Chapter 12

Conservation of Energy: The Energy Equation and the Thermodynamic Equation of State

12.1 Introduction

After discussing the conservation of momentum, we now turn to the last equation we need in order to calculate all six flow variables. This last equation is derived from the conservation of energy. For this equation, we need to sum up all energy contributions into and out of the control volume dV . Energy can be brought into and removed from the control volume

 in the form of energy flow by convection, i.e., in- and outflowing mass: Ėconvection

 in the form of heat flow by conduction, i.e., heat transfer across the boundary: ˙Qconductionsi1_e

 in the form of work performed by boundary forces, i.e., shear, normal forces as well as pressure acting on the surfaces of the control volume: boundary forces

 in the form of volume energy flow created by effects acting on the whole volume, e.g., chemical reactions or microwave heating: ˙Qvolume effectsi2_e

 in the form of volume work flow created by volume forces, e.g., electrical or gravimetric forces: volume forces

The overall energy of the control volume will change over time as a consequence of these contribution. According to the first law of thermodynamics (see Eq. 6.32) the total energy of the system can be written as


si3_e  (Eq. 12.1)

Please note that contrary to the convention used in section 6.6, the specific energy does not referred to the mass but to the volume (thus the index V). This makes sense because the density (and therefore the mass) of the control volume changes but the volume remains unchanged. However, comparing Eq. 12.1 with the first law of thermodynamics (see section 6.6), we can see that this is effectively the change of total energy of the system. eV, pot is the specific potential energy resulting from gravimetric height changes, whereas eV, kin is the specific kinetic energy resulting from changes in momentum.

We will restrict our discussion to control volumes in Eulerian frames of reference, i.e., to control volumes that are fixed in space. We therefore have no change in the potential energy, and Eq. 12.1 can therefore be simplified to


si4_e  (Eq. 12.2)

The internal energy can be expressed by the velocity and is given by



We know that

E = eV V

from which we follow

dE = eV dV

Therefore the change of energy in the control volume over time can be expressed as


si6_e  (Eq. 12.3)

In the following, we will look at each contribution to the change of energy of the control volume.

12.2 Energy Transfer by Convection

We will start by discussing the change of energy due to convection. Fig. 12.1 displays the mass influx and outflux into and out of the control volume. Each mass flow will bring along energy in the form of kinetic and internal energy. The energy flows are calculated as

Fig. 12.1 Energy change in the control volume as a consequence of mass in- and outflux by convection.



Along the individual axes, the energy flows are calculated to be in x-direction



in y-direction



in z-direction



in summary


si11_e  (Eq. 12.4)

As stated, the energy equation will amount to only one equation. So although we have made the balance along the individual axes, the overall energy contribution will be summed up in Eq. 12.4.

12.3 Heat Flow by Conduction

The second form of energy influx and outflux is due to heat flow in form of conduction across the surfaces of the control volume (see Fig. 12.2). These heat flows are calculated according to Fourier’s law of heat conduction (see Eq. 6.73) as

Fig. 12.2 Energy change in the control volume as a consequence of heat conduction across the surfaces.



with n being the normal vector of the area segment dA. Along the individual axes, the heat flows are calculated to be

in x-direction



in y-direction



in z-direction



in summary


si16_e  (Eq. 12.5)

Again, the terms along the axes are summed up so that the total contribution of conduction is represented by Eq. 12.5.

12.4 Work Flow by Boundary Forces

The third term is the work performed by shear and normal forces that act on the surfaces of the control volume (see Fig. 12.3). Again, we will split the normal forces into two contributions: one contribution resulting from friction forces of the liquid σii and a contribution resulting from the action of pressure p. We introduced this concept before (see Eq. 11.13, Eq. 11.14, and Eq. 11.15).

Fig. 12.3 Contribution to the change of energy by the action of surface and normal forces as well as pressure on the boundary of the control volume.

The work due to the action of the forces is calculated according to Eq. 6.33 as dẆboundary forces = {σ, τ, p} dV = {σ, τ, p} v dA

Along the individual axes the work is calculated to be on surface dy dz



on surface dx dz



on surface dx dy



in summary


si20_e  (Eq. 12.6)

Again, the individual terms can be summed up to Eq. 12.6.

12.5 Heat Flow by Volume Effects

The fourth contribution we need to consider is the heat flow by volume effects. Typical examples include chemical reactions happening inside the control volume. In contrast to the contributions of conduction, these effects act on the whole volume. Therefore we do not need to consider the changes of the heat flow as we move along the individual axes, and therefore we do not have to derive the partial differentials. The unit of qV is J m−3. Analytically this contribution is described by

d˙Qvolume effect=˙qdm=˙qρdV=˙QmρdV=˙QVdV=˙qVdV=˙qVdxdydz

si21_e  (Eq. 12.7)

where ˙qVsi22_e is the specific heat flow per volume in unit J m−3 s−1.

12.6 Work Flow by Volume Forces

The fifth and last contribution is the work flow created by the action of volume forces ksi23_e, e.g., electrical forces that act on all ions in the volume as well as gravimetric forces that act on the mass in the control volume. In comparison to the heat flow because of volume effects (see section 12.5), we do not have to consider the changes along the individual axes because volume effects are not considered to change. The unit of ksi23_e is N m−3. The contribution along the individual axes are calculated as

in x-direction

dẆvolume forces, x = kx vx dx dy dz

in y-direction

dẆvolume forces, y = ky vy dx dy dz

in z-direction

dẆvolume forces, z = kz vz dx dy dz

in summary

dvolume forces=(kxvx+kyvy+kzvz)dxdydz=(kv)dxdydz

si25_e  (Eq. 12.8)

12.7 Balance of Contributions

Summing up Eq. 12.4, Eq. 12.5, Eq. 12.6, Eq. 12.7, and Eq. 12.8 and substituting them in Eq. 12.3, we obtain the following expression for the conservation of energy after dividing by dx dy dz:

ddt(ρ(uV+12v2))=(ρ(uV+12v2)vx)x+(ρ(uV+12v2)vy)y+(ρ(uV+12v2)vz)zconvection+x(λTx)+y+(λTy)+z(λTz)conduction(pvx)x+(σxxv)x+(τxyv)x+(τxzv)x(pvy)y+(σyyv)y+(τyxv)y+(τyzv)y(pvz)z+(σzzv)z+(τzxv)z+(τzyv)zsurface forces+ρ˙qVvol. heat flow+kvvol. work flow

si26_e  (Eq. 12.9)

12.7.1 Simplifications on the Left-Hand Side

Eq. 12.9 describes all the physics of the conservation of energy. However, the equation can still be simplified. We first combine the left-hand side of the equation with the first term of the right-hand side.


si27_e  (Eq. 12.10)

Now we expand the partial differentials of the left-hand side of this equation according to Eq. 3.13.


si28_e  (Eq. 12.11)

The last simplification can be made because


si29_e  (Eq. 12.12)

due to the continuity equation (see Eq. 10.16). We can expand (see Eq. 12.11) a little further by using



with i = {t, x, y, z}. Therefore



We can use these simplifications during expansion of the partial differentials in Eq. 12.11 to find


si32_e  (Eq. 12.13)

12.7.2 Simplifications on the Right-Hand Side

This is as far as we can go with simplifying the left-hand side. We now turn to the right-hand side of Eq. 12.9. The conduction terms as well as the contribution from volume heat flow will remain essentially unchanged but we can apply a couple of simplifications on the remaining terms. We will start with the terms originating from the boundary forces and the work performed by volume forces.


si33_e  (Eq. 12.14)

Now we will use a couple of equations that we have used before. Eq. 11.19, Eq. 11.20, and Eq. 11.21 state that we can make the following simplifications:



If we rewrite Eq. 12.11, we can see that we can effectively make these simplifications:


si35_e  (Eq. 12.15)

We will now expand the partial differentials in the brackets whereby we can again use the simplification given by the continuity equation (see Eq. 12.12).


si36_e  (Eq. 12.16)


si37_e  (Eq. 12.17)


si38_e  (Eq. 12.18)

So substituting Eq. 12.16, Eq. 12.17, and Eq. 12.18 into Eq. 12.15 results in the following term



which we reintroduce in the right-hand side of Eq. 12.9. Setting this equation against the modified left-hand side given in Eq. 12.13 results in


si40_e  (Eq. 12.19)

As we can see, a number of terms can be dropped, after which the equation simplifies to


si41_e  (Eq. 12.20)

where we used the vector notation



Eq. 12.20 is the conservation of energy in its most general form.

12.7.3 Dissipation Coefficient

The equation is often further structured by combining all normal and shear force terms into a dissipation coefficient Ψ. These terms combine the influence of fluid friction and thereby the loss of energy because of internal friction, a process referred to as dissipation. In order to do so, we will again convert the normal and shear forces into functions of the shear rate, i.e., the partial derivatives of the velocity terms using the Stokes’ friction approach given by Eq. 11.22, Eq. 11.23, Eq. 11.24, Eq. 11.25, Eq. 11.26, and Eq. 11.27. Introducing Ψ allows us to rewrite (see Eq. 12.20) as


si43_e  (Eq. 12.21)

where Ψ is given as



which simplifies to


si45_e  (Eq. 12.22)

12.8 Thermodynamic Equation of State

As stated in section 10.1.1 the last equation required in order to derive all field variables is a thermodynamic equation of state. This equation allows us to express the internal energy terms in Eq. 12.21 as functions of the other field variables, i.e., pressure p, density ρ, temperature T, and the velocity vsi46_e. In the following example, we will employ the thermodynamic equation of state for an ideal gas that is given by Eq. 6.58. Using this equation, we can write the partial differentials of the internal energy U with respect to i = {T, x, y, z} as



where we used the chain rule of differentiation (see Eq. 3.14) to expand the partial differential 1ρisi48_e. Now we can rewrite Eq. 12.21 as



which can be rearranged to


si50_e  (Eq. 12.23)

where we have used the continuity equation (see Eq. 10.16) to set



We have now derived the combined equation for the thermodynamic state and the conservation of energy that is given by Eq. 12.23. As can be seen, the equation is now dependent only on the six field variables, i.e., temperature T, density ρ, pressure p, and velocity vsi46_e. Adding the Navier-Stokes equation and the conservation of mass will result in a total of five equations that we can use to solve for the field variables. The sixth equation we can use is the ideal gas equation (see Eq. 6.4).

12.9 Summary

In this section, we derived the energy equation, i.e., the conservation of energy that gives rise to the fifth equation required for solving the field variables. As stated, in the case of incompressible fluids, the density ρ is constant, and therefore we require a total of only five equations. If the flow problem involves compressible fluids, we need one additional equation. This equation is usually the thermodynamic equation of state and is derived directly from the ideal gas law. This completes the derivation of the fundamental equations because we have now the required number of equations for the field variables.

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