
ABCs of life, 5961, 80, 10304 12021. See also Activating events

Activating events, 5961, 80, 103, 120

beliefs about, 60

consequential response, 60

Adversity, overcoming, 7180

brain training, 7576

emotional brain, 76

focusing on goal, 74

motivation, clarity for, 77

optimistic achievement, 7780

sacrifice, 72

self-awareness, 7677

vision, expression of, 77

Agreement, empathy, distinguished, 8788

Amygdala, 4243

Anger, 110111, 113

managing, 6466

pleasantness, mixing, 65

postponing response, 64

reframing, 65

Anthony, Susan B., 135

Anxiety, managing, 6667

Anxiety inventory questions, 66

Behavioral strategies for managing emotions, 5657

Beliefs, self-defeating, 6064

Blockers of feeling, 9799

Bolton, Dr. Robert, 97

Brain, 76, 120

emotional override, 3941

training of, in overcoming adversity, 75 76

Bridges, William, 104

Burnout, depression, managing, 6970

Change, 1029, 12021

emotional intelligence and, 52, 1029, 12021

motivation for, 121

Choosing battles, 6566

Clarity, motivational, in overcoming adversity, 77

Coding messages, 9293

Cognitive programming, 69

Cognitive strategies, for managing emotions, 5859

Components of emotional intelligence, 1012

Confidence, 2534

Conflict, 10916

resolving, 11116, 121

Confronting emotion, 36

Cooperation, 114115

Covey, Stephen, 86

Depression, managing, 6970

Derailment, 610

success, contrasted, 310

Discussion of problems, deflection through, 9394

Disruptive emotions, 4348

Distortion, in listening, 96

Distractions, for listeners, 95

Ellis, Dr. Albert, 5961

Emotional intelligence, 7172

ABCs of life, 5961

action planning, 14348

activating events, 5961, 80, 10304, 120

amygdala, 4243, 12528

behavioral strategies, 5657

brain, training of, 7576

change, 1029

cognitive strategies, 5859

components of, 1012

confidence, 3234

conflict, 10916

disruptive emotions, 4448

dissonance, 126

emotional understanding, 4950

emotionality, 3738

empathic listening, 8996

empathy, 8384

feeling blockers, 9699

gatekeeper, emotional, 4142

goal achievement, optimistic, 7980

job description, living beyond, 2728

Johari Window model, 2932

leadership, 12324

leveraging strengths, 14243

motivation, clarity for, 77

optimism, 7879

override, emotional, brain and, 3941

reaching out, 8486

reactive behavior, 4448

relational thinking, 2829

relationship management, 1012

resonance, 12629

self-awareness, 2123, 7677

self-concept, Johari Window model, 2932

self-defeating beliefs, 6064

self-esteem, 3234

self-management, 17, 5456

social awareness, 99100

success, derailment, contrasted, 310

teamwork, 11620

understanding, 1112

visionary leadership, 13536

Emotional self-awareness, 1324, 49, 54, 11113

defining, 1617

in overcoming adversity, 7879

performance and, 1819

steps toward, 2021

Emotional understanding, 4849

Emotionality, 3738

Empathic listening, 8996

practicing, 99100

Empathy, 8384

agreement, distinguished, 8788

Expectations, realigning, 65

Extrasensory perceptions, 34

Feedback, seeking, 3233

Feeling blockers, 9799

invalidating responses, 99

judging responses, 98

sending solutions, 9899

Feeling vocabulary, developing, 2324

Ferguson, Marilyn, 105

Focus upon goal, in overcoming adversity, 7475

Forgiving of self, 69

Garfield, Dr. Charles, 28

Goal achievement, 7180

brain training, 7576

emotional brain, 76

focusing on goal, 7475

motivation, clarity for, 77

optimistic achievement, 7880

sacrifice, 72

self-awareness, 76

vision, expression of, 77

Goleman, Daniel, 11, 16, 31, 78, 119, 128

Guilt, 67

facing feelings of, 66

managing, 6668

shame, differentiating, 68

taking responsibility for, 6869

Gut feelings, 34

Hunches, 34

Ingham, Harrington, 30

Inspiration, 12440

amygdala, 12535

co-creation of vision, 138

congruent messages, 133

connection to vision, 139

creation of vision, 140

dissonant influence, 12627

emotional contagion, 13031

emotional needs, 138

empathy, 13335, 140

as influence, 12324

leveraging power of vision, 13739

messages sent, mastering, 140

mood, managing, 139

positive feeling messages, 132

resonant influence, 12635

self-management, 12930

tailoring to individual, 121

toxic leadership, 124

values alignment, 137138

vision enrollment, 13638

Intuition, 34

Invalidating responses, as feeling blockers, 99

Inventory of anxiety, questions, 66

Irrationality of worry, recognition, 66

Johari Window model, 2932

Judging responses, as feeling blockers, 97

Lack of self-awareness, emotional, 17. See also Emotional self-awareness

Leadership, 12340

amygdala, 12535

co-creation of vision, 138

congruent messages, 133

connection to vision, 139

creation of vision, 140

dissonant influence, 12627

emotional contagion, 13031

emotional needs, 138

empathy, 13335, 140

as influence, 12324

leveraging power of vision, 13739

messages sent, mastering, 140

mood, managing, 139

positive feeling messages, 132

resonant influence, 12635

self-management, 12930

toxic leadership, 124

values alignment, 13738

vision enrollment, 137

visionary, 12340. See also Vision

LeDoux, Dr. Joseph, 42

Lewis, C.S., 148

Listeners, distractions, 95


distortion in, 96

empathic, 8996

practicing, 99100

Listening skills, 100

Listening to feelings, 69

Log of self-awareness, 23

Luft, Joseph, 30

Manipulative tool, worry as, 67

Maxwell, John, 84

Meanings of words, variability by individual, 92

Mission, 3334

Modeling emotional intelligence, 121

Motivational clarity, in overcoming adversity, 77

Obsession, 66

Optimism, 121

Optimistic achievement, 7880

Out-of-control emotions, 9

Overcoming adversity, 7180

Perspective, 22

Plan of action, emotional intelligence, 14148

Proactiveness and, values, living, 33

Problems, discussion of, deflection through, 9394

Professional help, seeking, 70

Purpose, developing, 3334

Reaching out, 8486

Reactive behavior, 4448


on emotions, 2223

on results of interaction, 99

Relational thinking, 2829, 70

Relationship management, 1012, 1069

Resentment, 111

Reward, 72

Sacrifice, in overcoming adversity, 72

Seeking professional help, 70

Self-awareness, 1324, 49, 53, 11113

defining, 1617

in overcoming adversity, 77

performance and, 1819

steps toward, 2021

Self-awareness log, 23

Self-concept, Johari Window model, 2932

Self-defeating beliefs, 6064

Self-esteem, 3234

Self-forgiveness, 69

Self-management, 17, 49, 5455, 11314

Self-talk, 70

Seligman, Dr. Martin, 78

Senge, Peter, 138


guilt, differentiating, 68

managing, 6769

Signals to act, emotions as, 38

Small successes, creation of, 70

Social awareness, 81100, 11416, 121

coding messages, 9293

discussion of problems, deflection through, 9495

distortion, in listening, 9697

empathic listening, 8996, 99100

empathy, 8384

feeling blockers, 9799

listeners, distractions, 95

listening skills, 100

reaching out, 8486

reflection, on results of interaction, 100

word meanings, variability by individual, 9192

Solution-sending, as feeling blockers, 9899

Strengths, leveraging, 14243

Stress-management, 70

Success, 46

derailment, contrasted, 39


building, 12122

emotional tone of, 122

member appreciation, 122

membership, 122

optimism, 122

process, 122

Teamwork, 11519

enhancing performance with, 11820

process of team, 11718

Transition, 1046

Triggers, finding, 64

Trump, Donald, 117

Unmanaged emotional behaviors, 9

Variability of word meanings, by individual, 9192

Vision, 12440

amygdala, 12535

co-creation of, 138

congruent messages, 132

connection to, 139

creation of, 140

dissonant influence, 12627

emotional contagion, 13031

emotional needs, 138

empathy, 13335, 140

enrollment in, 13738

expression of, in overcoming adversity, 78

as influence, 12324

leveraging power of, 13739

messages sent, mastering, 140

mood, managing, 139

positive feeling messages, 132

resonant influence, 12635

self-management, 12930

toxic leadership, 124

values alignment, 13738

Word meanings, variability by individual, 9192

Workplace issues, 10122

anger, 111, 114

brain, 119

change, 1029, 11920

motivation for, 120

conflict, 10916

cooperation, 114

inspiring performance, tailoring to individual, 121

modeling, 121

optimism, 121

relationship management, 1012, 1069

resentment, 111

self-awareness, 11113

self-management, 11314

social awareness, 11416, 121

teams, 12122. See also Teams

teamwork, 11620. See also Teamwork

transition, 1046


irrationality of, recognition, 66

as manipulative tool, 67

with purpose, 6667

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