

ABS function  167–168

absolute column pointers  374

ACROSS variables  254–255

advanced INPUT techniques

about  359

creating multiple observations  372–373

detecting ends of files  364–365

handling missing values  360–361

informat lists  373–374

problems  375–376

reading data conditionally  369–371

reading data from multiple files using FILENAME statement  366

reading external filenames from data files  366–367

reading external files  363

reading multiple lines of data  367–369

reading portions of raw data files  365

reading short data lines  362–363

trailing @ sign  373

using relative column pointers  374

variable lists  373–374

alignment parameter  133

ALL keyword  303–304

ampersand (&)  38, 425–426

analysis variables, combining with CLASS statements in tables  306–307

AND operator  93–94

ANYALNUM function  192–193

ANYALPHA function  192–193

ANYDIGIT function  192–193

ANYPUNCT function  192–193

ANYSPACE function  192–193

apostrophe (')  46

APPEND procedure  391


about  205

changing bounds  210

converting character values to propcase  208–209

loading initial values of temporary  211–212

multidimensional  212–215

problems  215–216

setting values  206–208

temporary  210–211

using to create new variables  209–210

ARRAY statement  206, 207, 209–210, 213

assignment statement  17

asterisk (*)  17, 294, 302–303, 366

at (@) sign  33, 110, 167, 380

attributes, of permanent data sets  64–66

AUTONAME option  268–269, 276


bar charts  337–340

BARWIDTH= option  338

basics, problems  8

BINWITH= option  347

blanks, reading data values separated by  26–27

Boolean logic  93–94

bounds, array  210

box plots

generating simple  347–348

generating with grouping variables  348–349

breaks, report  248–251

BREAK statement  248–251

BY statement  142–143, 145–147, 151–152, 230–233, 263–264, 266, 269–270, 415

BY SUBJECT statement  407–408


CALL SORTN function  177–179

CARDS statement  30

CATALOG procedure  380

CAT function  184–185

CATS function  184–185, 399, 400, 459

CATX function  184–185

CEIL function  161–162, 172

CENTER option  242

character data, reading  382–384

character functions

about  181

changing case of characters  182–183

data cleaning with NOT functions  193–194

dividing strings into words  196–197

extracting parts of strings  194–195

joining strings  184–185

performing fuzzy matches  197–198

problems  201–204

removing characters from strings  183–184, 186–188

removing leading/trailing blanks  185–186

searching for character classes  192–193

searching for individual characters  190–191

substituting strings or words  199–201


searching for characters  189–190

searching for words in strings  191–192

character values, determining length of  182

CHART procedure  337–340

charts and graphs

about  337

adding confidence limits to plots  342–343

adding regression lines to plots  342–343

creating bar charts  337–340

creating box plots with grouping variables  348–349

creating histograms  346–347

creating scatter plots  341–342

creating simple box plots  347–348

creating smooth curves  345–346

creating time series plots  343–344

displaying statistics for response variables  340–341

overlays  349–350

problems  351–356

transparency  349–350

CHARTYPE procedure  272–273, 274, 276

CLASS statement  60, 264–266, 270–275, 300–301, 306–307, 316, 396–397

CLI option  342–343

CLM option  342–343

CNTLIN= option, FORMAT procedure  386–390, 387–388, 392

CNTLOUT= option, FORMAT procedure  390–392

colon delimiters  29

colon notation  92

column indices  212

column percentages  310–311, 313

column pointers  33, 374


See variables

COLUMN statement  239, 243–245, 247, 251–252, 254–256

commas, reading data values separated by  27–28

comment statements  17, 18

COMPBL function  183

COMPRESS function  153–154, 183–184, 186–188, 189–190, 459

COMPUTE blocks  253–254

COMPUTE statement  253, 254


of data sets  140

in TABULATE procedure  301–302

concatenation operator (|| or !!)  184

conditional processing

about  87

Boolean logic  93–94

ELSE IF statement  87–90

IF statement  87–90

multiple OR operators  94–95

NOT operator  93–94

AND operator  93–94

IN operator  91–92

OR operator  93–94

problems  96–97

subsetting IF statement  90–91

using SELECT statements for logical tests  92–93

WHERE operator  96

WHERE statement  95

confidence limits, adding to plots  342–343

CONSTANT function  168


computing  168

dates  125–126

CONTENTS procedure  45–48, 51, 64–66, 75, 80, 83, 126–127, 143, 341–342

CONTINUE statement  116–117, 405

CSV files, reading data values separated by  27–28

curly brackets ({})  206

customized reports

See reports



See also raw data

about  219, 261

adding BY statements to MEANS procedure  263–264

adding footnotes to listings  224–226

adding number of observations to listings  234

adding subtotals to listings  230–232

adding titles to listings  224–226

adding totals to listings  230–232

applying formats to CLASS variables  265–266

basics  219–220

changing appearance of listings  220–222

changing appearance of values  222

changing listing order  226–228

controlling observations in listings  223–224

creating summary data sets using MEANS procedure  266–267

delimited  19

displaying  219–236

getting into SAS  4

labeling column headings  229–230

listing first n observations to data sets  234–235

making listings easier to read  233

MEANS procedure  261–263

naming variables in output data sets  268–269

outputting descriptive statistics with MEANS procedure  267–268

outputting summary data sets using CLASS statement  270–271

outputting summary data sets with BY statement  269–270

printing combinations of class variables  276–277

problems  235–236, 278–279

reading conditionally  369–371

reading from multiple files  366

reading multiple lines of  367–369

selecting different statistics for each variable  276

sorting by multiple variables  228–229

BY statement compared with CLASS statement  266

summarizing  261–279

using CLASS statement with MEANS procedure  264–265

using two CLASS variables with MEANS procedure  271–275

data cleaning, with NOT functions  193–194

data lines, reading short  362–363

DATALINES statement  30, 90, 214, 367, 456–457

DATA_NULL_  53–54

DATA= option  172

Data portion, of permanent data sets  51–52

data sets

See also permanent data sets

about  137, 403

adding observations to  139–142

combining detail and summary data  143–144

concatenating  446–449

controlling observations in merged  147–149

converting Excel spreadsheets to using SAS Output Delivery System  79–80

converting with multiple observations  406, 408–409

converting with one observation  403–405, 407–408

creating Excel spreadsheets from  76–78

creating multiple in one DATA step  139

creating user-defined formats with  386–390

descriptor portion of  18

interleaving  142–143

IN= variables  149–150

listing first n observations to  234–235

many-to-many merges  154–156

merging two  144–146

merging with different BY variable data types  152–154

merging with different BY variable names  151–154

naming variables in output  268–269

omitting BY statement in merges  146–147

one-to-many merges  154–156

one-to-one merges  154–156

problems  158–159, 409–411

restructuring  403–411

sending output to  333–335

subsetting  137–139

summary  266–267, 269–271

updating master files from transaction files  156–157

when do they end  150–151

DATASETS procedure  75

DATA statement  43–44, 139

DATA steps

converting data sets with multiple observations  406

converting data sets with one observation  403–405

creating multiple data sets in one  139

defined  5

using data steps as input to  52–53

using FORMAT statement in  36

data types  7

data values

reading separated by blanks  26–27

reading separated by commas (CSV files)  27–28

reading separated by delimiters  29

DATE function  126


about  121

computing current  126

computing number of years between two  124–125

constants  125–126

creating from Month, Day, and Year values  127–128

extracting Day of the Week, Day of the Month, Month, and Year  126–127

interval functions  129–134

problems  134–136

reading values of from text data  122–124

storing  121–122

substituting  128–129

DAY function  126–127

DEFINE statement  240–241, 242, 245–246, 249, 251–252, 267

DELETE statement  101, 373, 405

delimited data  19

DELIMITER= option  29


embedded  37–38

reading data values separated by  29

DENSITY statement  346–347

descriptive statistics

outputting with MEANS procedure  267–268

producing  304–306

descriptive statistics functions  164–166

Descriptor portion

of data sets  18

of permanent data sets  45–47

viewing using point-and-click approach  48–51

detail reports  240–241

DIF function  174–177

DLM= option  29

DO groups  99–101

dollar sign ($)  10, 26, 380

DO loop  106–111, 169, 207, 209, 405

DO statement  100–101

double asterisk (**)  17

double dash (--)  126–127

double @ sign  373

double trailing @  167

DO UNTIL statement  112–115, 115–116, 367

DO WHILE statement  112–115

DROP= option  138, 408, 417


EBCDIC files  29

EDA (exploratory data analysis)  347

ELSE IF statement  87–90, 149

embedded delimiters, using list inputs with  37–38

ENDCOMP statement  253, 254

END= option  364–365, 366, 391

END statement  100–101, 107, 115

engines, reading Excel spreadsheets with  78–79

Excel spreadsheets

about  71

converting data sets to using SAS Output Delivery System  79–80

converting to data sets using Import Wizard  71–75

creating from data sets  76–78

problems  84–85

reading with engines  78–79

EXCLUDE statement  68

EXP function  167–168

exploratory data analysis (EDA)  347

EXPORT procedure  78

external filenames, reading from data files  366–367

external files

reading raw data from  25–41, 363

specifying with alternative methods  28


FILENAME statement  28, 366–367

FILE= option, HTML statement  326

FILE PRINT statement  364–365


detecting ends of  364–365

reading data from multiple  366

FILE statement  54

FILEVAR option, INFILE statement  367

FINDC function  190–191

FIND function  189–190, 190–191, 191–192

FINDW function  191–192

FIRSTOBS= option  75, 235, 365

fixed columns, reading raw data from  31–35

FLOW option, REPORT procedure  242–243

FMTLIB option  67–68, 380, 387, 392, 400

FMTSEARCH statement  65–67

footnotes, adding to listings  224–226

FOOTNOTE statement  224–226

FORMAT= option  301–302

FORMAT procedure  58–61, 64, 68, 311, 380–382, 386–390, 393–395, 399, 400

CNTLIN= option  386–390, 392

CNTLOUT= option  390–392

FMTLIB option  67–68


See also user-defined formats

accessing with permanent data sets  66–67

applying to CLASS variables  265–266

displaying definitions for  67–68

enhancing outputs using  58–61

problems  68–69

ranges for  63

regrouping values using  61–62

storing in format library  64

using to group values  288–289

using to label outputs  286–287

using within formats  392–394

FORMAT statement  34, 36, 58–61, 62, 64–66, 107, 123, 222, 229–230, 265–266

forward slash (/)  17, 369

FREQ procedure

about  11, 13, 60, 62, 281–284, 329

changing order of values in  292–294

counting number of visits with  416–418

displaying missing values in frequency tables  290–291

grouping values with  289–290

producing three-way tables  296–297

producing two-way tables  294–295

selecting variables for  284–286

user-defined formats and  377

using formats to group values  288–289


about  281

changing sort order of values in FREQ procedure  292–294

counting  281–284

displaying missing values in frequency tables  290–291

grouping values with FREQ procedure  289–290

problems  297–298

producing three-way tables  296–297

producing two-way tables  294–295

requesting multiple two-way tables  295–296

selecting variables for FREQ procedure  284–286

using formats to group values  288–289

using formats to label outputs  286–287

frequency tables, displaying missing values in  290–291

from-string  199–200

FULL JOIN  444–446


See also numeric functions; specific functions

character  181–188, 190–204

summary  449–450

fuzzy matching  197–198, 451–452


GCHART procedure  337

global statements  5, 10

GPLOT procedure  337


See charts and graphs


GROUP= option  339–340, 348–349


hashtag (#)  368

Haworth, Lauren E.

PROC TABULATE By Example  299

HBAR statement  338, 340–341

HBOX statement  347–349

HEADLINE option, REPORT procedure  244

hexadecimal constants  29

histograms, generating  346–347

HISTOGRAM statement  346–347

HTML files, sending SAS output to  325–326

HTML statement  326

HTML style, selecting different  328


ID statement  61, 221–222, 233, 408–409

IF statement  87–90, 90–91, 100

IF-THEN-ELSE statement  393

IMPORT procedure  74

Import utility (SAS Studio)  80–83

Import Wizard, converting spreadsheets to data sets using  71–75

INDEX function  190

INFILE option  30, 361, 363, 365

INFILE statement  10, 12, 18, 26, 28, 29, 54, 71, 122, 362–367

infinite loop  115

informat lists  373–374

informat modifier  36

informats, using with list input  36

INFORMAT statement  37

IN operator  91–92

IN= option  147–150

input buffer  18

INPUT function  153–154, 172–174, 189–190, 195, 381–385, 394, 398

INPUTN function  398–401

INPUT statement  10, 18, 20, 26, 28, 31–32, 36–38, 52, 71, 110, 167–168, 212, 362–363, 368, 371, 373, 374, 456–457

INPUT techniques

See advanced INPUT techniques

INTCK function  129–134

INT function  161–162

INTNX function  129–134

INVALUE statement  380–382, 399

iterative processing

about  99

CONTINUE statement  116–117

DO groups  99–101

DO loop  106–109, 110–111

DO UNTIL statement  112–115, 115–116

DO WHILE statement  112–115

LEAVE statement  116–117

problems  117–120

SUM statement  101–105


job control language (JCL) statement  18

JUST option  381


KEEP= option  138, 139

KEEP statement  138, 139, 405

KEYLABEL statement  308–309, 311, 313

keyword parameters  429–431



adding to variables  57–58

problems  68–69

LABEL statement  58, 64–66, 229–230, 234

LAG function  174–177, 343–344, 418–419, 420

LAG2 function  343–344

LARGEST function  165, 178

LEAVE statement  116–117

LEFT function  185–186, 200

LEFT JOIN  444–446

LEFT option  242

LENGTHN function  182

LENGTH statement  110, 141, 168, 195, 196, 200, 391

less than (<) sign  63

%LET statement  427

LIBNAME statement  43–44, 47, 49, 68, 74, 78–79

list input

defined  19, 25

specifying missing values with  27

supplying INFORMAT statement with  37

using informats with  36

using with embedded delimiters  37–38

LOESS statement  346

LOG function  167–168

logical tests, using SELECT statement for  92–93

Log window  16

longitudinal data  413


See iterative processing

LOWCASE function  183, 198

LRECL= option  363



about  425

built-in macro variables  426

demonstrating  427–429

keyword parameters  429–431

macro variables  425–426

positional parameters  429–431

problems  435–436

tokens  431–432

using macro variables as prefixes  432–433

using macro variables to transfer values  433–435

%MACRO statement  427–429

macro variables

about  425–426

assigning values to  427

using as prefixes  432–433

using to transfer value  433–435

many-to-many merges  154–156

master files, updating from transaction files  156–157

mathematical functions  167–168

MAX function  165

MDY function  127–128

MEAN Function  53, 164

MEANS procedure  11, 13, 60, 78–79, 143–144, 261–268, 271–277, 325–326, 377, 395, 434, 449–450

%MEND macro  427–429

MERGE statement  145–146, 155

METHOD= option  172

MIN function  165

MISSING function  89, 101, 128–129, 405

MISSING option, TABLES statement  290–291, 317

missing values

displaying in frequency tables  290–291

effect on TABULATE procedure of  315–318

handling  360–361

numeric functions for  163

specifying with list input  27

MISSOVER option  361, 363

MISSTEXT= option  317, 397

MLF option, CLASS statement  395

MONTH function  126–127

MPRINT option  428–429

multi-column reports  247–248

multidimensional arrays  212–215

multilabel formats  394–397

MULTILABEL option, VALUE statement  394–397

multi-level sort  228–229


names  6

NBINS= option  347

nesting  18, 302–303

N function  164

NMISS function  165

NOCENTER option  13

NOCOL option, TABLE statement  296–297

NOCUM option, TABLES statement  284–285

NODS option, CONTENTS procedure  48

NOFILL option  338

NOOBS option, PRINT procedure  222

NOPERCENT option, TABLES statement  286, 296–297

NOPRINT option  251–252, 261, 267, 333

NOPROCTITLE option  11

NOROW option, TABLE statement  296–297

NOTFIGIT function  193–194

NOT functions, data cleaning with  193–194

NOT operator  93–94

numeric data, reading  382–384

numeric functions

about  161

CEIL function  161–162

computing constants  168

computing sums within observations  166

descriptive statistics functions  164–166

generating random numbers  168–172

INT function  161–162

mathematical functions  167–168

for missing values  163

problems  179–180

ROUND function  161–162

setting character and numeric values to missing  163–164

sorting within observations  177–179

special functions  172–174

that return values from previous observations  174–177

numeric variables, computing percentages on  314

NWAY Option  270–271, 273



adding number of to listings  234

adding to data sets  139–142

computing differences between  418–419

computing differences between first/last using LAG function  420

computing differences between first/last using RETAIN statement  421

computing sums within  166

controlling in listings  223–224

controlling in merged data sets  147–149

converting data sets with multiple  406, 408–409

converting data sets with one  403–405, 407–408

creating multiple  372–373

defined  4, 16

identifying first/last  413–416

n  234–235

numeric functions that return values from previous  174–177

problems  423–424

sorting within  177–179

working with multiple  413–424

OBS= option  75, 365


See Output Delivery System (ODS)

ODS CLOSE statement  79

ODS EXCLUDE statement  329

ODS HTML statement  326

ODS SELECT statement  329

ODS TRACE OFF statement  330

ODS TRACE ON statement  330

one-to-many merges  154–156

one-to-one merges  154–156


See specific options

ORDER clause  450

ORDER= option, FREQ procedure  292–294

ORDER usage, applying to two variables  246–247

OR operator  93–95

otherwise-expression  92

OTHERWISE statement  92

OUT= option  172, 227–228

Output Delivery System (ODS)

about  325

converting Excel spreadsheets to data sets using  79–80

creating Table of Contents  327–328

excluding portions of SAS output  329–333

problems  335

selecting destinations  329

selecting different HTML style  328

selecting portions of SAS output  329–333

sending output to data sets  333–335

sending SAS output to HTML files  325–326

OUTPUT option  143–144, 268–269

OUTPUT statement  20, 106, 107, 116–117, 139, 169, 267, 333–335

overlays  349–350


PAD option, INFILE statement  362–363

PAGEBY statement  231

PANELS= option, REPORT procedure  247–248

parentheses (())  206

PATH= option, HTML statement  326

PBSPLINE statement  345–346


computing on numeric variables  314

displaying in two-dimensional tables  312

percent sign (%)  425–426

Perl regular expressions

about  455

checking for valid zip codes  457–458

problems  461–462

PRXPARSE function  460–461

syntax of  455–456

testing Social Security numbers  456–457

verifying phone numbers  458–459

permanent data sets

about  43

accessing with user-defined formats  66–67

attributes of  64–66

examining Descriptor portion of using CONTENTS procedure  45–47

LIBNAME statement  43–44

listing in SAS libraries using CONTENTS procedure  48

problems  55

reason for creating  45

using as input to DATA steps  52–53

viewing Data portion using PRINT procedure  51–52

PERSIST option  333

plus sign (+)  374

point-and-click approach, viewing Descriptor portion of data sets using  48–51

positional parameters  429–431

POSITION option, CONTENTS procedure  47

PREFIX= option  408–409

PRELOADFMT option, CLASS statement  396–397

PRINTALLTYPES option, MEANS procedure  276–277


PRINT procedure  26–27, 34, 37, 51–52, 60, 61, 74, 79, 123, 219–220, 222, 226–235, 237–239, 245–246, 268, 274, 325–326, 368–369

PRINTTO procedure  333–335


advanced INPUT techniques  375–376

arrays  215–216

basics  8

character functions  201–204

charts and graphs  351–356

conditional processing  96–97

data  235–236, 278–279

data sets  158–159, 409–411

dates  134–136

Excel spreadsheets  84–85

formats  68–69

frequencies  297–298

iterative processing  117–120

labels  68–69

macros  435–436

numeric functions  179–180

observations  423–424

Output Delivery System (ODS)  335

Perl regular expressions  461–462

permanent data sets  55

programming basics  21–22

raw data  38–41

reports  256–260

structured query language (SQL)  452–454

tabular reports  318–323

user-defined formats  401–402


See conditional processing

See iterative processing

PROC steps  5

PROC TABULATE By Example (Haworth)  299

Program Data Vector (PDV)  138

programming basics  21–22

programs, enhancing  16–18

PROPCASE function  183, 184, 198

PRX function  456

PRXMATCH function  456–457

PRXPARSE function  460–461

PUTC function  400

PUT function  153, 172–174, 379, 385, 394

PUTN function  400

PUT statement  53–54, 148, 364–365, 415


question mark (?)  207

quotation marks  46


RAND function  168–172

random numbers generating  168–172

raw data

loading initial values of temporary arrays from  211–212

problems  38–41

reading  9–22

reading from external files  25–41

reading from fixed columns  31–35

reading portions of files of  365

RBREAK statement  248–251

regression lines, adding to plots  342–343

RENAME= option  151–152, 173, 387, 408, 417

RENAME statement  274

REPORT procedure  54, 235, 237–241, 245–248, 251–255, 334–335


See also tabular reports

about  237–238

applying ORDER usage to two variables  246–247

breaks  248–251

changing order of rows in  245–246

changing order of variables in COLUMN statement  244–245

comparing detail and summary  240–241

computing character variables in COMPUTE blocks  253–254

computing variables with REPORT procedure  252–253

creating  9–22

creating ACROSS variables with REPORT procedure  254–255

FLOW option, REPORT procedure  242–243

multi-column  247–248

problems  256–260

selecting variables to include in  239

summary  241–242

using ACROSS usage to display statistics  255–256

using nonprinting variables to order reports  251–252

using REPORT procedure  238–239

using two grouping variables  243–244

RESPONSE= option, HBAR statement  340–341

response variables, displaying statistics for  340–341

retained variables  52

RETAIN statement  102–105, 387, 406, 421

RIGHT JOIN  444–446

RIGHT option  242

ROUND function  125, 161–162

row indices  212


See also observations

changing order of in reports  245–246

computing percentages  310–311

RTS= option, TABLE statement  312

RUN statement  10, 20



about  3

data types  7

getting data into  4

how it works  18–20

names  6

sample program  4–6

website  3, 8

writing programs  9–22

SAS Enterprise Guide  7

SAS Help Center (website)  311, 398

SAS libraries  43–44, 48

SAS Studio

about  7

Import utility  80–83

SAS University Edition  7

SASWindowing Environment  7

SCAN function  196–197, 251–252

scatter plots, creating  341–342

SCATTER statement  341–342, 342–343

select-expression  92–93

SELECT statement  68, 92–93, 391, 392, 400

SERIES statement  343–344

SET statement  52, 138–143, 144, 151, 200, 207, 208, 414, 434, 446–447

SGPLOT procedure  109, 130–134, 337–340, 343–346, 349–350

slash (/)  340

slash star (/*)  18

SMALLEST function  166

smooth curves, generating  345–346

SMOOTH option, PBSPLINE statement  345–346

SORT procedure  143, 226–229, 245–246

special functions  172–174

SPEDIS function  197–198, 451–452

spelling distance  197–198


See Excel spreadsheets

SQL procedure  437

See also structured query language (SQL)

SQRT function  167–168

square brackets ([])  206

star slash (*/)  18


See also specific statements

assignment  17

comment  17, 18

global  5, 10


displaying  255–256

selecting different for each variable  276


defined  191

dividing into words  196–197

extracting parts of  194–195

joining  184–185

removing characters from  186–188

searching for words in  191–192

substituting  199–201

STRIP function  185–186

structured query language (SQL)

about  437

basics  437–439

concatenating data sets  446–449

FULL JOIN  444–446

fuzzy matching  451–452

joining two tables  439–444

LEFT JOIN  444–446

ORDER clause  450

problems  452–454

RIGHT JOIN  444–446

summary functions  449–450

style comments, nesting  18

subscript  207


data sets  137–139

IF statement  90–91

SUBSTR function  194–195, 459

subtotals, adding to listings  230–232

SUM function  165, 166

SUMMARIZE option  249, 250

summary data sets  266–267, 269–271

summary functions  449–450

SUMMARY procedure  267, 395

See also MEANS procedure

summary reports  240–241, 241–242

SUM statement  101–106, 230–232, 364–365

SUPPRESS option  250–251

SURVEYSELECT procedure  172

syntax, of Perl regular expressions  455–456

&SYSDATE9 macro  426

&SYSTIME macro  426


table lookups, performing  384–385, 398–401

Table of Contents, creating  327–328


combining CLASS statement and analysis variables in  306–307

customizing  307–309

demonstrating more complex  309–310

joining two  439–444

two-dimensional  312

TABLE(S) statement  11, 62, 284–286, 290–291, 294–297, 300–303, 309, 312, 317

tabular reports

about  299–300

ALL keyword  303–304

combining CLASS and analysis variables in tables  306–307

computing column percentages  313

computing percentages on numeric variables  314

computing row and column percentages  310–311

customizing tables  307–309

demonstrating more complex tables  309–310

displaying percentages in two-dimensional tables  312

effect of missing values on TABULATE procedure output  315–318

problems  318–323

producing descriptive statistics  304–306

TABULATE procedure operators  301–303

TABULATE procedure table  300–301

TABULATE procedure

about  256, 263, 299–300, 395, 396

ALL keyword  303–304

combining CLASS statement and analysis variables in tables  306–307

computing column percentages  313

computing percentages on numeric variables  314

customizing tables  307–309

demonstrating more complex tables  309–310

effect of missing values on  315–318

operators  301–303

producing descriptive statistics  304–306

simple table  300–301

temporary arrays  210–212

three-way tables  296–297

time series plots, generating  343–344

titles, adding to listings  224–226

TITLE statement  10, 13, 46, 224–226, 426

TODAY function  126

tokens  431–432

to-string  199–200

totals, adding to listings  230–232

trailing @ sign  369–371, 373

TRANSLATE function  199–201, 214

transparency  349–350

TRANSPOSE procedure

See also data sets

converting data sets with multiple observations  408–409

converting data sets with one observation  407–408

TRANWRD function  199–201

TRIMN function  185–186, 194

TRUNCOVER option  122, 363

TTEST procedure  333–335

two-dimensional tables, displaying percentages in  312

two-way tables  294–296

TYPE=KERNEL option  346–347


underscore (_)  6, 75

UNIVARIATE procedure  329

UPCASE function  198

UPCASE option  381, 383–384, 399

UPDATE statement  156

user-defined formats

about  377

creating variables  379

creating with data sets  386–390

maintaining  390–392

multilabel formats  394–397

problems  401–402

reading character data  382–384

reading numeric data  382–384

updating  390–392

using formats within formats  392–394

using INPUTN function  398–401

using to perform table lookups  384–385

using to recode variables  377–378

using with PUT function  379

user-defined informats

creating  380–382

using to perform table lookups  384–385




See also missing values

assigning to macro variables  427

changing appearance of  222

changing order of in FREQ procedure  292–294

grouping with FREQ procedure  289–290

loading initial, of temporary arrays  211–212

reading of dates  122–124

regrouping using formats  61–62

remembering previous  422

setting  206–208

using formats to group  288–289

using macro variables to transfer  433–435

VALUE statement  59, 63, 394–397

variable lists  373–374

variable names  10


See also specific variables

ACROSS  254–255

adding labels to  57–58

analysis  306–307

applying ORDER usage to two  246–247

built-in macro  426

changing order of in COLUMN statement  244–245

character  253–254

CLASS  271–275

computing with REPORT procedure  252–253

creating box plots with grouping  348–349

creating using arrays  209–210, 379

defined  4, 16

grouping  243–244

naming in output data set  268–269

nonprinting  251–252

printing combinations of  276–277

response  340–341

retained  422

selecting different statistics for each  276

selecting for FREQ procedure  284–286

selecting to include in reports  239

sorting by multiple  228–229

using user-defined formats to recode  377–378

VARNUM option, CONTENTS procedure  47, 51, 126–127

VAR statement  11, 61, 126–127, 143–144, 220–222, 268–269, 300–301, 304–306

VBAR statement  338, 340

VBOX statement  347–348, 348–349



Cody, Ron  10

SAS  3, 8

SAS Help Center  311, 398

WEEKDAY function  126–127

when-expression  92

WHERE operator  96

WHERE statement  91, 95, 137–138, 223–224, 334–335


YEARCUTOFF option  124

YRDIF function  124–125

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