Google Go

Go is a language in its early years, but is gaining popularity, mainly due to the corporate backing from Google and being one of the three languages supported on the Google App Engine, beside Python and Java.

The implementation provides support on Go. This project supports almost all the transports and also supports on Google's App Engine. The original codebase for this project is at, but the development there has stagnated for a while; but others seem to have taken up the torch. The wiki points to this fork:

One thing to notice here is that this codebase still doesn't support versions higher than 0.6.x.

Check out the forks created in github and you will find interesting developments being done to the code. Like this fork, which was updated much more recently:

If you want to use a newer version of, the fork at should support versions up to 0.8.x (this was at the time of writing).

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