Chapter 7. Using Wireless Networking
Wireless technologies continue to advance in both speed and proliferation. It seems like every spring season merchants start to get frisky and revisit the prospects of pushing wireless technologies down to their stores. Most big-box retailers already use wireless for inventory management and have dealt with the upgrading outdated technology to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Smaller retailers have toyed with implementing the technology to cut costs on store buildout or even to add additional registers in parking lots or tent areas. To add to the capabilities of radio frequency (RF) communication, you could even build a point of sale (POS) network that functions over Bluetooth. We shudder to think about that kind of network, but it is possible. Wireless networks don't stop at Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, however.
Recent advancements in cellular data networks created opportunity for a new class of card processing terminals that can process cards without Wi-Fi or hard-wired Internet connections. As we saw the effects of convergence in our cellular telephones over the last 10 years, we are beginning to see the same effects in the payment terminal market. Not only are the terminals becoming smaller and more functional but also some companies have gone completely paperless with their field technicians. One service company even deploys what can only be described as minitablet PCs to its field technicians that prioritize their work lists, give them directions on where to go, provide traffic updates to keep their schedules efficient, keep track of spare part inventory and send that information back to headquarters, and finally accepting a credit card for payment.
These terminals don't need to be that sophisticated to be in-scope! Think about the last time you went to an outdoor festival or arts and crafts fair. If you ran out of cash, you had two options. You could either run over to that ATM machine on the street that only seemed to need a long orange extension cord to operate, or pay for your wares directly with the merchant through a credit card terminal. Depending on how hot the sun was or how many adult beverages you may have consumed, you probably didn't think too much of it. Both of those options look and feel like the ones you see indoors but with one major difference. They are not connected to any sort of wired network!
The intent of PCI DSS with respect to wireless is to impose a subset of the requirements on any communication between two devices that does not occur over a wired network.
This chapter covers some of the basics in wireless payment processing as well as the pitfalls for which you need to be aware. Although not foolproof, the basic concepts here keep your assessors happy as well as placate the business development and security professionals at your company.

What Is Wireless Network Security?

When one of the authors thinks about his first wireless network, he remembers that his access point (AP) was the only one within range of his laptop's Wi-Fi card. You know, the big fat credit card-sized ones that plugged into that fancy PCMCIA slot on your laptop? Or even better, that brick you carried around that plugged into the USB port?
Technology has come a long way in the last 10 years.
Not long after his first foray into Wi-Fi, he noticed another wireless AP suddenly appearing as an available network to join. He protected his Wi-Fi network with a 64-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) key (128 bits were not available on the hardware at the time) just to see how it worked, but he noticed that his new “target network” did not. Curious, he joined the other network.
Although the signal strength was not fantastic, he was still able to browse the Internet at a slow pace, no doubt riding the same cable modem service that was coming into his own house. He decided to probe a little bit further, and sure enough, an open file share was available on one of the machines connected to the network!
Curiosity aside, the author's neighbor clearly believed that he was either the first person to install wireless in his area or that his signal did not extend beyond his four walls. The latter is the most common misconception carried by individuals, even though they can receive a cellular telephone, television, and radio signal inside the very same four walls that they expect will block Wi-Fi.
Now imagine that same individual several years later having a brilliant brainstorm that includes deploying Wi-Fi into his store location, so he can sit out among the patrons with his laptop but still get his company business done. You can probably see where this is going. He made the fatal mistake of assuming that nobody would want to tinker with his little store. Not long after putting up his cheap AP that he purchased from a local electronics shop, he received a phone call from his acquiring bank notifying him that he may have a problem.
Wireless networks, and specifically Wi-Fi networks, are frequently the target of both nuisance and sophisticated attacks. Wi-Fi networks in particular are attractive to attackers because the cost to acquire the equipment used in the attack is minimal. Cellular and satellite networks have an advantage over Wi-Fi networks in this regard as the equipment required to go after these networks is typically much more expensive and requires specific training or knowledge to carry out a successful attack. That does not mean that these networks should ignore things like good security and encryption, but often, these constraints are seen as security controls.
To clear the air, they are not.
Unfortunately, early implementations of Wi-Fi only offered WEP encryption. Although the underlying algorithm was solid (RC4), the implementation of the algorithm caused information to be leaked with each packet. When used in a certain way, this information leads to the compromise of the WEP key (see the “Common Mistakes and Pitfalls” section of this chapter). With the key in hand, attackers could decode every single packet over the air, dumping information in a manner not too unlike sniffing traffic via a network span port on a switch. Usernames, passwords, company secrets, and customer information were now all available until the key was changed. Because the keys could be compromised in 30 min or less, key changes did not stop the attacks.
Basic security functionality like disabling Service Set Identifier (SSID) broadcast and Media Access Control (MAC) address filtering adds to the illusion of security. These features are easily overcome by anyone with a solid understanding of wireless networking and the proper tools. Remember, wireless encryption only protects the payload, but it does not encapsulate the entire packet from a laptop to the AP. This means that both the SSID and MAC addresses can be seen by a casual observer regardless of the encryption technology deployed, and both of these values can be configured to perform a successful attack.
Worse yet, now that the attacker had examples of legitimate hosts (and their hardware addressing) as well as the key, he could join the network and poke around until a firewall stopped him. Store networks, and internal networks in general, tend to be devoid of firewalls. Thus, an attacker joining a remote store's Wi-Fi network generally gave him free rein of the corporate network and a launch pad for attacks on servers inside the “secured” area of the network. Many cardholder data compromises start like this.

Where Is Wireless Network Security in PCI DSS?

For the most part, PCI DSS only sets the stage for a baseline of wireless security. PCI DSS's handling of wireless network security is a prime example of how PCI DSS compliance does not necessarily mean you are secure.
The new scoping section of PCI DSS 1.2 has a small section on wireless that is helpful to review. It's pretty complete as far as giving you a definition of what is in-scope for PCI DSS. When in doubt, assume it is in-scope.

Manufacturers of cellular or satellite products tell you they are safer to use because of the difficulty in intercepting the traffic, just as the ones that manufacture and sell Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) radios will. Security by obscurity is a foolish way to protect yourself against the bad guys. Eventually, someone will figure out a cheap way to intercept fancier communications like this and the game will be over. The technology probably lends itself to a lower risk of compromise today, but that doesn't mean it will be that way forever. Be sure you are using industry standard stream-ciphers over these networks. And remember that any wireless technology in use must comply with these requirements!
Companies wishing to comply with PCI DSS must minimally address several requirements, even if wireless is not deployed in the target environment. Those are 1.1.2, 1.2.3, 2.1.1, 4.1, 4.1.1, 9.1.3, 10.5.4, 11.1, 12.3, and 12.9.3. Let's explore how companies can meet those requirements.

If you think that you have no legitimate wireless in your production environment, at a minimum you still must address the actions mandated by Requirements 11.1 and 12.9.3. “Rogue” APs in your cardholder environment can be lurking without your knowledge.

Requirements 1 and 12: Documentation

The first step, as is with most parts of PCI, is to document! 1.1.2 was referenced in Chapter 4, “Building and Maintaining a Secure Network,” but it has applicability here specifically for wireless networks. Any wireless networks that are permissible in your environment should be documented in the network diagram you present to assessors. As an example, let's say that the only wireless permitted in your environment is a vendor wireless network that only has limited Internet access. Your network should already have a firewall between the unsecured wireless network and the corporate network. That action alone helps you meet most of PCI DSS. Even though it is not connected to any card processing networks, nor does it process cards itself, placing it on the diagram helps to illustrate that you have your ducks in a row.
Requirement 1.2.3 mandates that firewalls be installed between any in-scope networks and the wireless network. This is pretty self explanatory, but the part that can trip companies up is defining what is acceptable as a firewall. Because PCI DSS uses the word “perimeter” to describe the kind of firewalls you should use, many Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs) interpret that to mean a stateful inspection firewall like what you see in Requirement 1.3.6. Some QSAs might consider stateless packet filtering firewalls as a way to meet this requirement. With the flexibility that Reflexive Access Lists (RACLs) afford you as a stateful inspection access list, consider deploying those instead of new hardware. Watch your resource management, as any time you add filtering like this to your switches or routers, you will be adding both overhead and memory usage. Routers and switches at or near capacity should be upgraded before considering this type of deployment. The main point here is to put some kind of enforcement point between the wireless network and the wired network – preferably a stand-alone firewall – with the wireless network being on the untrusted side of the device.
Zooming to Requirement 12, we have more documentation-related items to address. Requirement 12.3 now includes wireless technologies. Remember, this is a policy document. If you set a company policy, your internal assessment group should conduct periodic reviews to ensure that the policies are being followed. Your QSA is not required to dig that deep, but a corporate policy that has not followed leads to a breach could prevent you from receiving safe harbor protection under the various card brand operating rules or applicable state or federal laws. The policies for Requirement 12.3 should address all the following before deploying wireless in your environment:
■ Explicit management approval for the use of wireless
■ An authentication scheme to identify users
■ A list of all such devices and personnel with permission to use them
■ Labeling of devices with owner, contact information, and purpose (use this for the infrastructure side, like an AP)
■ Acceptable uses
■ Acceptable network locations for wireless
■ List of company-approved products
■ Automatic disconnect of sessions after a specific period of inactivity (think more virtual private network (VPN) access, less standard Wi-Fi)
■ Activation of remote-access technologies for vendors only when needed by vendors, with immediate deactivation after use
Most companies that deploy this type of technology can address the wireless components as part of their broader policy covering Requirement 12.3.
Next in Requirement 12 is 12.9.3, now expanded to include an incident response plan specifically for unauthorized wireless APs. If you follow PCI DSS to the letter, the possibility of activating this clause in your incident response plan may seem remote. It is. We'll get into that more later in the “Testing for Unauthorized Wireless: Requirement 11.1” section of this chapter.

Actual Security of Wireless Devices: Requirements 2, 4, and 9

By now, you are probably wondering when we will get to those fancy encryption requirements! It goes without saying, but building a secure environment where you operate any technology starts with documentation. Part of your wireless usage and deployment standards should include select elements from Requirements 2 and 4.
Wireless encryption technologies have come a long way in the last several years. Just 10 years ago, the only options for wireless encryption were using WEP or tunneling encryption inside your wireless connection such as a VPN or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection. Now, there are a multitude of options for both encryption and authentication. As of PCI DSS 1.2, WEP is no longer permitted as an acceptable protection technology. By the time you read this, no new installations using WEP may be deployed, and all existing ones must be upgraded by June 30, 2010.
Security professionals are quick to point out that WEP is simply encrypting packet payloads, and with additional protection like tunneled encryption and endpoint firewall technologies, it could still be a secure way to deploy wireless. Unfortunately for PCI DSS compliance, WEP is not allowed.
Requirement 2.1.1 lists five items that QSAs must check for to validate compliance. Your wireless installation should (at a minimum)
■ Have unique encryption keys (i.e., not default) that are changed anytime anyone with knowledge of the keys leaves the company or changes positions (for shared keys only);
■ Change default Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) community strings;
■ Change default passwords/passphrases used for administration on APs;
■ Support strong encryption for authentication and transmission over wireless networks – for example, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) or WPA2 (WPA2/802.11i); and
■ Change other security-related wireless vendor defaults.
This dovetails nicely into Requirement 4.1.1 that simply reiterates that industry best practices should be used for encryption and authentication of wireless devices. This requirement overlaps with Requirement 2.1.1 somewhat but still should be viewed separately.

WEP may no longer be used for new in-scope networks. Existing networks must be converted by June 30, 2010 per PCI DSS version 1.2, Requirement 4.1.1. Deploy WPA (WPA and WPA2/802.11i) on these networks instead.
Many of the attacks against wireless networks start by gathering lots of traffic, either by performing injection attacks or by selectively targeting users and having them download large attachments or stream media. The more traffic you have, the more cryptanalysis you can perform, and the more likely the attack against the key will be successful. On top of that, shared keys are just that – shared. Everything about security screams “Don't do that!”
WPA2 or 802.11i provides networks with a significant boost in security by authenticating individual users through certificates or usernames and passwords. Additionally, devices that use WPA2 or 802.11i benefit from mutual authentication, meaning that the device itself can authenticate the AP it uses making evil-twin type attacks much more difficult to perform.
What constitutes an industry best practice for wireless security? For Wi-Fi installations, WPA or WPA2 should be deployed. WPA is increasingly coming under attack due to its reliance on WEP to function. WPA was designed as an interim fix to WEP until the 802.11i standard was finalized (also known as WPA2) and has recently demonstrated vulnerability to dictionary and “chopchop” like attacks due to its reliance on WEP. Details of these attacks can readily be found via your favorite search engine. New installations using Wi-Fi should absolutely use WPA2 with some form of unique authentication, sometimes called WPA2 “Enterprise.” Don't use shared keys (sometimes called WPA2 “Personal”). They are a pain to deal with and, for large installations, virtually impossible to maintain according to PCI DSS.
For other wireless technologies such as satellite, cellular, or microwave, encrypt transmissions with Triple-DES (3DES) or the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) stream ciphers (or an industry-accepted algorithm of equivalent or better strength). Don't rely on the cost of communication interception equipment to secure these increasingly popular forms of communication. Such reliance is both risky and could lead to a false sense of security, further putting your company at risk.
Requirement 9.1.3 mandates physical protection for wireless devices. APs should be kept under lock and key, behind badged access doors, or in some cases, it should be protected with a cage. The intent of this requirement is to prevent an unauthorized user from tampering with the device. Don't rely on a 12-foot ceiling to protect the APs deployed on or above it. Ladders are readily available here in the 21st century. For that reason, don't rely on other physical hiding techniques, such as making your AP look like a smoke detector, to secure your hardware.

Logging and Wireless Networks: Requirement 10.5.4

Wireless gets a quick mention in the dreaded logging requirement for PCI DSS. Be sure to include wireless logs from your AP in your centralized logging solution. Different vendors have different ways of communicating logging data but most can dump data via syslog(). Piggybacking on the same infrastructure that collects logs from routers and switches should be trivial to accomplish.

Testing for Unauthorized Wireless: Requirement 11.1

When it comes to wireless, there is no requirement more debated than 11.1. Security and compliance may not be farther apart anywhere else in the standard than they are right here. On one side, merchants are equipping district managers with basic wireless tools and making sure they hit each of their stores at least once a quarter. These merchants rarely are able to be compliant with the standard all year long as invariably stores are missed and equipment fails. Managers don't understand why they have to do it, and every merchant has at least one maverick out there that would opt to buzz the tower instead of respecting the controller's wishes.

The intent of Requirement 11.1 is to discover unauthorized wireless devices. Unauthorized devices can show up in your environment even with a “No Wireless” policy. As the “Property of IT” example in the “Why Do We Need Wireless Network Security?” section of this chapter illustrates, breaches can easily come from the wireless device you don't know is there.
On the other end of the spectrum, you have wireless defense vendors who tell their prospects that they cannot comply with PCI DSS unless they buy and deploy their wireless intrusion detection system (IDS) or intrusion prevention system (IPS) solution. One author knows he has ruined a few sales people's quarters by giving merchants alternatives to deploying wireless IPS. Early deployments were often costly, and retailers of any substantial size face mounting costs in deploying the technology in each store. A $2000 cash outlay for one location is easy to swallow, but that same outlay for a thousand locations suddenly becomes significant.
Then, in extremely rare cases, merchants have sophisticated enough network equipment to positively identify every device plugged into their network with automatic quarantine capabilities when devices that should not be active are plugged in. The number of ways you can attack this particular requirement are numerous, and the effective security of these solutions varies greatly.
The authors would like all those wireless IDS and IPS vendors to cover their ears for the duration of this paragraph. Just skip the rest of this paragraph, and go to the next one. Neither author wants to see this show up in a marketing slick, seriously. For the rest of you, the wireless vendors really do have your best interests in mind when they are pushing their products as a method to meet this requirement. One vendor in particular has a great analogy about scanning each store once per quarter (as the requirement states). It's equivalent of turning your firewall on for 1 day each quarter, then assuming nobody would want to come in and attack you until you turn it on for that 1 day next quarter. This analogy is fitting because it helps put things into context. It's also a great illustration on the difference between compliance and security.
Compliance with Requirement 11.1 means that at a minimum, you must scan each location with a wireless analyzer each quarter to identify all wireless devices. Should an unauthorized one show up in the scan, it should be traced down and efforts made to ensure that it is not affecting the security of the cardholder network. Alternatively, you can use a Wireless IDS or IPS to identify these devices in real-time, and in some cases, take action against them to prevent them from functioning on the network. Requirement 11.1.b mandates that if you do choose to use a Wireless IDS or IPS, it can generate alerts when unauthorized devices are detected, and should that event occur, 11.1.c ties into Requirement 12.9.3 discussed above (the incident response plan).
If you are using a wireless POS system for your stores, do yourself a favor and deploy an AP that has IDS and IPS functionality out of the box. Then, enable them and ensure that they can meet Requirement 11.1.b. If your plans include wireless POS, you should do everything you can to defend those devices. Make no mistake; if you deploy it, the attackers will come.

Quarterly Sweeps or Wireless IDS/IPS: How to Choose

As with most parts of complying with PCI DSS, there is no clear solution or silver bullet. Let's explore where one might be better than the other.
Automated solutions are slick. They provide scalability (usually) and do much of the thinking for us. If you have wireless technology in your locations, using a Wireless IDS or IPS solution is probably going to be the best way to handle security and compliance with PCI DSS. If you have a proven rapid response time in the field, a Wireless IDS may work well for you. The difference is similar to network IDS and IPS technologies we discussed in Chapter 4, “Building and Maintaining a Secure Network.” Wireless IDS will only tell you about the problem, and then, you must take action. All 24/7 shops with appropriate response staff are required to make IDS an effective technology.
Wireless IPS solutions typically come on the same hardware and carry incrementally insignificant costs over the Wireless IDS solutions. If you don't have a proven response time or don't want to staff up accordingly, go with the IPS solution instead. Let it alert, but also let it take action. You will spend more time up front configuring it to not interrupt normal business activities, but overall IPS will carry a lower cost to your organization (when properly tuned and maintained).
So with all this fancy, whiz-bang technology, why would we go the manual route? For a couple of reasons, but the number one reason typically being cost. Companies considering this option would have limited network capabilities in their locations, such as a store front. If all of the network connectivity comes in through a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) line on a modem with four ports on it, and all four ports are in use by equipment required to run the business, regular (shift change is a good time to do this) visual inspection of this equipment may be sufficient enough to protect the enterprise and only rely on the quarterly sweep to identify any devices. It's not foolproof (as any number of security pundits could no doubt come up with a list of ways to defeat this control), but based on the risk, it could definitely be both an acceptable compliance and security control.
This is where training is key. Good security includes all the principals of technology, process, and people. The impact that skimmers have on credit card fraud committed against fixed devices (such as unattended fuel pumps or cash machines) could be dramatically reduced by visual inspection at a shift change and other random times during the day. This is another argument for keeping your networking simple. A shift manager or even an individual contributor taking a few minutes each day to visually inspect all equipment and network jacks can be an effective control against unauthorized wireless devices.

Why Do We Need Wireless Network Security?

Corporate networks are protected by many layers of security, one of which being physical security. Think about how difficult it is to get into the data center at your company. It probably includes going through multiple layers of physical security controls such as parking access gates, fences, and security guards. Employees can easily get access to the facility, but getting access to the data center is usually limited to a select group of individuals.
Wireless networking cannot rely on physical security to completely secure it. Yes, it is possible to use directional antennas to contain the signal inside your four walls or even use specially designed mesh surfaces inside your walls to create something like a Faraday cage for Wi-Fi signals, but that is not foolproof nor 100 percent secure. Worse, those techniques generally don't work for other wireless technologies, and it won't protect your network against a hot-shot user who puts a generic AP in his office, so he can work on his laptop from the conference room.
Because we lack physical security controls, we must rely almost entirely on technical controls to protect our wireless networks. Defense technologies have come a long way since the first corporate AP was deployed, but companies still need to install and configure these technologies properly in order for them to be effective.
PCI DSS only requires a minimum baseline for wireless security. In the authors' opinion, companies relying on wireless technology for their business should go beyond PCI DSS and choose the appropriate defensive solution to protect their networks.

Tools and Best Practices

Wireless technologies have permeated virtually every part of our technologically advanced society from the use of cellular technology to enter credit cards and process payments to the casual Wi-Fi device lurking at a sleepy cafe. There are numerous tools you can use to both detect networks and defend against potential hackers.
Beginning with detecting, there are both commercial and open source solutions. Commercial solutions are readily discovered through your favorite search engine, and many of the major AP manufacturers also have similar capabilities built into their devices. The solution that fits best for you may just come down to your specific requirements and budget.
As far as open source tools, three in particular lead the pack by far. Net-Stumbler ( for Windows was one of the first tools with a graphical interface that was easy for any casual wireless junkie to use. It did have limitations (and in some cases still does) but is a decent tool for beginners.

Although wireless scanning software has come a long way over the years, especially free ones like NetStumbler, users performing serious scanning activities should always use a combination of tools, not relying on any one single tool for all their results.
On the UNIX side, two tools top our list. Kismet ( uses a curses interface, so users run it from a terminal window, but it visually displays its information (as well as creates detailed logs with GPS data if enabled) in a format that is easy to navigate and understand. The other tool to consider is aircrack-ng ( It has a great traffic dumping utility but is reserved for more advanced users. This tool has excellent encryption cracking capabilities and was a staple in one author's toolkit during wireless assessments for customers.
From the hardware side, consider getting a high-power Wi-Fi card. For 802.11b and 802.11g targets, high-power cards with external antenna capabilities are readily available through various electronics outlets. You should also consider a good antenna. An omnidirectional antenna is probably the most useful for PCI DSS scanning, though you may have more fun with a “Pringles Can” or another yagi Wi-Fi antenna. 802.11a networks differ slightly in both their frequency and channel designations. Only certain channels are allowed to have a detachable antenna per the FCC requirements. Outside the United States, check with your regulatory body for specific rules and standards.

Keep in mind that illegally modifying equipment can land you in a heap of trouble with the various authorities that govern RF communications. Do yourself a favor and ensure that you do not break the rules!
There are plenty of tutorials for wireless scanning and penetration testing available through your favorite search engine or book store. If you are not a professional, your best bet is to leave this particular task to individuals who are. Whether you contract with a security consulting company or choose a wireless hardware vendor, be sure to select the most appropriate technology for your business and risk appetite. As with most things, you get what you pay for!

Here are several examples of good tutorials on wireless scanning and penetration testing:
■ Essential Wireless Hacking Tools:
■ Wi-Foo, The Secrets of Wireless Hacking:
Use these tools and methods at your own risk.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

Wireless networks should be treated the same as a wired network when it comes to security, with some added hiccups. Remember, wireless stretches the boundaries of your network past your brick and mortar walls to areas where you may not have a physical security presence. Per the requirements, one of the most basic prevention measures you can deploy is changing the default settings.
■ Change the default passwords. Be sure you work with your manufacturer to find them all. Some APs come with several default accounts with varying levels of security permissions.
■ Change any shared key at least quarterly, and after any individual with knowledge of the key changes departments or leaves the company.
■ Change the default SSID. The SSID differentiates one network from another. When coming up with an SSID for your AP, don't use the organization's name, address, or any identifying characteristics that would either draw attention to it or assist an attacker in singling out your company's wireless. Disabling SSID broadcasting characteristics is a good idea as well, but remember that most modern wardriving tools can still extract an SSID from packets over the air even if your AP leaves that field blank while broadcasting its beacon frames. Thus, you should not rely on “SSID Hiding” as a method of security.
■ Enable enterprise strength WPA2 or 802.11i for encryption. Preshared keys are not preferable because you have to change them frequently and have to touch every device to do so. If this is not an issue for your company, then be sure your preshared keys are as random as possible and use the entire key length allowed.

Enterprise type authentication or authentication that uses a unique username and password or certificate per device is much preferred over a preshared key. Most network setups can handle this type of authentication with minimal cost of hardware or software.

Why Is WEP So Bad?

WEP has been proven to be a very weak encryption technique to secure a wireless connection. The article, “Breaking 104-bit WEP in less than 60 seconds” (, discusses how easy it is to break WEP. In a nutshell, there is a 3-byte vector called an initialization vector (IV). The IV is prepended onto packets based on a preshared key that all clients who need to authenticate must know. For most WEP hacks, you will probably only need tools like Kismet and the aircrack-ng suite. These tools can be downloaded freely from the Internet.

Case Study

Wireless compromises give security professionals plenty to write about when it comes to what not to do with respect to wireless. Let's walk through a couple of examples.

The Case of the Untethered Laptop

Ashley's Archery Adventures aims to revolutionize hunting through archery. Ashley started her business last year and has seen steady growth as adults and kids alike take on the challenge of archery. Ashley's business is built on a small 50-acre plot of land just outside of several large suburbs. Luckily, she was close enough to those suburbs to get high-speed Internet access for her office and POS devices.
Ashley spends much of her time out in the field (literally) and has set up several small covered areas where her customers can enjoy water and packed lunches in between archery stations. Because Ashley found herself away from her desk quite often, she put a small Wi-Fi antenna on a modest 100-foot tower by the main office so that she could use her laptop. She took the appropriate precautions to secure her network and used a long preshared key that she changed every quarter.
One day while at the main office, she noticed some strange pop-up windows appearing on her computer and suffered intermittent network blackouts. She installed antivirus and set her automatic patch update to run weekly, so she thought that maybe it was one of her software programs automatically updating itself. If that was not the case, she thought maybe the weather caused her wireless network to go on the fritz. She made a mental note of it and went on with her day. That evening, she noticed that the problem seemed to go away and things were back to normal. Two months later, she learned that she had been compromised.
Ashley was a victim of a common attack against laptops with Wi-Fi cards called the Evil Twin. Ashley frequently visited her local coffee shop on the weekends and used their Wi-Fi connection from her laptop. When the owner of the coffee shop added free Wi-Fi for his customers, he dropped a basic wireless router with default settings on a separate broadband connection for his customers. He didn't want to mess with security settings for his customers and get involved with fixing esoteric problems with each patron's laptop. Default settings seemed to avoid those problems. He also didn't want one of his users to potentially use so much of the Wi-Fi network that his store network was at, or beyond, capacity. This solution worked well for him and his customers.
When Ashley's laptop was acting funny 2 weeks prior, an attacker was cycling through commonly used default SSIDs and got her laptop to associate with his attack machine. Because he provided a stronger signal than the one Ashley was using at the time, her laptop automatically associated with his machine, and he was able to launch an endpoint attack against it. Ashley's laptop had not yet downloaded and installed a patch that fixed a remote vulnerability in the operating system, allowing the attacker to exploit the vulnerability and gain control of her machine. From there, he installed a rootkit and was able to gain access to other machines on the network, including her POS devices. He was also able to grab the Wi-Fi key and casually observe and participate in the network at will.
One of the dangers of wireless networking is the devices that use it. One author has enjoyed watching overly confident security professionals boast about the security of their Wi-Fi networks, only to have a savvy consultant attack a laptop directly (instead of trying to break the network encryption) to gain access. Sometimes computers try to out think their users and do things they “believe” are in the best interest of their users. One of those things is to choose the strongest wireless signal to get the best possible Internet connection.
You can combat this by never “remembering” the networks that you connect to, requiring users to specifically choose each network in which they want to participate.

The Case of the Expansion Plan

After learning her lesson, Ashley quickly cleaned up her breach and was able to refocus on her business. She kept her wireless network intact, but she added additional protection with a host-based firewall for her laptop and then removed all stored profiles except for her office Wi-Fi. Her device is the only authorized device on the network at this time, but part of her improvement plan for this year is to put small POS terminals in some of the covered areas. She plans to offer more products for sale like cold beverages and food or snack items. Each covered area would have a PC to keep track of inventory or allow employees to send quick notes via instant messages or e-mail.
Ashley has budgeted a small amount of money to purchase both the hardware for the expansion plan and to build a small back-office network to maintain these devices. She wanted to provide network services to the devices to back them up daily and put important files on a network file server for all machines to use. Being as these machines would be somewhat exposed to the elements, she knew that equipment failure was a much bigger possibility than if those devices were kept in a climate-controlled office environment.
She purchases and deploys a Microsoft Windows 2003 Server and sets up her new employees in Active Directory with usernames and passwords. Each machine must log into the domain, and her “Rent-an-IT-Guy” sets up some basic network shares and permissions for each user. After he finished setting everything up, he left a small easy-to-follow guide for Ashley should she need to make minor changes.
Now Ashley must decide how she wants these machines to connect to the wireless network. It's impractical to go change Wi-Fi keys on these devices by hand every quarter, so she wants to find an automated solution or replace shared keys all together. What should she do?
Ashley has two choices. The first is to have her “Rent-an-IT-Guy” write a script that will change the Wi-Fi keys automatically on each PC in the field. This gives Ashley the advantage of keeping her existing setup that she is familiar with, but allowing the machines to easily change their keys while avoiding the headache of visiting each terminal and typing in the complex key by hand.
Ashley's second choice is to upgrade her Wi-Fi router to one that will support an enterprise authentication scheme with 802.11i or WPA2. From there, she can add an agent into each field computer's installation that requires users to authenticate with the network first with their existing username and password. This username and password could be part of their Active Directory credentials and would only require setting up a RADIUS server on the domain controller to enable this functionality.
Before security purists jump down the authors' throats, yes, we do realize that a single username and password that accesses all resources may add additional risk of compromise. That said, in this instance, the risk is relatively low provided that each user receives training on how to create good passwords or pass phrases, and they are changed regularly. Alternatively, Ashley could deploy an inexpensive token-based solution to provide a second factor of authentication that would effectively remove this weakness.

The Case of the Double Secret Wireless Network

James's Junker Jubilee, a car rental facility that rents run down automobiles for a fraction of the cost of a traditional rental company, recently went through a PCI assessment. Upon arriving at their corporate headquarters, the assessors were placed into a conference room for the duration of the assessment. When it came time to ask about wireless technologies, Sally, a risk manager, proudly stated that wireless technologies were prohibited at James's and that employees found using these technologies were reprimanded with penalties up to termination.
The lead assessor casually looked over in the corner of the conference room where the audio/visual (A/V) equipment was stored and pointed out a blue device with two antennas on it. It oddly enough had a label on it that proclaimed “Property of IT, DO NOT REMOVE.” When the lead assessor examined it closer, it was an AP from a well-known supplier and was plugged into the Ethernet port in the wall. The assessor had an older model in his house, so he was sure he was looking at an AP and not something related to the A/V features of the conference room. Sally looked at the device and said, “Well, that showed up last month and we just assumed it belonged to IT and didn't touch it. The CIO has a lot of political power at James's, and most employees have learned not to cross him.”
It turns out, a hacker posing as a flower deliveryman gained access to the facility around Valentine's Day that year and placed the curiously labeled device in the conference room. He had been poking around the network ever since and had stolen both customer data and intellectual property. Because he had used several techniques to hide the device, the basic wireless sweeps that the company was performing did not pick up that device. To the wireless analyzer, it appeared to be coming from the community laptop at the front desk that was used to enter and print visitor badges.
Had James's used a Wireless IDS or IPS to bolster his security instead of relying on his quarterly wireless analysis as part of Requirement 11.1, chances are he would have had a much better chance of catching the hacker in the act and shutting down the connection before the breach of data could occur.


Wireless networking can be both safe and effective in extending your network's functionality for special events or as a normal course of business. From mobile users who have all-in-one devices that manage their inventory, schedules, and payments, to that cash machine at an outdoor arts festival, to a trendy bar with an outdoor patio and deck area in the spring and fall, wireless payments are here to stay.
As we have learned by reading this chapter, there are several things that companies must be aware of when they venture into potentially uncharted waters of mobile or wireless payments. This goes without saying, but be sure you understand both the technology you are implementing and have a trusted third-party review it for compliance and security (the latter probably being much more important in the grand scheme of things). Too many companies have ventured down this road with big ideas only to deploy an insecure technology and end up with a massive compromise bill.
Finally, pay close attention to the security features of your particular infrastructure components. Use all the capacity available (that makes the most sense for your network and setup), in your keys, and use the best encryption available.
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