Chapter 4. Building and Maintaining a Secure Network
The concepts of defense-in-depth and layered security best represent the idea of building and maintaining a secure network. It would be great if users could rely on one type of technology or a single device to provide all of our security but that's not realistic, as history proves there are no silver security bullets. Some professionals use the analogy that security is like an onion – it has layers. Alone, each layer is weak and translucent, but together they're tough and solid.
A firewall is one layer but not necessarily the first layer. Figure 4.1 shows examples of different layers. The packet-filtering router that connects your company to the Internet may be the first layer, or there could be layers even further upstream at the Internet Service Provider (ISP). There you might configure a small rule set to filter out basic unwanted traffic like Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), finger, r-services, and anything else that you can live without crossing into your network space. The next layer contains the devices that make up your internal network infrastructure. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), and switches all contribute to this layer of security. Next is the host-based security that you might have installed on specific machines. Host-based intrusion detection and prevention, anti-malware software, and other protective controls may include hardening of the operating system itself. The next layer covers the application. Any hardening of the application, access controls, and file or library permissions fall into this layer. The final layer covers protecting the data. Encrypting the data stored on the system is one of the easiest ways to protect it.
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Figure 4.1
Layers of Security

Which PCI DSS Requirements Are in This Domain?

This chapter assumes that the reader has a working knowledge of firewalls and firewall technologies. Luckily, these devices have been documented and explored by bloggers and sites all over the Internet. If you find yourself lost on a certain term, try punching it into a search engine! From time to time, I'll refer back to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and/or the Security Assessment Procedures (SAP) to clarify.
There are literally dozens of firewall manufacturers in the world but only a few different types of firewalls. The PCI standard does not specify what brand of firewall to use, but it does dictate functionality it needs to provide.
There are two main requirements that make up this domain.
1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data (Requirement 1).
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters (Requirement 2).

Establish Firewall Configuration Standards

Requirement 1.1 of the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) guides you through the process of configuring and maintaining your firewalls and routers. There is no real science to deciding on what type of device and configuration to use, just some forethought. PCI requirements make it easy for you by telling you what type of firewall to use, how it must be configured, how to maintain it, and what to protect against.
PCI DSS doesn't waste any time getting into change management. Requirement 1.1.1 details a formal process for approving and testing all external network connections and changes to the firewall configuration. There are a couple of things going on here. First, all external connections must be approved and tested. Approval implies that management, or relevant delegates, must know and agree to the connection. Once the connection is made, it must be tested. Testing can range from full on penetration testing to simple port scans to verify that the connection is opened as designed. If this is your first time through PCI DSS, the firewall should be baselined (as a best practice), and any changes to the configuration thereafter must be approved. Each stakeholder should have a say in whether or not the changes actually get implemented.
It's much easier to understand what needs to be secured if you can see it on paper. Requirement 1.1.2 needs a current network diagram. All connections to the cardholder data should be clearly documented, including any wireless networks. This diagram needs to remain current at all times. With a good change management process, keeping the network diagram up-to-date is a simple task.
The flow of data throughout the enterprise is often forgotten when putting together an accurate diagram. In fact, network diagrams in general are poor canvases for graphically depicting the flow of data. Most diagrams are created in Visio® or a similar tool. Although the tools are quite powerful in what they can do, most engineers think in different ways, thus creating different looking diagrams that may represent the same underlying theme. A method for creating data flows published in an article entitled Data Flows Made Easy illustrates a way you can simplify this process ( These flow matrices are useful to Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs) and are much easier to maintain than graphical depictions of the same thing.
Requirements 1.1.5 to 1.1.7 were combined, simplified, and expanded in scope in PCI DSS v1.2. All ports and services allowed through the firewall must now be documented – secure or not – and insecure protocols must have additional documentation about their use, business justification, and potentially a risk assessment performed against them in the environment. Requirement 1.1.4 may also be of use here. The administrator needs accurate documentation of all groups, roles, and responsibilities for logical management of network components. This is especially helpful when implementing the rule sets.

The only services, ports, and protocols that are allowed are those that are required for business purposes. These must be secured and documented appropriately. The easiest way to document these is to add the justification to the actual rule base in a comment field for each rule. More formal methods of documenting these items could be through an assembly of change control tickets, a firewall rule set review by a third party qualified to perform such a review (which could be a new engineer or a third-party provider), or a formal corporate standards or requirements document. Remember that all documentation must be cross-checked against the current firewall ruleset, thus making documentation inline the most efficient way to handle this. Documentation is key, and if someone says “I need that port open because I said so,” ask more questions.
Now that you have all your Internet connections documented and your network and data flows clearly defined, Requirement 1.1.3 states that firewalls need to be implemented at each connection point and between any De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) and the internal network. Finally, Requirement 1.1.8 is less stringent in PCI DSS v1.2 firewall, and router rule sets must be reviewed every 6 months instead of quarterly. Be sure to take your review process seriously. Going through the motions on any of the periodic PCI DSS maintenance tasks will quickly land you in autopilot on track for a breach. Your engineers should scrutinize every rule and ensure it needs to be there. One good way to check a rule's use is to log it. If you find rules that are listed in your policy but never actually hit during a 6-month period, chances are the rule is out of date and should be removed.

Denying Traffic from Untrusted Networks and Hosts

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cardholder data are at the heart of Requirement 1.2. Your firewall configuration has to accomplish several things. The rule of thumb here is to deny nearly all traffic. Only the minimum traffic required to conduct business should be allowed through the firewall – both inbound and outbound. It is much easier to filter everything initially and only open the required ports and protocols on those ports. This is where a good network diagram with data flows, coupled with an accurate list of required services, ports, and protocols (with business justification), is worth its weight in gold.
Denying all traffic from “untrusted” networks and hosts is easy to accomplish. Many firewall solutions do this right out of the box. If not, there is usually a rule that can be configured to do this. It all boils down to failing safe. After processing all the traffic permitting rules in the firewall policy, all firewalls should deny everything else. For example, a common deny-all rule is called the “stealth rule,” whereby all traffic, inbound or outbound, specifically targeting the firewall device itself is dropped. Before that rule goes into play, you must have a rule that allows an administrator to access the management function of the firewall to make changes.
With the traffic being denied for all inbound and outbound traffic, specific rules need to be applied to enable your business to function. Verify the business need against your list of ports, protocols, and services first. To add even more security, if the source of traffic can be narrowed down to specific networks or hosts, make your rule more specific and only allow those through.

Restricting Connections

Requirement 1.3 in the DSS gets pretty granular with restricting connections between publicly accessible servers and any system component in scope for PCI. What does this mean to you? The database containing cardholder data cannot be in a DMZ that is publicly accessible. Stateful inspection firewalls must be used. If traffic is not explicitly allowed in the rule set, it should be denied. Any Request For Comment (RFC) 1918 addresses are not allowed from the Internet, and Internet Protocol (IP) Masquerading should be used where appropriate with Network Address Translation (NAT) or Port Address Translation (PAT).

The PCI DSS states in Section 1.3.3 that the firewall solution must provide stateful inspection. Most commercial and open-source firewalls have expanded beyond basic port blocking techniques and have stateful inspection capabilities. Cisco provides this capability on top of basic access lists (ACLs) in a feature new to IOS 12.0 called Reflexive Access Lists (or RACLs), which can be useful when extending firewall capabilities to satellite locations such as retail locations and distribution centers.
RFC 1918, originally submitted in February 1996, addresses two major challenges with the Internet. One is the concern within the Internet community that all the globally unique address space (routable IP addresses) will be exhausted. Additionally, routing overhead could grow beyond the capabilities of the ISPs because of the sheer numbers of small blocks announced to core Internet routers. The term “private network” is a network that uses the RFC 1918 IP address space. Companies can allocate addresses from this address space for their internal systems. This alleviates the need for assigning a globally routable IP address for every computer, printer, and other device that an organization uses, and this provides an easy way for these devices to remain sheltered from the Internet.

RFC 1918 space is often quoted and misunder stood. According to the original RFC, which can be downloaded at, there are three blocks of IP addresses that are considered private and non-routable over the Internet. Those are (, (, and ( Any private networks in your corporation should be numbered within those allocations, or in rare cases, on non-RFC1918 space that is owned by the company and not advertised to the Internet. This can be dangerous, however, as a fat-fingered change could cause the space to be publicly routable. Using IP space that is publicly routable but does not belong to you is also very dangerous and should be avoided.
Requirement 1.3.8 dictates preventing RFC 1918 address space from accessing DMZ or internal network addresses. Some devices call this “Anti-Spoofing” technology, mainly because an old trick to get around firewalls is to spoof internal IP addresses from external hosts. RFC 1918 addresses originating from the external port trying to come in to the DMZ or internal network should raise a red flag in the logs for the device. The firewall rule set should only allow valid Internet traffic access to the DMZ. Requirements 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 add more color on restricting traffic from the Internet to only those addresses that are in the DMZ and restricting direct inbound routes from untrusted networks into the cardholder environment. Why can't Internet traffic pass to the internal network? Because Requirement 1.3.7 requires the in-scope database to be on the internal network segregated from the DMZ. The cardholder database should never be able to connect directly to the Internet. Front-end servers or services should only be accessible by the public. These servers and services access the database and return the required information on behalf of the requester just like a proxy. This prevents direct access to the database.

There is no reason whatsoever to allow a database or other application to directly access the Internet, bypassing the DMZ. This could cause cardholder information to be vulnerable to unauthorized access. It is just as risky to allow a database server to have two network interfaces: one on DMZ and one on the internal network, even if no actual routing takes place.

Personal Firewalls

Finally, rounding out Requirement 1, Requirement 1.4 mandates personal firewall software on devices that are used to access the organization's network. The devices in question can be employee-owned (maybe a home PC with a VPN Client on it), mobile (such as a laptop or Wi-Fi phone), or both. The firewall must be present on the device, must be active, and cannot be disabled by the user. The built-in Windows Firewall can be used, provided that an appropriate group policy removes the capability to disable it.

Other Considerations for Requirement 1

PCI DSS v1.2 added more granularity to the requirements around routers, specifically taking Requirements 1.1–1.3 and extending them to routers. The one requirement that seemed specifically targeted at Cisco routers and firewalls has been enhanced is Requirement 1.2.2, even though it specifically only mentions routers. If any network device in scope for PCI has the capability to have a different running and startup configuration, this requirement applies and you need something to check to make sure they are actually in sync. No changes should be made to the running configuration without first going through the appropriate change management procedures.
Additional firewall considerations should be taken with regard to wireless networks and mobile or personal computers. Systems with cardholder information must be segregated from wireless networks for Requirement 1.2.3, and those firewall rules limited only to what is necessary for business. Chapter 7, “Using Wireless Networking,” has more information for you on how to get your wired and wireless networks working securely. These units may not always get critical patches in a timely manner, and the personal firewall provides some assurance.

The Oddball Requirement 11.4

Requirement 11.4, although not grouped in with Requirements 1 or 2, is part of building and maintaining a secure network.
IDSs detect unwanted activity on networks and systems, mainly from the Internet, but increasingly on hosts (host-based intrusion detection) and Wi-Fi networks (wireless intrusion detection). This activity is usually the product of a hacker executing an attack. IDS can detect malicious activity not normally prevented by firewalls including Trojan horses, worms, viruses, attacks against vulnerable services, unauthorized logins, escalation of privileges, and attacks on applications.
There are many types of intrusion detection or prevention systems that can be used to satisfy this requirement. This is an example of a requirement that companies can leverage to build solid intelligence around their network and produce real-time threat analysis data that can be exported to various risk management software. Below, you will find many types of IDSs that could be used to demonstrate compliance with PCI DSS. For those that you are unfamiliar with, try a couple of Internet searches for more information.
■ Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) is an independent platform that examines network traffic patterns to identify intrusions for an entire network. It needs to be placed at a choke point where all traffic traverses. A good location for this is in the DMZ.
■ Host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) analyzes system state, system calls, file-system modifications, application logs, and other system activity.
■ Protocol-based intrusion detection system (PIDS) monitors and analyzes the communication protocol between a server and the connected device (another system or end user).
■ Application protocol-based intrusion detection system (APIDS) monitors and analyzes application-specific protocols.
■ Hybrid intrusion detection system (Hybrid IDS) combines one or more of the approaches above. In most networks, an IDS is placed in one of three configurations:
□ Network Test Access Port (TAP) allows passive monitoring on a network segment. TAPs are more reliable than hubs or switches and relatively inexpensive to implement. Hubs have a potential for bottlenecks and packet collisions. Switches can also cause bottlenecks depending on the amount of traffic being mirrored to the SPAN port and have a tendency to not receive error packets. Handling virtual local area network (VLAN) can be complex or impossible.
□ Host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) protects workstations and servers through software that resides on the system. It catches suspect activity on the system and then either allows or disallows the event to happen, depending on the rules. Finally, it can also monitor data requests and read or write attempts and network connection attempts, potentially allowing it to be used as a compensating control for other requirements.
□ Network-based intrusion prevention system (NIPS) is a network security solution, although HIPS protects hosts. It monitors all network traffic for suspect activity and either allows or disallows the traffic to pass. For a NIPS to work properly, it needs to be positioned in-line on the network segment so that all traffic traverses through the NIPS. The implementation of a NIPS is similar to a NIDS with one exception: because a NIPS has two NICS, a network TAP, switch, or hub is not required. The network only needs to be architected with the NIPS in a position where it can monitor all the network traffic inbound and outbound.

An IDS is reactive in nature. It only monitors and sends alerts of suspect activity. In contrast, an IPS will not only alert but can also take action to mitigate the problem. So, if the functionality of an IPS to take corrective actions is not required, why spend the money to implement an IPS? The answer to this stems from the concept of palatable risk. An IPS solution provides the capability for corrective actions to be taken before a system administrator has the opportunity to respond, which can be desirable during an active attack against systems. Without human intervention, it is possible to cause a Type I error (or false positive) and block legitimate traffic from legitimate customers. Certain types of attack are clearly articulated and can easily be effectively blocked with an IPS.
Again, PCI DSS does not dictate which solution should be used. In many cases, this may come down to cost – cost to purchase and cost to maintain. Both the IDS and IPS have their advantages and disadvantages and should be weighed accordingly.

Requirement 2: Defaults and Other Security Parameters

A lot of thought goes into securing a network. You have to think not only about the network devices (e.g., routers, firewalls, IDS) but also about system defaults, configuration management, and encrypting nonconsole administrative access, to name a few.

Default Passwords

Default passwords exist with almost every operating system and application. Requirement 2.1 states that all vendor-supplied passwords must be changed before deploying a system on the network. Requirement 2.1.1 imposes the same mandate for wireless environments. Password policies and procedures are usually dictated by the organization. Although there are several alternatives for authentication like biometrics, smart cards, and tokens, most of us use the traditional user ID and password.
Additionally, if your organization has a procedure for adding new users and granting them access to systems, there may be some default passwords that you haven't thought about. If you can remember back to when you first received your user ID and password, you might recall that it was a preset generic password (does Password123 or Welcome1 sound familiar?) Before PCI DSS required otherwise, many system administrators used the same generic password for all new users. If your company has not changed its new user process globally to reflect the more stringent requirements for users with access to cardholder data, you may end up with some users that have generic passwords. For more information on this, see Chapter 5, “Strong Access Controls.”

Simple Network Management Protocol Defaults

Requirements 2.1 and 2.1.1 mandate all system defaults be changed before deploying a system into production. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is associated with several known vulnerabilities – specifically, versions of the protocol before version 3 – and default strings can allow someone to learn nearly everything about a device and potentially change its configuration. SNMP is a good network management tool for administrators of large infrastructures, but if it is improperly configured, it can allow hackers to do significant damage on a mass scale. Make sure SNMP defaults are changed.

The SNMP protocol has many versions. Most modern devices now support SNMPv3 that allows for individual user authentication and encryption of the SNMP channel. Avoid prior versions of the SNMP protocol.
The most basic form of SNMP security is the community string. There is a public community string that allows read-only access to network devices, and a private community string that allows read-write access. The default values for these community strings are “public” and “private,” respectively. Remember, community strings are not unlike passwords, and any SNMP armed with those defaults can gain access to an SNMP aware network device.

The only thing worse than having “public” as your community string is to have no community string at all. This would give anyone at least read access to your network devices. A hacker can find out a lot of information about a device through SNMP.

Delete Unnecessary Accounts

Systems and applications come with a variety of accounts built-in. Some are system accounts, and others are administrative accounts allowing vendors to support their products. All support accounts should be disabled or deleted immediately. These accounts are essentially backdoors into your system, and if not controlled closely, they can cause a compromise to easily occur. All guest accounts should be deleted or at least disabled. The passwords should be set to something no one knows, and you should consider renaming the account if it can't be deleted. The same goes for default administrator accounts. Rename them to something inconspicuous. Name them something that conforms to your organization's naming standards, and change the description of the account as well. It adds a layer of difficulty for an attacker looking for the account.

Here are some common accounts to disable that are typically available on new installations with a basic password or no password at all.
■ Root account on UNIX systems
■ Administrator account on Windows systems
■ SA account for Microsoft SQL
■ qsecofr account on AS/400
■ “Enable” passwords on Cisco routers

Develop Configuration Standards

All organizations should adopt a baseline that is considered to be a minimally acceptable configuration for all systems. It is a key element of security and aids a security team's efforts in reducing the vulnerabilities on their systems from the minute they are deployed, and this reduces the overall security risk to the organization. Requirement 2.2 mandates that all known security weaknesses are addressed and are consistent with industry-accepted system hardening standards. If a particular vulnerability is not addressed with specific hardening techniques, workaround solutions may need to be applied to mitigate the risk. Once you have adopted a standard, the systems should be baselined to ensure all systems are built and hardened the same every time. Creating security baselines on computers and your networks is no trivial task. It takes time and effort, but the end result is priceless. A security baseline is a standard set of security settings that are established for each type of computer or network component in your organization. The baseline configuration is a “point-in-time” configuration and should be updated regularly as new settings are applied. Your organization's security policy should drive what security features are applied to your systems. A well-defined security policy lays the foundation for security elements that must be put in place.

If you are not sure where to start, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides checklists for almost all platforms in use today that are freely available on their Web site, These need to be modified and adapted for your organization. The Center for Internet Security ( is another great site for checklists, such as their CIS Benchmark tools for tons of common operating systems.

Implement Single Purpose Servers

Requirement 2.2.1 mandates that critical servers provide a single service (e.g., Domain name system (DNS), database, e-mail, Web) to the organization. All too often, organizations try to save money by hosting multiple services on the same host. Each service brings its own vulnerabilities and risks to the table and provides a hacker with multiple choices for attack. If too many services are provided by a single server, an exploited vulnerability on one service (i.e., DNS) can bring down or cause a denial of service to the entire server. The integrity of all the services and data is questionable at that point. As a rule of thumb, increasing the number of services provided by a single host degrades the overall security of the server and the organization.

If you are running a Web server that is interacting with a database, that Web server should always reside on its own host separated from the database server by a firewall. If the environment is virtualized, the Web server and database server can physically be on the same host but should be separated on individual guests.
This particular requirement is hotly debated among virtualization enthusiasts as well as small businesses with limited resources and multifunction servers. The use of virtualization in conjunction with this requirement is perfectly acceptable for PCI DSS. The main trick is to remember the host operating system (or the hypervisor if you are running a minimalist host installation) is in scope for PCI, but guest operating systems (or virtual machines) can be scoped out, depending on what they have access to and what they are doing. Remember, any guest host that can see into another guest host with PCI data in it may be deemed in scope.
The other side of this is multifunction servers for small businesses. This is a gray area without a ton of guidance. Depending on how you want to read the literal language, you could read it as broadly as a server with multiple services on it serving a single function; thus, it is compliant with the requirement. If you wanted to overdo it on the narrow side, then every server type service should have its own hardware or virtual machine to run on. The true answer is somewhere in between. Black box solutions are typically viewed as compliant with this requirement, where homegrown ones may not be.
The answer here is to use common sense. You probably don't need to have your cardholder database on a machine that also acts as your Primary Domain Controller and external e-mail server.

Configure System Security Parameters

You might think this is a “no-brainer,” but not all system administrators know exactly which services are enabled and disabled on their systems and how the system itself is secured. Requirements 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 describe how system administrators must handle the services that are available and running on their servers. Requirement 2.2.2 is standard system hardening whereby all unneeded services are removed, which couples nicely with Requirement 2.2.4 that mandates the same for removing unnecessary scripts, drivers, features, etc. Any service, piece of software, and operating system feature that does not have business justification for running must be disabled or removed.

Don't forget about your network appliances and peripherals. These should also have appropriate security features applied.
Requirement 2.2.3 mandates the configuration of all system security parameters to prevent misuse. This particular control includes both a question and answer session with the system and security administrators as well as verification that common security parameter settings are included in the standard configuration. This can be accomplished by reviewing internal vulnerability scan data, as well as interacting directly with the machines. You can expect your assessor to ask things such as “What is your security knowledge?”, “How would you verify secure configurations on your particular equipment?”, and “What kinds of services would you disable immediately after installing a new server?”

Remember, in most cases, default installations have numerous vulnerabilities. A lot of these services, features, ports, protocols, and so forth were put there by the vendor, and it is well-known information that is freely available on the Internet.

Encrypt Nonconsole Administrative Access

System and network administrators, by design, have access to everything. They “own” the network and are responsible for keeping it functioning. However, some of the tools they use are a little less than secure. Many of the tools are antiquated and actually pass user IDs and passwords in the clear (such as Telnet and Rlogin). To accommodate Requirement 2.3, encryption solutions must be used for all nonconsole administrative access. Most modern platforms have open-source solutions for this such as OpenSSH as a replacement for Telnet and “R-Services” (see for more information). Mainframes will usually require licensed software to enable encryption, so other compensating controls may be considered here.

Compensating controls can be used for anything but Requirement 3.2, so in rare cases, you may be able to run services such as Telnet or rsh on your internal network. If you have a valid business case and have taken the appropriate steps to design and implement an acceptable compensating control, you may be able to use these services. From a security perspective, allocate resources to upgrade those systems as soon as possible. Services such as Telnet and rsh allow users to easily capture sensitive data and even modify data in flight. Virtually every maintained platform in use today has an encrypted nonconsole administrative option. For more information on compensating controls, see Chapter 12, “The Art of Compensating Control.”

Hosting Providers Must Protect Shared Hosted Environment

PCI compliance goes further than just the commercial entity providing the goods and services. Far too often your favorite store is nothing more than a “store front” with no back office, just a building or a Web site that pushes goods. Typically, Web site hosting for these operations is done through a service provider. Requirement 2.4 mandates that hosting providers protect each entity's hosted environment and their data.

What Else Can You Do to Be Secure?

Secure networks are often dismissed as too hard to enforce. Why spend precious cycles chasing our tails with a locked-down configuration when we can get by fine without it?
Here is a dirty little secret that many professionals don't want you to know: security and functionality don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, when they are set up properly, companies can achieve both a substantial amount of flexibility and speed to market with a solid security posture.
Expanding on this requirement, go back to basics when reviewing your firewall rules. Make them start from a deny-all in both directions, and then before adding any exceptions, ask yourself if this rule is really needed. Don't just stop at the PCI environment; go throughout your entire enterprise with this same methodical review.
After you have your final set of rules, go back again and examine the network protocols and traffic that you are permitting. Can you change the software to use encrypted streams? Can you go a step further and force mutual authentication with SSL certificates (or some other means) between network hosts? If this is possible, perhaps you can further limit the types of traffic permitted through your firewall.
Finally, the best thing you can do is separate the people from the machines. No, I don't mean electrifying computer keyboards everywhere in your enterprise (but that could be a fun experiment). I mean put access controls and firewalls between your server farms and “userland.” Users are creative little monkeys that learn how to take the keys from a tired zookeeper and let all the animals out at night. Even with massive investment into technologies to secure laptops and desktops, all it takes is one creative act to introduce unwanted software into the environment, potentially targeted at server platforms. Separating those environments will go a long way to build resilience and security into your network.

Tools and Best Practices

Firewall and network administration are easy when you have only one or two devices like many small merchants. Larger companies have hundreds or thousands of devices to maintain and must use tools to automate portions of the administration.
Firewalls that accept plain text configuration such as Cisco PIX and Linux IPTables can easily have scripted solutions that allow one change in one file to propagate to a virtually unlimited number of sources. If all store configurations are the same, or at least can be grouped, you can input the baseline configuration into a database and then have a script that generates the appropriate configuration for each store based on variable data such as store IP addresses, special store cases/rules, and other custom configurations.
The database structure could be as simple as three tables: a store definition table that has custom elements such as IP address space, possibly other boolean configuration switches, a baseline store configuration that all stores should conform to, and a table for supplemental rules for local customization. However, these basic setup scripts could easily dump a working firewall configuration for each store, and then normal distribution methods could retrieve and install them. Adding a new device to all stores or changing a global configuration could now be done with minimal effort and cost.
Both of these firewall technologies, as well as a slew of other open-source or free options, can be graphically administered through an open-source tool called FWBuilder ( FWBuilder is free to individuals on certain platforms and available for a nominal fee for commercial licensors. If you've ever been scared of running a UNIX-based firewall or a Cisco PIX because of its command-line feel, try FWBuilder on for size.
Most enterprise class firewalls that use a graphical user interface to administer them, such as Checkpoint, have the capability to administer multiple enforcement points in one central location. Many of these can be scripted as well such that you could accomplish something similar to the above but through commercially available means.
Firewalls and routers can be assessed through automated tools that review their configuration and match them up against several security standards, including PCI DSS. Commercial examples of these tools include Redseal's Network Advisor ( or Skybox's Network Compliance tool ( Depending on your particular firewall, you may be able to find open-source variants in their respective user communities.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

These requirements normally bite companies in a few specific ways. The companies requiring the most remediation under this requirement typically are companies going through PCI DSS for the first time. Documentation tends to be one of the biggest deficiencies companies face when assessing against this domain. Your best bet is to make sure that you have documented all your firewall rules as required by PCI DSS. Simply going through that process will force several issues that will help you meet your end goal of compliance with PCI DSS. Those issues are outlined below.

Egress Filtering

Firewall policies tend to forget that outbound traffic should not get a free pass. For firewalls to comply with PCI DSS (and be effective security devices), they must only permit traffic that is necessary for business – both inbound and outbound. To successfully enhance your firewall policies without interrupting your business, consider adding new rules to your firewall that “permit” certain types of traffic and then log any hits to those rules. This will allows you to quickly determine which rules will work and which ones will not.


Without fail, documentation is one of the most tedious aspects of attaining and maintaining PCI compliance. Before your assessor comes on-site, make sure that all in-scope firewall rules are documented and have all the necessary approvals. The expanded scope of Requirement 1.1.5 now requires that all ports and services allowed in and out must have documentation associated with them. Consider performing a risk assessment on those rules and including that documentation as well.

System Defaults

Good internal vulnerability scanning finds most instances of default passwords or configuration on in-scope systems. Many breaches that happen today start with a default or blank password or default to an insecure configuration. Ensure that a vulnerability management program correctly identifies these mistakes and that the management process designed to take findings through to resolution (including the all-important feedback loop!) correctly reports progress on remediation activities.

Case Study

For this section, we will explore two different cases to show how the requirements can be applied in both small and large companies.

The Case of the Small, Flat Store Network

Before PCI, the notion of a firewall anywhere except for the border of a network didn't exist. In fact, wasn't the old joke about security “Hey, I'm all about security! I have a firewall!”?
Unfortunately for most companies, big or small, rapid growth and pressure to meet financial expectations have stifled security such that compliance initiatives like PCI become challenging. In nearly every company, network segmentation had to be addressed at some level.
Joe's Jumping Jerky Joint, a small company given to Todd by his father Joe 10 years ago, has four stores and an e-commerce Web site that accepts credit cards for payment. Todd was notified by one of his acquirers that he is now a Level 3 merchant and must submit a SAQ to demonstrate his compliance with the PCI DSS. As a former Level 4 merchant, his knowledge of PCI DSS was limited; thus, his stores or online site have not been validated against the controls.
The physical stores use IP-based Point of Sale (POS) terminals that he purchased off of eBay, and they share infrastructure with some nonpayment related machines. There are two PCs that are used by the manager and assistant manager of each store to browse the Web, check e-mail, and access the order fulfillment screens from the online store. There is also one kiosk in the store that allows customers to sign up for e-mail updates. The stores also have a small cafe and tasting area where you can sample some of the jerky and have a light lunch or coffee. Todd provides free Wi-Fi to customers who come to the cafe.
Each store connects to the Internet via a business class Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) for his Internet service, allowing Todd to ensure certain minimum levels of bandwidth and favorable pricing when bundling other services. The business class DSL came with an upgraded router that provides the capability to create a DMZ, but he has not used this functionality to date.
Todd knows that the PCs and the kiosk are not fully up to date with PCI standards and that the wireless network is a problem for PCI, as there is currently no segmentation between it and the wired infrastructure. In order to meet PCI DSS, some changes must be made. Todd does not want to invest thousands of dollars into added infrastructure to comply with PCI DSS. What options are out there?
Luckily for Todd, he upgraded to the business class DSL! The DMZ functionality on the device allows Todd to segment the POS devices onto their own network with relative ease. He needs to purchase a small managed Ethernet switch to accommodate the few POS devices per store. Finally, he needs to review the configuration of his DSL router to ensure that the firewall settings are done appropriately according to PCI DSS. He will not be able to access the POS devices or the POS controller (if applicable) from the PCs on the network, so he may have to adjust some process to go to those machines directly for end of day batch processing.
For the Web site, Todd must work with his hosting facility to ensure that they are providing a PCI compliant solution. He should either ask for their completed Appendix A for his environment (too meet PCI Requirement 2.4 if applicable) or see by checking if they are on the CISP Compliant Service Provider list ( Regardless, his contract with his hosting company should comply with Requirement 12.8. See Chapter 6, “Protecting Cardholder Data,” for more information. If they are a compliant hosting facility or service provider, he knows he can provide documentation to satisfy his internal assessment requirements for demonstrating compliance to PCI DSS. If not, he must work with them to ensure they take the appropriate steps to become compliant. If he decided to in source his Web site, he would need to document all his firewall rules and make sure he had sufficient ingress and egress filtering. Oftentimes, firewalls will default to a minimal inbound ruleset without restricting outbound traffic at all.
For examples of what Todd's network looked like before and after segmentation, refer to Fig. 12.1 and Fig. 12.2, “The Art of the Compensating Control.”

The Case of the Large, Flat Corporate Network

Flat networks don't only appear at small retailers' store locations, they appear in the corporate offices too – oftentimes with much higher remediation costs.
Consider the case of Christine's Car Commissary, a large retailer with 2000 stores. Christine's company has recently become a Level 1 merchant and is facing fines of $25,000 per month under the VISA Compliance Acceleration Program. She hired a QSA, and among other findings, she discovers that her internal assessors have underestimated the scope of PCI due to their flat corporate network. The store locations have large enough IT installations to make segmentation as easy (if not easier) as James's Jumping Jerky Joint. Instead, she is faced with massive costs associated with upgrading legacy systems not involved in card processing on her corporate network, and many of which are no longer maintained and cannot meet PCI DSS.
Christine knows that she needs to get as many systems out of scope as possible to keep her remediation costs under control. Two years ago, Christine had to upgrade several of the core switches that run her corporate infrastructure simply due to capacity limitations. She smartly purchased for growth and has both CPU cycles and bandwidth to spare. Her IT staff have several VLANs defined in the core switching infrastructure, and with the recent upgrades, they have the ability to place ACLs on some of the switching interfaces (or in some cases, directly on VLANs).
Christine must quickly deploy ACLs to isolate the cardholder environment such that her legacy computing systems are not included in the scope of the assessment. After consulting with her vendors and IT staff, she decides to take a two-prong approach. Several of her distribution switches have empty slots available. She will purchase firewall blades to boost the security and efficiency of her switching network, allowing her to accomplish several things.
1. The cardholder environment will be segmented from the rest of the core network, thus significantly reducing the scope of the PCI assessment, saving both remediation and assessment costs. She uses her new firewall blades to handle this at the network core.
2. IT and Management staff requiring access to those systems (both internally and remotely) are provided two-factor authentication tokens and have VPN software installed on their laptops. When they are in the office, they must use that two-factor token to access the environment just like if they were at home. This can effectively change the perimeter of her corporate network (as it relates to PCI), thus further reducing scope.
3. Like Todd does in the previous example, Christine creates segmented areas inside her store locations. Christine accomplishes this differently but with the same level of effectiveness. She directs her IT staff to place RACLs in the stores to segment her POS environment from the administrative and wireless areas in the stores.
4. She also puts additional controls on the wireless network with more stringent RACLs and deploys wireless intrusion prevention systems (WIPSs) to further bolster the security around her wireless network.
5. Finally, Christine has her security staff review the overall architecture of her network and design additional enclaves to boost the security of the network and increase its overall resistance to worms, viruses, and other malware that propagates via weak network access controls.
Christine is able to focus her IT and Security staff on the above five items, saving both time and money and successfully passes her PCI assessment by concentrating her resources on the in-scope sections of her network.


All systems must be protected from unauthorized access, whether it's from the Internet or any other source. Seemingly insignificant Internet paths such as employee e-mail, browsers, or e-commerce services such as Web servers can prove to be disastrous if not secured properly. Throughout this chapter, we have discussed Requirements 1 and 2 of PCI DSS. Understanding these two requirements is fairly easy; complying with them and actually implementing the required security features can be somewhat overwhelming.
We discussed the types of firewalls that may be effective from both an internal and external standpoint, how to update your documentation, and the best ways to manage the enormous amount of data associated with them. We also discussed administrative access to systems and components and how to handle remote or non-console administrative access.
Configuration standards must take into consideration all network devices (i.e., firewall, router, switch, IDS) and your computers, servers, services, and applications. Default configurations and passwords are almost always published on the Internet. For this reason alone, take precautions and change all default settings so as not to make the attacker's job easy. If an attacker makes attempts to exploit your environment and finds it difficult, chances are he'll move on to someone easier.
Finally, baseline your standards. Once the different types of systems and components have been hardened, establish a baseline security configuration. This takes the guesswork out of building and configuring the next similar system. It will have the same configuration as the previous one if the baseline configuration is followed. The baseline security configuration should be updated on a periodic basis to include new changes to the system and should always follow what is stated in the configuration standards and required by your organization's security policy.
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