A    education of, 111
action plans    elements of, 31-32
   commitment to, 99    interviews with, 32-33
   design of, 4-5, 18-19    readiness of, 33-34
   examples of, 86-89    reflection and, 72-73
   goals and, 84-85    resistance of, 18, 29-30, 33, 34, 69-71,
   importance of, 79-81       79-80
   progress and, 87, 89    self-discovery and, 39-40
   self-evaluation of, 95    types of, 25-26
   template for, 96 climate surveys, 58, 59
active listening, 39-40 coaches
advice, challenges and, 123-24    challenges of, 109, 124
advocacy, 45-46, 101-3    characteristics of, 31-32
agreements, coaching, 3, 16-17, 31, 35-37    data analysis and, 62-64
analysis    education for, 24, 122
   of data, 4, 17-18, 20, 52, 62-67    evaluation of, 119-20
   of gaps, 92    interviews with, 32-33
assessments, client, 33-34    roles of, 10, 16, 26-27
     types of, 24
B coaching
barriers, for stuck clients, 103-5    action plans for, 4-5, 18-19
behaviors, nonverbal, 43-45    agreements for, 3, 16-17, 31, 35-37
brainstorming, 100, 102-3    benefits of, 127
budgets, measurement of, 119-20    challenges of, 124
     change practices vs., 2, 8, 9-10
C    characteristics of, 1
career coaching, 25-26    consulting vs., 2, 8, 10
certifications, coaching, 24    definition of, 7-8
challenges, 109, 123-25    environments for, 41-42
change    ethics in, 3, 31, 34-35
   barriers to, 103-5    language of, 42-43
   environments for, 90-91    mentoring vs., 2, 8, 9
   strategies for, 7-8    questions in, 39-40, 42
change practices, coaching vs., 2, 8, 9-10    relationships in, 3, 6, 16-17, 20-21, 26-27
checklists    roles in, 6, 22-23
   for agreements, 35-37    therapy vs., 2, 8, 9
   for program design, 115    types of, 25-26
clients coaching programs
   barriers for, 103-5    challenges of, 123-25
   data and, 54-55, 60-62    design of, 107-10, 114-16
coaching programs (continued) ethics, 3, 31, 34-35
   integration of, 110-12 evaluation, of coaches, 119-20
   management of, 5-6, 19, 26-27, 107-9 evidence-based coaching, 8, 10-12
   marketing of, 116-18, 122 executive coaching, 10, 25-26
   measurement of, 118-21 external coaches, internal vs., 24
   template for, 125  
   visions of, 112-13 F
coaching space, 41-42, 73-75 fear, 104
COACH model, 5, 19, 100-103, 106 feedback
cognitive approaches, 10-12    benefits of, 6, 7, 70
commitment, 99, 100, 103    data and, 4, 18, 21, 26-27, 64-67
communication skills, 3-4, 17, 26-27    as data collection method, 55-56
connections, making, 73-76    example of, 69-71, 74-75, 77
consulting, coaching vs., 2, 8, 10    goals and, 82-83
contracts, 35-37    reflection and, 72-73
conversations, 64-67, 100    techniques for, 76-78
coordination of coaching programs, 110-12 feedback surveys, 93
costs, measurement of, 119-20 fit, coach and client, 31
  fit of data gathering tool/method, 60
D focus groups, 58, 59-60, 61
data free from language, 82-83
   analysis of, 4, 17-18, 20, 52, 62-67  
   benefits of, 54 G
   collection of, 26-27, 53-56, 60-62 gap analysis, 92
   collection tools for, 55-62 goals
   context of, 71-72    action plans and, 84-85
   decision making and, 77    commitment and, 99
   dialogue and, 64-67    design of, 4-5, 18-19, 26-27, 82-83
   feedback of, 4, 18, 21, 26-27, 64-67    feedback and, 82-83
   importance of, 51-53    importance of, 79-81
   maps of, 64    for meetings, 100, 102
decision makers, 77, 116-17    partnerships and, 90-91
dialogue    SMART and, 84-87
   COACH model in, 5, 19, 100-103, 106  
   data and, 64-67 I
   discussion vs., 42-43 ICF (International Coach Federation), 24,
   example of, 46-49    34-35
   importance of, 49 ideas, sharing of, 45-46
   partnerships in, 40-41 image studies, 57, 59
   skills for, 3-4, 17, 26-27, 43-46 impatience, 104-5
   techniques for, 39-40, 46, 47, 49-50 inference, ladders of, 11-13
  inquiry, 45, 100-103
E integration, of coaching programs, 110-12
education internal coaches, external vs., 24
   for coaches, 24, 122 interviews, 32-33, 61-64
   of coaching programs, 116-18  
   of employees, 111 L
   of managers, 111, 117-18 ladder of inference, 11-13
effectiveness, 119-21, 123 language
ego, 104    of coaching, 42-43
employee opinion surveys, 58, 59    free from language, 82-83
employees, 111 leadership coaching, 11, 25-26
environments, 41-42, 90-91 linking, 21
  listening, 39-40, 43-45
M professional development, 24, 122
management, of coaching programs, 5-6, 19, programs. See coaching programs
   26-27, 107-9 progress
managers, 111, 117-18    action plans and, 87, 89
maps, data, 64    measurement of, 87, 89, 119-21
marketing, of coaching programs, 116-18, 122    tracking of, 4-5, 18-19, 26-27
measurement publicity of results, 122
   of coaching programs, 118-21  
   methods for, 91-95 Q
   of progress, 87, 89, 119-21 quantitative gap analysis, 92
meetings questions
   COACH model for, 100-103, 106    coaching and, 39-40, 42
   conducting of, 5, 19, 26-27    in coaching interviews, 32-33
   environments for, 41-42    for data collection, 67
   example of, 97-99    for feedback conversations, 65
   objectives for, 100, 102    on goals, 83
   planning of, 106    inquiry and, 45
   stakeholders and, 117  
mental models, 10-11 R
mentoring, coaching vs., 2, 8, 9 readiness
mindmaps, 87, 89    of clients, 33-34
models    of organizations, 113-14
   COACH model, 5, 19, 100-103, 106 reality tests, 83
   mental models, 10-11 reflection, 72-73
   organizational coaching model, 3-6, 15-21, relationships
      26-27    challenges of, 123
   systems model, 21-22    in coaching, 3, 6, 16-17, 20-21, 26-27
motivation, 103-5    COACH model in, 5, 19
     elements of, 31-32
N    establishment of, 29-31
nonverbal behaviors, 43-45 resistance
     of clients, 29-30, 33, 34
O    example of, 69-71, 79-80
objectives, for meetings, 100, 102    types of, 18
observations, 56, 58, 60, 93-94 resources for coaches, 122
organizational coaching results
  approach for, 1    measurement of, 91-95, 118-21
  model for, 3-6, 15-21, 26-27    of meetings, 100, 102
  programs in, 22    publicity of, 122
organizations    tracking of, 87, 89
  challenges for, 124-25 ROI (return-on-investment), 5-6, 118-21
  ICF (International Coach Federation), 24, roles, 6, 10, 16, 22-23, 26-27
  readiness of, 113-14 S
  scenarios, for coaching, 23
P self-assessments, 56, 57, 62-64, 94-95
partnerships self-discovery, 39-40
   in coaching, 6 shadowing, 58, 60
   creation of, 3-4, 17, 21, 26-27 SMART, 84-87
   dialogue in, 40-41 stakeholders, 19, 111, 116-17
   goals and, 90-91 strengths movement, 53
   stakeholders and, 117 surveys, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62-64, 93
performance coaching, 25-26 systems approach, 26-27, 110-12
priorities, 51-52 systems model, 21-22
   for dialogue, 39-40, 46, 47, 49-50  
   for feedback, 76-78  
tests, reality, 83  
themes, data and, 64-67  
therapy, coaching vs., 2, 8, 9  
360-degree surveys, 57, 59, 61, 62-64  
   for cognitive approaches, 8, 10-13  
   for data collection, 55, 62  
   for coaches, 24, 122  
   coaching vs., 2, 8, 9  
visions, 112-13  
WLP (workplace learning and performance)  
   professionals, 2  
workplace coaching, 11  
workplace conversations, 3-4, 17  
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