Emotional Intelligence Quick Assessment

This assessment is not intended to replace the more research-based tools we have recommended (see Additional Resources, p. 155). It is, however, designed as a tool for you to use on your own to measure your emotional intelligence. You will be rating yourself on each of the 16 statements below. You should rate yourself using a combination of your own self-awareness as well as feedback you may have received from others. The value of this assessment as a guide for personal development will be maximized if you solicit the feedback of others, especially for those statements that you may be somewhat uncertain about. Therefore, as you rate yourself on each statement, take a moment to reflect on whether or not your rating could benefit from someone else's feedback. Each statement offers a potential opportunity to open up a conversation with someone in order to gain valuable feedback.

In this manner, using both your self-awareness and feedback from others, please rate yourself on each item:

1 = (Almost) Never true about me.

2 = Rarely true about me.

3 = Sometimes true about me.

4 = Often true about me.

5 = (Almost) Always true about me.

1.   I recognize situations that arouse strong emotions in me and I am aware of how these emotions affect my behaviors.

2.   I acknowledge both strengths and weaknesses about myself and do not get defensive when people offer me feedback about my behavior.

3.   I have a self-assured manner and a confident way of presenting myself to others.

4.   I control my impulses and stay calm and composed even in stressful situations.

5.   I own my behaviors and willingly admit my mistakes to others.

6.   I have a willingness to revise my strategies and goals in response to new demands and changing conditions.

7.   I set measurable goals and seek ways to improve myself.

8.   I look for opportunities and take action to create possibilities.

9.   I learn from setbacks, obstacles, frustrations, and failures.

10. I value diversity and connect well with people who are different than myself.

11. I genuinely care about the success of others and seek to provide them with helpful feedback.

12. I inspire others with my words, my stories, or my actions.

13. I take a leadership role in my organization when it comes to accepting and initiating change.

14. I understand how my words, tonality, and body language affect the people with whom I am communicating.

15. I work cooperatively with other people's viewpoints and seek win-win outcomes.

16. I encourage other people to express their viewpoints as much as I assert my own.


Each of the 16 statements relates to one of the emotional competencies of Daniel Goleman's model. If you rated yourself 4 or higher on the statement, then you can consider the corresponding emotional competency to be one of your strengths. If you rated yourself 2 or lower on a statement, then you can consider the corresponding emotional competency an area where you need development.


List three emotional competence strengths that you would like to leverage:

List three emotional competencies that you would like to focus on for development:

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