Just as nature and wildlife have the capacity to inspire and intrigue, so does photography. Bird photography is a fantastic way to combine being in the great outdoors with observing and photographing the natural world, be it for documentation or for artistic purposes.

The three of us authors have different backgrounds, careers, perspectives, and working styles. Each of us has his own particular strengths, visions, and expertise. Out of this divergence grew the idea to combine it all into one book, especially because we share the same passion for bird photography—we all know what a fantastic hobby it is and how challenging it is as a profession.

We have been out photographing together several times and have learned that even when the subject and the circumstances are the same for each photographer, different approaches can yield surprisingly different outcomes. One of the main aims of this book is to encourage photographers to find their own individual approach to bird photography.

Although this book outlines equipment and techniques, the main emphasis is on fieldwork. It also made sense to leave digital image processing and computer work out of the book altogether. Each of these topics merits enough space to be an entire book itself, and many excellent guides have already been written.

We want to share our experience, views, and skills in the most down-to-earth and practical manner possible, with a wealth of photos to support our words. We don’t just talk it; we have walked every step of it.


Black-throated Diver/Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica)
Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III 500mm f/4.0 plus 1.4x extender, 1/500 second, ISO 500, Gitzo tripod, Manfrotto 501 video head, blind. Vaala, Finland, June 2008.

We split up the topics to correspond to our strengths, and we each hand picked our images. We are not always in loving harmony with one another when it comes to bird photography, but we share the same passion for birds and bird photography, the same joy in great nature photography, and the same burning ambition to take better pictures.

This handbook is a hefty tome with tons of bird photography know-how, but the photos offer a respite from words, leading into the exciting visual world of birds. We could have reduced the book to a more field-friendly size by minimizing the number of images, but we wanted to create a balanced mix of informative reading and enjoyable viewing. With the photos we hope to help raise awareness about the world of birds and share their beauty.

Getting it right is still such a rush, even after decades of photographing birds. It is still fun and exhilarating even though it is a full-time job. Gaining new insights, like a new angle or a fresh composition idea, when shooting a common and familiar species is just as uplifting as adventures in new locations or working with a species for the first time. Even if we are well versed in the art and craft of bird photography, it is a never-ending road to the perfect photo.

Wishing you sweet moments of success, photography trips full of fun, and unforgettable, unique photographs,

Markus Varesvuo

As a specialist in wintertime and bird action photography, Markus has faith in the natural light.

Jari Peltomäki

Although he specializes in owl photography, Jari easily turns his camera toward other wildlife subjects too.

Bence Máté

As a master of composition, Bence specializes in shooting from within a photography blind and working with flash.

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