Chapter 48. One-Liners

Jon Orwant

I once subscribed to the newsprint version of The Onion, a humor newspaper better known for their web site ( On the Web, of course, The Onion doesn’t have to worry much about layout: their articles can be as long or as short as necessary. But on paper, they need to fill every square inch on every page with either content or ads. When room is left over, they insert a dummy article consisting of the phrase “Passers-by were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood” repeated over and over. There were times when I wished I had done the same with TPJ.

Up until TPJ #13, I did all The Perl Journal ’s layout myself, and I almost always deferred it until a few days before printing. Magazines and newspapers typically lay out advertisements first, and flow the text around them. In contrast, I was always tweaking the articles up until the last minute, sometimes changing the length by enough that I ended up with substantial empty space on the page. Starting with TPJ #7, I began to amass a collection of “Perl One-Liners” for sprinkling around the magazine whenever I needed to fill a column-inch or two. Very few of them were actually one line, but the name stuck, and I present 65 of them here for your use and amusement.

They’re divided into two sections: Useful and Not So Useful. All the one-liners are available on the book’s web site at

Useful One-Liners

49 useful code snippets from TPJ follow. They’re organized (very roughly) from most useful to least.

How to Use the Perl Debugger as a Command-Line Interpreter

perl -de 0

Picking Random Elements from an Array

$item = $array[rand @array];

Evaluating Expressions Inside Double Quotes

This prints foo 42 bar:

perl -e 'print "foo @{[ 7 * 6 ]} bar

Little-Known Magic Scalar Variables

$^O contains the name of your operating system.

$^T contains the time at which your program began.

$0 contains the name of your program.

A Demonstration of Perl/Tk Widgets

Run the widget program bundled with Perl/Tk for an excellent run-through of all the important widgets, complete with cut-and-pasteable source code.

Using Perl from Emacs

To apply a Perl expression EXPRto a region:

C-u M-| perl -pe 'EXPR'

To apply EXPRto the entire buffer:

C-x h C-u M-| perl -pe 'EXPR'

(Courtesy Mark Jason Dominus.)

Using Perl from vi

{!}perl -pe 's/[eE](?=macs)/silly/g'

Finding Substrings

Efficiently finding the position of the first and last occurrences of a substring in a string:

$first =  index($string, $substring);
$last  = rindex($string, $substring);

This is faster than using regular expressions.

Simple Numeric Tests

warn "has nondigits"        if     /D/;
warn "not a natural number" unless /^d+$/;             # rejects -3
warn "not an integer"       unless /^-?d+$/;           # rejects +3
warn "not an integer"       unless /^[+-]?d+$/;
warn "not a decimal number" unless /^-?d+.?d*$/;     # rejects .2
warn "not a decimal number" unless /^-?(?:d+(?:.d*)?|.d+)$/;
warn "not a C float"
       unless /^([+-]?)(?=d|.d)d*(.d*)?([Ee]([+-]?d+))?$/;

(Courtesy The Perl Cookbook.)

Adding a Long List of Numbers on the Command Line

perl -e 'print eval join("+", @ARGV)' 6 10 20 11 9 16 17 16 15 10 17 18 7

Printing Perl’s Include Path

This prints all elements of the @INC array, which is where Perl searches for modules and library files.

perl -e "print qq($_
) for @INC"

Extracting Unique Elements from a List

sub unique (&@) {
    my ($c,%hash) = shift;
    grep { not $hash{&$c}++ } @_

Sample usages:

@list = unique { $_       } @list;  # Remove duplicate strings from @list.

@obj  = unique { $_->name } @obj;   # Only include one object for each name.

(Courtesy Don Schwarz.)

Extracting, Sorting, and Printing Unique Words from a File

Any of these snippets will work:

perl -pale '@F{@F}=()} for(sort keys%F){'

perl -la0ne 'print for sort keys%{{map{$_,1}@F}}'

perl -la0ne '@a{@F}++;print for sort keys%a'

perl -la0pe '}for (sort keys%{{map{$_,1}@F}}){'

(Courtesy Peter J. Kernan.)

Counting the Number of Lines in a File

perl -e 'while (<>) {}; print $.' /usr/dict/words

Counting Pod and Code Lines

@a = (0,0);
while (<>) { ++$a[not m/^=w+/s .. m/^=cut/s] }
printf "%d pod lines, %d code lines
", @a;

(Courtesy Sean M. Burke.)

Separating the Header and Body of a Mail Message

while (<>) {
    $in_header = 1 .. /^$/;
    $in_body   = /^$/ .. eof();

(Courtesy The Perl Cookbook.)

Sleeping for Less Than a Second

sleep can only sleep for an integral number of seconds. If you wanted to sleep for 0.25 seconds, here’s how:

select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25);

Listing Installed Modules

To see which modules have been installed on your system, type this:

perldoc perllocal

Another Way to List Installed Modules

This script reports on available modules more cleanly:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;                            # all variables must be declared
use Getopt::Std;                       # import the getopts method
use ExtUtils::Installed;               # import the package

use vars qw($opt_l $opt_s);            # declaring the two option switches
&getopts('ls'),                        # $opt_l and $opt_s are set to 1 or 0
unless($opt_l or $opt_s) {             # unless one switch is true (1)
  die "pmods: A utility to list all installed (nonstandard) modules
      "  Usage: -l  # list each module and all its directories
      " -s  # list just the module names

my $inst  = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
foreach my $mod ( $inst->modules() ) { # foreach of the installed modules
  my $ver = $inst->version($mod);      # version number of the module
     $ver = ($ver) ? $ver : 'NONE';    # for clean operation
  print "MODULE: $mod version $ver
"; # print module names
  map { print "  $_
" } $inst->directories($mod) if($opt_l);

(Courtesy William H. Asquith et al.)

Preserving Case in a Substitution

To replace substring $x with an equal length substring $y, but preserving the case of $x:

$string =~ s/($x)/"L$y"^"L$1"^$1/ie;

(Courtesy Dean Inada.)

Finding the Longest Common Prefix and Suffix

To find the longest common prefix of two strings $x and $y:

($x ^ $y) =~ /^(*)/;
print substr($x, 0, length($1));

If $x were foobar and $y were football, the above snippet would print foo—handy for allowing users to abbreviate commands with the minimum number of letters.

The longest common suffix:

((reverse $x) ^ (reverse $y)) =~ /^(*)/;
print substr($x, -length($1));

If $x were camel and $y were caramel, the above snippet would print amel.

(Courtesy Jarkko Hietaniemi.)

DeMorgan’s Rule

!$a || !$b || !$c ...

is equivalent to:

!($a && $b && $c ...)

Uuencoding Attachments

To euuencode a file:

perl -0777e 'printf "begin 444 $ARGV[0]
",pack "u*",<>' filename

To uudecode a uuencoded file:

perl -ne 'print unpack "u*",$_' file.uu

(Courtesy Gurusamy Sarathy.)

When to Split and When to m//g

Use m//g when you know what you want to keep, and split when you know what you want to throw away.

(Courtesy Randal Schwartz.)

Transposing a Two-Dimensional Array

@matrix_t = map { my $x = $_;
                  [map { $matrix[$_][$x]} 0..$#matrix] } 0..$#{$matrix[0] };

(Courtesy Tuomas J. Lukka.)

Suppressing Backquote Interpolation

Ever wish backquotes didn’t interpolate variables? qx() is a synonym for backquotes, but if you use single quotes as a delimiter, it won’t interpolate:

qx'echo $HOME'

passes the string echo $HOME to your shell without interpreting $HOME as a Perl scalar.

(Courtesy Tom Christiansen.)

Stripping the Eighth Bits from a String

$s &= "177" x length($s);

Given a string in $s, this one-liner turns all of the “funny” characters (like Ã) into regular seven-bit ASCII characters. It works by ANDing the bit representation of each character with 127, which removes the eighth bit. That turns à into L, for instance.

(Courtesy Tom Christiansen.)

Replacing Tabs with Spaces

perl -0011 -pi -e '/11/&&($_="$` ")'

(Courtesy Abigail.)

A Cheap Alarm Clock

perl -e 'sleep(120); while (1) { print "a" }'

This sleeps for 120 seconds and then beeps.

Primality Testing with a Regular Expression

Replace 17 with whatever number you want to test. If the number is prime, this snippet will print PRIME, and nothing otherwise:

perl -le 'print "PRIME" if (1 x shift) !~ /^(11+)1+$/' 17

(Courtesy Abigail.)

Factoring Numbers

sub f{for(2..sqrt($_[0])){return($_,f($_[0]/$_))if!($_[0]%$_)}return$_[0]}
print join",",f(720); print "

(Courtesy Tuomas J. Lukka.)

Little-Known Facts About qr

qr-strings are actually objects:

$rob = qr/red/i;

if ($rob->match("Fred Flintstone")) {
    print "Got obj fred!
} else {
    print "No obj fred.

sub Regexp::match {
    my $self = shift;
    my $arg  = @_ ? shift : $_;
    return $arg =~ /$arg/;

This prints Got obj fred!.

qr has a magic print value. For instance, if you print a regex like so:

perl -le 'print qr/^watch/i'

you’ll see this, showing that the i modifier is active and the x, s, and m modifiers are inactive, and that the regex is non-capturing:


(Courtesy Tom Christiansen.)

Halving an Array

This snippet lops off the latter half of an array:

$#array /= 2 if @array;

(Courtesy The Perl Cookbook.)

Daylight Savings Time

This snippet prints a message if a daylight savings time change occurs within the next 5 days:

  if (localtime(time))[8] ne (localtime(time+5*24*60*60))[8];

(Courtesy J.D. Laub.)

Tracking File Progress

To track the progress of a file as it downloads:

perl -e 'BEGIN{$|=1;$f=$ARGV[0];$s=(stat$f)[7];$t=time}
         while(sleep 1){printf"
$f %s bytes at %.2f Kb/s   ",
         $_=(stat$f)[7],($_-$s)/1024/(time-$t)}' your_downloading_file

(Courtesy Philippe Bruhat.)

Timing Your Program

You can put this snippet anywhere in your program; when it finishes, the END block will be triggered and the total running time of your program will be printed:

  no integer;
  printf(STDERR "Running time: %5.2f minutes
",((time - $^T) / 60));

Stringifying Data Structures

The Data::Dumper module, bundled with Perl, can save data structures to disk as strings that can be read in by another program.

Indenting a Here Document

# indent your here doc
($definition = <<'FINIS') =~ s/^s+//gm;
    The five varieties of camelids
    are the familiar camel, his friends
    the llama and the alpaca, and the
    rather less well-known guanaco
    and vicuña.

(Courtesy The Perl Cookbook.)

Printing All Capitalized Words

perl -ne 'push@w,/([A-Z]S*?)/g;END{print"@w"}' file

Generating Randomly-Colored xterms

Replace xterm with whatever command you use to launch a terminal window:

perl -e '$fg = rand 2**24;
         do { $bg = rand 2**24 } while (unpack("%32b*", $bg^$fg) < 10);
         ($fg, $bg) = map { sprintf "#%06x", $_ } $fg, $bg;
         exec("xterm", "-fg", $fg, "-bg", $bg);'

(Courtesy Tkil.)

Extracting PostScript from Windows-Generated PCL Files

If you’re trying to get Windows to generate a PostScript file, but it wraps the file with PCL junk, you can remove it with this:

perl -ni -e "!$g&&s/^.*(%!.*)/$1/ && $g or print; last if /^%%EOF/"

Graphing a Bent Torus with PDL

This snippet of PDL code graphs the figure shown in Figure 48-1:

use PDL;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD;
$s = 40;
$a = zeroes 2*$s, $s/2;
$t = $a->xlinvals(0,6.284);
$u = $a->ylinvals(0,6.284);
$o = 5;
$i = 1;
$v = $o - $o/2*sin(3*$t) + $i*sin$u;
imag3d([$v*sin$t, $v*cos$t, $i*cos($u) + $o*sin(3*$t)]);

(Courtesy Tuomas J. Lukka.)

Detecting Unbalanced Parentheses, Brackets, and Braces

This subroutine returns true if and only if all parentheses, brackets, and braces in the given string are balanced:

sub is_balanced {
    my $it = $_[0];
    $it =~ tr/()[ ]{}//cd;
    1 while $it =~ s/()|[]|{}//g;
    return !length($it);
A Bent Torus, graphed with PDL

Figure 48-1. A Bent Torus, graphed with PDL

(Courtesy Sean M. Burke.)

Extracting Parenthetical Contents

use strict
            ;sub                  pars
          {my(                     $l,$r
        )=map{                       "Q$_"
      }split//                        ,shift;
    my(@s,@r                            ,$i,$o,
   $v);for(                             split/([
  $l$r])/,                                shift){
  /$l/and                                $s[++$o]=
 ++$i;for                                $v(1..$o)#
 {$r[$v].=                              $_ if$s[$v]
  >0}/$r/and                            $s[(grep##
   $s[$_]==                            $i,0..$#s)
    [0]]=-$i         ,--$i<0&&        last;}($i=
      shift)?        wantarray       ?@r[grep
        -$s[$_       ]==$i,0..       $#s]:$r
          [$i]:      splice@r,      1;}$,
"     ;print       pars
               (@      ARGV       )#

Basic usage of the pars subroutine that this onomatolexical program provides:

pars('()', "(123 (456) (789) 0)")

prints the three parenthetical expressions:

(123 (456) (789) 0),(456),(789)

You can request a particular depth. In list context, this expression:

pars('()', "(123 (456) (789) 0)", 2)

prints the level-2 expressions:


In scalar context, the 2 is interpreted to mean the second parenthetical expression:


(Courtesy Paul Kulchenko.)

Converting a GIF Image to an HTML Table

Each cell of the table corresponds to a pixel of the image:

use GD;
$f = '#ffffff';
$T = table;
sub p {print @_}
p "<body bgcolor=$f>";
for (@ARGV) {
    open *G,$_ or (warn("$_: $!") && next);
    $g = GD::Image->newFromGif(G) || (warn $_ , ": GD error" and next);
    @c = map { $_ != $g->transparent ?
               sprintf '#' . ('%.2x'x3), $g->rgb($_) :
            } 0..$g->colorsTotal;
   p "<$T border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
   ($x, $y) = $g->getBounds;
   for $j (0..$y) {
       p "<tr>";
       for ($i=0; $i<$x; $i++) {
           $s++ && $i++ while ($i+1 < $x &&
                               $g->getPixel($i+1,$j) == $g->getPixel($i,$j));
           p "<td bgcolor=", $c[$g->getPixel($i,$j)],
             " colspan=$s>&nbsp"
   p "</$T>"

(Courtesy Mike Fletcher.)

Identifying CVS Files That Aren’t Up To Date

cvs status | perl -nle 'next unless /Status:/o; print unless /Up-to-date/'

(Courtesy Geoff Simmons.)

Displaying All Perl’s Error Messages

perl -e 'for (0..127) { $!=$_; warn $!}'

How to Patch Your Netscape Binary to Enable Strong Encryption

This is out of date now, but still of historical interest:

#!/usr/bin/perl -0777pi
s/(BITS:.*?)/$_=$&;y,a-z, ,;s,    $,true,gm;s, 512,2048,;$_/es;

(Courtesy Ian Goldberg and Chris Nandor.)

A Little-Known Way to Create References

You can create a reference to a scalar like so:

$ref = $var;

An obscure way to do the same thing:

$ref = *var{SCALAR};

The same holds for other data types.

Not So Useful One-Liners

16 not so useful code snippets from TPJ follow.

Regular Expression Epigram

“Regular expressions are to strings with math is to numbers.”

(From an Andrew Clinick column, discussing what Microsoft thinks of Perl. Short answer: they like it, because it can be used “anywhere” via Microsoft’s ActiveX scripting mechanism.)

Avoiding Asteroids with Perl

Asteroid 2000 BF19 was thought to be on a potentially dangerous approach path for us Terrans, with a possible impact in 2022. However, a Perl program called showed that the asteroid cannot come any closer than 0.038 AU for the next fifty years. Sleep tight!

(Courtesy Andrea Milani and Scott Manley.)

Maze Generation

($x,$y)=(41,31); $x&1&&$y&1&&$x>1&&$y>1||die; @M=(1)x($x*$y);
sub K { $M[my$p=$_[0]]=0; while($d =
  ($p>$x*2)*$M[$p-2*$x] | ($p<$x*($y-2))*$M[$p+2*$x]*2
  | ($p%$x!=$x-2)*$M[$p+2]*4 | ($p%$x!=1)*$M[$p-2]*8)     {
  $d&1<<($i=3&int rand $d)||redo;
  $M[$p+($j=$i==0?-$x:$i==1?$x:$i==2?1:-1)]=0; K($p+2*$j) } }
K($x+1); $M[1]=$M[-2]=0;
while(@M){$_=join'',splice@M,0,$x;tr<01>< #>;print$_,"

The above snippet generates mazes that look like this:

# #######################################
# #     #     #         #           #   #
# # ### ### # # # ##### # ####### # ### #
# # #     # #   #   # # # #     # #     #
# # ##### # ####### # # # # ### # ##### #
# #   #   #   # #   #   # # # # # #   # #
# ### ### ### # # ####### # # # # # # # #
#   #   # #     # #     # # # #   # # # #
### # # # ####### # ### # # # ##### # # #
# # # # #   #   #     #   # #   #   #   #
# # # # ### # # ########### # # # #######
#   # #   #   #           # # # #   #   #
# ### ### ### ########### # # ##### # ###
# # #   #   # #   #     #   # #     #   #
# # # ##### ### # # ### ##### # ##### # #
# #   #   # #   # # # #   #   # #   # # #
# # ### # # # ### # # # # # ### # ### # #
# # #   #   #   # # # # #   #   # #   # #
# # # ######### # # # # ##### ### # ### #
# # #           # # # #       #     #   #
# # ############# # # ############# # ###
# #       #     # # #     #       # #   #
# # ##### # ### # # # ### ##### # ##### #
# # #   # #   #   #   # #       #       #
# # # # # ### ######### ############### #
# # # # #   #         #         #       #
# ### # ############# # # ####### #######
# #   #   #           # #   #     #     #
# # ##### # ########### ### # ##### ### #
#   #       #             #         #   #
####################################### #

(Courtesy Sean M. Burke.)

The Pontifex Cryptosystem

Neal Stephenson’s novel Cryptonomicon includes a Perl cryptosystem code-named Pontifex. You can read about it at and The source code is at

Perl in Sphere, the Movie

Harry used parts of the Perl FAQ to translate a message. In the first shot, this not-quite-syntactically-correct snippet could be seen:

$BSD = -f '/vmunix'; if ($BSD) { system "BIN
cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1

In the second shot:

    local($on) = $_[0];
    require 'sys/';

(Courtesy Brendan O’Dea.)

An Absurd Way to Convert from Decimal to Binary


($decimal, $binary) = (shift, ''),
$SIG{USR1} = sub { $binary .= "0" };
$SIG{USR2} = sub { $binary .= "1" };

do { kill $decimal & 1 ? 'USR2' : 'USR1', $$;
     $decimal >>= 1;
} while ($decimal);

print scalar reverse $binary;

(Courtesy Nathan Torkington.)

Swatch Internet Time

Swatch’s Internet Time, heralded as a “revolutionary” way of measuring time independent of geography:

perl -e 'print "Internet Time @", int(((time + 3600) % 86400)/86.4)'

The Game of Life

This snippet of PDL code implements Conway’s game of Life (pictured in Figure 48-2).

use PDL;
use PDL::Image2D;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD;nokeeptwiddling3d;
$d = byte( random(zeroes(40,40)) > 0.85 );
$k = byte [[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]];
do { imagrgb [$d];
     $s = conv2d($d,$k);
     $d &= ($s<4);
     $d &= ($s>1);
     $d |= ($s==3);
  }  while (!twiddle3d);

(Courtesy Robin Williams and Tuomas J. Lukka.)

A PDL version of Conway’s game of Life

Figure 48-2. A PDL version of Conway’s game of Life

Ransom Notes

This snippet goes through each character of standard input and uppercases it half the time:

perl -ne 'foreach(split//){rand()<0.5?print:print uc;}'

(Courtesy Kyle Burton.)

Triggering the F00F Pentium Bug

On certain older Pentium-based systems, this code will crash the computer:

require DynaLoader;
                            unpack("I", pack("P4", "xF0x0FxC7xC8")));

We provide it here for diagnostic purposes only.

(Courtesy Gisle Aas.)

Magic Cards

This prints 7 Magic Cards.

for $a(0..6){$b=1;for $c(1..100){if($c&2**$a){printf
"%3d ",$c;print"


Have a friend think of a number from 1 to 100. Show them the cards one at a time and ask if their number is on the card. Mentally sum the first digit of each card for which the answer is yes. The final sum will be their number. (This trick is known to win bar bets.)

(Courtesy Bill Huston.)

Perl Poem:

sub merge {
    my $enses;

    do {
        not $ave;
        my $inking, @body;
        push @me, @down;

    foreach $econd (%brings) {
        my $oluble, @existence;

(Courtesy Harl.)

Perl Poem: 143

%secretly = (
    confidence => 0xFADED,
    under => 0xFED,
    lost => 0xDEAD,

sub conscious {
    setpriority $cushion, $the, $fall or
    return $to_safer_ground;

print "I am ",conscious(143);
$i_am = $secretly{lost};

Perl Poem: If Dr. Seuss Were a Perl Programmer

# Will give errors if run with -w, so don't use -w :)
# Tested on NT with AS (5.005), GS (5.004_02), and Solaris 2.6 (5.004_04)

if ("a packet hits a pocket") {
  On: a;
    socket(ON, A ,PORT,"")

        && the bus is interrupted as a very-last-resort

            && the address of the memory makes your floppy disk, abort;

} else {

    "The socket packet pocket has an";
  error: to-report;

if ("your cursor finds a menu item") {
    "followed by a dash"
        && "the double clicking icon";
  puts: your-items-in-the-trash
      && your data is corrupted cause the index("doesn't", "hash");

} else {
    "Your situation is hopeless"
        && Your system's gonna crash;

if ("the label on the cable") {
    On-the-table, at-your-house;
    sub network {"is connected to the button on your mouse"};
 BUT: Your-packets, want-to; {/tunnel to another protocol/};
 that's: repeatedly-rejected;
{/by the printer/}; "down the hall"
    && "YOUR SCREEN is all distorted";
{/by the side effects of Gauss/};
 so: "your icons", in-the-window;
"are as wavy as a souse";

} else {

  YOU: "may as well reboot" && "go out with a !";
 CAUSE: /Sure as Im a poet/;
 THIS: suckers-gonna-hang;

print "Seuss as a tech writer - Kevin Meltzer

(Courtesy Kevin Meltzer.)

Perl Poem: Object-Oriented Perl

One function to bless them all,

One list to derive them,

One arrow to call them through,

Preorder search to bind them.

(Courtesy Damian Conway.)

Happy Birthday!

Perl was born December 18, 1987.

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Chinese zodiac: Rabbit, signifying docility, gentleness, nonconformity, and longevity.

On December 18 in history, Keith Richards, Steven Spielberg, Brad Pitt, Paul Klee, Mohammed Ali, and Ty Cobb were born. The golf tee was patented, slavery was abolished in the United States, New Jersey became a state, and the UN unanimously condemned hostage-taking.

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