23 Aeronautical Data


AC advisory circular
AMDB airport mapping database
AMM airport moving map
AR authorization required
ASCII American standard code for information interchange
DAL development assurance level
DQR data quality requirement
EUROCAE European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAQ frequently asked question
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ISO International Standards Organization
LOA letter of acceptance
MASPS minimum aviation system performance standards
RNAV area navigation
RNP required navigation performance
TAWS terrain awareness and warning system
TSO Technical Standard Order
UML Unified Modeling Language
XML eXtensible Markup Language

23.1 Introduction

Aeronautical data are “data used for aeronautical applications such as navigation, flight planning, flight simulators, terrain awareness and other purposes, which comprises navigation data and terrain and obstacle data” [1]. An aeronautical database is “a collection of data that is organized and arranged for ease of electronic storage and retrieval in a system that supports airborne or ground-based aeronautical applications” [1].

Aeronautical data are treated differently than the configuration data that were discussed in Chapter 22. The configuration data discussed in Chapter 22 are approved as part of the aircraft’s type design data. However, aeronautical data are often not part of the type design data. Instead, loading such data is frequently treated as a maintenance action that is identified in the aircraft’s Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Title 14 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 43.3 allows this approach and treats such updates as preventative maintenance. There are at least a couple of reasons that aeronautical data are treated differently than configuration data.

First, aeronautical data typically require frequent updates that are not practical to implement under the type certification process. For example, navigation databases are updated every 28 days. To go through the DO-178C software approval process and supplemental type certification or amended type certification every 28 days is virtually impossible. Terrain databases are updated less frequently (perhaps three or four times per year), which is still too frequent for the DO-178C process to be viable.

Second, the source of the data for such databases is often a government organization rather than an avionics or aircraft manufacturer. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 15 places requirements on the ICAO contracting states around the world that are responsible for compiling and transmitting the aeronautical data through Aeronautical Information Publications [2]. “Each Contracting State must take all necessary measures to ensure that the aeronautical information/data it provides is adequate, of required quality (accuracy, resolution and integrity) and provided in a timely manner for the entire territory that the State is responsible for” [1]. In the past, ICAO requirements were primarily applicable to navigational data. Recently, terrain data requirements have also been included in the ICAO requirements. As noted in Chapter 22, DO-178C does not generally apply to aeronautical data. However, RTCA DO-200A, entitled Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data, does apply to this kind of data. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recognizes DO-200A in Advisory Circular (AC) 20-153A, Acceptance of Aeronautical Data Processes and Associated Databases, and in various other documents (including Technical Standard Order (TSO)-146c, TSO-151b, AC 20-138B, AC 90-101A, Order 8110.55A, and Order 8110.49).

This chapter surveys DO-200A, AC 20-153A, and several other FAA and industry documents related to aeronautical data in order to provide a highlevel overview of expectations for aeronautical data.

23.2 DO-200A: Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data

RTCA’s DO-200A (as well as its European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) equivalent, ED-76) is recognized as the standard for ensuring the quality of aeronautical data. DO-200A is referenced in the following FAA documents, just to name a few:

  • AC 20–153A—Acceptance of Aeronautical Data Processes and Associated Databases

  • Order 8110.55A—How to Evaluate and Accept Processes for Aeronautical Database Suppliers

  • Order 8110.49—Software Approval Guidelines

  • AC 20–138B—Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems

  • AC 90–101A—Approval Guidance for Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Procedures with Authorization Required (AR)

  • TSO-C151b—Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS)

  • TSO-C146c—Stand-Alone Airborne Navigation Equipment Using the Global Positioning System Augmented By The Satellite Based Augmentation System

This section provides an overview of DO-200A. The next section examines the FAA’s AC 20-153A and Order 8110.55A, which define the process for obtaining a letter of acceptance for a DO-200A compliant process.

DO-200A is considered the minimum standard and guidance to address the processing quality assurance and data quality management of aeronautical data used for navigation, flight planning, terrain awareness, flight simulators, etc. The output of the DO-200A compliant process is a database that is distributed to the user for implementation in their equipment.

DO-200A identifies requirements and recommendations to provide the appropriate assurance level for the aeronautical data. DO-200A defines assurance level as “the degree of confidence that a data element is not corrupted while stored or in transit. This can be categorized into three levels: 1, 2, and 3; with 1 being the highest degree of confidence” [1]. As with the DO-178C software levels, DO-200A assurance levels are determined by the potential impact of corrupted data on safety. DO-201A (discussed in Section 23.5.1) defines the assurance levels for aeronautical information related to area navigation (RNAV). Assurance levels for applications of data not covered by DO-201A need to be determined by the end user or application provider, based on the safety impact [2].

Table 23.1 shows the three DO-200A assurance levels and their relationship to the ICAO criticality levels and the failure condition categories. The related development assurance levels (DALs) or software levels are also shown. The ICAO classifications of critical, essential, and routine are defined as follows [3]:

  • Critical data (Assurance Level 1)—The data, if erroneous, would prevent continued safe flight and landing or would reduce the ability to cope with adverse operating conditions to the extent that there is a large reduction in safety margins or functional capabilities. There is a high probability when trying to use corrupted critical data that an aircraft would be placed in a life threatening situation;

    Table 23.1 DO-200A Assurance Levels

    DO-200A Assurance Level Related Requirement on State-Provided Data (ICAO) Failure Condition Category DAL or SW Level
    1 Critical Catastrophic or hazardous/ severe-major A, B
    2 Essential Major or minor C, D
    3 Routine No safety effect E
  • Essential data (Assurance Level 2)—The data, if erroneous, would reduce the ability to cope with adverse operating conditions to the extent that there is a significant reduction in safety margins. There is a low probability when trying to use corrupted essential data that an aircraft would be placed in a life threatening situation;

  • Routine data (Assurance Level 3)—The data, if erroneous, would not significantly reduce airplane safety. There is a very low probability when trying to use corrupted routine data that an aircraft would be placed in a life threatening situation.

DO-200A uses the concept of an aeronautical data chain to explain the path that the aeronautical data takes: “An aeronautical data chain is a series of interrelated links wherein each link provides a function that facilitates the origination, transmission, and use of aeronautical data for a specific purpose” [1]. There are normally five major links, including origination, transmission, preparation, application integration, and end use [1]. There may be multiple organizations involved in a single link (e.g., there may be sublinks in the preparation and transmission phases), or a single organization may perform multiple types of links (e.g., one company may originate, prepare, and transmit data). The originator is “the first organization in an aeronautical data chain that accepts responsibility for the data. For example, a State or RTCA DO-200A/EUROCAE ED-76-compliant organization” [1]. An end user is “the last user in an aeronautical data chain. Aeronautical data end-users are typically aircraft operators, airline planning departments, air traffic service providers, flight simulation providers, airframe manufacturers, systems integrators, and regulatory authorities” [1]. Figure 23.1 illustrates a typical aeronautical data chain.


Figure 23.1 Typical aeronautical data chain.

At each link in the aeronautical data chain, the data should satisfy the following seven quality characteristics based upon the intended func tion that will use the data: (1) accuracy, (2) resolution, (3) assurance level (based on the safety assessment), (4) traceability (to the origin of the data), (5) timeliness (to support need for valid and current data), (6) completeness (all necessary data provided), and (7) format (consistent with the data’s intent, including transmission resolution). These data quality requirements are defined based upon the intended function supported by the data.

DO-200A focuses on the preparation and transmission links in the aeronautical data chain. While origination, application integration, and end use links are mentioned in order to provide context, they are considered beyond the scope of DO-200A.

The aeronautical data preparation functional link includes the following four phases:

  1. Assemble—collecting data from suppliers

  2. Translate—changing the information format (often combined with the assemble phase)

  3. Select—choosing desired data from the collection of assembled aeronautical data

  4. Format—transforming the data into the format acceptable for the next functional link

The aeronautical data transmission functional link includes two phases:

  • Receive—accepting, verifying, and validating data

  • Distribute—last phase of the processing model which becomes part of the transmission link

At each phase of the processing, the data are verified and any issues are documented in an error report. Corrective action is taken as needed. If the data from a trusted source, such as an ICAO member state, are found to have an error, the error must be reported to the trusted source. However, it is often difficult to get the trusted source to immediately correct the data. Oftentimes, once the data are confirmed to be erroneous, they are corrected by the organization that applies the DO-200A compliant process.

DO-200A section 2 defines the guidance for each organization in order to ensure that the data satisfy the seven quality characteristics mentioned earlier. Each organization in the data chain is responsible for the following:

  • Developing a compliance plan

  • Defining data quality requirements

  • Defining the data processing procedures

  • Ensuring that data alteration is not performed unless properly coordinated with the originator

  • Maintaining configuration management

  • Ensuring the skills and competencies of personnel

  • Performing tool assessment and qualification as needed

  • Developing and implementing quality management procedures

Depending on the assurance level, the amount of required validation and verification varies. DO-200A defines validation and verification as follows [1]:

  • Validation—The activity whereby a data element is checked as having a value that is fully applicable to the identity given to the data element, or a set of data elements that is checked as being acceptable for their purpose.

  • Verification—The activity whereby the current value of a data element is checked against the value originally supplied.

In general, for assurance level 1, validation by application (i.e., applying the data under test) and verification are required; for assurance level 2, validation by application is not required, but verification is; and for assurance level 3, validation and verification are recommended but not required [1].

23.3 FAA Advisory Circular 20-153A

Just as the previous section provided a high-level overview of DO-200A, this section includes a summary of FAA AC 20-153A.

AC 20-153 (the predecessor to AC 20-153A) only applied to navigation databases. In 2010, the FAA expanded the AC to apply to other types of aeronautical data, including terrain, obstacle, and airport map databases. Each of the databases covered by AC 20-153 is briefly explained as follows. The AC may be applied to other databases; however, those should be closely coordinated with the certification authority.

  • Navigation database—”Any navigation data stored electronically in a system supporting navigation applications. Navigation data is information intended to be used to assist the pilot to identify the aircraft’s position with respect to flight plans, ground reference points and navaid fixes … as well as items on the airport surface” [2].

  • Terrain database—”Any data stored electronically in a system supporting terrain applications. Terrain data includes the natural surface of the earth excluding man-made obstacles” [2].

  • Obstacle database—”Any data stored electronically in a system supporting obstacle applications. Obstacle data includes any natural or manmade fixed object which has vertical significance in relation to adjacent and surrounding features and which is considered as a potential hazard to the safe passage of aircraft” [2].

  • Airport map database—”Any navigation data stored electronically in a system supporting airport map applications. Airport map data is information intended to be used to assist the pilot to identify the aircraft’s position with respect to items on the airport surface” [2].

AC 20-153A provides guidance to aeronautical service providers, equipment or avionics manufacturers, and/or operators necessary to obtain a letter of acceptance (LOA). An LOA is a letter granted by the FAA, acknowledging compliance with AC 20-153A and DO-200A for aeronautical data processing. “The LOA formally documents that a supplier’s databases are being produced pursuant to RTCA/DO-200A, or for some established systems, RTCA/DO-200” [2]. AC 20-153A identifies two types of LOAs:

  • Type 1 LOA: Type 1 acceptance letters are primarily for data suppliers that are data service providers. “A Type 1 LOA provides recognition of a data supplier’s compliance with RTCA/DO-200A with no identified compatibility with an aircraft system… This acceptance letter may be issued to data suppliers, operators, avionics manufacturers, or others” [2].

  • Type 2 LOA: “Type 2 acceptance letters are based on requirements that ensure compatibility with particular systems or equipment and are for data suppliers that are avionics manufacturers/application integrators… Type 2 data suppliers have additional requirements to ensure the delivered database is compatible with the DQRs [data quality requirements] necessary to support the intended function approved for the target application” [2].**

AC 20-153A explains the LOA application process and how to apply DO-200A and additional requirements for Types 1 and 2 LOA applications. The AC also provides additional notes about DO-200A processes. Guidance is provided for operators, equipment and avionics manufactures (i.e., application providers), and data service providers. The AC also explains that contracting states are encouraged to follow DO-200A, as well as other applicable data quality guidelines (e.g., DO-201A, DO-272B, and DO-276A).

AC 20-153A section 14 explains that data obtained from a DO-200A compliant source or from a contracting state may be trusted. However, data from other suppliers must be verified and validated for the appropriate assurance level. Per the AC, DO-272B (section 3.9) provides acceptable techniques for verification and validation of airport map data [4].* Likewise, per the AC, DO-276A (sections 6.1.4 and 6.1.5) provides acceptable verification and validation techniques for terrain and obstacle data [5].

AC 20-153A section 17 provides a correction to DO-200A’s error detection probabilities. The AC points out that for assurance level 1, the error detection must have a probability of undetected corruption of less than or equal to 10−9 (rather than 10−8 as identified in DO-200A). Likewise, for assurance level 2, the error detection must have a probability of undetected corruption of less than or equal to 10−5 (rather than 10−4 as identified in DO-200A). These probabilities better align with XX.1309 requirements at the aircraft level [2].

AC 20-153A Appendix 3 provides a compliance matrix for aeronautical database suppliers to use to help ensure that they satisfy the DO-200A and AC 20-153A requirements prior to applying for an LOA.

In addition to AC 20-153A, the FAA has published Order 8110.55A, How to Evaluate and Accept Processes for Aeronautical Database Suppliers [6]. The Order provides guidelines for FAA Aircraft Certification Offices to evaluate and accept aeronautical processes and to grant LOAs. While this Order is primarily for FAA staff, it provides some insight for aeronautical database providers on what to expect during FAA audits and how to prepare for such audits.

23.4 Tools Used for Processing Aeronautical Data

Because of the volume of data and the need for repeatability, aeronautical data processing is tool intensive. Typically, a combination of integrity checks (such as cyclic redundancy checks) and qualified tools are used to ensure the integrity of the aeronautical data as they go through the data chain. Sometimes, tools are run in parallel and results compared to avoid the need for qualification. All tools must be identified and assessed. Tools whose output is not verified may require qualification. DO-200A and AC 20-153A reference DO-178B section 12.2 criteria for tool qualification. DO-178C’s section 12.2 is also acceptable. As explained in Chapter 13, DO-178C section 12.2 invokes DO-330, Software Tool Qualification Considerations. DO-330 was written to be applicable to multiple domains, including the aeronautical data domain. DO-330 frequently asked question (FAQ) D.7 may provide valuable information for aeronautical data processing tools in some scenarios. This FAQ describes how the output of an unqualified tool may be verified by a qualified tool to ensure the accuracy of the unqualified tool.

23.5 Other Industry Documents Related to Aeronautical Data

DO-200A and AC 20-153A reference several other industry documents. A brief summary of these documents is provided to complete the survey of aeronautical database guidance. The RTCA documents are presented first (in sequential order), followed by two ARINC documents.

23.5.1 DO-201A: Standards for Aeronautical Information

DO-201A compiles general and specific requirements for aeronautical data with emphasis on RNAV operations in RNP airspace. General requirements and standards for aeronautical data are provided, including accuracy, resolution, calculation conventions, naming conventions, and the timely dissemination of the finished data [3]. Specific operational requirements and standards are also given; these are to be considered when developing procedures in the enroute, arrival, departure, approach, and aerodrome environments. As noted earlier, DO-201A defines the assurance levels for aeronautical information specific to RNP. Assurance levels for applications of data not covered by DO-201A need to be determined by the end user or application provider based on the safety assessment process. The EUROCAE equivalent to DO-201A is ED-77.

23.5.2 DO-236B: Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards: Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation

DO-236B contains minimum aviation system performance standards (MASPS) for RNAV systems operating in an RNP environment. The standards are for designers, manufacturers, and installers of avionics equipment, as well as service providers and users of such systems for worldwide operations [7]. DO-236B references DO-201A and DO-200A compliance for navigation databases used in RNAV systems. Additionally, DO-201A provides guidance on requirements supporting RNAV and the RNP operations described in DO-236B. The EUROCAE equivalent to DO-236B is ED-75B.

23.5.3 DO-272C: User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information

DO-272C provides minimum requirements applicable to the content, origination, publication, and updating of aerodrome (airport) mapping information. It also provides guidance to assess compliance to the requirements and to determine the necessary level of confidence. It defines a minimum set of data quality requirements which may be used for airport map displays [2,8]. The EUROCAE equivalent to DO-272C is ED-99C.

23.5.4 DO-276A: User Requirements for Terrain and Obstacle Data

DO-276A defines the minimum user requirements applicable to terrain and obstacle data. It includes the minimum list of attributes associated with terrain and obstacle data and describes associated errors that may need to be addressed [5]. The EUROCAE equivalent to DO-276A is ED-98A.

23.5.5 DO-291B: Interchange Standards for Terrain, Obstacle, and Aerodrome Mapping Data

DO-291B* is used in conjunction with DO-272C and DO-276A, which specify user requirements for terrain, obstacle, and aerodrome database content and quality. DO-291B sets data interchange format requirements for the data generated in compliance with DO-272C and DO-276A. DO-291B was based on the International Standards Organization (ISO) 19100 (geographic information) series of standards as applied to terrain, obstacle, and aerodrome mapping databases used in aviation. The standard specifies requirements for scope, identification, metadata, content, reference system, data quality, data capture, and maintenance information [9]. The EUROCAE equivalent of DO-291B is ED-119B. DO-291B is also related to ARINC 816, which is described in Section 23.5.7.

23.5.6 ARINC 424: Standard, Navigation System Database

“ARINC 424 has been the industry standard for exchanging navigation data between data suppliers and avionics vendors for more than 30 years” [10].

It serves as the air transport industry’s recommended standard for preparing airborne navigation system reference data files.

The data on these files are intended for merging with airborne navigation computer operational software to produce media for use by such computers on board aircraft… It enables data base suppliers, avionics systems, and other users of the data bases to fly and flight plan procedures as prescribed by procedure designers [11].

The original version of ARINC 424 was published in 1975. At this time, the latest version of ARINC 424 is 424-19. However, a committee is actively working on ARINC 424A. The current ARINC 424 format defines fixedlength text files with 132 characters per line. These files are converted into binary images and loaded into a specific flight management system. Because of target dependencies, each type of flight management computer has a different binary image. This leads to the scenario where a single airline with multiple aircraft types and flight management systems may have dozens of database packages, even though the raw data used to create the database packages is identical. The committee’s goal for ARINC 424A is to develop an open standard database which is directly readable by the flight management computer—without the need for the flight management computer-specific binary. This allows an airline to obtain data from one source. ARINC 424A proposes using an Unified Modeling Language (UML) model which will output the same ASCII (American standard code for information interchange) as the traditional ARINC 424. However, the UML model will also be used to automatically generate an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format which can be converted to a binary XML (for smaller file sizes and easier parsing). The committee is striving to keep the current ARINC 424 format, while at the same time enabling more standardized resultant files that can be used on multiple flight management systems [10].

23.5.7 ARINC 816-1: Embedded Interchange Format for Airport Mapping Database

ARINC 816-1 defines a format for databases used for airport moving maps (AMMs). AMMs have the potential to improve safety by reducing runway and taxiway incursions caused by a loss of crew situational awareness. ARINC 816-1 simplifies data handling and provides features which benefit airport moving map displays [12].

ARINC 816-1 is related to DO-272C and DO-291B, which were described earlier. Figure 23.2 illustrates the relationship between the three documents. DO-272C defines the content, quality, and processing requirements for airport mapping databases (AMDBs). DO-291B defines the data interchange format requirements for the databases, enabling the exchange of AMDBs between data originators and integrators. ARINC 816-1 defines a database standard for embedded avionics systems. The standardized format allows end users to be able to choose between different database integrators independent of an avionics supplier. This allows database integrators to convert airport data directly into the end system specification [13].


Figure 23.2 Relationship between DO-272C, DO-291B, and ARINC 816-1.


1. RTCA/DO-200A, Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., September 1998).

2. Federal Aviation Administration, Acceptance of Aeronautical Data Processes and Associated Databases, Advisory Circular 20–153A (September 2010).

3. RTCA/DO-201A, Standards for Aeronautical Information (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., April 2000).

4. RTCA DO-272B, User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., April 2009).

5. RTCA DO-276A, User Requirements for Terrain and Obstacle Data (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., August 2005).

6. Federal Aviation Administration, How to Evaluate and Accept Processes for Aeronautical Database Suppliers, Order 8110.55A (November 2011).

7. RTCA DO-236B, Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards: Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., October 2003).

8. RTCA DO-272C, User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping Information (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., September 2011).

9. RTCA DO-291B, Interchange Standards for Terrain, Obstacle, and Aerodrome Mapping Data (Washington, DC: RTCA, Inc., September 2011).

10. C. Pschierer, J. Kasten, J. Schiefele, H. Lepori, P. Bruneaux, A. Bourdais, and R. Andreae, ARINC 424A—A next generation navigation database specification, IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (Orlando, FL, 2009), 4.D.2-1–4.D.2.10.

11. Aeronautical Radio, Inc., Navigation system database, ARINC Specification 424-19 (Annapolis, MD: Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee, December 2008).

12. C. Pschierer and J. Schiefele, Open standards for airport databases—ARINC 816, IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (Dallas, TX, 2007), 2.B.6-1–2.B.6-8.

13. Aeronautical Radio, Inc., Embedded interchange format for airport mapping database, ARINC Specification 816-1 (Annapolis, MD: Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee, November 2007).

*Brackets added for clarification.

*It should be noted that DO-272B has been superseded by DO-272C since the publication of AC 20-153A.

XX may be Part 23, 25, 27, or 29 of Title 14 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.

*AC 20-153A only references DO-291A, since the AC was published before DO-291B was released.

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