List of Programs

Chapter 1 Programs

Program 1.1:         A Sample SAS Program

Program 1.2:         An Alternative Version of Program 1.1

Chapter 2 Programs

Program 2.1:         Your First SAS Program

Program 2. 2:        Enhancing the Program

Chapter 3 Programs

Program 3.1:         Demonstrating List Input with Blanks as Delimiters

Program 3.2:         Reading Data From a Comma-Separated Values (Csv) File

Program 3.3:         Using a Filename Statement to Identify an External File

Program 3.4:         Demonstrating the DATALINES Statement

Program 3.5:         Using INFILE Options with DATALINES

Program 3.6:         Demonstrating Column Input

Program 3.7:         Demonstrating Formatted Input

Program 3.8:         Demonstrating a FORMAT Statement

Program 3.9:         Rerunning Program 3.8 with a Different Format

Program 3.10:      Using Informats with List Input

Program 3.11:      Supplying an INFORMAT Statement with List Input

Program 3.12:      Demonstrating the Ampersand Modifier for List Input

Chapter 4 Programs

Program 4.1:         Creating a Permanent SAS Data Set

Program 4.2:         Using PROC CONTENTS to Examine the Descriptor Portion of a SAS Data Set

Program 4.3:         Demonstrating the VARNUM option of PROC CONTENTS

Program 4.4:         Using a LIBNAME in a New SAS Session

Program 4.5:         Using PROC CONTENTS to List the Names of all the SAS Data Sets in a SAS Library

Program 4.6:         Using PROC PRINT to List the Data Portion of a SAS Data Set

Program 4.7:         Using Observations from a SAS Data Set as Input to a New SAS Data Set

Program 4.8:         Demonstrating a DATA _NULL_ Step

Chapter 5 Programs

Program 5.1:         Adding Labels to Variables in a SAS Data Set

Program 5.2:         Using PROC FORMAT to Create User-Defined Formats

Program 5.3:         Adding a FORMAT Statement in PROC PRINT

Program 5.4:         Regrouping Values Using a Format

Program 5.5:         Applying the New Format to Several Variables with PROC FREQ

Program 5.6:         Creating a Permanent Format Library

Program 5.7:         Adding LABEL and FORMAT Statements in the DATA Step

Program 5.8:         Running PROC CONTENTS on a Data Set with Labels and Formats

Program 5.9:         Using a User-defined Format

Program 5.10:      Displaying Format Definitions in a User-created Library

Program 5.11:      Demonstrating a SELECT Statement with PROC FORMAT

Chapter 6 Programs

Program 6.1:         Using PROC PRINT to List the First Four Observations in a Data Set

Program 6.2:         Using the FIRSTOBS= and OBS= Options Together

Program 6.3:         Reading a Spreadsheet Using an XLSX Engine

Program 6.4:         Using ODS to Convert a SAS Data Set into a CSV File (to Be Read by Excel)

Chapter 7 Programs

Program 7.1:         First Attempt to Group Ages into Age Groups (Incorrect)

Program 7.2:         Corrected Program to Group Ages into Age Groups

Program 7.3:         An Alternative to Program 7.2

Program 7.4:         Demonstrating a Subsetting IF statement

Program 7.5:         Demonstrating a SELECT Statement When a Select-Expression is Missing

Program 7.6:         Combining Various Boolean Operators

Program 7.7:         A Caution on the Use of Multiple OR Operators

Program 7.8:         Using a WHERE Statement to Subset a SAS Data Set

Chapter 8 Programs

Program 8.1:         Example of a Program That Does Not Use a DO Group

Program 8.2:         Demonstrating a DO Group

Program 8.3:         Attempt to Create a Cumulative Total (First Attempt)

Program 8.4:         Creating a Cumulative Total with the RETAIN Statement (Second Attempt)

Program 8.5:         Creating a Cumulative Total with RETAIN and IF Statements (Third Attempt)

Program 8.6:         Using a SUM Statement to Create a Cumulative Total

Program 8.7:         Using a SUM Statement to Create a Counter

Program 8.8:         Program Without Iterative Loops

Program 8.9:         Demonstrating an Iterative DO Loop

Program 8.10:      Using an Iterative DO Loop to Make a Table of Squares and Square Roots

Program 8.11:      Using an Iterative DO Loop to Graph an Equation

Program 8.12:      Using Character Values for DO Loop Index Values

Program 8.13:      Demonstrating a DO UNTIL Loop

Program 8.14:      Demonstrating That a DO UNTIL Loop Always Executes at Least Once

Program 8.15:      Demonstrating a DO WHILE Statement

Program 8.16:      Demonstrating That DO WHILE Loops Are Evaluated at The Top

Program 8.17:      Combining a DO UNTIL and Iterative DO Loop

Program 8.18:      Demonstrating the LEAVE Statement

Program 8.19:      Demonstrating a CONTINUE Statement

Chapter 9 Programs

Program 9.1:         Program to Read Dates from Text Data

Program 9.2:         Adding a FORMAT Statement to Format Each of the Date Values

Program 9.3:         Compute a Person's Age in Years

Program 9.4:         Demonstrating a Date Constant

Program 9.5:         Using the TODAY Function to Return the Current Date

Program 9.6:         Extracting the Day of the Week, Day of the Month, Month, and Year from a SAS Date

Program 9.7:         Using the MDY Function to Create a SAS Date from Month, Day, and Year

Program 9.8:         Substituting the 15th of the Month When a Day Value is Missing

Program 9.9:         Demonstrating the INTCK Function

Program 9.10:      Using the INTNX Function to Compute Dates 6 Months After Discharge

Program 9.11:      Demonstrating the SAMEDAY Alignment with the INTNX Function

Chapter 10 Programs

Program 10.1:      Subsetting a SAS Data Set Using a WHERE Statement

Program 10.2:      Demonstrating a KEEP= Data Set Option

Program 10.3:      Creating Two Data sets in One DATA Step 139

Program 10.4:      Using a SET Statement to Combine Observations from Two Data Sets

Program 10.5:      Using a SET Statement on Two Data Sets Containing Different Variables

Program 10.6:      Interleaving Data Sets

Program 10.7:      Combining Detail and Summary Data:Using a Conditional SET Statement

Program 10.8:      Merging Two SAS Data Sets

Program 10.9:      Demonstrating the IN= Data Set Option

Program 10.10:    Using IN= Variables to Select IDs That Are In Both Data Sets

Program 10.11:    More Examples of Using IN= Variables

Program 10.12:    Demonstrating When a DATA Step Ends

Program 10.13:    Merging Two Data Sets by Renaming a Variable in One Data Set

Program 10.14:    Merging Two Data Sets When the BY Variables Are Different Data Types

Program 10.15:    An Alternative to Program 10.14

Program 10.16:    Updating a Master File From a Transaction File

Chapter 11 Programs

Program 11.1:      Demonstrating the ROUND and INT Truncation Functions

Program 11.2:      Testing for Missing Numeric and Character Values (without the MISSING Function)

Program 11.3:      Demonstrating the MISSING Function

Program 11.4:      Demonstrating the N, MEAN, MIN, and MAX Functions

Program 11.5:      Finding the Sum of the Three Largest Values in a List of Variables

Program 11.6:      Using the SUM Function to Compute Totals

Program 11.7:      Demonstrating the ABS, SQRT, EXP, and LOG Functions

Program 11.8:      Computing Some Useful Constants with the CONSTANT Function

Program 11.9:      Program to Generate Five Uniform Random Numbers

Program 11.10:    Including a Call to Streaminit

Program 11.11:    Using the RAND function to randomly select observations

Program 11.12:    Using PROC SURVEYSELECT to Obtain a Random Sample

Program 11.13:    Using the INPUT Function to Perform a Character-to-Numeric Conversion

Program 11.14:    Demonstrating the PUT Function

Program 11.15:    Demonstrating the LAG and LAGn Functions

Program 11.16:    Demonstrating What Happens When You Execute a LAG Function Conditionally

Program 11.17:    Using the LAG Function to Compute Inter-observation Differences

Program 11.18:    Demonstrating the DIF Function

Program 11.19:    Solving the Quiz Problem the Hard Way

Program 11.20:    Repeating Program 11.19 Using the CALL SORTN Routine

Chapter 12 Programs

Program 12.1:      Determining the Length of a Character Value

Program 12.2:      Changing Values to Uppercase

Program 12.3:      Converting Multiple Blanks to a Single Blank and Demonstrating the PROPCASE Function

Program 12.4:      Demonstrating the Concatenation Functions

Program 12.5:      Demonstrating the TRIMN, LEFT, and STRIP Functions

Program 12.6:      Using the COMPRESS Function to Remove Characters from a String

Program 12.7:      Demonstrating the COMPRESS Modifiers

Program 12.8:      Demonstrating the COMPRESS and FIND Functions

Program 12.9:      Demonstrating the FINDW Function

Program 12.10:    Demonstrating the ANYDIGIT Function

Program 12.11:    Demonstrating the NOT Functions for Data Cleaning

Program 12.12:    Using the SUBSTR Function to Extract Substrings

Program 12.13:    Demonstrating the SCAN Function

Program 12.14:    Using the SCAN Function to Extract the Last Name

Program 12.15:    Using the SPEDIS Function to Perform a Fuzzy Match

Program 12.16:    Demonstrating the TRANSLATE function

Program 12.17:    Using the TRANWRD Function to Standardize an Address

Chapter 13 Programs

Program 13.1:      Converting Values of 999 to a SAS Missing Value—Without Using Arrays

Program 13.2:      Converting Values of 999 to a SAS Missing Value—Using Arrays

Program 13.3:      Converting Values of NA and ? to a Missing Character Value

Program 13.4:      Converting All Character Values in a SAS Data Set to Propercase

Program 13.5:      Using an Array to Create New Variables

Program 13.6:      Changing the Array Bounds

Program 13.7:      Using a Temporary Array to Score a Test

Program 13.8:      Loading the Initial Values of a Temporary Array from a Raw Data File

Program 13.9:      Loading a Two-Dimensional, Temporary Array with Data Values

Chapter 14 Programs

Program 14.1:      PROC PRINT Using All the Defaults

Program 14.2:      Controlling Which Variables Appear in the Listing

Program 14.3:      Using an ID Statement to Omit the Obs Column

Program 14.4:      Adding a FORMAT Statement to PROC PRINT

Program 14.5:      Controlling Which Observations Appear in the Listing (WHERE Statement)

Program 14.6:      Using the IN Operator in a WHERE Statement

Program 14.7:      Adding Titles and Footnotes to Your Listing

Program 14.8:      Using PROC SORT to Change the Order of Your Observations

Program 14.9:      Demonstrating the DESCENDING Option of PROC SORT

Program 14.10:    Sorting the Permanent Data Set and Creating a Temporary Output Data Set

Program 14.11:    Sorting by More than One Variable

Program 14.12:    Using Labels as Column Headings with PROC PRINT

Program 14.13:    Using a BY Statement in PROC PRINT

Program 14.14:    Adding Totals and Subtotals to Your Listing

Program 14.15:    Using an ID Statement and a BY Statement in PROC PRINT

Program 14.16:    Demonstrating the N= Option with PROC PRINT

Program 14.17:    Listing the First Five Observations of Your Data Set

Chapter 15 Programs

Program 15.1:      Listing of Medical Using PROC PRINT

Program 15.2:      Using PROC REPORT (All Defaults)

Program 15.3:      Adding a COLUMN Statement to PROC REPORT

Program 15.4:      Using PROC REPORT with Only Numeric Variables

Program 15.5:      Using DEFINE Statements to Define a Display Usage

Program 15.6:      Specifying a GROUP Usage to Create a Summary Report

Program 15.7:      Demonstrating the FLOW Option with PROC REPORT

Program 15.8:      Explicitly Defining Usage for Every Variable

Program 15.9:      Demonstrating the Effect of Two Variables with GROUP Usage

Program 15.10:    Reversing the Order of Variables in the COLUMN Statement

Program 15.11:    Demonstrating the ORDER Usage of PROC REPORT

Program 15.12:    Applying the ORDER Usage for Two Variables

Program 15.13:    Creating a Multi-column Report

Program 15.14:    Requesting a Report Break (RBREAK Statement)

Program 15.15:    Demonstrating the BREAK Statement of PROC REPORT

Program 15.16:    Using a Nonprinting Variable to Order the Rows of a Report

Program 15.17:    Computing a New Variable with PROC REPORT

Program 15.18:    Computing a Character Variable in a COMPUTE Block

Program 15.19:    Demonstrating an ACROSS Usage in PROC REPORT

Program 15.20:    Using ACROSS Usage to Display Statistics

Chapter 16 Programs

Program 16.1:      PROC MEANS with All the Defaults

Program 16.2:      Adding a VAR Statement and Requesting Specific Statistics with PROC MEANS

Program 16.3:      Adding a BY Statement to PROC MEANS

Program 16.4:      Using a CLASS Statement with PROC MEANS

Program 16.5:      Demonstrating the Effect of a Formatted CLASS Variable

Program 16.6:      Creating a Summary Data Set Using PROC MEANS

Program 16.7:      Outputting More Than One Statistic with PROC MEANS

Program 16.8:      Demonstrating the OUTPUT Option AUTONAME

Program 16.9:      Adding a BY Statement to PROC MEANS

Program 16.10:    Adding a CLASS Statement to PROC MEANS

Program 16.11:    Adding the NWAY Option to PROC MEANS

Program 16.12:    Using Two CLASS Variables with PROC MEANS

Program 16.13:    Adding the CHARTYPE Procedure Option to PROC MEANS

Program 16.14:    Using the _TYPE_ Variable to Select Cell Means

Program 16.15:    Using a DATA Step to Create Separate Summary Data Sets

Program 16.16:    Selecting Different Statistics for Each Variable Using PROC MEANS

Chapter 17 Programs

Program 17.1:      Counting Frequencies:One-Way Tables Using PROC FREQ

Program 17.2:      Adding a TABLES Statement to PROC FREQ

Program 17.3:      Adding Formats to Program 17.2

Program 17.4:      Using Formats to Group Values

Program 17.5:      Demonstrating a Problem in How PROC FREQ Groups Values

Program 17.6:      Fixing the Grouping Problem

Program 17.7:      Demonstrating the Effect of the MISSING Option of PROC FREQ

Program 17.8:      Demonstrating the ORDER= Option of PROC FREQ

Program 17.9:      Demonstrating the ORDER= Formatted, Data, and Freq Options

Program 17.10:    Requesting a Two-Way Table

Program 17.11:    Requesting a Three-Way Table with PROC FREQ

Chapter 18 Programs

Program 18.1:      PROC TABULATE with All the Defaults and a Single CLASS Variable

Program 18.2:      Demonstrating Concatenation with PROC TABULATE

Program 18.3:      Demonstrating Table Dimensions with PROC TABULATE

Program 18.4:      Demonstrating the Nesting Operator with PROC TABULATE

Program 18.5:      Adding the Keyword ALL to Your Table Request

Program 18.6:      Using PROC TABULATE to Produce Descriptive Statistics

Program 18.7:      Specifying Statistics on an Analysis Variable with PROC TABULATE

Program 18.8:      Specifying More than One Descriptive Statistic with PROC TABULATE

Program 18.9:      Combining CLASS and Analysis Variables in a Table

Program 18.10:    Associating a Different Format with Each Variable in a Table

Program 18.11:    Renaming Keywords with PROC TABULATE

Program 18.12:    Eliminating the N Column in a PROC TABULATE Table

Program 18.13:    Demonstrating a More Complex Table

Program 18.14:    Computing Percentages in a One-Dimensional Table

Program 18.15:    Improving the Appearance of the Output from Program 18.14

Program 18.16:    Counts and Percentages in a Two-Dimensional Table

Program 18.17:    Using COLPCTN to Compute Column Percentages

Program 18.18:    Computing Percentages on a Numeric Value

Program 18.19:    Demonstrating the Effect of Missing Values on CLASS Variables

Program 18.20:    Missing Values on a CLASS Variable That Is Not Used in the Table

Program 18.21:    Adding the PROC TABULATE Procedure Option MISSING

Program 18.22:    Demonstrating the MISSTEXT= TABLES Option

Chapter 19 Programs

Program 19.1:      Sending SAS Output to an HTML File

Program 19.2:      Creating a Table of Contents for HTML Output

Program 19.3:      Choosing a Style for HTML Output

Program 19.4:      Using an ODS SELECT Statement to Restrict PROC UNIVARIATE Output

Program 19.5:      Using the ODS TRACE Statement to Identify Output Objects

Program 19.6:      Using ODS to Send Procedure Output to a SAS Data Set

Program 19.7:      Using an Output Data Set to Create a Simplified Report

Chapter 20 Programs

Program 20.1:      Creating a Vertical Bar Chart

Program 20.2:      Creating a Horizontal Bar Chart

Program 20.3:      Vertical Bar Chart Example (Two Variables)

Program 20.4:      Vertical Bar Chart Displaying a Response Variable

Program 20.5:      Simple Scatter Plot

Program 20.6:      Scatter Plot with a Regression Line and Confidence Intervals

Program 20.7:      Time Series Plot

Program 20.8:      Smooth Curves - Splines

Program 20.9:      Smooth Curve - LOESS Method

Program 20.10:    Histogram with a Normal Curve Overlaid

Program 20.11:    Simple Box Plot

Program 20.12:    Box Plot with a Grouping Variable

Program 20.13:    Demonstrating Overlays and Transparency

Chapter 21 Programs

Program 21.1:      Missing Values at the End of a Line with List Input

Program 21.2:      Using the MISSOVER Option

Program 21.3:      Reading a Raw Data file with Short Records

Program 21.4:      Demonstrating the INFILE PAD Option

Program 21.5:      Demonstrating the END= Option in the INFILE Statement

Program 21.6:      Demonstrating the OBS= INFILE Option to Read the First Three Lines of Data

Program 21.7:      Using the OBS= and FIRSTOBS= INFILE Options Together

Program 21.8:      Using the END= Option to Read Data from Multiple Files

Program 21.9:      Alternative to Program 21.8

Program 21.10:    Reading External Filenames from an External File

Program 21.11:    Reading External Filenames Using a DATALINES Statement

Program 21.12:    Reading Multiple Lines of Data to Create One Observation

Program 21.13:    Using an Alternate Method of Reading Multiple Lines of Data to Create One SAS Observation

Program 21.14:    Incorrect Attempt to Read a File of Mixed Record Types

Program 21.15:    Using a Trailing @ to Read a File with Mixed Record Types

Program 21.16:    Another Example of a Trailing @ Sign

Program 21.17:    Creating One Observation from One Line of Data

Program 21.18:    Creating Several Observations from One Line of Data

Chapter 22 Programs

Program 22.1:      Using a Format to Recode a Variable

Program 22.2:      Using a Format and a PUT Function to Create a New Variable

Program 22.3:      Demonstrating a User-Written Informat

Program 22.4:      Demonstrating Informat Options UPCASE and JUST

Program 22.5:      A Traditional Approach to Reading a Combination of Character and Numeric Data

Program 22.6:      Using an Enhanced Numeric Informat to Read a Combination of Character and Numeric Data

Program 22.7:      Another Example of an Enhanced Numeric Informat

Program 22.8:      Using Formats and Informats to Perform a Table Lookup

Program 22.9:      Creating a Test Data Set That Will be Used to Make a CNTLIN Data Set

Program 22.10:    Creating a CNTLIN Data Set from an Existing SAS Data Set

Program 22.11:    Using the CNTLIN= Created Data Set

Program 22.12:    Adding an OTHER Category to Your Format

Program 22.13:    Updating an Existing Format Using the CNTLOUT= Data Set Option

Program 22.14:    Demonstrating Nested Formats

Program 22.15:    Using the Nested Format in a DATA Step

Program 22.16:    Creating a Data Set of Benzene Levels

Program 22.17:    Creating a MULTILABEL Format

Program 22.18:    Using a MULTILABEL Format with PROC MEANS

Program 22.19:    Demonstrating a Multilabel Format

Program 22.20:    Using the PRELOADFMT, PRINTMISS, and MISSTEXT Options with PROC TABULATE

Program 22.21:    Partial Program Showing How to Create Several Informats

Program 22.22:    Creating Several Informats with a Single CNTLIN Data Set

Program 22.23:    Using a SELECT Statement to Display the Contents of Two Informats

Program 22.24:    Using User-Defined Informats to Perform a Table Lookup Using the INPUTN Function

Chapter 23 Programs

Program 23.1:      Creating a Data Set with Several Observations per Subject from a Data Set with One Observation per Subject

Program 23.2:      Creating a Data Set with One Observation per Subject from a Data Set with Several Observations per Subject

Program 23.3:      Using PROC TRANSPOSE to Convert a Data Set with One Observation per Subject into a Data Set with Several Observations per Subject (First Attempt)

Program 23.4:      Using PROC TRANSPOSE to Convert a Data Set with One Observation per Subject into a Data Set with Several Observations per Subject

Program 23.5:      Using PROC TRANSPOSE to Convert a SAS Data Set with Several Observations per Subject into One with One Observation per Subject

Chapter 24 Programs

Program 24.1:      Creating FIRST. and LAST. Variables

Program 24.2:      Counting the Number of Visits per Patient Using the DATA Step

Program 24.3:      Using PROC FREQ to Count the Number of Observations in a BY Group

Program 24.4:      Using the RENAME= and DROP= Data Set Options to Control the Output Data Set

Program 24.5:      Computing Differences between Observations

Program 24.6:      Computing Differences between the First and Last Observation in a BY Group

Program 24.7:      Demonstrating the Use of Retained Variables

Program 24.8:      Using a Retained Variable to “Remember” a Previous Value

Chapter 25 Programs

Program 25.1:      Using an Automatic Macro Variable to Include a Date and Time in a Title

Program 25.2:      Assigning a Value to a Macro Variable with a %LET Statement

Program 25.3:      Another Example of Using a %LET Statement

Program 25.4:      Writing a Simple Macro

Program 25.5:      Program 25.4 Rewritten to Use Keyword Parameters

Program 25.6:      Macro Demonstrating Keyword Parameters and Default Values

Program 25.7:      Demonstrating a Problem with Resolving a Macro Variable

Program 25.8:      Program 25.7  Corrected

Program 25.9:      Using a Macro Variable as a Prefix (Incorrect Version)

Program 25.10:    Using a Macro Variable as a Prefix (Corrected Version)

Program 25.11:    Using Macro Variables to Transfer Values from One DATA Step to Another

Chapter 26 Programs

Program 26.1:      Demonstrating a Simple Query from a Single Data Set

Program 26.2:      Using an Asterisk to Select all the Variables in a Data Set

Program 26.3:      Using PROC SQL to Create a SAS Data Set

Program 26.4:      Joining Two Tables (Cartesian Product)

Program 26.5:      Renaming the Two Subj Variables

Program 26.6:      Using Aliases to Simplify Naming Variables

Program 26.7:      Performing an Inner Join Using a DATA Step

Program 26.8:      Performing an Inner Join

Program 26.9:      Demonstrating a Left, Right, and Full Join

Program 26.10:    Concatenating Two Tables

Program 26.11:    Using a Summary Function in PROC SQL

Program 26.12:    Demonstrating the ORDER Clause

Program 26.13:    Using PROC SQL to Perform a Fuzzy Match

Chapter 27 Programs

Program 27.1:      Using a Regex to Test Social Security Values

Program 27.2:      Testing the Regular Expression for US ZIP Codes

Program 27.3:      Using a Regex to Check for Phone Numbers in Standard Form

Program 27.4:      Converting Phone Numbers to Standard Form

Program 27.5:      Demonstrating a Combination of PRXPARSE and PRXMATCH Functions

Program 27.6:      Rewriting Program 27.5 to Demonstrate a Program Written by a Compulsive Programmer

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