Chapter 9 Kernel Evolution

Future Forms of Attack and Defense

Information in this Chapter

  • Kernel Attacks

  • Kernel Defense

  • Beyond Kernel Bugs: Virtualization


Throughout this book, we have discussed a variety of kernel bugs along with the exploit techniques that are used to (ab)use them. As with most areas of computer security, kernel exploitation is not a static field. Exploit techniques and defense mechanisms continue to evolve, often as a result of the usual cat and mouse game played by attackers and defenders. In this chapter we will discuss what the future holds for each side of the playing field.

To bring some order to the many aspects of attack and defense techniques, we will focus on a basic factor of computer security: information flow control. We will use this subject as our looking glass to inspect and learn about some fundamental traits of bugs and exploits so that we can have a better understanding of where they are headed in the future.

Every aspect of computer security is basically about some level of control (or lack thereof) over some piece of information; particularly, the flow of information from point A to point B. Depending on the side of the flow you want to control (from the defender's point of view) or circumvent (from the attacker's point of view), you need to differentiate between read and write access control (usually referred to as confidentiality and integrity in the literature), and determine whether such information flow is even possible (availability).

As we discussed earlier in the book, overwriting a return address on the stack is an attempt to break the integrity of a piece of information, whereas leaking kernel memory to learn about a stack cookie is an attempt to break the confidentiality of the information. Keeping the whole machine up and running while performing a kernel exploit equates to preserving its availability. When the goal is to cause a denial of service one can cause a local or remote kernel panic to break availability.


Of course, the three aspects of information flow control—confidentiality, integrity, and availability—exist at all levels of abstraction. It is just that the use of memory corruption bugs is usually the most obvious way to break an information flow control mechanism (or to expose the lack of such a mechanism). In other environments, attackers would resort to other kinds of bugs. Attacks against Web applications, for example, often abuse SQL injection vulnerabilities that break the confidentiality, or worse, the integrity, of the application and its hosting server.

Kernel Attacks

We will start our discussion of future forms of attack and defense by revisiting the subject of attacking the kernel from the point of view of information flow control, as this will help you to understand what countermeasures defenders can implement. As we have discussed throughout the book, the kernel is important because it sits at the center of most of the information that users care about. It controls the filesystem, it implements network protocols, and it controls hardware devices, among many other things. Therefore, a bug in the kernel can cause problems with confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability for all of user land.


Whenever a kernel bug gives an attacker read access to a piece of information he otherwise would not be able to access, we have a potential security problem. However, not all pieces of information are considered equally interesting to defenders (those of us who are responsible for setting up information flow control mechanisms). The information an attacker can read and the information that truly poses a security problem are related, but not necessarily the same. This is an important point in terms of defense, since preventing an entire class of information from leaking bugs is simply impossible to achieve. However, if we reduce our scope to certain subsets of the problem, we can find solutions.

Let's start with a simple categorization of the levels of read access an attacker could reach. The lowest level is that of kernel memory, since everything the kernel knows is stored there. As you have learned, useful information can be found everywhere, from the kernel register to the kernel stack; from the kernel heap to the filesystem-related caches; from network buffers to the kernel .text itself; and so on. Such data can end up in user land in a variety of ways. We call these infoleaks, and they can be caused by the following situations:

  • Arbitrary reads of kernel memory

  • An explicit copy from kernel memory to a user-land buffer that is accomplished with inadequate or missing checks for the supplied user-space pointer

  • A lack of proper memory initialization before copying data out to user land, leaving uncleared data in, for example, gaps/padding between structure members

  • The kernel losing track of a piece of memory and then leaking it back to user space (e.g., page refcount bugs in Linux)

Note that it is also possible to combine attacks and use kernel memory write access to violate confidentiality by compromising integrity. One would resort to such a tactic if the bug that caused the information leak did not give the attacker sufficient control over what was being leaked. In this case, a little “help” from even a limited kernel memory write attack (e.g., a partial pointer overwrite) may be all that's needed to modify the appropriate pointer and read arbitrary (or just the desired parts of) memory in turn.


On combined user/kernel address space environments, we can also “redirect” an arbitrary write—say, a write obtained by passing an arbitrary offset to a kernel-allocated array—to user land, and then use that as an infoleak to infer the buffer's kernel address.

After kernel memory, the next level of read access an attacker could reach concerns bugs that do not give access to kernel memory, but rather allow one user-land process to access another, despite not having the appropriate credentials. Such bugs are normally found in debugging facilities such as the UNIX ptrace() system call, where race conditions or plain logic bugs may allow for such access.


There is also an interesting variation on interprocess information leaks that is caused by certain CPU features that are not architecturally visible, and therefore not directly controllable, such as branch target buffers used as a caching mechanism by the branch prediction logic in a CPU. In this case, the information leak occurs because it is possible to measure the utilization of this hidden resource to a certain extent—for example, by timing carefully constructed instruction sequences. If such a hidden resource is shared among different threads of execution, one thread can learn information about another thread and use it for further attacks. For practical demonstrations on deducing RSA secret keys see

The third level of read access can be found in filesystems; in particular, in pseudo-filesystems that rely on volatile storage and are created by the kernel at runtime for various purposes, such as procfs or sysfs on Linux. Inadequate consideration for confidentiality has resulted in information leaks of all kinds, from kernel addresses to user-land address space layouts, which can be of great use to make exploits more reliable.

Notwithstanding the amount of power that confidentiality bugs give to attackers, especially in terms of allowing them to drastically improve the reliability of their exploitation approaches, current forms of kernel protection tend to underestimate the importance of these bugs. This is very dangerous, as we have demonstrated throughout this book; hence the kernel defense side cannot ignore this kind of attack.


Arguably the most important aspect of kernel bugs is that they allow attackers to modify information that they should not be allowed to modify. The most interesting thing to attack is system memory, but modifying only the filesystem or network packets can also be useful. Memory corruption bugs, traditionally the first to come to mind when thinking about integrity, come in many shapes and forms. Everything we see in user land naturally applies to the kernel as well (e.g., stack/heap buffer overflows), but there are also bugs, or even features, that are specific to or at least more pronounced inside the kernel.

The first bug class that we will look at has to do with concurrent execution. While in user land, one can get by without ever having to use threads, or care about reentrancy in general. (Reentrancy means that the same piece of kernel code can be executed by different processes or threads at the same time. A simple example is the open() syscall or page fault handling, as we discussed in Chapter 2.) However, a kernel running on today's multicore CPUs must be aware of such issues, even if the user-land applications are all single-threaded. To prevent the same code from trampling over its own data we typically prevent concurrent access altogether (also known as serialized execution), or introduce a per-execution context state and work on that instead of global data.

Unfortunately, bugs can occur in both cases, either by failing to serialize access to some data (race bugs) or by failing to put some data into the per-execution context state. Note, as well, that avoiding serialization by putting data into a per-execution context means the context switch overhead will increase, which can also result in its own source of bugs if the context switch code fails to do its job properly. Examples of such issues include Linux IOPL leaks and FreeBSD signal handler leaks.

Closely related to concurrent execution is the problem of tracking object lifetimes, as it can be difficult to easily determine when a given object's memory can be freed. In such cases, the traditional solution is to track the object's usage with a reference counter (refcounter) associated with the given object. Each piece of code using the object is expected to increment the counter atomically for however long it needs the object, and then the last user (when the refcount reaches 0) frees the object without the programmer having to know which piece of code will be a priori. As we mentioned in Chapter 2 the counter can get out of sync, either incrementing or decrementing too much, until it eventually wraps around. When such a wraparound occurs, the object will be freed while other references to the object still exist, resulting in an often exploitable use-after-free situation.

The next interesting bug class that can affect information integrity has to do with copying memory between the kernel and user land. You may think that in terms of integrity we are only interested in moving from user land to the kernel, since that is obviously a way to corrupt kernel memory. But the other direction can also be important in exploiting a class of bug known as TOCTOU (Time Of Check Time Of Use) races. As an example, think of a kernel path validating and then using a file, both times using a reference that a user-land path can control: in the absence of proper locking, the kernel path might be tricked into validating a legal object and then opening a different one, given that the user-land path is fast enough in changing the reference.

What is the problem with copying data between the kernel and user land? From the kernel's point of view, user land is not trusted. Because it is not part of the Trusted Computing Base (TCB), any data it reads from user space has lost its integrity, and the kernel has to reestablish trust in it through careful validation. This validation starts with the memory addresses (pointers) user land passes to the kernel for further dereference, and continues with validating the actual data (array indexes, structure members, buffer sizes, etc.). Bugs in this validation can trigger problems such as buffer overflows and integer wraparounds, as well as TOCTOU races.

As if accessing and validating user-land memory were not complicated and error-prone enough, when considering integrity we must contend with another closely related bug class: inadvertent user-land access. Whereas in the normal case the kernel (the programmer) is explicitly aware of accessing and not trusting user-land-provided data and its memory, on combined user/kernel address space architectures there is always a risk of the kernel somehow manufacturing or acquiring a pointer that does not point to the kernel address range, but rather points back into user space. Practical examples of such pointer values include the well-known NULL pointer often used in C code, as well as various magic values used in debugging (also known as poisoning values) that also happen to be valid user-space addresses and ironically may turn the buggy conditions the programmer intended to detect into exploitable situations (e.g., Google can find Oops reports for the Linux linked list poison values).


Poison values to detect data corruption that might be used as a pointer by a given path should never be valid user-land addresses. Reconnecting with the aforementioned example for Linux linked list poison values, Linux defines such values as:

#define LIST_POISON1 ((void *) 0x00100100 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)

#define LIST_POISON2 ((void *) 0x00200200 + POISON_POINTER_DELTA)

POISON_POINTER_DELTA was exactly introduced to provide a way to “modify” the given value and make it point outside of the user address space range:


* Architectures might want to move the poison pointer offset

* into some well-recognized area such as 0xdead000000000000,

* that is also not mappable by user-space exploits:






(Un) fortunately, CONFIG_ILLEGAL_POINTER_VALUE is defined, by default, only for the x86-64 architecture:



default 0 if X86_32

default 0xdead000000000000 if X86_64

This leaves the address associated to the “poison value” still mappable by the user in user land on 32-bit systems. Note that, although more difficult to exploit, kernels using separate user/kernel address spaces are not necessarily immune to these problems either, because these special pointer values are explicitly created to not be trusted (their integrity is compromised by design), and their dereference is expected to be detectable, usually by page faults. However, the latter assumption can be violated if the magic values are, once again, not chosen carefully.

Yet another important area to consider regarding integrity is the filesystem. Memory corruption bugs can corrupt filesystem data and metadata since they are stored, at least temporarily, in kernel memory. Modern kernels also expose internal kernel information in pseudo-filesystems; some of the related data is prone to races when accessed from arbitrary user-land processes, and can result in the kernel making the wrong decisions, especially when it comes to granting some privileges (examples include Linux and other /proc bugs).

Finally, on some systems, such as (Open)Solaris and FreeBSD, the kernel .text is marked as read/write, to allow for easy support of the DTrace infrastructure (for more on DTrace, see Chapter 4). On those systems, memory corruption can directly modify the kernel code itself, which can lead to unexpected bugs or, with some crafted exploit design, direct (rootkit) infection of the target kernel without any need for code execution. In other words, if we have a controlled arbitrary write, we can directly backdoor the running kernel without having to start executing any payload.


As we mentioned in Chapter 3 and analyzed in some more detail in Chapter 7 if code execution is possible, on x86 architectures we can simply disable WP and then patch any valid memory area. This is simpler than the more generic technique of remapping read/write for the pages we target before modifying them.


As we have discussed throughout the book, exploiting kernel bugs has a “natural” side effect of bringing the kernel into a state from which it cannot recover. This can occur due to modification of unintended kernel memory, as well as exposure of locking problems (e.g., deadlocks/livelocks). It is also clear that the best chances for success of such denial of service attacks (whether intended or not) come from local bugs, simply because there are many more of them than remotely exploitable kernel bugs. On the other hand, from the defender's point of view, a panic is definitely better than a compromise. For this reason, kernel protections usually drive the system to a panic whenever they detect issues (e.g., a slab overflow) that might have negative consequences. (Some designs might tolerate a certain degree of “corruption” for the sake of maintaining availability. From a security standpoint, however, this is a highly risky game to play.)

Kernel Defense

Now that we have reviewed the attack side, let's consider some strategies that can counteract at least some of those attacks. In general, the defense side is concerned with the following:

  • Recognizing the need for information flow control in the first place (threat analysis and modeling)

  • Creating information flow control mechanisms (design and implementation)

  • Ensuring the existence of control mechanisms (verification, self-defense)

It is worth pointing out that these tasks are generic and not specific to kernel-related problems or to computer security in general. While we delve into each task we will mention some of the related areas as well because the various defense techniques often cross-pollinate from one problem space to another (e.g., stack cookies for detecting simple stack buffer overflows were originally implemented for user-land applications and then later were used to protect the kernel stack as well). This is a common route nowadays, since the increasing number of kernel-level protections aimed at stopping the exploitability of user-land issues has, as we said, shifted attention toward kernel exploitation, and kernel exploitation presents many analogies, at least theoretically, to user-land exploitation. Since kernel-related attacks are a more recent development than user-land attacks, protection techniques are newer as well.

Kernel Threat Analysis and Modeling

The question we want to answer here is simple: What are we afraid of? That is, what kind of information flows are important to us (the defense side) and what kinds of threats should we protect against?

We cannot answer these questions with a simple “Everything,” because that's impossible to do, so we will have to make trade-offs based on the resources (time, money, personnel) we can devote to a given defense mechanism, what kinds of bad side effects we can tolerate (impact on performance, memory usage, network utilization), and what level of protection we can achieve in exchange. These trade-offs are always specific to a situation. The budget a government agency can devote to defense does not compare to what a home user has at her disposal; the availability requirements of these two user types don't compare either, although interestingly, in today's networked world the same attacks (and attackers) may threaten both.

Let's first look at the type of information that is reasonably important for most use cases and see what kind of threat it typically faces. For us, a computer serves one primary purpose: store and process the information we're interested in. Therefore, any kernel mechanism that participates in this storage and processing, and any information that controls these mechanisms, is of utmost importance, since circumventing it leads to loss of confidentiality, or worse, loss of integrity.

Equally important in multiuser systems is the separation of information between users or groups of users. With these guidelines we can determine what parts of the kernel are important:

  • User credentials management (UIDs/GIDs on UNIX systems, SIDs on Windows)

  • Filesystem access control (file access rights, ACLs, etc.)

  • Communication (network stack, interprocess communications [IPC], etc.)

Note that these are runtime mechanisms that control access to data that end-users eventually care about. Obviously, many other things, not all of them technical, can give us access to such data, but here we are not concerned with the “big picture,” only the role of the kernel.

No threat modeling is complete without a look at the threat agents: the attackers. We can classify attackers based on their resources, dedication, skills, and target/focus (home PCs, universities, corporations, etc.). On one side of the spectrum we have attackers targeting government agencies. Such attackers have a virtually unlimited amount of resources and, theoretically at least, the highest level of skill. They are usually equipped with fully weaponized exploits for unknown vulnerabilities (known as zero-day attacks), and the only possible defense is via anti-exploitation protections, which we will discuss here. Their targets are likely high-profile (e.g., other governments). On the other end of the spectrum we have hobbyists who attack primarily for fun or personal challenge, and have no funding at all. They range from script kiddies who have low skill levels and target random hosts (most likely attempting to exploit known vulnerabilities and thus relying on sloppiness on the admin side) to highly skilled individuals or groups that develop their own attack code (finding and exploiting unreleased vulnerabilities) and use it against what we could define as “semi-random targets” (some of these people may focus on major targets simply for the “challenge”). In between these two extremes we have the malware industry, where people are paid to do one thing: infect as many computers as possible. This industry poses the main threat against home computers, usually in the form of auto-infecting/worm code. The typology of attacks in the malware industry is varied, but given the type of target, very simple attacks work well, too (e.g., users download and execute certain infected files).

Speaking of attack typology, it can be interesting to determine the main vectors from which kernel attacks arrive. Today remote kernel attacks occur less frequently than local kernel attacks. Generally, attackers look for other ways to break into systems (e.g., PDF files that trigger vulnerabilities, Web-based attacks, client-side issues, account sniffing, etc.), and then they “chain” themselves to those local kernel attacks. Although this section focuses on kernel defense, as we stated in Chapter 1 any defense approach must be multilevel. Network protection, monitoring software, user-land anti-exploitation prevention, integrity controls/logging, and kernel protection should all work together.

Kernel Defense Mechanisms

Now that we know what kind of information we want to protect in the kernel and who our opponents are, we must devise methods that will allow us to achieve some level of protection. The first step in this regard is to add a mechanism to the kernel to identify actors in the system whose various accesses we will control. Since the primary users of computers are (still) humans, we most often find some form of user account management in the kernel. Such accounts describe identity information associated with the given user, as well as the user's credentials, which the kernel will use to make access control decisions (UNIX UIDs, Linux capabilities, Solaris privileges, Windows SIDs, etc.).

Although these mechanisms are well known and have served us for decades, they also show their age when you consider contemporary computer usage and threats. On the one hand, the world has become networked, which means the data that users care about should be part of the network, so one traditional user account per machine model is no longer flexible enough. On the other hand, a given user uses her computer for many different tasks simultaneously, while expecting to both share and isolate data between these tasks. Therefore, the current way to assign credentials to a user (instead of applications, etc.) is often too coarse-grained for practical use.

How have we handled these issues so far, and what are the future trends?

For storing data in the network, we have all kinds of service providers (think of all the social networking sites, Gmail, etc.), where the access methods are usually far removed from the low level of the kernel, so there is not much one can do beyond what we have today (e.g., process isolation, filesystem access controls, etc.). Instead, the actual defense must be established in the various user-land pieces.

The situation becomes more interesting for the other case, however. Since the current way to partition “code that does something useful for the user” is to run processes in isolated address spaces (and with other resources, of course), and this isolation is under the kernel's control, it makes sense to extend this mechanism to provide further control over these processes, either to add further isolation or to allow more sharing.

Existing approaches are based on some kind of formal model for access control (Common Criteria Protection Profiles), or simple “common sense” methods (hardened chroot, FreeBSD jail, Solaris Zones, Linux namespaces, etc.). Although these methods solve some problems, especially in multiuser environments, there is a lot of room for improvement in terms of usability and management for single-user environments, where these methods have seen little penetration so far (e.g., Internet Explorer 8/Chrome processes, Windows 7 integrity levels, SE Linux sandboxes, etc.).

Let's not forget as well that all these access control mechanisms rely on the integrity of the kernel. Therefore, we will need a high level of assurance of kernel correctness, which is challenging to achieve, as we will see in the next section.

Kernel Assurance

We know that there is a lot of information we would like to protect, and that there are many, somewhat complex, methods to implement that protection. But we also know that nothing goes as planned when it comes to bug-free implementations. So, that raises the question: Why bother with all these defense mechanisms when a single bug in them or, more likely, anywhere else in the kernel may render them useless? The answer to this question is that the picture is not as bleak as it may seem. There are two basic approaches that attempt to raise our confidence in the defense mechanisms, or just the kernel in general:

  • Prove that the implementation worked (thus, there are no bugs).

  • Ensure that potential bugs are not exploitable.

The first approach is based on the idea that the obvious way to prevent the kernel from being compromised is to eliminate exploitable bugs in it in the first place. There is a huge amount of literature on this topic, dating back many decades, since eliminating normal bugs in general was a long-held dream even before security became an issue. This can be achieved by either reducing the amount of kernel code we need to trust, in the hope that less code comes with less complexity, and therefore fewer—ideally zero—bugs, or by proving that the code is correct (according to some definition of correctness, of course).


Although popular in research circles, reducing the amount of privileged code does not solve the fundamental issue. Shifting functionality, and hence complexity, to another level (microkernels, hypervisors, etc.) merely changes the goalpost but does not increase security as much as we would like. Just imagine a microkernel-based system where, say, filesystem drivers are run in a separate address space in some unprivileged CPU mode, so a bug in the filesystem driver cannot compromise the rest of the kernel (the microkernel and other subsystems that would be in the kernel in a monolithic system). However, compromising the filesystem driver can obviously still compromise the filesystem itself, and there is nothing the microkernel can do about it, since from its point of view, the filesystem driver is only doing what a filesystem driver is supposed to do: manage files and metadata on a storage device. In short, shifting complexity around does not eliminate the privilege abuse problem, and it is simply not good enough for practical security.

Proving correctness of code requires building some kind of model of the underlying system (the lower the level, the better), describing the code we want to prove in terms of this model, and finally proving that at least within the given model, the code does not violate the conditions we are interested in. Obviously, this means a lot of work as well as specialized knowledge and tools, so in practice such approaches are used on relatively small systems (e.g., NICTA's L4.verified with less than 10,000 kernels of code in 2009) and are unlikely to ever scale to the size of kernels such as Linux, Solaris, or Windows. Due to this scalability problem, in practice we usually try to prove less (for example, only the design and not its implementation, or only a lack of specific bug classes), but that, of course, means less confidence in the security of the system.

Although not strictly related to correctness proofs, it is worth mentioning some approaches that try to reduce the number of bugs as opposed to eliminating them for good. Though they are useful for increasing the overall quality and robustness of the code, they do less in terms of actual security than one would like because they do not guarantee that no bugs are left in the system; in other words, they are basically based on blacklists. The most well-known approaches are source code analysis tools that try to recognize known bad constructs, and various runtime testing methods (e.g., fuzzing, stress tests, etc.).

The second approach is less ambitious in that we accept the fact that the kernel will always have bugs. However, after carefully examining how the bugs can be abused, we can try to detect or, better yet, prevent such acts, albeit at the expense of reducing availability, as is sometimes the case. Since there are many bug classes and exploit methods, the defense techniques are also quite varied. Let's look at a few of them.

The first tool for the defense side is the tool chain that produces the kernel—in particular, the compiler. This is where we can add runtime checks for invariants that we expect to be true if everything works as planned, but would be broken when a bug manifests (either by accident or via a directed attack). Popular manifestations of such runtime checks include the BSOD under Windows and the various Oops reports on Linux.

Beyond the programmer's knowledge, we can also use the compiler to determine buffer sizes (GCC's FORTIFY_SOURCE, __builtin_object_size, and __attribute(alloc_size); Stack Smashing Protection [SSP], etc.). Although these are certainly effective features when they work, in practice there is quite a bit of room to improve code coverage in the future.

The tool chain could also be used to protect against the recently repopularized exploit method called software fault isolation, which relies on executing already present kernel code, albeit not in the sequence the programmer intended; examples include generalized ret2libc and return oriented programming (ROP); we see this technique in action each time we play a return-to-text game. In an irony of fate, software fault isolation mechanisms have been known for decades now, although outside of security. Here the goal is to detect general misbehavior due to hardware and software issues. The typical error model is some form of memory corruption. This is similar to what we see in security, with the only difference being that in our field, the corruptions are targeted, not random. On the other hand, their end result can be quite similar if not indistinguishable for practical purposes; a corrupted return address on the stack is equally bad regardless of whether a buffer overflow or an alpha particle is to blame.

More elaborate defenses have to be programmed explicitly, but they, in turn, allow more protection against lower-levels bugs than what the compiler provides. One technique popularized for defending user land is nonexecutable pages. This technique can be applied to the kernel as well, but for full effectiveness one has to take into account (i.e., exclude) the user space itself on combined user/kernel address space environments. In practice, no major kernels have this defense, which is why on x86, with the notable exception of Mac OS X, we always try to get to the return-to-user-space-shellcode scenario.

It is also important for the kernel to reduce the amount of executable memory in its own part of the address space. Unfortunately, this has also been overlooked for a long time; a simple dumping of kernel page tables will prove this.


The writable-implies-nonexecutable model has caught on in user land only recently, and attacks such as use of the process command line as the return address, as is the case on Solaris/UltraSPARC and Mac OS X, demonstrate that there is still a lot to do in the kernel space in this regard.

Nonexecutable pages are also at conflict with traditional kernel modules, since they are an effective means to introduce arbitrary code into the kernel. The practical solutions so far are all based on digital signatures, which do not prevent bad code from getting into the kernel, but at least make it traceable to the extent that the signing entity can be identified. Clearly, more work is needed here, but it is a hard problem in general (equivalent to the halting problem).

Although nonexecutable pages protect kernel code, data is equally important, since the kernel stores data for all users in the system, so the potential for violating confidentiality and integrity of some piece of data is great. Protecting integrity requires preventing unwanted writes to data. We can achieve this by making such protected memory read-only, although given that we are in the kernel, we must also make all related data read-only as well. Finding and protecting this data is not a simple exercise; although kernel page tables are obvious candidates, we also have to think of code (and the data it relies on) that can legitimately write to such protected memory, and hence needs to lift the read-only restrictions temporarily.

Protecting confidentiality is an even harder problem to solve, since, following the previous logic, we would have to make such data invisible in the kernel memory, at least for code that does not need to read it. We would also have to track information flow and apply the same protection to all derived information. Beyond academic research, no practical and general solution to this problem is in sight at the time of this writing.

If we reduce our threat model and wish to protect the most obvious places from reading or writing unwanted memory, we can concentrate on kernel code that legitimately copies data between the kernel and user land. In this case, it is more feasible to add explicit copy size checks, even when dynamically allocated memory is involved, since the kernel allocators can usually provide that information based on the buffer address.

Still considering memory-related defenses, we mentioned the inadvertent user-land pointer dereference problem already. This is of particular importance in terms of combined user/kernel address space environments, and the obvious defense mechanism is to introduce some artificial separation between the two. Regardless of whether we have direct support from the architecture (e.g., the SPARC architecture) this separation is typically achievable using paging logic for explicit address space switching between user land and kernel land. Unfortunately, this approach usually has a nontrivial performance impact on the given CPU's translation lookaside buffer (TLB), and thus on overall performance. This is why, as we mentioned in Chapter 1 on the x86 architecture, all operating systems (with the notable exception of Mac OS X) implement a combined user/address space.


To avoid/limit this performance impact (and still successfully introduce some separation between the user and kernel space), we have to resort to CPU-specific features, such as the segmentation logic on i386 (32-bit). This specific approach is not possible on x86-64 architectures, since segmentation has been largely limited in the design of that architecture. As we said (and as Mac OS X demonstrates), it is always possible on x86-64 architectures to use the paging logic to separate kernel and user land, but not at the almost-zero cost that the segmentation-based logic allows.

Last but not least, it is possible to detect refcount overflows if we can treat the counter as a signed integer (most of the time it is) and reliably detect the eventual signed overflow in the assembly. Underflows are harder to detect, however, since we would basically have to hold off on freeing the object the first time its refcount reaches 0 and wait until the counter reaches a negative number to be sure we detect the problem. Unfortunately, in well-behaved code, the counter will never reach a negative number; therefore, we would eventually leak all that memory and/or would have to garbage-collect it, which is not a good enough solution in practice due to its impact on memory usage and CPU time.

Beyond Kernel Bugs: Virtualization

Although the primary focus of this book is on kernel bugs, let's look beyond that a bit. As we have discussed throughout the book, the kernel is important due to its role as a privileged principal in a contemporary operating system. It runs code at the CPU's most privileged level, and it can execute any instruction and access any memory and hardware device; in short, it is said to be “in charge” of the flow of all information.

With today's widespread and ongoing adoption of virtualization, this fundamental role of the kernel has changed in that it is no longer in charge of the real world, but only of a virtualized one. This means we have a new master: the hypervisor, which itself can be a traditional kernel as KVM is under Linux.

Can the hypervisor be, for the defense of the kernel, what the kernel has been (and is) for the defense of user land? What about the security of the hypervisor (the host kernel) itself? We will discuss these issues, and more, in the remainder of this chapter.

Hypervisor Security

It is not hard to see that since the hypervisor has taken over the role of the traditional kernel, everything we've discussed so far about kernel security necessarily will apply to the hypervisor as well. That is, we can talk about design and implementation bugs in the hypervisor and how they can be exploited. This is not just theory. Over the past few years, we have seen several security advisories and exploits regarding exploitable bugs in all kinds of hypervisors, among them VMware, KVM, and Xen. As virtualization-based services spread even further, we can expect more scrutiny and, consequently, more bugs in these products.

What kinds of bugs can we expect in a hypervisor? Not surprisingly, memory corruption bugs are the first ones that come to mind, and indeed, several of them have been found already. (This trend probably will not change much given how much complexity ends up in a hypervisor, since it basically acts as a traditional kernel for its “user land”—the guest virtual machines, with all the usual bugs that come with it, such as memory corruption and race conditions.) However, a new class of bugs has been introduced due to the nature of certain virtualization approaches: emulation bugs.

On processors that are not designed for virtualization, such as x86 without the more recent virtualization extensions, it takes quite a few tricks to convince a guest kernel that it is no longer in charge of all the hardware surrounding it. (VMware/Xen took this approach originally.) One of these tricks is to not allow the guest kernel to execute certain instructions, detect the situation, and have the hypervisor emulate them for the guest kernel. Not surprisingly, decoding and emulating a complex instruction set such as the x86 instruction set can introduce bugs that do not exist on a real CPU. Consequently, they allow privilege elevation inside the guest (don't forget that the attacker is in user land in the guest) or, worse, into the hypervisor.

Emulation bugs are not specific to the CPU either. Virtualized machines have access to virtualized devices, whose drivers and underlying virtualized bus infrastructure in the hypervisor are subject to bugs as well. Examples include a series of bugs affecting the frame buffer implementation in VMware/Qemu. Full privilege escalation (i.e., executing code at the hypervisor level and escaping from the virtualized environment) has already been proven possible.

Although elevating privileges inside a guest (the traditional goal of a kernel exploit) is bad, let's consider what it means to break into the hypervisor. Since the hypervisor is now the principal with all access to all physical resources—and all guest memory as well—it is easy to understand the consequences. A privilege elevation from the guest user land into the hypervisor means instant privilege elevation into other guest virtual machines as well. Such an escalation of privileges would have normally required separate remotely exploitable bugs for each target machine. Now that we have replaced the good old copper wire with complex software and hardware, we suddenly made the payoff for a hypervisor bug a lot higher.

In general, we cannot reasonably expect to bring back the security level of the physical network, so it is important to research and deploy defenses that at least reduce the risk associated with exploitable hypervisor bugs. It should come as no surprise that several of the security techniques we have already discussed could be applied to the hypervisor as well (in the end, it is just a “shift of roles,” with the hypervisor being a more privileged entity above the kernel) but at the time of writing, it is open research and there is not much available in commercial products.

Guest Kernel Security

The goal of virtualization is to run a guest operating system (unmodified or modified) on a virtual machine to allow better resource utilization, availability, and so forth. From the guest kernel's point of view, this manifests primarily in the hardware environment it sees: the newly (un)available processor features and devices.

As we mentioned in the preceding section, certain approaches that restrict the availability of guest CPU features and emulate some of them result in complexity that can introduce exploitable bugs and allow privilege elevation for the guest user land that would not otherwise be possible on a real CPU. The other source of problems is the new virtual hardware devices and associated drivers, on both the guest side and the hypervisor side. Bugs in the guest side would allow only the traditional local privilege elevation we've discussed throughout the book, but bugs on the hypervisor side are catastrophic for the other virtual machines as well. We have already seen real-life examples of both cases (e.g., VMware SVGA driver bugsA ).


This chapter concludes our discussion of kernel exploitation. Although in the other chapters of the book we focused primarily on the attacker, in this chapter we attempted to close the gap and analyze what countermeasures can be implemented to prevent or limit kernel-level attacks. At this point, the osmotic relationship between attacker and defender should be apparent to you. To imagine what the future holds for exploit developers, we need to imagine what kinds of protections the kernel will come equipped with a few years down the road; at the same time, to build effective countermeasures today, we need to understand (and imagine) what attacks can (and will) be carried out by the bad guys.

As one would with every discussion about “the future,” we had to start at the present. Building on what we learned in the rest of the book, we modeled kernel-level attacks under the looking glass of the three principles of information security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. As we discussed, arbitrary reads are an example of breaking confidentiality, control flow redirection through a slab overflow is an example of breaking integrity, and a proof-of-concept code triggering a stack overflow and crashing the machine is an example of breaking availability.

After defining the attacking side, we moved to the defensive side, first by identifying what we want to defend and then by evaluating potential countermeasures. It is hard to ignore the feeling that at the time of this writing, kernel exploitation has received more attention, dedication, and research than kernel defense. And it is not unreasonable to expect, given the increasing diffusion of both remote and local kernel exploits, a steady and steep improvement of kernel-level protection in mainstream operating systems over the next few years, along the lines of what the grsecurity/PaX project has done with the (nonmainstream) set of patches for the Linux kernel (in fact, grsecurity/PaX implements many, if not most, of the approaches we listed in the “Kernel Defense” section) and similar to what has happened with anti-exploitation approaches to protect user-land programs. (For more information on grsecurity/PaX, see

The situation with kernel protection measures is a little more complex, though. First, unlike user-land protections, which can be introduced/activated on a per-binary basis, kernel protections impact the whole system immediately. Second, we must remember that security is only one of the key characteristics that prompt users (i.e., customers) to deploy one operating system over another one. Performance, backward compatibility with internal applications, and ease of use are all part of the equation, and not everybody ranks them in the same order (which is a good thing, since the worst way to promote security is to forget that the user has to be the center of our development efforts). For system administrators and programmers, then, observability might be another key point.

Ideally, we would want all of these characteristics to be maximized at the same time, but this is not always possible. Extra protection usually means extra checks, and hence some performance impact. Along the same lines, limiting an attacker's playing field can impact the system's ease of use (or observability).

Luckily, this is not always the case. There is a set of changes that is easier to introduce—preventing kernel address exposure from standard tools to unprivileged users, more carefully marking memory areas as writable or executable—and it is likely that these will be more quickly accepted and introduced in mainstream kernels. If you want to see whether a specific technique you have found will last, try to think how complicated it would be to design a low-impact form of protection for it.

At the same time, since we are looking at the future here, operating system developers might get some help from hardware developers. The advent of hardware-assisted virtualization is a clear example. If we think of the return-to-user-land technique (definitely one of the most powerful in our arsenal), the main reason it is possible to apply this technique on most x86 operating systems is that the alternative introduces an unacceptable performance impact. But if we think of the SPARC architecture, the hardware support for separated address spaces results in zero impact. If the next manifestation of the x86 architecture will provide similar support operating systems will quickly adopt it.

Usability and backward compatibility also pose an interesting challenge. As an example, think of the mitigation for NULL pointer dereferences that consist to prevent users from mapping a certain amount of virtual address space, starting from the 0 address. The most natural implementation would be to hardcode this change in the kernel, and this is what OpenBSD does. On the other hand, it turns out that some applications (e.g., Wine) need to be able to map low addresses to work correctly. Linux, which has a larger (and definitely more desktop-oriented) user base than OpenBSD maintains backward compatibility through the “personality” mechanism, in order to allow certain programs to map this range. At the same time, Linux also includes a configurability option at runtime, to allow privileged users to basically enable and disable it.

The net result is that this protection becomes more complicated and thus more prone to bugs (at the time of this writing, this protection has been bypassed, and then patched, a few times) and is still suboptimal. A carefully pointed arbitrary write still allows users to disable it. Obviously, more hardening to keep the same design is possible, as we discussed in the “Kernel Defense” section, particularly in terms of better design of read-only kernel areas, but this is a good example of how balancing configurability, backward compatibility, and usability is not a trivial task, and usually implies suboptimal trade-offs.

We concluded this chapter with a brief introduction to virtualized environments. Once again, it is not unreasonable to expect virtualization-related attacks and defenses to receive increasing attention in the near future. Virtualization is interesting in that it introduces a new entity above the kernel. Suddenly, we have a chance to protect the kernel “from the outside” just as we do for user land, but at the same time we have introduced a new attacking surface.

Virtualization-related bugs, new forms of kernel protection, new attacks, new defenses: the future looks exciting. Inevitably, the kernel will evolve. We hope this book has given you some lasting practical tricks/techniques as well as ample methodology to successfully tackle the new challenges that the upcoming evolution on both sides of the fence will pose.

A Cloudburst: Hacking 3D (and Breaking Out of VMware), Kostya Kortchinsky,

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