Chapter 3

Directed Graph Template

The directed graph is another term from graph theory. A directed graph is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges. Each directed edge originates at a source node and terminates at a target node (which may be the same as the source node). The nodes of a directed graph can have any number of edges. Directed graphs arise for applications with important topology or connectivity. For example, a directed graph is a natural representation for airline flights between airports.

Figure 3.1 shows two examples of directed graphs.

Figure 3.1

Figure showing sample directed graphs. A directed graph is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect the nodes.

Sample directed graphs. A directed graph is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect the nodes.

There are six templates for directed graphs.

  • Simple directed graph. Similar to the simple tree (Section 2.2) but relaxes multiplicity constraints. Use when edges are unimportant and nodes have the same kind of data.
  • Structured directed graph. Similar to the structured tree (Section 2.3) but relaxes multiplicity constraints. Use when edges are unimportant.
  • Node and edge directed graph. Regards nodes and edges as peers. Treats nodes the same. Use when edges are important and have data of their own.
  • Connection directed graph. Promotes the connection between a node and an edge to an entity type. Treats nodes the same. Use when there is data for the connection itself as well as for nodes and edges.
  • Simple directed graph changing over time. Stores variants of a directed graph. A particular directed graph can be extracted by specifying a time. Expresses nodes and implies edges. Use when the history of a directed graph must be recorded and edges are unimportant.
  • Node and edge directed graph changing over time. Stores variants of a directed graph. A particular directed graph can be extracted by specifying a time. Expresses both nodes and edges. Use when the history of a directed graph must be recorded and edges are important.

There appears to be no directed graph counterpart to the overlapping trees template.

3.1 Simple Directed Graph Template

3.1.1 UML Template

In the simple directed graph template (Figure 3.2) all nodes have the same kind of data. Figure 3.2 corresponds to the simple tree template and relaxes the multiplicity constraints for the parent and root nodes. A directed graph may have multiple roots and each node may have multiple parents.

Figure 3.2

Figure showing simple directed graph: UML template. Use when edges are unimportant and nodes have the same kind of data.

Simple directed graph: UML template. Use when edges are unimportant and nodes have the same kind of data.

A DG (directed graph) is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect nodes. (Note: in a directed graph all the nodes do not have to be connected.) You need not include DG in a use of the template. A Node is an entity type whose records are organized as a directed graph. The distinction between parent and child causes the sense of direction that effects directed edges. There can be at most one coupling between a pair of nodes.

Figure 3.2 adds the constraint that each node has a parent except for root nodes. (The template itself is more permissive and lacks this constraint.) In general, a directed graph may have cycles but this template disallows them. (A cycle starts at a node and after traversing a series of edges reaches the starting node.) Since this template is based on a tree template, it doesn't make sense to permit cycles.

Each node may have a name. As Figure 3.3 shows, node names can be globally unique (left template) or unique within a context (right template).

Figure 3.3

Figure showing simple directed graph: UML template, with node names. The template has two variations—globally unique names and unique names within a context.

Simple directed graph: UML template, with node names. The template has two variations—globally unique names and unique names within a context.

3.1.2 IDEF1X Template

Figure 3.4 restates Figure 3.3 with the IDEF1X notation. The following are foreign keys: dgID references DG, childID references Node, parentID references Node, and rootID references Node. For brevity, Figure 3.4 omits DG data.

Figure 3.4

Figure showing simple directed graph: IDEF1X template.

Simple directed graph: IDEF1X template.

Figure 3.4b defines parentID + nodeName as the Node_Node primary key. (This is an arbitrary choice and parentID + childID could be the primary key instead.) Node_Node defines node names for all nodes except for the roots. The root nodes obtain their name from the combination of dgID + nodeName. Once again the choice of primary key is arbitrary for DG_Node and could have been the alternate key instead.

3.1.3 SQL Queries

Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6 show SQL queries for common traversals of the template. The colon prefix denotes variable values that must be provided for each query.

Figure 3.5

Figure showing simple directed graph: SQL query. Find the parents for a child node.

Simple directed graph: SQL query. Find the parents for a child node.

Figure 3.6

Figure showing simple directed graph: SQL query. Find the children for a parent node.

Simple directed graph: SQL query. Find the children for a parent node.

3.1.4 Sample Populated Tables

Figure 3.7 shows simple directed graph tables populated with data. The ID values are arbitrary, but internally consistent. In accordance with the template, there are no explicit edges; edges are represented via the coupling between nodes. The populated tables use different data than Figure 3.1 because the premise of the template is a tree that is generalized to having multiple parents.

Figure 3.7

Figure showing simple directed graph: Populated tables.

Simple directed graph: Populated tables.

3.1.5 Example

Simple directed graphs occasionally arise.

Figure 3.8 revisits the management hierarchy model of Figure 2.16. Some organizations do not limit their reporting structure to a strict hierarchy and can have subordinates reporting to more than one manager.

Figure 3.8

Figure showing simple directed graph: Matrix management model.

Simple directed graph: Matrix management model.

3.2 Structured Directed Graph Template

3.2.1 UML Template

Figure 3.9 shows the UML template for structured directed graphs when there is a need to differentiate leaf nodes from branch nodes. This template is based on the structured tree and relaxes the multiplicity constraints for the parent and root nodes. A directed graph may have multiple roots and each node may have multiple parents.

Figure 3.9

Figure showing structured directed graph: UML template. Use when edges are unimportant; branch nodes and leaf nodes have different attributes, relationships, and/or semantics.

Structured directed graph: UML template. Use when edges are unimportant; branch nodes and leaf nodes have different attributes, relationships, and/or semantics.

A DG (directed graph) is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect nodes. (Note: in a directed graph all the nodes do not have to be connected.) You need not include DG in a use of the template. A Node is either a leaf node or a branch node. A Leaf node (such as M, X, and N in Figure 3.7a) terminates the recursion. A Branch node (such as J, K, and L in Figure 3.7a) can have child nodes each of which in turn can be a leaf node or a further branch node. The distinction between parent and child causes the sense of direction that effects directed edges. Note that with this template there can be at most one coupling between a pair of nodes.

Figure 3.9 adds the constraint that each node has a parent except for root nodes. (The template itself is more permissive and lacks this constraint.) In general, a directed graph may have cycles but this template disallows them. (A cycle starts at a node and after traversing a series of edges reaches the starting node.) Since this template is based on a tree template, it doesn't make sense to permit cycles.

Each node may have a name. As Figure 3.10 shows, node names can be globally unique (left template) or unique within a context (right template).

Figure 3.10

Figure showing structured directed graph: UML template, with node names. There are two variations of the template—globally unique names and unique names within a context.

Structured directed graph: UML template, with node names. There are two variations of the template—globally unique names and unique names within a context.

3.2.2 IDEF1X Template

Figure 3.11 restates Figure 3.10 with the IDEF1X notation. The following are foreign keys: dgID references DG, rootID references Node, parentID references Branch, childID references Node, leafID references Node, and branchID references Node. The generalization is exhaustive—every Node record must have a corresponding Leaf record or Branch record. The nodeDiscrim field is an enumeration with values “Leaf” and “Branch” indicating the subtype record.

Figure 3.11

Figure showing structured directed graph: IDEF1X template.

Structured directed graph: IDEF1X template.

Figure 3.11b defines parentID + nodeName as the Node_Branch primary key, but parentID + childID could be the primary key instead. Node_Branch defines node names for all nodes except for the roots. The root nodes obtain their name from the combination of dgID + nodeName. Once again the choice of primary key is arbitrary for DG_Node and could have been the alternate key instead.

3.2.3 SQL Queries

Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13 show SQL queries for common traversals of the template. The colon prefix denotes variable values that must be provided for each query.

Figure 3.12

Figure showing structured directed graph: SQL query. Find the parents for a child node.

Structured directed graph: SQL query. Find the parents for a child node.

Figure 3.13

Figure showing structured directed graph: SQL query. Find the children for a parent node

Structured directed graph: SQL query. Find the children for a parent node

3.2.4 Sample Populated Tables

Figure 3.14 shows structured directed graph tables populated with data. The ID values are arbitrary, but internally consistent. In accordance with the template, there are no explicit edges; edges are represented via the coupling between nodes. The populated tables use different data than Figure 3.1 because the premise of the template is a tree that is generalized to having multiple parents.

Figure 3.14

Figure showing structured directed graph: Populated tables.

Structured directed graph: Populated tables.

3.2.5 Examples

Directed graphs often arise in applications and sometimes the structured directed graph is a good choice.

Figure 3.15 revisits the file directory model of Figure 2.26. With a UNIX™ file directory a hierarchy no longer suffices because a file can belong to multiple directories via symbolic links. A file may have a different name in each directory where it is referenced.

Figure 3.15

Figure showing structured directed graph: File system directory model.

Structured directed graph: File system directory model.

In Figure 3.15 a File may be a DataFile or a DirectoryFile. Directories contain multiple files, some or all of which may be subdirectories. The combination of a DirectoryFile and a fileName yields a specific File—file names are unique within the context of a directory. All Files belong to one or more directories except for the root File. Directories can be nested to an arbitrary depth, with DataFiles and empty DirectoryFiles terminating the recursion. Files require an acyclic graph, so the model has an added constraint. (The term “acyclic” means that you cannot start with a file and traverse some sequence of files and reach the starting file.)

Web email services (such as Yahoo, Google, and Hotmail) let users define lists that group together email addresses. Although most services don't support it, there is no reason why a list could not contain lesser lists. In Figure 3.16 the friends list contains the family list, the colleagues list, and additional email addresses. Bill P and Paul B belong to both the friends and colleagues lists. Figure 3.17 models nested email address lists. For this example, names are globally unique and do not vary by context.

Figure 3.16

Figure showing sample data for email address lists.

Sample data for email address lists.

Figure 3.17

Figure showing structured directed graph: Nested email address list model.

Structured directed graph: Nested email address list model.

3.3 Node and Edge Directed Graph Template

3.3.1 UML Template

A third template for directed graphs has explicit edges (Figure 3.18). Nodes and the edges that connect them can both bear information.

Figure 3.18

Figure showing node- and edge-directed graph: UML template. Use when there is data for edges as well as nodes.

Node- and edge-directed graph: UML template. Use when there is data for edges as well as nodes.

Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.9 describe directed graphs with at most one edge between nodes; edges are implicitly represented by parent-child relationships. Figure 3.18 is more powerful and can describe any directed graph.

A DG (directed graph) is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect nodes. (Note: in a directed graph all nodes do not have to be connected.) You need not show DG in a use of the template. A Node is an entity type whose records are organized as a directed graph. An Edge is a coupling from a source Node to a sink Node. Coupled nodes and edges must belong to the same directed graph.

Note that this template permits cycles. In practice, some applications of the template permit cycles and others do not.

With this template the names of nodes and edges are globally unique. There is no context to provide an alternative approach to naming.

3.3.2 IDEF1X Template

Figure 3.19 restates Figure 3.18 with the IDEF1X notation. The following are foreign keys: dgID references DG, sourceNodeID references Node, and sinkNodeID references Node.

Figure 3.19

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: IDEF1X template.

Node and edge directed graph: IDEF1X template.

3.3.3 SQL Queries

Figure 3.20, Figure 3.21, and Figure 3.22 show SQL queries for common traversals of the template. The colon prefix denotes variable values that must be provided for each query.

Figure 3.20

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that originate from a node.

Node and edge directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that originate from a node.

Figure 3.21

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that terminate at a node.

Node and edge directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that terminate at a node.

Figure 3.22

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: SQL query. Find the source and sink nodes for an edge.

Node and edge directed graph: SQL query. Find the source and sink nodes for an edge.

3.3.4 Sample Populated Tables

Figure 3.23 and Figure 3.24 show node and edge directed graph tables populated with data. The values of the IDs are arbitrary, but internally consistent.

Figure 3.23

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: Populated tables.

Node and edge directed graph: Populated tables.

Figure 3.24

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: Populated tables.

Node and edge directed graph: Populated tables.

3.3.5 Examples

The node and edge directed graph is the most common representation. Figure 3.25 shows an example for published flights.

Figure 3.25

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: Airline flight model.

Node and edge directed graph: Airline flight model.

Airlines operate flights between airports. A PublishedFlight refers to the published description of air travel between two airports. The frequency indicates the days of the week for which the PublishedFlight applies. A PublishedFlight consists of a sequence of PublishedFlightLegs that describe the travel from airport to airport.

Figure 3.26 shows an excerpt of a model for supply chain tracing for food manufacture. The application traces foodstuffs (MaterialLots) as they proceed from the farm to manufacturers, distributors, and eventually the marketplace (various SupplyChainStages). Using the node and edge template, intervening MaterialLots connect a network of SupplyChainStages.

Figure 3.26

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: Supply chain tracing model.

Node and edge directed graph: Supply chain tracing model.

A SupplyChainStage may have any number of MaterialLots as input and any number as output. A MaterialLot may enter and exit at most one SupplyChainStage. Although the model does not enforce it (application code must enforce it), the entering and exiting MaterialLot for a SupplyChainStage must be different.

3.4 Connection Directed Graph Template

3.4.1 UML Template

Figure 3.27 elaborates the node and edge template, promoting the connection between nodes and edges to an entity type. Figure 3.27, as stated, does not permit unconnected Nodes. You could add a relationship between DG and Node if unconnected Nodes were important.

Figure 3.27

Figure showing connection directed graph: UML template. Use when it is important to store data about the connection itself.

Connection directed graph: UML template. Use when it is important to store data about the connection itself.

A DG (directed graph) is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect nodes. You need not show DG in a use of the template. A Node is an entity type whose records are organized as a directed graph. An Edge is a coupling from a source Node to a sink Node. A Connection is the linking between a Node and an Edge. Each Connection may be a source or a sink.

With this template the names of nodes and edges are globally unique. There is no context to provide an alternative approach to naming.

Figure 3.27 lacks the constraint that nodes and edges may only have connections for one directed graph. The template also lacks the constraint that an edge must have one source node and one sink node.

3.4.2 IDEF1X Template

Figure 3.28 restates Figure 3.27 with the IDEF1X notation. The following are foreign keys: dgID references DG, nodeID references Node, and edgeID references Edge.

Figure 3.28

Figure showing connection directed graph: IDEF1X template.

Connection directed graph: IDEF1X template.

3.4.3 SQL Queries

Figure 3.29, Figure 3.30, and Figure 3.31 show SQL queries for common traversals of the template. The colon prefix denotes variable values that must be provided for each query.

Figure 3.29

Figure showing connection directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that originate from a node.

Connection directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that originate from a node.

Figure 3.30

Figure showing connection directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that terminate at a node.

Connection directed graph: SQL query. Find the edges that terminate at a node.

Figure 3.31

Figure showing connection directed graph: SQL query. Find the source and sink nodes for an edge.

Connection directed graph: SQL query. Find the source and sink nodes for an edge.

3.4.4 Sample Populated Tables

Figure 3.32 and Figure 3.33 show connection directed graph tables populated with data. The values of the IDs are arbitrary, but internally consistent. For brevity, the Connection tables omit the dgID column.

Figure 3.32

Figure showing connection directed graph: Populated tables.

Connection directed graph: Populated tables.

Figure 3.33

Figure showing connection directed graph: Populated tables.

Connection directed graph: Populated tables.

3.4.5 Example

The connection template is sometimes helpful for representing directed graphs as Figure 3.34 illustrates. A manufacturing plant can have a variety of equipment that is connected by piping. Nozzles connect piping to equipment and have a direction of normal fluid flow.

Figure 3.34

Figure showing connection directed graph: Equipment and piping model.

Connection directed graph: Equipment and piping model.

3.5 Simple DG Changing over Time Template

There are two templates for directed graphs that can change over time. The first (this section) is based on the simple directed graph. The second (next section) is based on the node and edge directed graph. It is also possible to extend the connection template for variations over time, but I have never seen it used in practice.

3.5.1 UML Template

The template for simple directed graphs that change over time (Figure 3.35) is similar to the tree template in Section 2.5. Figure 3.35 separates an entity from its directed graph position (node) because the timeline for an entity can differ from that of its involvement in a graph.

Figure 3.35

Figure showing simple directed graph changing over time: UML template. Use when edges are unimportant and history must be recorded.

Simple directed graph changing over time: UML template. Use when edges are unimportant and history must be recorded.

A DG (directed graph) is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect nodes. (Note: in a directed graph all the nodes do not have to be connected.) You need not show DG in a use of the template. A Node is a position within a directed graph. The distinction between parent and child causes the sense of direction that effects directed edges.

Figure 3.35 adds the constraint that each node has at least one parent except for root nodes. (The template itself is more permissive and lacks this constraint.) In general, a directed graph may have cycles but this template disallows them. (A cycle starts at a node and after traversing a series of edges reaches the starting node.) Since this template is based on a tree template, it doesn't make sense to permit cycles.

This template is already complex, so it is best to handle node names in a simple manner. Each node has a globally unique name and there is no provision to vary node name by context. The effective and expiration dates permit Node and Entity data to vary over time.

3.5.2 IDEF1X Template

Figure 3.36 restates Figure 3.35 with the IDEF1X notation. The following are foreign keys: dgID references DG, nodeID references Node, entityID references Entity, parentNodeID references Node, and childNodeID references Node.

Figure 3.36

Figure showing simple directed graph changing over time: IDEF1X template.

Simple directed graph changing over time: IDEF1X template.

In Figure 3.36 the node name can change over time (three part candidate key—nodeName + effectiveDate + expirationDate), but the node name could also be invariant over time (candidate key of nodeName alone). Note that the handling of time reflects a limitation of relational DBMSs. It would be better to use time intervals but most relational DBMSs only support points in time.

3.5.3 SQL Queries

Figure 3.37 and Figure 3.38 show SQL queries for common traversals of the template. The colon prefix denotes variable values that must be provided for each query.

Figure 3.37

Figure showing simple directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the parents for a child node.

Simple directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the parents for a child node.

Figure 3.38

Figure showing simple directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the children for a parent node.

Simple directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the children for a parent node.

3.5.4 Sample Populated Tables

Figure 3.39 shows tables populated with data for the simple directed graph changing over time. The values of the IDs are arbitrary, but internally consistent. A null effectiveDate means that a Node applies indefinitely from the past. A null expirationDate means that a Node applies indefinitely into the future. In accordance with the template, there are no explicit edges and edges are represented via the coupling between nodes.

Figure 3.39

Figure showing simple directed graph changing over time: Populated tables.

Simple directed graph changing over time: Populated tables.

As in Section 3.1, the template cannot express directed graphs with multiple edges between a pair of nodes. For brevity, the Node table omits the dgID column. This simple example does not populate Binding and Entity.

3.5.5 Example

Figure 3.40 revisits the example from Section 2.5. The management structure can be a matrix, instead of a simple hierarchy; then a person can report to more than one manager at the same time. For example, a chief information officer may report to both the chief operating officer and chief financial officer. The model can store the current reporting structure, reporting structures of the past, and planned structures of the future. The structure changes as persons join and leave a company. The structure also changes due to promotions and demotions and management changes.

Figure 3.40

Figure showing simple DG changing over time: Evolving matrix management model.

Simple DG changing over time: Evolving matrix management model.

3.6 Node and Edge DG Changing over Time Template

This template adds time intervals to the Node and Edge entity types from Section 3.3.

3.6.1 UML Template

Figure 3.41 shows the template for node and edge directed graphs that change over time. Unlike the simple directed graph changing over time, Figure 3.41 does not separate an entity from its position in a directed graph. It is not clear how to make such a distinction with nodes and edges as peer concepts; I have not needed such a distinction in practice.

Figure 3.41

Figure showing node and edge directed graph changing over time: UML template. Use when there is data for edges and history must be recorded.

Node and edge directed graph changing over time: UML template. Use when there is data for edges and history must be recorded.

A DG (directed graph) is a set of nodes and a set of directed edges that connect nodes. (Note: in a directed graph all the nodes need not be connected.) You need not show DG in a use of the template. A Node is an entity type whose records are organized as a directed graph. An Edge is a coupling from a source Node to a sink Node.

With this template the names of nodes and edges are globally unique. There is no context to provide an alternative approach to naming.

3.6.2 IDEF1X Template

Figure 3.42 restates Figure 3.41 with the IDEF1X notation. The following are foreign keys: dgID references DG, sourceNodeID references Node, and sinkNodeID references Node. Similar to Section 3.5, we allow node and edge names to change over time.

Figure 3.42

Figure showing node and edge directed graph changing over time: IDEF1X template.

Node and edge directed graph changing over time: IDEF1X template.

3.6.3 SQL Queries

Figure 3.43, Figure 3.44, and Figure 3.45 show SQL queries for common traversals of the template. The colon prefix denotes variable values that must be provided for each query.

Figure 3.43

Figure showing node and edge directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the edges that originate from a node.

Node and edge directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the edges that originate from a node.

Figure 3.44

Figure showing node and edge directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the edges that terminate at a node.

Node and edge directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the edges that terminate at a node.

Figure 3.45

Figure showing node and edge directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the source and sink nodes for an edge.

Node and edge directed graph changing over time: SQL query. Find the source and sink nodes for an edge.

3.6.4 Sample Populated Tables

Figure 3.46 shows tables populated with data for the node and edge directed graph changing over time. The values of the IDs are arbitrary, but internally consistent. A null effectiveDate means that a Node applies indefinitely from the past. A null expirationDate means that a Node applies indefinitely into the future. For brevity, the Node and Edge tables omit the dgID column.

Figure 3.46

Figure showing node and edge directed graph changing over time: Populated tables.

Node and edge directed graph changing over time: Populated tables.

3.6.5 Examples

This template is often the best way to handle a directed graph that changes over time. Figure 3.47 takes the airline flight model from Figure 3.25 and extends it for time. The revised model can store the scheduled flights of the past as well as those planned for the future. The example adds time variance to the edges (PublishedFlight + PublishedFlightLeg) but the nodes (Airports) can also vary by time if that is desirable.

Figure 3.47

Figure showing node and edge directed graph changing over time: Airline flight model.

Node and edge directed graph changing over time: Airline flight model.

Figure 3.48 shows a simple model for CurrencyConversion. Examples of Currency include U.S. dollars, Euros, and Japanese Yen. There is an exchangeRate for a source Currency to a target Currency in effect for some time interval.

Figure 3.48

Figure showing node and edge directed graph: Currency conversion model.

Node and edge directed graph: Currency conversion model.

3.7 Chapter Summary

Directed graphs occur in many application models and are often a critical issue for representation. There are six templates for directed graphs with different trade-offs.

  • Simple directed graph. Suffices when edges are unimportant and nodes have the same kind of data.
  • Structured directed graph. Use when edges are unimportant and branch nodes differ from leaf nodes. For example, the command dir directoryFileName elicits a different response from dir dataFileName. The structured directed graph is also preferred when branch nodes and leaf nodes have different attributes, relationships, and/or semantics.
  • Node and edge directed graph. Use when there is data for edges as well as nodes.
  • Connection directed graph. Use when there is data for the connection itself as well as nodes and edges.
  • Simple directed graph changing over time. Use when edges are unimportant and the history of a directed graph must be recorded.
  • Node and edge directed graph changing over time. Use when there is data for edges and the history of a directed graph must be recorded.

Table 3.1 summarizes the directed graph templates.

Table 3.1

Summary of the Directed Graph Templates

Template name


UML template

Use when


Simple DG

Treats all nodes the same.


Edges are unimportant; nodes have the same kind of data. The DG is acyclic.


Structured DG

Differentiates leaf nodes from branch nodes.


Edges are unimportant; branch nodes and leaf nodes have different data. The DG is acyclic.


Node and edge DG

Treats nodes and edges as peers.


Nodes and edges can both have data; there can be multiple edges between a pair of nodes.


Connection DG

Promotes the connection between a node and an edge to an entity type.


There is data for the connection itself as well as for nodes and edges.


Simple DG changing over time

Stores multiple variants of a DG. Extract a particular DG by specifying a time.


A DG changes over time; edges are unimportant. The DG is acyclic.


Node and edge DG changing over time

Stores multiple variants of a DG. Extract a particular DG by specifying a time.


A DG changes over time; edges are important.


Note: This table can help you choose among the directed graph templates.

Bibliographic Notes

Page 89 of [Hay-1996] has an example of projects that involve the node and edge directed graph.


[Hay-1996] David C. Hay. Data Model Patterns: Conventions of Thought. New York, New York: Dorsett House, 1996.

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