Configuring and Using Log4j

Most problems I’ve ever had when using log4j are related to bad configuration, usually stemming from a basic lack of understanding of how the various components of log4j work together. The core concepts of log4j are not well understood by the average user, or there wouldn’t be as many configuration problems as there are. In this section, we will take a look at the core concepts of the log4j architecture, along with an example for each, taken from the Example Application used with the Short Cut.

Each concept will be presented with an example so the reader can see how it works right out of the gate. Simple usage patterns are presented here for Appender usage and where to place the configuration file and how to name it.

Log4J Concepts

Let’s spend a minute looking at how the most basic components of log4j fit together. Figure 3 illustrates this.

Basic log4j components

Figure 3. Basic log4j components

Below is a short description of each component in Figure 3. We will look at each of these in more detail in later sections.


This is a named entity—where you control the name—with which you interact directly from your Java code to do logging.


This represents a destination for logging output such as a file, the console, or even a database. Log4j comes packaged with a number of appenders that represent the most common log destinations you will need, but extensible so that if we have a need for an appender that log4j doesn’t provide we can write one.


This tells log4j how to format its output, or put another way, what the formatted output is to look like. Log4j comes packaged with a few useful layouts, and we will look at a few of them as we move through this Short Cut.

To do logging, your Java code, the logger, its Appender(s) and the Appender Layout(s) work in concert. The Configuration tells log4j how to coordinate everything.

The sections that follow will refer to specific values of the Log Level, so they are presented here as a warm up. As noted earlier, the level of a log event is representative of its importance from your perspective as the developer. Log4j has 5 different levels you can specify from your Java code, shown below from least important (most granular) to most important (least granular).



  • INFO

  • WARN




The case of a Log Level’s name is unimportant to log4j. So, DEBUG is the same as debug (or DeBuG, or DEbug, for that matter). However, for readability you should use uppercase level names, as this seems to be a de facto industry standard. Uppercase Level names are used throughout this Short Cut.

At the least important—or if you prefer, the finest-grained—is TRACE, where programmer-level information such as method trace information is logged. At the other end is FATAL (or course grained), where the system (or some system function) cannot continue and will imminently fail. When trying to decide the level of a particular message, it might be helpful for you to ask, “Under what conditions would this message need to be seen in production?”


In speaking of one level being “more” important, it is in terms of its value in conveying the system’s health in a production environment. For example, an INFO level message is less vital in that regard than, say, an ERROR level message.


Configuration is where you tell log4j how to choreograph the activities it should perform to do logging on behalf of your application. When it comes to configuration, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that configuring log4j is really easy. The bad news is that configuring it incorrectly is even easier. So in this section we will talk a little about some of the most common ways to configure log4j, the simplest of which—covering probably 80% of the ways you will ever use it—is through the use of a Properties file called, which must be placed somewhere on the CLASSPATH.


Unless you are using advanced features of log4j like Filters and Error Handlers (which we will see in the second half of this Short Cut), put your configuration in a file called and make sure this file ends up somewhere on the CLASSPATH.

In the configuration, you tell log4j how the various components in Figure 2 work together to do logging.

Consider a simple—but working—example:

Example 1. Simple configuration file

log4j.rootlogger=WARN, Console
%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n


The character “” in the example above is a continuation character, and is used for lines that are longer than will fit on the width of a page in this Short Cut. This notation will be used throughout. By the way, log4j respects the backslash as a line continuation character, too.

There are several things to notice about this example, summarized below.


This is how you configure the Root logger, which is always present in the system and is at the top of the hierarchy. All loggers defined by your program are descendents of the Root logger. In this example, the Root logger’s threshold—the level below which log messages are filtered—is set to WARN, so no messages whose level is TRACE. DEBUG or INFO will be seen.


This is how you configure an appender, one in this case whose configuration name in this case is Console. As I said earlier, an appender is a special class that represents a particular destination for log output, and log4j comes packaged with several, one of which writes messages to the console, and whose fully qualified class name is org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender. The appender Console could just as easily have been called funkyappender, A1 or stdout. The name is entirely up to you, and for this example I picked Console for hopefully obvious reasons. As a rule of thumb, the name you choose for an appender should be a string representative of what it does (in this case, log to the console). I’ll use this naming pattern throughout this Short Cut.


This is how you configure a layout, and must match up to an appender’s configuration name, in this case Console. A Layout is a special class that tells the appender how to format the String representation of log messages. In this example I’ve chosen to use PatternLayout, which uses printf-style formatting strings.


This is how you configure the specifics (the printf-style formatting stings mentioned above) of the PatternLayout, which gives you great control over how the log messages appear. A plethora of information on how to use PatternLayout is available in the log4j javadoc (which comes packaged with log4j), so I won’t repeat all of it here. We will, however, look at it in more detail later.…

This is how you explicitly set the Level of a logger. In this example, the logger named com.makoto is set to INFO. All other loggers in the application that are not descendents of com.makoto have the level of WARN, because they inherit that level from the root logger (see above).…

This logger is a descendent of com.makoto, and its level is set to DEBUG. Since its level is set explicitly in the configuration, it overrides the level of its ancestor, which would be INFO because it is specified in the configuration (see above). This behavior holds true for all loggers. We will look more at inheritance of Level in sections that follow.


Once again, loggers are named entities, and the names are entirely up to you. Log4j is designed so that loggers work together in hierarchies. As such, I recommend that you give your loggers names that are (a) legal Java names and (b) use Java package-style - hierarchical - notation. The hierarchy originates on the left and descends as names are added to the right, followed by dots, just like the way Java packages are named.

Furthermore, befitting log4j’s built-in respect for hierarchical naming, a logger named com.makoto.example is a parent of com.makoto.example.log4j, which is a parent of com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller, and so on. By the same token, a logger (other than the root logger) is a descendent of its parent logger, so the logger com.makoto.example is a descendent of the logger com.makoto.

When it comes to naming your loggers, however, you may name them as you wish. The examples below are all valid logger names:






The rules for naming loggers are pretty loose (as you can see with that last example). The only character that seems to cause the log4j configuration any difficulty is the equals sign (=), which makes sense because the equals sign separates the property name from its value. You should stick to names that make sense and are readable, even though the rules are flexible, which is true of log4j in general. In fact, here’s a handy rule of thumb for naming loggers, which is practically a de facto standard:


When creating a logger you should create it with the same name as the class that uses it. Following this pattern will make your configuration much more readable and is called the One logger Per Class pattern.

Obtaining a logger instance

Loggers are never instantiated directly. Rather, a logger should always be created by calling logger.getlogger(…) from your Java code. Below is Java code from Controller class of the example application.

package com.makoto.example.log4j;

import apache.log4j.logger;

public class Controller {
  private static final logger log =
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      log.trace("Application Starting...");
      log.trace("Checking arguments...");
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        int aa = 0;
        for (String arg : args) {
          log.debug("	arg[" + aa++ + "] -> '" + arg + "'");
      if (args.length < 1) {"Usage: " + Controller.class.getName() +
                 " mbean_definition_file target_name");
        } else {
          log.trace("Inspecting argument[0] +
            (supposed to be the MBean definition file)...");
            String appMbeanDef = args[0];
          log.debug("Application definition mbean file is '" +
                    appMbeanDef + "'");
          log.trace("Inspecting argument[1] +
                    (supposed to be the target name)...");
          String targetName = args[1];
          log.debug("Target name is '" + targetName + "'");
          new Controller(appMbeanDef, targetName);
             new DateTime().toString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS") +
             " <==");
          try {
            log.trace("Waiting for current thread to die...");
            log.debug("Current thread is '" +
                      Thread.currentThread().getName() + "'...");
            log.trace("Thread dead...");
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.warn("Caught InterruptedException! What gives?", e);
      log.trace("Application Terminated.");

Log4j’s API has methods on it whose names match the Level of the event you want to log. For example, if you want to log a DEBUG message, call the debug() method on the logger to which you’re writing the message. It appears from the example above that you always pass a String to the particular log4j API method you are calling. Strictly speaking, the logger methods take an Object (which in the example above just so happens to be a String). This may seem a bit strange, but is actually an architectural feature of log4j that allows it to separate the message to be logged from how it is eventually rendered as a String. Rendering a log message as a String is referred to as Object Rendering, and we will talk more about it later on in this Short Cut.

You may have noticed from this example that the logger is not retrieved by name, but rather by using its Class object. The One logger Per Class pattern is such a common usage pattern that log4j has incorporated a convenience method into its API to facilitate its use. You can either pass the name of the class as a String, or the Class object. For example, the following two lines of code resolve to the same logger instance:

logger l = logger.getlogger("com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller");
logger m = logger.getlogger(com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller.class);
if (l == m) {
  // Success!
} else {
  // Code never executed (or log4j is broken)

Log4j creates an instance of the requested logger if it does not already exist. In fact, each time you ask for a logger of the same name, you get the same instance of that logger. For example, the following two statements return the same instance of the logger:

logger l = logger.getlogger("some.logger");
logger m = logger.getlogger("some.logger");
if (l == m) {
  // Success!
} else {
  // Code never executed (or log4j is broken)

Whereas, these two do not:

logger l = logger.getlogger("some.logger");
logger n = logger.getlogger("some.other.logger");
if (l == n) {
  // Code never executed (or log4j is broken)
} else {
  // Success!

Configuring a logger

The configuration is used to control which messages are seen.

To configure a logger, use the following syntax:

log4j.logger.logger_name=[threshold_value][,appender_1 [, appender N]]

Where logger_name is the name of the logger, threshold_value (optional) is the level below which log output is dropped, appender_1 (also optional) is an appender name (which must match the name of an appender somewhere else in the configuration), and may be followed by N other appender names. Recall from Figure 2 how multiple appenders can be configured for a logger. Additional appenders are separated by commas and, again, refer to appenders specified elsewhere in the configuration script.

The Root logger

The Root logger is special. It is always present, has no ancestor logger and thus does not inherit its level from any other logger. You configure the Root logger like any other logger, except that the word rootlogger is used to designate it in the configuration. We saw in Example 1 how to configure the Root logger, but below is the formal definition of the configuration syntax. With the exception of the designation rootlogger, it is identical in explanation to loggers in general (see above).

log4j.rootlogger=[threshold_value][,appender_1 [, appender N]]


If you do not explicitly assign a Level to the Root logger, its Level value will default to DEBUG.

Log4j does not require you to configure the root logger. However, it is always a good idea to configure the root logger with:

  1. An explicit level setting

  2. At least one appender

Following this simple piece of advice as a matter of course will save you untold grief.


Failure to configure the root logger can lead to strange results such as the dreaded message:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please configure the log4j system

If you always configure the root logger with at least one appender (and we will see how to do that in the next section), you can avoid this confusing message.

Every other logger in the application inherits its Level (among other things, as we’ll see later) from the root logger. In fact, as a more general statement (call it the Inheritance Rule): if any logger’s Level is not explicitly set in the configuration, its effective level is set by inheriting the Level of its nearest ancestor. For example, if logger com.makoto has its Level set to INFO in the configuration and com.makoto.example does not, then com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller will inherit the INFO Level from its ancestor com.makoto. When your code issues a log statement, log4j will walk the hierarchy of loggers—starting with the one you used to issue the log statement—until it figures out the effective level of the issuing logger, walking all the way to the root logger if necessary (which is why it’s a good idea to always configure the root logger).


An appender represents a destination for log output and log4j comes packaged with a set of Appenders that will satisfy most of the destinations you’ll probably ever need. There is no limit to the number of appenders a logger can have, though if you associate more than two appenders to a logger (other than the Root logger), you should really have a compelling reason for doing so. The examples in this section focus on two appenders:

  • org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender

  • org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender

The job of the RollingFileAppender is to write log statements to a file whose size is controlled via the configuration. Once that file reaches the maximum size, it “rolls” over by copying the contents of the current log file to a numbered “rollover” file (and the number of “rollover” files is configurable too) so that the current log file is never larger than the limit you set. As we saw in Example 1 configuring an appender is fairly straight-forward and follows this simple set of rules:

  1. An appender is given a name (which is up to you) in the configuration, and that name must be unique among all other appenders in the same configuration file.

  2. An appender may have properties, and if so you will need to configure those properties.

  3. An appender’s properties are exposed via the Java Beans pattern, and these are the names you will use when configuring the values of those properties.

  4. An appender must always be associated with a logger via the configuration for it to be able to do anything.

Example 2 shows how to configure the Root logger to use a RollingFileAppender.

Example 2. Configuring a RollingFileAppender

log4j.rootlogger=, RollingFilelog4j.appender.RollingFile.File=log4j.loglog4j.appender.RollingFile.MaxFileSize=1000000log4j.appender.RollingFile=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppenderlog4j.appender.RollingFile.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.RollingFile.layout.ConversionPattern=%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

Notice that the threshold level value of the root logger is not explicitly set. As I said earlier, if not set it will default to DEBUG.

To configure an appender, use the following syntax:


Where appender_name is the appender’s configuration name (which must be unique, i.e., no other appenders in the same configuration can have that name) and the appender_class is the fully qualified name of the appender class to use. The configuration name of an appender is entirely up to you, and can contain any character but the equals sign. While the naming of appenders is flexible from log4j’s perspective, be sure to adopt a convention (such as the one used in this Short Cut), and be consistent in its use.

To configure the appender’s properties, use similar syntax:


Where property_name is the name of the appender’s property, and property_value is the value to assign to it. Depending on the appender you use, the properties will vary. The javadoc for the appenders that come packaged with log4j will tell you which properties you need to set.

If you try to set a property that doesn’t exist:


Log4j will complain:

log4j:WARN No such property [nonExistentProperty] in 

Notice when you run Example 2 (you did run the example, didn’t you?) there is no output on the console. This is because no ConsoleAppender is configured. To add the ConsoleAppender to the root logger, the following lines are modified and/or added to the configuration:

Example 3. Adding the ConsoleAppender to the Root logger

log4j.rootlogger=WARN, RollingFile, Console
%c.%M():%n    [%t] %p: - %m%n
log4j.appender.Console.layout.ConversionPattern=%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

If you run Example 3 you’ll see that output now shows up on the console.


The third commonly used component in log4j is the Layout, which tells the appender how to format the String representation of the message to be logged. Remember, the appender only represents a destination. An appender is only concerned with getting a message to its destination and thus treats log messages as opaque. The appearance of the message is the concern of the Layout.

Strictly speaking, the Layout always asks for the rendered message (by rendered, log4j means “the message object in String format”) before formatting it further, which gives the object rendering mechanism a chance to work on the log event. However, unless you explicitly configure an ObjectRenderer for a particular class, the layout formats the String representation of the log message by calling toString() on the object passed to whichever log method was called from your code.

To configure a layout, you specify it for an appender as if it were a specially named property called layout:


Where appender_name is the configuration name of the appender to which this layout belongs, and layout_classname is the fully qualified class name of the Layout class to use. Log4j comes packaged with several useful layouts that we’ll talk about in this section.


The layout property passed to the appender must begin with a lowercase l or log4j will give you an error message like:

log4j:ERROR Could not find value for key
log4j:WARN Failed to set property [layout] to value
log4j:ERROR No layout set for the appender named

Log4j is somewhat forgiving on how you name attributes for various constructs, but is not always consistent. I will make sure and point these exceptions out as we run across them.

The simplest layout to use is named, aptly, SimpleLayout, and does nothing more than format the message as the message level, followed by a dash, followed by the rendered message. For example output from SimpleLayout might look like:

DEBUG - This is a debug message.
INFO - Some information you might want.
FATAL - The sky is falling!

The most commonly used layout is the PatternLayout, perhaps because it offers a great deal of control over how the log message will appear. All of the early examples in this Short Cut used PatternLayout, which if you recall from Example 2 also configures the ConversionPattern property of PatternLayout as:

%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

PatternLayout will work fine without configuring its ConversionPattern property, but all you will see is the rendered message, which is less helpful than SimpleLayout. No other information (such as the logger, thread, time stamp, level, etc.) is included, so make sure to configure the ConversionPattern property whenever you use PatternLayout, or you might as well use SimpleLayout.

There are many options available for the ConversionPattern property when using PatternLayout, and only the most commonly used are shown here. Please see the javadoc for PatternLayout that ships with log4j if you need a comprehensive reference. The value of the ConversionPattern property is a format string, and respects white space and certain control characters (again, the javadoc will provide more info in that regard). Characters in the format string will be present in the relative positions in which they appear in the format string, just like printf-style format strings.

Notice in the configuration snippet above that a colon (:), space, left ([) and right bracket (]) and left ({) and right (}) brace are used literally. Meaning, these characters are included in the final formatted message just as they are specified (and in the same position) in the format string, and have no special meaning to PatternLayout.

The characters that are preceded by a percent sign (%) indicate that they have special meaning to PatternLayout. These are some of the most commonly used ones I’ve seen, and are summarized below.


The name of the logger (historically this was called Category, which may explain the choice of the letter c) that was called to log the event.


The character l is used for “location” which is the class, method and line number in your code where the log statement was issued.


The rendered message itself.


This is the level of the logging event (DEBUG, INFO, and so on). Historically, log4j called this Priority (which may explain the character p). The “-5” tells the Layout to left justify the level, up to five characters, padding with spaces on the right if the level is less than 5 characters long. See the javadoc for more details.


The platform-dependent line separator.


The name of the thread in which your code was running when it issued the log statement.

Some other commonly used conversion characters are:


This conversion character formats the date and time according to format_specifier, using the same format specifiers as JDK SimpleDateFormat uses. Below are some commonly used format specifiers:


Formats the month, day, and four-digit year.


Formats the Hour (24 hour format, use hh for 12 hour format), minute and second, plus the milliseconds separated by a literal comma.

MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS

The two specifiers above combined.


The number of milliseconds that has elapsed since the creation of the Layout (usually at initialization time) to the time the log statement was issued (strictly, the upper bound is set when log4j decided the log event would not be filtered).

Working with Configuration Files

When it comes to configuring log4j, you have two main options, and we will look at these in detail in this section. These options are:

  • Properties file

  • XML file

Log4j’s configuration mechanism is very flexible, which unfortunately that means it’s easy to make mistakes (configuration mistakes are a common source of frustration for developers, myself included). Let’s start with log4j’s configuration sequence.

The Log4j configuration sequence

Log4j uses the LogManager class to do its initialization in what it terms a default initialization procedure, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Check the log4j.defaultInitOverride system property. If it is set to false, then default initialization is skipped. Otherwise, proceed to step 2.


    It is not recommended that you set this property unless you plan to provide your own programmatic configuration, and therefore really know what you’re doing. We will not be covering programmatic configuration in this Short Cut.

  2. Check the log4j.configuration system property to see if its value is set. This is how you would, for example, specify the name of your configuration file (more on this later) if you don’t like or log4j.xml as configuration file names.


    If you want log4j to process your configuration file using an XML parser, the name of your configuration file must end with .xml.

  3. Check the log4j.configuratorClass system property to see if it is set. This is a way for you to programmatically configure log4j yourself. This is advanced stuff, and not recommended unless you really know what you’re doing. The space allotted in this Short Cut precludes looking at how to write a Configurator, which requires a deep understanding of the inner workings of log4j.

  4. If you don’t set the log4j.configuration system property, then log4j looks for a file named log4j.xml somewhere on the CLASSPATH. If it doesn’t find that file, it looks for a file named on the CLASSPATH.

  5. At this point, log4j passes control to OptionHandler to complete initialization. If a configuration file is found, it is read and processed. Or if a custom configuration (via the log4j.configuratorClass system property) is used, it is executed here.

  6. If log4j cannot find any type of configuration, there is no warning or anything, and you get this message:

    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

    Where name.of.some.logger is the first logger that issued a log statement, at which point log4j complains that it is not configured correctly.

If you see a message telling you “No appenders could be found…” the real problem just may be that log4j cannot find its configuration file, which must be located somewhere on the CLASSPATH.


If you want to see what log4j is doing under the hood, you can. Log4j writes output using its own mechanism, and you can see what it is doing by setting the property log4j.debug in your configuration file. Just add the following line anywhere in your file:


No value is necessary. The presence of the above string in the configuration file is sufficient to turn on log4j’s internal DEBUG logging. Several of the examples have this property, so I refer you there to investigate further.

Now that you’ve seen a little about how log4j goes about initializing itself, in the sections that follow you will see how log4j does each type of configuration.

Properties file

Properties-style configuration is limited to the elements listed below. If you plan to use properties-style configuration in your application, it may be a good idea to adopt an idiom for the location of these elements in your configuration to make it more readable. Below is a suggested order:

  1. Debug Flag

  2. Global Threshold

  3. Root logger

  4. Layout

  5. Appender

  6. Logger(s)

  7. Renderer(s)

In the list above we see Global Threshold for the first time. This is like the main breaker switch to electrical system in your home (well, if the breaker switch had threshold levels) and acts as a way to control the Level below which log messages are dropped regardless of how appenders, loggers or any other constructs are configured. For example, if the Global Threshold is set to WARN, then no messages from any loggers in your application below WARN will be seen, regardless of how you’ve specified appender or logger thresholds (except log4j’s internal logging, which is unaffected by the Global Threshold).

The Renderer is also new, and refers to an Object Renderer, which is responsible for producing (or rendering) the String representation of a particular log message object. For each such class, you will need to specify its Object Renderer, and we’ll see how to do that later on. There are also numerous examples throughout this Short Cut that use object rendering.

The other constructs above should be familiar to you by now.

Below is a summary of the syntax for configuring each element you may put in a properties file.

Debug Flag

log4j.debug, where the presence of this literal (it needs no value) alone turns on log4j’s internal debugging. This logging is not subject to the global threshold check (see below).

Global Threshold

log4j.threshold=[threshold_value], where threshold_value is the level value below which no messages will be seen, regardless of how any other constructs are configured.

Root logger

See Configuring a logger for the syntax to configure the Root logger.


See Layouts for the syntax to configure a Layout.


See Appenders for the syntax to configure an appender.


See Configuring a logger for the syntax to configure a logger.


log4j.renderer.rendered_classname=[renderer_classname], where rendered_classname is the fully qualified class name of the message class that is to be rendered, and renderer_classname is the fully qualified class name of the class that is to do the rendering. These can be the same class, but log4j will create an instance of the renderer_classname, so it must have a no argument constructor.

Example 4 shows all of these elements in an example. Notice that the global threshold value is INFO, so even though the com.makoto logger is set to DEBUG, no DEBUG output appears. This is also the first time we’ve seen a renderer in the configuration, and in this case an inner class of Queue called QueueRenderer is used to do the rendering. See the example application for more details.

Example 4. A simple but complete properties configuration example

log4j.rootlogger=WARN, Console
%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

It is possible to tell log4j through the log4j.configuration system property that its configuration is to be found elsewhere than in


None of the Properties file examples in this section are from the example application. These examples are for illustration purposes only. However, you should be able to modify (at your own risk, of course) the example code to make these examples work. Only Windows examples are shown, since the germane portion (in bold) of the example will not differ from Windows to Linux (except where noted).

If you need to configure log4j through a file with a name other than, you can specify the name of that file in a number of ways, but the most common are:

  • Through a file:/// URL

  • Through the name of a file on the CLASSPATH

To specify a configuration file called, say,, located in the folder C:home, your command line script on Windows might look like:

@rem Assume CLASSPATH is set
@rem Assume java is on the PATH
java -classpath %CLASSPATH%
 com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller myapp.xml

Or on Linux (since this is slightly different from Windows), if the file is located in the directory /home/steve:

# Assume CLASSPATH is set
# Assume java is on the PATH
java -classpath ${CLASSPATH}
 com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller myapp.xml

To specify a file called, say, located on the CLASSPATH, your Windows command line script might look like:

@rem Assume CLASSPATH is set
@rem Assume java is on the PATH
java -classpath %CLASSPATH%
 com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller myapp.xml


The extension .properties is not required. Log4j will detect that the file is a properties file and process it accordingly.

The value of the log4j.configuration property can also be a URL. Suppose the configuration for your application resides at When invoking the JVM, the command line script on Windows might look like:

@rem Assume CLASSPATH is set
@rem Assume java is on the PATH
java -classpath %CLASSPATH%
 com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller myapp.xml

Log4j will detect the URL, and fetch the configuration from it. For the purposes of example, the URL is representative here (and at the time of this writing does not exist). If you have access to a web server, copy the log4j configuration file to an HTTP-reachable location and see for yourself that this works right out of the box.

XML file

This section describes how to configure log4j via an XML file.


If you are going to use an XML file, placing your configuration in a file called log4j.xml and then placing that file on the CLASSPATH is by far the easiest way to configure your application, since log4j’s default initialization procedure is already wired to look for a file with this name.

The syntax of the XML file follows a Document Type Definition (DTD) that ships with log4j called log4j.dtd. You should always specify log4j.dtd in your XML configuration script so that log4j can validate your XML and report any problems with the structure of your configuration to you while your application is still in development.

You are not required to specify the DTD definition in your XML configuration file. But note that if you do not specify the DTD in your configuration, the XML parser has nothing to validate against, and you will see messages like the following:

log4j:WARN Continuable parsing error 7 and column 50
log4j:WARN Document root element "log4j:configuration",
 must match DOCTYPE root "null".
log4j:WARN Continuable parsing error 7 and column 50
log4j:WARN Document is invalid: no grammar found.

To be safe, always specify the following in your XML configuration file:

<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">

Log4j will make sure and pull the DTD from the log4j JAR file, so including the above line in your configuration file is all you need to do.

Before getting too far into the required syntax of your log4j XML configuration file, it may be helpful to see an example .properties configuration from earlier, “translated” into XML.

Example 5. XML Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=''>
  <appender name="Console"
    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
      <param name="ConversionPattern"
             value="%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n"/>
  <logger name="com.makotogroup">
    <level value="INFO"/>
  <logger name="com.makotogroup.log4j.Controller">
    <level value="DEBUG"/>
    <level value="WARN"/>
    <appender-ref ref="Console"/>

The structure of the configuration in XML is basically the same as it is in a Properties file (but ordered a little differently because of the way the DTD is defined):

  • Debug Flag

  • Global Threshold

  • Object Renderer(s)

  • Configure Appender(s)

  • Configure logger(s)

  • Configure the root logger

By now, the basic structure of this document should be somewhat intuitive. The order is a little different and that has to do with the way the various constructs are defined in the DTD. I have noticed that the XML parser will parse the document, even if it violates the DTD, so if you must, restructure your configuration as you like (so long as it contains all of the required elements). Just be aware that the XML parser will complain. That said, the structure above follows the structure defined in log4j.dtd, and is the one I will use in this section.

Here is a simple rule of thumb to determine whether or not you need to use XML to configure log4j (some of these concepts we will see later). If one or more of the following apply, you must use XML to configure log4j:

  • You need to attach an appender to another appender (such as configuring a backup appender)

  • You need to use filter chains (we will look at Filters later)

  • You need to use error handlers (we will look at Error Handlers later) for your appenders

We’ll start with a diagram (Figure 4) showing the top-level of the elements you can include in your XML configuration.

The top-level entities in the log4j XML configuration

Figure 4. The top-level entities in the log4j XML configuration


This is the one and only root element in the XML configuration and it contains two attributes:


This attribute is optional and controls whether or not log4j will output its own debug information, and can be handy if you ever want to know a little about what log4j is doing under the hood. If present value must be one of the following:

  • true

  • false

  • null

Setting this attribute to true will turn on log4j’s internal logging. For example:

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=''
. . .

This attribute is optional and sets the Global Threshold level value, and any log event with a level below the value specified will be dropped. This attribute defaults to all, but if present value must of one of the following:

  • all

  • trace

  • debug

  • info

  • warn

  • error

  • fatal

  • off

  • null

These values should look familiar because they are the lower-case values of the Log Level to which to set the global threshold. If you specify the uppercase values, log4j will complain, but will work fine. For example, to set the global threshold level to WARN (remember the values are lower-case):

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=''
<!-- More Config Here -->

Following the <log4j:configuration> element are the top level elements, which are described in the order they must appear to be valid (according to the DTD). Where appropriate a figure is provided.


This element is used to specify zero or more ObjectRenderer implementations for your message objects. The <renderer> element itself is optional, but if specified, has two attributes:


This attribute is required, and is the class that, if passed to a log4j API method as the message, will be rendered as a String. className is the fully qualified name of this class. In the example application, an instance of the Queue class can be passed to log4j and result in a meaningful message because it has an object renderer defined for it:


This attribute is required and is the fully qualified name of the class that is to render renderedClass as a String. In the example application, if an instance of the Queue class it passed to a log4j method it will be rendered by a custom renderer called QueueRenderer, which happens to be an inner class of Queue. The specified renderer will be invoked, rather than calling toString() on the Queue object.

The Queue constructor in the example application:

public Queue(int capacity) {
    super(capacity);;// Queue renders itself as a message

The configuration:


A <renderer> element has no contained elements.

If you run Example 4 from the Example application, you can see object rendering in action.


This element is used to configure an appender. You should always configure at least one appender and attach it to the root logger, even though an appender is not technically required according to the DTD. Technically Figure 3 is not correct according to the DTD, but log4j will not work without configuring at least one appender, so I would argue that the DTD does not match log4j’s functional requirements (though I suppose you could omit any appenders from the configuration, then programmatically add an appender, but I’ve never been able to get that to work). When you define an appender it has two attributes:


This attribute is required and is how you specify the name of the appender, whose value is appender_name and must be unique. The value of this attribute is also how the appender will be referenced elsewhere in the configuration via the <appender-ref> element, which we will see later. For example, to create an appender called Console:

   <!-- More appender config -->

Now elsewhere in the configuration you can use the name Console to refer to this appender.


This attribute is required, and is the fully qualified name of the appender class. For example, to use the ConsoleAppender class that comes packaged with log4j:

  <!-- More appender config -->

Figure 5 illustrates the <appender> element and its subordinate elements. The order of the elements should be as they appear in the figure, from left to right.

Appender configuration in XML, showing the relationships between appender and its dependent elements

Figure 5. Appender configuration in XML, showing the relationships between appender and its dependent elements

An <appender> may contain the following elements (configuration for which we will see later in this section):


This element is optional, but if present an appender may have at most one Error Handler defined for it. We will see later how to work with Error Handlers.


This element is optional, but if present, there will be many of these as the appender requires (and will therefore vary from appender to appender).


This element is optional, and is used to define the layout for the appender, and there may be at most one of these. If present, a <layout> element has a single required attribute, class, which is the fully qualified name of the Layout class. A <layout> may also have zero or more nested <param> values, depending upon the particular Layout class used.


This element is optional, but an appender may have as many filters as you want. If present, a <filter> element has a single required property, class, which is the fully qualified name of the Filter class to be used. Depending on the particular Filter class in use, a <filter> element may have zero or more nested <param> elements.


This element is optional, and is used to attach other appenders to this appender, so long as this appender implements the AppenderAttachable interface, such as the AsyncAppender does.

Below is a—somewhat contrived—example of an appender named FileForErrors, that uses the log4j FileAppender class to output messages to a file called errors.log, has an Error Handler (we will see more about using Error Handlers later) that uses the log4j FallbackErrorHandler, uses the PatternLayout class, and has a StringMatcher Filter (we will see more about using filters later) that matches any message with the word “error” in it.

Example 6. Appender configuration example - some of the example has been omitted for brevity.

<appender name="FileForErrors"
  <errorHandler class="org.apache.log4j.varia.FallbackErrorHandler">
    <appender-ref ref="FallbackFileForErrors"/>
  <param name="File" value="errors.log"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern"
           value="%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n"/>
  <filter class="org.apache.log4j.varia.StringMatchFilter">
    <param name="StringToMatch" value="error"/>
<appender name="FallbackFileForErrors"
  <param name="File" value="fallback.log"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout">

This example is probably not very practical, and is only intended to show you a complete configuration example (see PROJECT_ROOT/conf/example1-6.xml for the complete configuration). We will see more about appenders containing other appenders (and the AppenderAttachable interface) in the section Working with Appenders later on.

Appenders also have a special parameter (that you specify with a <param> element) called Threshold, that serves as the appender’s Threshold Level. Any log event of a level below the specified value is dropped. For example, to set the Threshold of the Console appender to INFO, whereby any DEBUG and TRACE events are dropped (regardless of how any loggers are configured):

<appender name="FileForErrors"
<param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
<!-- Other config for this appender goes here -->


This element is optional, and is used to configure a logger. If specified, it has two attributes:


This attribute is required and is the name of the logger you want to configure.


This attribute is optional and sets the appender additivity flag for this logger. This attribute defaults to true, but must be either true or false if specified. We will discuss appender additivity in the section Working with Loggers.

A <logger> may contain the following nested elements:


This element is optional, and is used to indicate the logger’s threshold level. There may be at most one <level> element within a <logger> element.


This element is optional, and is used to attach as many appenders to this logger as you want. The ref attribute of the <appender-ref> element specifies the appender name, which must be defined elsewhere in your configuration.

Below is an example of configuring a <logger> element for the logger whose name is com.makoto, whose threshold level is WARN and has an appender named RollingFile attached to it:

<appender name="RollingFile"
  <param name="File" value="log4j.log"/>
 . . .
<logger name="com.makoto">
  <level value="WARN"/>
  <appender-ref ref="RollingFile"/>


This is the element that represents the Root logger. It is optional, but you should always configure the root logger with at least one appender as a matter of good practice (are you tired of me saying that yet?). That way every logger in your application will have access to at least one appender. The <root> element has no attributes and two nested elements:


This element is optional, but if present is used to specify the Threshold level of the root logger.


This element is optional, but if present is used to attach an appender to the root logger.

That’s all of the top level elements. Below is a listing of the remaining elements that may appear in log4j’s XML configuration.


This element is used to refer to an <appender> element defined somewhere else in the configuration, and if present has a single required attribute:


The appender_name value must refer to the name property of an <appender> element defined elsewhere in the configuration.


This element is used to specify an Error Handler for an appender, and if this element is present has a single required attribute:


This is the fully qualified name of the error handler class.

The <errorHandler> element is used to configure an Error Handler for an appender, in case the appender should fail. You may configure at most one error handler for an appender. An <errorHandler> may also have the following nested elements:


Used to specify any parameters the Error Handler may need


This element is used to tell log4j that this Error Handler is to be associated with the Root logger in case the appender to which this <errorHandler> is associated fails, in which case the backup appender can be used instead for messages belonging to the Root logger. This is the only place <root-ref> can appear in the configuration, is always an empty element and has no attributes.


This element is used to tell log4j that this Error Handler is to be associated with the specified logger in case the appender to which this <errorHandler> is associated should fail, in which case the backup appender can be used instead for messages belonging to the logger. This is the only place <logger-ref> can appear in the configuration, is always an empty element with a single attribute, ref, which must refer to the name of the specified logger.


This is how you specify a backup appender. Although not required, it is a good idea to specify a backup appender since the whole purpose of the Error Handler is to handle the case when an appender fails.


This element is used to specify the Threshold level for an appender or logger (including the root logger). If present, it has two attributes:


This attribute is only required if the level you’re specifying is a custom level (i.e., one that does not come packaged with log4j). If you are using one of the standard Level values (DEBUG, INFO, etc) you can ignore this attribute.


This attribute is required and is the level value, such as WARN, DEBUG and so on.


This is used to provide parameter values for configuration elements, and if present has two required attributes:


This attribute is required and is the name of the parameter, which must be unique within the scope of the containing element. For example, if the <param> element is nested inside a <layout> element, the name must be unique within the <layout> element only; a <param> of the same name may appear elsewhere outside the scope of the <layout> element.


This attribute is required and is the value of the parameter.

For a complete working XML example showing the elements described above, see Example 6 from the Example application.

Working with Loggers

The focus of log4j is logging, and Logger is the central class in that regard, and the one that you use in your Java code to do logging. Ironically, using the log4j API through the logger class is very simple; it is when you bring all of the other features of log4j in the mix—appenders, layouts, and the like—that things get complicated. But, you still need to know what the API looks like, and how to obtain and use a logger from your Java code, and that is the focus of this section.

The Logger class is actually a subclass of Category (which has historical significance to log4j), but for the purposes of an API, think of the logger as being defined as:

public class logger {
  // To gain access to a logger instance
  public static logger getlogger(Class owningClass);
  public static logger getlogger(String nameOfOwningClass);
  // The API
  public boolean isTraceEnabled();
  public void trace(Object message);
  public void trace(Object message, Throwable t);

  public boolean isDebugEnabled();
  public void debug(Object message);
  public void debug(Object message, Throwable t);

  public boolean isInfoEnabled();
  public void info (Object message);
  public void info (Object message, Throwable t);

  public void warn (Object message);
  public void warn (Object message, Throwable t);

  public void error(Object message);
  public void error(Object message, Throwable t);

  public void fatal(Object message);
  public void fatal(Object message, Throwable t);


To be clear: log4j does not define the Logger class as above. However, you use an instance of Logger as if it were defined as above.

Using a logger is very simple:

  1. Call Logger.getlogger() and pass it the name of the class in which you are making the call.

  2. Call the method that corresponds to the Level of the message you want to log.

Notice the logger class is its own factory. The only way you should ever ask log4j for an instance of Logger is through one of the getlogger() methods.

You may be wondering what about the “is enabled” methods. Remember that TRACE and DEBUG (and possibly INFO too for that matter) logging is very granular, and there may be lots of your code devoted to calling these methods. Every now and then, some of this granular code will be in a high traffic code path, and will have performance implications. For logging code in loops, or other high traffic code paths, before the call to log your message, always call the appropriate isXxxEnabled() method, where Xxx is Trace, Debug or Info as an optimization. For example:

logger l = logger.getlogger(com.makoto.example.log4j.Queue.class);
if (l.isDebugEnabled()) {
  l.debug("This " + "would " + "be " + "inefficient " + "in " +
          "a " + "loop");

In this example, if the effective Level of the logger is higher than DEBUG, the message will be dropped. Unfortunately, the Java runtime will still perform all of the String concatenation anyway before invoking the debug() method. This is wasteful. If this code were in a high traffic code path there would be a significant performance hit for no real reason. Calling the isDebugEnabled() method saves the runtime from doing this type of costly processing (like String concatenation).

Often, it is helpful to see an exception message and stack trace. Fortunately, log4j is equipped to handle this. When you catch an exception, simply call the appropriate version of the method you want to call, passing it the exception, and the message and stack trace will passed along to the appender(s) configured for the logger you’re using. Here is some code from the Example application:

public class Controller extends Basic ... {
  private static final logger log =
  private void createHtmlAdapter() {
    log.trace("Entering createHtmlAdapter...");
    int portNumber = 8090;
    try {
      HtmlAdaptorServer html = new HtmlAdaptorServer(portNumber);
      ObjectName html_name = null;
      html_name =
        new ObjectName("Adaptor:name=html,port=" + portNumber);
      log.debug("	Registered MBean: OBJECT NAME = " + html_name);
      server.registerMBean(html, html_name);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("Could not create the HTML adaptor!", e);
    log.trace("Leaving createHtmlAdapter...");

In this example we see that in the event of an exception, the exception is caught and logged passing the exception as the second parameter.

Working with Appenders

An appender represents a destination for log output. Here’s how a message gets to an appender: You call one of the logger API methods to issue a log statement in your application and log4j decides the message should be seen. Now what? Now the appender takes over, whose job is to format the object that accompanies the event (using a Layout, which we will look at in the next section), and append it to the destination it represents.

What is an appender?

First, an Appender must implement the Appender interface, shown below.

package org.apache.log4j;

import org.apache.log4j.spi.Filter;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;

public interface Appender {

  void addFilter(Filter newFilter);
  public Filter getFilter();
  public void clearFilters();
  public void close();
  public void doAppend(LoggingEvent event);
  public String getName();
  public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler);
  public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler();
  public void setLayout(Layout layout);
  public Layout getLayout();
  public void setName(String name);
  public boolean requiresLayout();

The method of most significance is the doAppend() method, which takes a LoggingEvent object, which is a very significant class in the log4j architecture. LoggingEvent is created once log4j decides not to drop a log event, and contains just about everything you might want to know about a log event, including:

  • The fully qualified name of the class issuing the log statement that resulted in the log event,

  • The timestamp when the event was generated,

  • The Level of the event, and

  • The name of the thread that the logger class was running on when the log statement was issued.

There are several other properties, but unless you plan to write your own appender, all you need to know is that LoggingEvent contains a plethora of information log4j makes available to the appender that receives it as a parameter to its doAppend() method.

Next, an appender is a configuration-only construct, and you should never need to interact directly with an appender from your code. To use appenders directly from your application code subverts the purpose of separating loggers from appenders in the first place.

Finally, appenders are attached to loggers—as we’ve seen—through the configuration. Because of the hierarchical nature of loggers, this has a very significant ramification when you are configuring log4j for your application. Recall that loggers can inherit their Level from their ancestors. Well, as it turns out, loggers inherit appenders too, sort of.

Appender inheritance

Consider the following complete configuration snippet

log4j.rootlogger=WARN, Console

The root logger is configured with a single appender called Console. The logger com.makoto overrides the Level it normally would inherit from the root logger, but notice it has no appenders attached to it. Where do messages from com.makoto go? Where do messages from com.makoto’s descendents go? If you guessed the output would go to the Console appender, you are correct. In fact, this is a rule of log4j. A logger to which no appender is attached will inherit the appender(s) of its nearest ancestor. So, for com.makoto and its descendents that is Console. If the root logger had multiple appenders attached to it, output from com.makoto would go to all of those appenders.

So what? Well, this “appender inheritance” behavior has ramifications. Suppose that we want to segregate output from a particularly verbose (from a log output standpoint) part of our application from the rest. Sure, we could throttle down the verbosity of the “noisy” logger(s) by setting the logger’s Level up from DEBUG to, say, INFO or WARN, but suppose we really need to see that output for some reason; we just want to route it somewhere else. What do we do?

If you’ve been running the examples, you’ve noticed that Controller has some seriously verbose log output if you set it to DEBUG or TRACE (run Example 1 and you’ll see what I mean). So, what if we could send all of the output for Controller to its own appender?

Example 7. Configuring an appender to handle noisy parts of the application

log4j.rootlogger=WARN, Console
 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n,FileAppender
 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n,NoisyAppender

If we run Example 7 we see all the Controller class log output in noisy.log. Super! We have successfully isolated the log output of the Controller class’ logger. But hold on, we also see all of that output on the console and in makoto.log too. What’s going on?

Well, what we’re seeing is what log4j calls Appender Additivity. That means a message bound for a logger down the hierarchy will be sent to its appender(s) as well as all of the appenders of its ancestors (remember appender inheritance?). So the log output from Controller goes to NoisyAppender like we wanted, but because of appender additivity, the messages also get sent to all of Controller’s ancestral appenders (Console and FileAppender) as well. Remember how loggers inherit appenders from their ancestors? Well, in this case, this is exactly what we DO NOT want! Is there a way to turn this behavior off?

Yes, there is! Appender additivity is set to true by default, but any logger can have its additivity flag set to false, which tells log4j not to send messages to appenders further up the hierarchy. What would that configuration look like? Take a look at Example 8.

Example 8. Configuring an appender to handle noisy parts of the application, but segregating its output through judicious use of appender additivity

log4j.rootlogger=WARN, Console
 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n,FileAppender
 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n,NoisyAppender

By setting the additivity flag to false for the logger com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller, the output from that logger goes no further up the hierarchy and the verbose output from the Controller logger is limited to noisy.log, which is what we wanted.

Consider Figure 6 which is a graphical representation of the configuration shown in Example 8.

Example Configuration, showing graphically the elements present in the configuration file

Figure 6. Example Configuration, showing graphically the elements present in the configuration file

Let’s walk through a few scenarios.

  1. INFO level message originates from com.makoto.example.log4j.Controller. It is handled by NoisyAppender. Appender additivity is set to false for this logger, so the message goes no further.

  2. INFO level message originates from com.makoto.example.log4j.Queue (not pictured, but it is a descendent of com.makoto). It is handled by FileAppender and by ConsoleAppender because of appender additivity (which is defaulted to true—by default—for com.makoto).

  3. DEBUG level message originates from com.makoto.example.log4j.Queue. Message is below the threshold of INFO set for its parent logger com.makoto, so the message is dropped.

  4. WARN level message originates from com.acme (not pictured). Message is handled by Console via the Root logger.

The threshold level of a logger does not affect whether or not messages are handled by an appender attached to it. For example, an INFO message from com.makoto.example.log4j.Queue will still be handled by Console, even though the root logger’s level is set to WARN because (1) the logger com.makoto explicitly sets its and all its descendents’ thresholds to INFO, and (2) all of the root logger’s descendents inherit that appender from it, unless the particular descendent logger’s additivity flag is set to false. The point is that appender inheritance is orthogonal to the threshold level of an appender attached to it. It is the effective threshold level of the originating logger (i.e., the logger that was called from your code to create the log event) that determines whether a message is filtered out or not.

Appender threshold levels

However, there is a way for an appender to have the final say in whether a log message is seen. Appenders have a property called Threshold that can be set to whatever level value you want, and any messages below that level—regardless of the level of the originating logger—will be dropped. To set the threshold of an appender in

 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

And in log4j.xml:

<appender name="FileAppender"
  <param name="Threshold" value="WARN"/>
  <param name="File" value="makoto.log"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern"
           value="%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n"/>

Appender reference

To wrap up this section, let’s look at a few of the appenders that come packaged with log4j and how to configure them. Some of these we have already seen. This is by no means an exhaustive reference for these appenders, but merely shows the properties I’ve found to be the most helpful.

The following properties are common to all of the appenders in this section:


The fully qualified name of the class that will format the log messages handled by this appender


The threshold Level below which messages will be dropped by this appender (regardless of the level of the originating logger), and must be one of the well known Level values (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, and so on).

For each appender, a complete properties-style configuration is shown, along with the corresponding configuration in XML. The XML configuration is a snippet, but all it is missing is the surrounding XML, shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">



To use the XML snippets that follow, copy the snippet “container” above into a file, and then paste the XML snippet below, replacing the line “PASTE IN XML CONFIGURATION SNIPPET HERE” and you should have a working configuration. To use the Example Application’s build script to run it, make sure the configuration file is named ad-hoc.xml, place it in the PROJECT_ROOT/conf directory and run the ad-hoc-xml target.

You can run the properties examples below in the same way. Just call the file and run the ad-hoc target.


Represents the console and has the following properties:


Represents the output target and must be either System.out, or System.err.

Example - Configure an appender named STDERR whose output goes to System.err, that will drop all messages below WARN and uses PatternLayout to format its messages.

Properties configuration:

 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

XML configuration snippet:

<appender name="STDERR"
  <param name="Target" value="System.err"/>
  <param name="Threshold" value="WARN"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern"
           value="%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n"/>
  <level value="WARN"/>
  <appender-ref ref="STDERR"/>


Represents a file and has the following properties:


If true (default) output is appended to the specified file, and is false the specified file is truncated before writing output. This occurs when the appender is created, and is a handy way to “reset” a file for testing code with loggers that have verbose output (see Example 8).


This is the name of the file to which log output will be written. If the file does not exist log4j creates it.

Example - Configure an appender named FileAppender whose output goes to /tmp/output.log—truncated each time the appender is created—that will drop all messages below INFO and uses PatternLayout to format its messages.

Properties configuration:

 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

XML configuration snippet:

<appender name="FileAppender"
  <param name="File" value="/tmp/output.log"/>
  <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
  <param name="Append" value="false"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern"
           value="%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n"/>
  <level value="WARN"/>
  <appender-ref ref="FileAppender"/>


Represents a file that will grow to a certain (configurable) size and then roll so that the “current” file is never greater than the specified size, and has the following properties:


This is the maximum size of the file—in bytes—before it is rolled over. The last log event causing the rollover to occur is written before rollover, so that the rolled file is always slightly larger than MaxFileSize. This parameter is optional and defaults to 10MB if not specified. Log4j is smart about the value you provide. For example for 1 Megabyte you can specify 1048576, 1MB or 1024KB. You can also use 2GB to specify 2 Gigabytes.


This is the number of rollover (backup) files to keep, and should be a number from 1-10 (log4j will support > 10 rollover files, but the mechanics of rollover get increasingly cumbersome). If you set the MaxBackupIndex to zero, when MaxFileSize is reached the file is truncated (probably not what you want). This parameter is optional and defaults to 1 if not specified.

Example - Configure an appender named RFA whose output goes to /tmp/output.log, will roll every 30 Kilobytes, keep up to 5 rollover (backup) files, will drop all messages below INFO and uses PatternLayout to format its messages.

Properties configuration snippet:

 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

XML configuration snippet:

<appender name="RFA"
  <param name="File" value="/tmp/output.log"/>
  <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
  <param name="MaxFileSize" value="30KB"/>
  <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="5"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern"
           value="%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n"/>
  <level value="WARN"/>
  <appender-ref ref="RFA"/>

Here is the way the file rolling works, using the parameter values in this example: when output.log rolls over the first time, it will be renamed to output.log.1. When output.log rolls over a second time, output.log.1 will be renamed to output.log.2, output.log will be renamed to output.log.1, and so on. Once MaxBackupIndex is reached, output.log.5 (remember, 5 is the MaxBackupIndex in this example) will be discarded.


Represents a file that rolls on specified date-specific boundaries; the “Daily” part of the name is a little misleading; perhaps TemporalRollingFileAppender would have been a better choice of name.


This class does not extend RollingFileAppender, meaning it does not roll on size as well as temporal boundaries, as its name might imply. DailyRollingFileAppender and RollingFileAppender both extend FileAppender, and that is the extent of their relationship.

DailyRollingFileAppender has the following properties (in addition to those of FileAppender):


This parameter is used to specify the exact temporal boundary on which the log file will be rolled and can be every month, week, day, half-day, hour or minute. The boundary can take any one of the values below.


Roll the file at the beginning of each month.


Roll the file on the first day of each week, which will vary by Locale.


Roll the file at midnight each day.


Roll the file twice each day: at noon and at midnight (i.e., on each half-day boundary).


Roll the file at the top of each hour.


Roll the file at the beginning of each minute.

For each boundary specified, the rollover file will be named according to the DatePattern specification you provide. For example, if you specify .yyyy-MM-dd as the temporal rollover boundary, and the current log file (whose name is, say, log4j.log) is for March 3, 2010, the first message logged on March 4, 2010 will cause the current log file to be renamed to log4j.log.2010-03-03.


Note that log4j will not actually roll the file until a log message comes in that crosses the specified temporal boundary. At that time the file will be rolled. For example, if you set up your DailyRollingFileAppender to roll every hour, and a the first message to cross an hour boundary comes in at, say, 10:02am, the file will be rolled at that time and the 10:02am message will then become the first message in the current log file. In other words, there will be no empty log files for the hours where there was no log output.

The particular values of the DatePattern property should look familiar. They are the same values you might pass to the JDK SimpleDateFormat class. So you can use other characters (except the colon (:), the backslash () and the forward slash (/)), which will be treated as literal characters and included as part of the rollover file name.

I thought it might be fun to see if log4j just passes the DatePattern value opaquely to do the file name formatting. So, I substituted an underscore character (_) for the dash in the values above, and it worked. However, there’s no guarantee that this behavior will work in future versions, I just thought that was interesting.

Example - Configure an appender named TRFA whose output goes to C:homeoutput.log, will roll every hour, will drop all messages below INFO and uses PatternLayout to format its messages.

Properties configuration snippet:

 %c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n

XML configuration snippet:

<appender name="TRFA"
  <param name="File" value="C:\home\output.log"/>
  <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
  <param name="DatePattern" value=".yyyy-MM-dd-HH"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
    <param name="ConversionPattern"
           value="%c {%l}:%n    [%t] %-5p - %m%n"/>
  <level value="WARN"/>
  <appender-ref ref="TRFA"/>

Working with Layouts

The Layout is used to format a LoggingEvent instance as a String. A Layout is a subclass of the log4j Layout class, which has several methods that control aspects of a message’s appearance, the most important of which is format(). This separates the concern of delivering the message from how it looks when it gets there. We’ve already seen PatternLayout throughout this Short Cut, so you should be pretty familiar with how to use it. In this section we will look at two of the other Layouts that come packaged with log4j and how to configure them.

  • HTMLLayout

  • XMLLayout

These layouts don’t give us the precise control over what gets logged that PatternLayout does, but they can still be quite useful.


As its name suggests this Layout takes the LoggingEvent object and formats it as an HTML table element. This Layout relies on two methods of Layout to wrap the messages that are formatted by it in the necessary HTML semantics:



These two methods always return null for the other common log4j Layout subclasses, but for HTMLLayout these methods return the HTML header (such as the <html> and <body> tags) and footer (such as </body> and </html>) markup. Since each log message is atomic, these methods ensure that the log output produced from this layout is well formed enough to read. Example 9 shows the configuration for using this Layout, which is extremely simple.

Example 9. Using the HTMLLayout

log4j.rootLogger=WARN, Console
log4j.appender.FileAppender.layout.Title=Log output from the
 com.makotogroup logger

And in XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=''
  <renderer renderedClass="com.makotogroup.log4j.Queue"
  <appender name="Console"
    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout"/>
  <appender name="FileAppender"
    <param name="File" value="makoto.log.html"/>
    <param name="Append" value="false"/>
    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.HTMLLayout">
      <param name="LocationInfo" value="true"/>
      <param name="Title"
             value="Log output from the com.makotogroup logger"/>
  <logger name="com.makotogroup">
    <level value="INFO"/>
    <appender-ref ref="FileAppender"/>
    <level value="WARN"/>
    <appender-ref ref="Console"/>

When you run the Example 9 target from the Example application, you’ll notice that the output from the application code goes into a file called makoto.log.html. If we open up this file in Firefox, we see something like Figure 7.

Log output formatted using the HTMLLayout class

Figure 7. Log output formatted using the HTMLLayout class

The log output itself is contained in a <table>, and each row in the table is a <tr> element. Each <td> element shows one piece of information from the LoggingEvent. HTMLLayout has the following parameters that may be set:


This parameter is optional, but when set to true the Layout produces two extra columns: Category, which shows the name of the logger that produced that row, and File:Line, showing the source file and line number where the call to that logger was made.


Also optional, this parameter is used to specify the title of the HTML page that is generated. In this example, I set it to “Log output from the com.makotogroup logger” but can be any text string you like.

Since the FileAppender is used (which is a subclass of WriterAppender), when the file is opened, the getHeader() method is called. What about getFooter()? Well, that method gets called when the appender is closed. So when I pulled up the makoto.log.html file to produce the screen shot in Figure 7 the footer information was not yet written, but Firefox was able to infer what was going on and produce nice output. If your application is long running (like a web application, for example), the footer information will not be included until the appender is closed, (or if you use a rolling appender until the file rolls). So be aware of this behavior if you plan to use HTMLLayout.


Unlike HTMLLayout, which produces a header and footer to wrap the log output in well formed HTML markup, this Layout assumes that some other component in the system will take care of that. XML that is generated for each LoggingEvent is atomic, but since it is missing the enclosing XML markup, is not well formed. This means that you can create log output, for example, in one file, and include it as an external entity in another. Example 10 shows the configuration for using XMLLayout:

Example 10. The configuration for using XMLLayout

log4j.rootLogger=WARN, Console

And in XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=''
  <renderer renderedClass="com.makotogroup.log4j.Queue"
  <appender name="Console"
    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout"/>
  <appender name="FileAppender"
    <param name="File" value="makoto.log.html"/>
    <param name="Append" value="false"/>
    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.xml.XMLLayout">
      <param name="LocationInfo" value="true"/>
  <logger name="com.makotogroup">
    <level value="INFO"/>
    <appender-ref ref="FileAppender"/>
    <level value="WARN"/>
    <appender-ref ref="Console"/>

XMLLayout has the following parameters which may be specified:


This parameter is optional, but when set to true the Layout produces an element within the <log4j:event> element called <log4j:locationInfo>, which contains four attributes showing the source class, method, file and line number where the call to the logger was made.

Below is a snippet of a single line of the XML output using XMLLayout:

<log4j:event logger="com.makotogroup.log4j.Controller"
  timestamp="1248635922358" level="INFO" thread="main">
<log4j:message><![CDATA[Looking for mbean 'Queue']]>
<log4j:locationInfo class="com.makotogroup.log4j.Controller"
method="createMBeanFromXMLDefinition" file=""
..................Content has been hidden....................

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