns will render from the same template.

When using a generic column template, think of it as a layered approach to building the report. First, the outermost layer needs to be defined. Then the definition of each row needs to be defined. Next, the headings are defined, and they typically have a slightly different look than the actual data. Finally, the cell or data elements are defined. You then zoom back out and define how to end each row and the actual table itself. It sounds more complex than it really is. Figure 10-28 shows an example of the Standard Report template from Theme 15. Notice that the Column Heading Template now includes both before and after column templates, new in APEX 4.0, along with the column heading template giving you even more control over the appearance of reports.

The Standard Report template from Theme 15

Figure 10.28. The Standard Report template from Theme 15

A report template in APEX is actually nothing more than an HTML table with its associated rows and columns, and some substitution strings or tokens. When this report is rendered, it will look something like Figure 10-29.

The Standard Report template rendered in an application

Figure 10.29. The Standard Report template rendered in an application

In the Before Rows attribute, an HTML table tag is opened. The only token used here is #REGION_STATIC_ID#, which is a unique internal ID that APEX will assign to this region. It is possible to use some other tokens, such as #TOP_PAGINATION# and even column names here.

Next, there is a separate attribute for the column headings. In many cases, the column headings will have a different font style and/or background color than the rest of the report. Including the #ALIGNMENT# token here will allow APEX to substitute the alignment setting defined in the report attributes. #COLUMN_HEADER# will be replaced with the formatted column header name, per the report attributes, whereas #COLUMN_HEADER_NAME# will represent the setting of the column alias. In the example in Figure 10-29, the #COLUMN_HEADER# for the first column would be Empno, and the #COLUMN_HEADER_NAME would be EMPNO.

The Before Each Row and After Each Row attributes denote the HTML used to open and close each row in a report. Often, they are simply set to <tr> and </tr>, respectively. Three possible tokens can be included at the Before Each Row level: #ROWNUM#, #COLCOUNT#, and #HIGHLIGHT_ROW#. The first two are used to assist in advanced page layout, but #HIGHLIGHT_ROW# is much simpler to understand. If included as part of the <tr> tag, #HIGHLIGHT_ROW# will automatically add some code to the report template that will change the color of the row that your mouse is hovering over to the color specified in the Background Color for Current Row attribute.

Each generic column report has four column templates. Only one is required for a report to render. The rest are there to facilitate some basic logic that can be embedded directly in the template. Three conditions are available for each column template: Use for Even Number Rows, Use for Odd Number Rows, and Use Based on a PL/SQL function. For example, if you changed the report shown in Figure 10-28 to use the Standard, Alternating Row Colors template, the column templates would look something like Figure 10-30.

Two column templates are defined: one is set to render for even rows, and the other is set to render for odd rows. The only difference between the two is the CSS class referenced: t13data versus t13altdata.

The column template for the Standard, Alternating Rows report template

Figure 10.30. The column template for the Standard, Alternating Rows report template

When run, the rows in the report will alternate between the two CSS styles, which in this case, means alternating between a white and gray background, as shown in Figure 10-31.

A report with alternating column templates running

Figure 10.31. A report with alternating column templates running

In addition to simple odd and even rows, a PL/SQL expression can be evaluated, and if it is true, a different column template can be used. Thus, you can inspect the value of a column, apply a function, and if the value meets some criteria, that row can be rendered in a different font, color, or style. In order for PL/SQL expressions in report templates to work, they must be applied before any odd/even conditions. Thus, if you were to use the Standard, Alternating Rows template, you would need to move the Odd and Even column templates from positions 1 and 2 to positions 2 and 3, and then use column template 1 for your PL/SQL function template, as shown in Figure 10-32.

A column template that includes a PL/SQL expression

Figure 10.32. A column template that includes a PL/SQL expression

In the example in Figure 10-32, we made a slight modification to the first column template: we added the CSS style definition background-color:#f00;, which will render any row that meets the expression in red.

If the data type of the column being evaluated is CHAR, VARCHAR, or VARCHAR2, the column name and associated #s must be enclosed in single quotation marks. For all other types, the column need only be enclosed in #s without the additional single quotes. The name enclosed in #s must match the column name, or if used, the column alias. If COST were the column you were evaluating, the expression would look like this:

#COST# = 1000

When the report is run now, the row of any employee who has a salary of over 2,000 will be highlighted in red, as indicated in Figure 10-33.

All high priority, open bugs are highlighted in another color.

Figure 10.33. All high priority, open bugs are highlighted in another color.

Named Column Templates

Named column reports are typically used to display a single row of data in a format other than row/column. They are mapped to a specific table or view, as the column names referenced are placed in the named column template itself. For this reason, none of the APEX built-in report templates are named column. Most of the report attributes, such as those for column-level sorting, column sums, and alignment, are not available in named column templates. All formatting should be done in the template definition itself.

A good example of when to use a named column template is when you need a formatted details view of a single record. You could use a read-only form to achieve the same goal, but using a named column template will give you much more flexibility in the design. In this template, you can use any HTML you like, and you do not need to worry about positioning and sequencing page items.

The structure of a named column report is very similar to that of a generic column report, with a few minor differences. Named column reports combine the Before Each Row, Column Template, and After Each Row attributes into a single attribute called Row Templates. The Row Templates attribute will contain the HTML required to render each specific column. This is in contrast to column templates, which define only a single column that will be used for all columns in a report.

Named column templates also have Column Headings, Before All Rows, and After All Rows attributes. Due to the nature of a named column template, these attributes are rarely used, as most of the HTML required for a named column template is typically found in the row template.

Like generic column templates, named column templates also have logic built in to them. You can define up to four row templates and elect to use them based on a PL/SQL expression or whether the row is an odd-numbered or even-numbered one. For most named column templates, this is not necessary, as only a single row of data is typically used.

When a new named column template is created, by default, APEX will seed Row Template 1, as shown in Figure 10-34.

The default Row Template 1 for a new named column template

Figure 10.34. The default Row Template 1 for a new named column template

This template definition is meant only as an example and will not actually work. Replace it with the HTML that you want to use with your report, referencing the specific column names that you have defined.

Using the example in the previous section, let's say that you want to create a nicely formatted view of a record from the BUGLIST table. In any HTML editor, create the layout that you want, using #COLUMN_NAME# substitution strings to represent where the data will go. The following is a quick example:

<table width="500" style="border:1px solid #333;background-color:#ddd;">

 <th>Reported By:</th>

Next, simply cut and paste this HTML into the Row Template 1 of your named column page template, replacing anything that was there, and apply your changes. Run your application, and you should see something similar to Figure 10-35.

The results of the sample named column report template

Figure 10.35. The results of the sample named column report template

The format mask on the Salary column, which was defined as part of the report attributes, will still be applied to the report.

The possibilities of what you can do with a named column template are almost limitless. Nearly anything that works in HTML will work as part of a named column report template.

Pagination Template

All report templates, regardless of their type, contain a section to define the pagination style. More often than not, this is defined with only generic column templates, as named column templates typically are used for only a single row.

The pagination templates do not allow you to change the type of pagination method used, but rather to add some style to the pagination controls or change the text used when there are more records available.

By default, the pagination scheme Row Ranges X to Y (with next and previous links) will look something like what is shown in Figure 10-36. The corresponding Pagination subtemplate is quite sparse, with only a single element defined, as shown in Figure 10-37.

The Employees report with default pagination styles

Figure 10.36. The Employees report with default pagination styles

The default Pagination subtemplate

Figure 10.37. The default Pagination subtemplate

Leaving an attribute of the Pagination subtemplate blank will cause the reporting engine to use the default settings. You do not need values in any of the attributes for pagination to work.

Figure 10-38 shows an example of adding some style to the Pagination subtemplate's first three attributes. When rerun, the report's pagination controls will be smaller, will not contain an image, and will say Next Page and Previous Page (as opposed to Next and Previous), as shown in Figure 10-39.

The modified Pagination subtemplate

Figure 10.38. The modified Pagination subtemplate

The results of the Pagination Subtemplate modifications

Figure 10.39. The results of the Pagination Subtemplate modifications

Popup List of Values Templates

The popup list of values (LOV) template type is definitely the platypus of the bunch, as it contains a little bit of everything: icon definitions; attributes for a search field; button definitions; window attributes; pagination controls; and a header, body, and footer.

It also differs from the rest of the templates in that as a developer, you cannot manually assign this template to any APEX component. Rather, it will be used automatically each time an item type of popup LOV is added to an application. When using the APEX built-in themes, a popup LOV template will be automatically created. If you wish to customize a theme, you will need to alter the existing one, as you can have only one instance of the popup LOV template per theme.

No substitution strings or tokens are available in the popup LOV template. All items that need to be referenced will be done so automatically.

Most attributes of the popup LOV template are either self-explanatory or copies of attributes from other template types.

Calendar Templates

The calendar component has been greatly enhanced in APEX 3.0, with added support for weekly and daily views. All the calendar templates have attributes for each of the three different views, as the user interface of each will vary. Most built-in APEX themes come with three variations of calendar templates.

It is not advisable to create a calendar template from scratch. If you need a custom calendar template, it is best to copy a built-in one and modify that. Using this method will ensure that the core structure required remains in tact. When modifying a calendar template, you can add any number of styles to almost every facet of the calendar itself.

Calendars have a number of tokens that you can use to denote the day, day of week, and month. They are defined to the right of the calendar template attributes.

When customizing the look and feel of a calendar template, it is best to use CSS class definitions. This will help separate the structure of the calendar template from any of the styling that you add. Refer to any of the built-in APEX CSS files for some examples of how to use CSS definitions to control the look and feel of calendar templates.

Tree Templates

You won't find the templates used for rendering APEX trees with the rest of the templates. When a tree is created, the user is given the option to select one of the three templates. That template will be "burned in" to the definition of the tree itself. The tree templates are every bit as configurable as regular templates, but the tree lacks the centralized control of being a shared component.

Changing the structure of a tree template is not recommended, as it requires a number of images that are precisely created to line up with one another. Tree templates are also not scalable. Each time a new tree is created, the altered template will need to be applied by hand.

Template Subscriptions

APEX has a facility called subscriptions, which allows you to link shared components from one application to another using a publish/subscribe model. If the content of a component changes, the publisher can push the changes to the subscribers, or the subscribers can pull those changes from the publisher. Subscriptions work with a select number of APEX shared components: navigation bar items, authorization schemes, authentication schemes, LOVs, and of course, templates.

If you decide that you want to customize a built-in theme, or even create one from scratch, you may want to consider using template subscriptions. Using template subscriptions will allow you to create a master copy of your templates and subscribe to them from any other APEX application in your workspace. If you need to make changes to any of the templates, they can be applied to the master copy and published to all the subscribers. Subscriptions make managing APEX templates simple and straightforward.

Publish/subscribe is how the templates in APEX itself work. All of the templates are stored in a single application and then subscribed to from each component application (Application Builder, SQL Workshop, and so on). When Oracle wants to make a sweeping change in the user interface, the developers can do so in the master application and then publish the changes to all of the subscribers. This makes managing the user interface much simpler and more centralized, as it can be done in a single set of templates.

Setting up a common model for theme and template subscriptions is quite simple, and can save you countless hours should you need to rework or modify your user interface at a later date. We'll walk through an example here.

Setting Up a Theme Subscription System

To begin, create a new application and call it Theme Master. When prompted, select any theme (it doesn't matter which one you use for this example). This application will be the only place that any changes to templates are made. Now is also a good time to remove any unnecessary templates from your new theme, as discussed earlier in this chapter.

Next, create another new application from scratch and call it Theme Subscriber. When prompted to, select any theme. The theme selection here is even less important than with the Theme Master application, as you will be deleting it in favor of a subscribed copy to the first application.

In the Theme Subscriber application, navigate to the Shared Components section and select Themes. Create a new theme from scratch and give it any theme ID number and name, as shown in Figure 10-40.

Setting the theme ID number and name

Figure 10.40. Setting the theme ID number and name

Essentially, you have just created a theme without any templates, as shown in Figure 10-41. If you try to switch to your new theme, you will receive an error message that specifies which template classes do not exist in the target theme. In this case, none of the target template classes are found, and you cannot switch themes. If you edit the templates that make up your theme, there should be no rows.

Switching to a theme without any templates defined

Figure 10.41. Switching to a theme without any templates defined

In Shared Components, navigate to the Templates section. Next, you will create subscriptions to all of the templates in your Theme Master application, as follows:

  1. Click Create to add templates to the custom theme.

  2. On the next page, select Page for the Template Type and click Next.

  3. Set the value for Create Page From to As a Copy of an Existing Template, as shown in Figure 10-42, and then click Next.

    Creating a template as a copy of an existing one

    Figure 10.42. Creating a template as a copy of an existing one

  4. Set the value of Copy From Application to the application that you created and called your Theme Master, as shown in Figure 10-43, and then click Next.

    Selecting the source application for a template subscription

    Figure 10.43. Selecting the source application for a template subscription

  5. Set the Copy To Theme to your custom theme name, as shown in Figure 10-44, and then click Next.

    Setting the source and destination when copying a template

    Figure 10.44. Setting the source and destination when copying a template

  6. You may want to change the name of each template to something other than Copy of Login. You can use any names, as long as they do not duplicate existing names. Replacing the "Copy of" with "Custom" or the name of your application/project/organization should suffice.

  7. Determine which page templates you want to subscribe to by setting the Copy column to Copy and Subscribe, as shown in Figure 10-45. You do not necessarily need to subscribe to them all at this time, as you can create additional subscriptions later. The list of potential templates should already be trimmed to only what you think you will need. If additional templates are required, you can always add them to the master theme application and create a new subscription later on.

    Selecting multiple templates to copy and subscribe to

    Figure 10.45. Selecting multiple templates to copy and subscribe to

  8. When you have finalized your selection, click Copy Page Templates to create a subscription to the specified templates.

At this point, if you click the Subscription subtab, you should see all of the templates for which you just created subscriptions, as shown in Figure 10-46. It will also reference the master application of each template in the last column. From here, you can also refresh any one of the subscribed templates with the most recent copy of the associated master.

The Subscription subtab showing templates with subscriptions

Figure 10.46. The Subscription subtab showing templates with subscriptions

To complete setting up the Theme Subscriber application, repeat this process for the remaining template types that you need in your theme. While this process is tedious, it is well worth the effort, as it will more than make up for the time you invested.

When you are finished setting up the Theme Subscriber application, the next step is to export your new theme. All subscriptions will be preserved when exporting themes, as long as they are imported back into the same workspace.

Once your theme is exported, you can reimport it into any other application in your workspace and switch to it, thus keeping all of your user interfaces consistent and subscribed to a central set of templates.

Refreshing Subscriptions

When changes need to be made to your templates, apply them to the master and then either push out to all of the subscriber applications or refresh them manually from each subscriber application, based on your needs.

In addition to being able to refresh templates from the Subscription subtab, you can refresh any template from the details page for that template, as shown in Figure 10-47. Simply navigate to the detail page of any template, and then in the Subscription section, click Refresh Template. A copy of the master template will be copied down to your subscribers, and all changes will be overwritten. You can also change which master template a subscriber points to from this page.

Refreshing an individual template from its publisher

Figure 10.47. Refreshing an individual template from its publisher

Tools for Working with Templates

A good carpenter is useless without his tools. The same holds true for the APEX developer, specifically when working with templates. It is critical to understand how to best use the tools that are available to you, as they will save you countless hours of time.

Tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and most important, cost. Going against common wisdom, in the world of software, the best tool is not always the most expensive tool. Most of the commonly used tools and utilities are open source, freeware, or relatively inexpensive.

If nothing else, download and use Firefox as your development browser. Firefox offers a wealth of plug-ins that are not available in Internet Explorer. These plug-ins add a number of essential bits of functionality to the browser; in come cases, making it feel more like a development tool. While the set of current popular add-ons will change over time, the following two are indispensable as of early 2008:

  • Web Developer ( adds a toolbar with a variety of utilities and options. From viewing the borders of all HTML tables to viewing form details, the Web Developer add-on is essential when debugging template issues.

  • Firebug ( adds a powerful debugger to Firefox, which allows you to inspect and modify HTML, CSS files, and JavaScript libraries in-line on any web page. Once you use this add-on, you'll find it hard to believe that you lived without it.

Both add-ons are available free of charge and work with the latest release of Firefox. Firefox is also free, and you can download it from

If you do choose to use Firefox as your development browser, be sure to test everything that you build in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. The majority of corporations, organizations, and the general public still use Internet Explorer as their standard browser. Be sure to ensure your applications work and look the same on both browsers.

Also, be aware of display size. Most developers have extra-large displays attached to their PCs. Most end users do not. Make sure that your applications fit into the de facto standard screen size of 1024 × 768 pixels. Some organizations are still using 800 × 600 pixel displays, so be sure to check your minimum screen size requirement. No one likes to use the horizontal scroll bars.


Creating an attractive user interface does not have to be hard. It is more important to standardize on a single, consistent design than to create a new, elaborate one. Err on the side of more consistency, rather than on the side of more sophistication. Keeping the design consistent will mask the fact that your single "application" may be a collection of several. Nothing screams mediocrity more than a suite of applications, each of which uses a completely different user interface or design.

APEX provides a robust, extensible framework for creating almost any user interface you desire. If a custom user interface is a requirement, seek the assistance of a graphic designer. You could spend a full week trying to figure out how to create a mask in Photoshop; a designer can crank out the entire set of templates in half as much time.

Contrary to the old adage, looks are everything, especially when your site is one of the first things your potential clients may see. Invest the time and energy required to make your APEX application look as good as it functions.

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