Chapter 15

Analytical Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equation

15.1 Hydrostatics and Aerostatics

15.1.1 Hydrostatics: Incompressible Fluids

A particularly simple but very important case of fluid mechanics is the hydrostatic state. In hydrostatics, we assume the density of the fluid to be constant, thus we usually consider only incompressible fluids. Furthermore, changes of temperature are usually ignored. Because the fluid is not moving, we effectively have only one unknown field variable (see section 10.1.1), which is the pressure p. The increase of pressure can be induced either by external forces acting on the resting liquid or by the liquid’s weight itself. In the following, we consider a fluid column parallel to the z-axis (see Fig. 15.1). From our three fundamental laws of conservation, we will require only a single equation: the Navier-Stokes equation parallel to the gravitational vector (the z-axis). Because the fluid is not moving, the continuity equation (in the case of compressible fluids, Eq. 10.16; in the case of incompressible fluids, Eq. 10.17) cannot be used. If changes in energy are ignored, we also will not require the conservation of energy (see Eq. 12.21). Furthermore, if thermodynamic state changes are ignored, we also will not use thermodynamic equations of state (see Eq. 12.23).

Fig. 15.1 Derivation of the force balance in hydrostatics.

There are two potential ways of finding the analytical solution to the pressure equation in this case: using a force balance and using the Navier-Stokes equation along the z-axis.

Force Balance. The first approach uses a force balance on the infinitesimal volume, which yields


si1_e  (Eq. 15.1)

Derivation Using the Navier-Stokes Equation. We can also derive Eq. 15.1 from the Navier-Stokes equation directly. Here we consider only the balance along the z-axis. Using Eq. 11.39 and ignoring all terms related to momentum transport and fluid movement, we find


si2_e  (Eq. 15.2)

which is exactly Eq. 15.1. Here we used kz = −ρ g. Eq. 15.1 is straightforward and easy to solve. However, we need to distinguish between two cases here: incompressible and compressible fluids.

Incompressible Fluids. In the case of incompressible fluids, the density ρ is not a function of z, and therefore Eq. 15.1 can be integrated to


si3_e  (Eq. 15.3)

Eq. 15.3 is the hydrostatic pressure equation, which tells us that when z increases, the pressure gradually decreases.

Rate of Pressure Increase in Water. If we assume a density of around ρH2O 1 kg m3, we can derive the rate at which the pressure increases by decreasing z in Eq. 15.3 to be



This relationship is important, e.g., during diving. It tells us that for every additional 10 m of depth, the pressure will increase by approximately 1 bar.

15.1.2 Aerostatics: Compressible Fluids

In the case of a compressible fluid, we need to express the density ρ as a function of the pressure p. To do so, we use the ideal gas equation (see Eq. 6.8). From this equation, we find



in which case, Eq. 15.1 can be rewritten as



which can be integrated to


si7_e  (Eq. 15.4)

Eq. 15.4 is the hydrostatic pressure equation for compressible fluids and is appropriate, e.g., for calculating the pressure drop at increased altitudes. We know from the ideal gas law that the term RST is constant. For example, for air we find RS = 0.287 J kg1 mol1 (see Tab. 6.1). This allows us to calculate the pressure decrease in the atmosphere as we increase the height, e.g., when climbing a mountain or traveling in a plane. Fig. 15.2 shows the decrease in pressure as a function of the height z. At a height of 100 m, the atmospheric pressure will decrease to 98.8 % of the value at z = 0. At 500 m, it will decrease to 93.9 % and at 1000 m to 88.2 %. At a height of 3000 m (which is about the height of the Zugspitze), it will reach a value of around 68.7 %. On the Mont Blanc (around 5000 m), it will decrease to 53.5 % and on the Mount Everest (around 9000 m) to 32.6 %, which is almost too low to sustain breathing. Finally, at the typical traveling height of planes (around 10 000 m), the pressure will reach only 28.7 % of the ground pressure value.

Fig. 15.2 Atmospheric pressure drop as a function of the height calculated from Eq. 15.4.

15.1.3 Buoyancy

If a control volume of a given solid or fluid is immersed in a second fluid, the control volume will experience buoyancy forces if the densities of the two materials are different. This fact can be directly derived from Eq. 15.1. We assume two control volumes of equal height. For each of these control volumes, we find the forces acting on the infinitesimal cell to be



Now if we assume different densities of the two materials ρ1 and ρ2, we find a buoyancy force difference



Therefore, if an object of lower density ρ1, e.g., an air balloon is immersed in a liquid of higher density ρ2, it will experience a positive buoyancy force pulling it upward. This force is proportional to the volume of the balloon and to the density difference.

15.2 Shear Force-Driven Flow: Couette Flow

The simplest case for an analytical description of fluid flow is the Couette1flow. The Couette flow is the flow of liquid in a thin slit, i.e., between two plates one of which is static and the other one is moving. The principal setup is shown in Fig. 15.3.

Fig. 15.3 The principle setup of the Couette flow in a slit of height h showing the velocity profile (a) and the shear stress profile (b).

15.2.1 Derivation

In the following, we will derive the velocity and the shear stress profile for the Couette flow. We assume the profiles to be stationary and fully developed. Furthermore, we ignore the influence of gravity and assume the system to be infinitely stretched along the axis parallel to the view. Therefore we essentially have a one-dimensional system and will consider only the Navier-Stokes equation in one direction, namely along the x-axis (see Eq. 11.37). There are no volume forces acting, and there is no flow along the z-axis or the y-axis. Eq. 11.37 can thus be simplified to


si10_e  (Eq. 15.5)

This is a homogenous second-order ODE, which can be integrated twice to result in


si11_e  (Eq. 15.6)

where the two integration constants c1 and c2 can be found by the boundary conditions vx (z = 0) = 0 and vx (z = h) = v0. From the first boundary condition, we find c2 = 0; from the second, we find that c1=v0hsi12_e.

Therefore the velocity profile for the Couette flow is given by


si13_e  (Eq. 15.7)

The profile is shown exemplarily in Fig. 15.3a.

15.2.2 Shear Stress Profile

The shear stress profile can be calculated from the velocity profile (see Eq. 15.7) using Eq. 9.5. In this case, we find


si14_e  (Eq. 15.8)

As stated, the shear profile of the Couette flow is very simple: it is a constant. If the surface area of the top plate is known, the shear force can be easily calculated by multiplication from Eq. 15.8. If the force can be measured accurately, the viscosity of the fluid can be easily calculated from Eq. 15.8. This was the concept Couette suggested in 1887 to measure the viscosity of fluids, and it is still one of the easiest and most straightforward methods in use today.

15.2.3 Flow Rate

Having derived the velocity and the shear stress profile, we will now derive the flow rate for the Couette flow, which can be calculated according to Eq. 10.9 as



where we introduced the width of the system w.

15.3 Gravity-Driven Flow

Similar to the Couette flow profile is the flow of a fluid film driven by gravity (see Fig. 15.4). We consider the flow to be fully developed, laminar, and stationary. Again, we need to consider only the Navier-Stokes equation along the x-axis (see Eq. 11.37), in which case, we find

Fig. 15.4 Fluid flow under gravity at the inclined plane


si16_e  (Eq. 15.9)

where the gravity acts as the volume force kx driving the flow. Eq. 15.9 is an inhomogeneous second-order ODE that can be solved by separation of variables and direct integration. We will need two boundary conditions. The first one is the no-slip condition at z = 0 (see section 9.8.2). The second boundary condition is the free-surface boundary condition at z = h (see section 9.8.3). Therefore we obtain


si17_e  (Eq. 15.10)


si18_e  (Eq. 15.11)

where we used Eq. 9.5. After integrating once, Eq. 15.9 becomes


si19_e  (Eq. 15.12)

for which, using Eq. 15.11 we determine the constant to be



which we reintroduce into Eq. 15.11 to find



which we integrate again to result in



to which we apply the boundary condition given by Eq. 15.10 to find c2 = 0. The velocity profile is therefore given by


si23_e  (Eq. 15.13)

Eq. 15.13 is a half-parabola as depicted in Fig. 15.4. Fig. 15.5 shows several calculated flow profiles for water layers of different thicknesses and under different inclinations ϕ of the plane. As can be seen, thicker liquid layers will experience significant flows at the surface. For the water layer with h = 500 µ m, the flow velocities reach up to 0.1 m s−1.

Fig. 15.5 Flow profiles for gravity subjected liquid layers. The velocity profiles are calculated for water at films of different heights h and at different inclinations φ.

15.4 Pressure-Driven Flow: Poiseuille Flow

The Poiseuille1flows are a specific type of flow scenarios that are very important for fluid mechanics and specifically for microfluidics. Poiseuille flows are flows driven by a pressure gradient along the length of a channel with a (usually) fixed cross-section (see Fig. 15.6). The flows are assumed to be parallel and usually are restricted to incompressible fluids. As we can see, this is the case in most microfluidic applications where a fluid is probed along a channel structure with a given cross-section shape C (usually circular or rectangular) using a liquid, e.g., water or organic solvents. The fluid will interact with the boundary of the cross-section ∂C where the fluid’s velocity is usually assumed to be 0 (no-slip condition).

Fig. 15.6 Model for a microfluidic channel with arbitrary cross-section. The flow in the channel is driven by a pressure gradient along the x-axis.

All of these flows can be (in general) described by the Navier-Stokes equation, but as we will see, analytical solutions are restricted to a surprisingly small number of cross-sections. All other profiles usually must be tackled using numerical algorithms.

15.4.1 Navier-Stokes Equation for Poiseuille Flows

We will start with the most basic case, i.e., the pressure-driven flow in a microfluidic channel with an arbitrary cross-section that is invariant along the x-axis (see Fig. 15.6). We will employ the most general form of the Navier-Stokes equation (see Eq. 11.40). We make a number of simplifications that will make solving the Navier-Stokes equation a little easier.

 The flow profile is fully developed; therefore any (partial) derivative with respect to time is zero: t=0si24_e

 The flow is parallel; therefore there is no velocity component in y- or z-direction: vy = 0, vz = 0

 The pressure driving the flow is a function of only x but not a function of y or z: p (x); therefore py=pz=0si25_e, which allows to write the pressure gradient as total differential px=dpdxsi26_e

The Navier-Stokes equation can be simplified because we can assume flow along only one axis (usually the x-axis). From Eq. 11.37, we find


si27_e  (Eq. 15.14)

The pressure drop drives the flow and is maintained from the outside, which is why we can treat it as a constant. You will occasionally find the notations ΔPΔxsi28_e instead of dpdxsi29_e. In this work, we will stick to writing dpdxsi29_e. The individual terms refer to the following contributions:

 dpdxsi29_e is the pressure driving the flow.

 η(2vxz2+2vxy2)si32_e describes the viscous forces in the liquid, which are the reason for the formation of a flow profile.

 kx describes volume forces, such as magnetic or electric forces, which are important, e.g., for electroosmosis and similar effects; in many applications, this term can simply be set to 0 if no volume forces are acting.

Eq. 15.14 is a second-order inhomogeneous PDE. We have already studied this case of differential equation, which is referred to as a Poisson equation (see section 8.1.5). The methods we can use to solve this equation depend strongly on the geometry C of the microfluidic channel. Because the Poiseuille flow is one of the most important flow cases in microfluidics, we will spend some time studying solutions to this PDE for the most relevant flow channel geometries, in the following section.

15.5 Summary

In this chapter, we discussed analytical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation (see Eq. 11.40) in the form of static flows (aerostatics and hydrostatics) as well as for shear force and gravity-driven flows. In all of these cases, we were able to apply suitable simplifications to turn the Navier-Stokes equation into an ODE that can be solved by straightforward methods. The last case we touched on is the pressure-driven flow, i.e., the Poiseuille flow. As we will see, these cases are a bit trickier to tackle.


[1] Couette M. Oscillations tournantes d’un solide de révolution en contact avec un fluide visqueux. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1887;105:1064–1067 (cit. on p. 317).

[2] Poiseuille J.L.M. Recherches expérimentales sur le mouvement des liquides dans les tubes de très-petits diamètres. 1846 Paris, (cit. on p. 320).

1 Maurice Couette was a French physicist and inventor of the first viscosimeter. This instrument made use of the fact that the shear forces created by a fluid in a thin slit sandwiched between a moving and a resting plate are constant [1]. This flow condition is referred to as Couette flow.

1 Jean Poiseuille was a French physicist who studied the movement of fluids in capillaries. Poiseuille published the first account of his work in 1840, although the complete account of his work dates from 1846 [2]. This works dates to one year after German engineer Gotthilf Hagen published his account of the fluid mechanics in capillaries, although Hagen derived the flow profiles incorrectly. The fluid mechanics in circular capillaries is therefore often referred to as Hagen-Poiseuille flow.

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