Listing the rooms

Now that we have support for creating multiple rooms, let us go ahead and add a page to list, join, and create new rooms. We will begin by adding a Jade view named rooms.jade with the following code:

extends layout

block append head
  script(type='text/javascript', src='/')
  script(type='text/javascript', src='/javascripts/rooms.js')

block content
      span Start a new Room
      input#new_room_btn(type="button", value="Start")
      div#header Or join a room

This view has an input box to accept a new room name and a div tag to add the list of existing rooms. We are also adding scripts for and a new script file for our client-side code for listing rooms, namely rooms.js. Next, create the rooms.js script file with the following code:

var chatInfra = io.connect('/chat_infra'),

chatInfra.on("connect", function(){
   chatInfra.emit("get_rooms", {});
   chatInfra.on("rooms_list", function(rooms){
    for(var room in rooms){
      var roomDiv = '<div class="room_div"><span class="room_name">'     + room + '</span><span class="room_users">[ ' 
           + rooms[room] + ' Users ] </span>'
           + '<a class="room" href="/chatroom?room=' + room 
           + '">Join</a></div>';


      window.location = '/chatroom?room=' + 

In the preceding code, we are connecting based on the chat_infra namespace, requesting the chat rooms on it, and rendering them in the view. Let us take a quick look at an important step happening here:

  chatInfra.emit("get_rooms", {});

As shown in the preceding code, the first thing we do after connecting is emit an event to get_rooms. This will request the list of rooms from the server. Next, we set a listener to receive the list of rooms and render them:

   chatInfra.on("rooms_list", function(rooms){

In the handler, as shown in the following code block, we are looping over the map of rooms and number of users in them and appending it to the room list:

for(var room in rooms){
      var roomDiv = '<div class="room_div"><span class="room_name">'     + room + '</span><span class="room_users">[ ' 
           + rooms[room] + ' Users ] </span>'
           + '<a class="room" href="/chatroom?room=' + room 
           + '">Join</a></div>';


Finally, we have the code to create a new room. To create a new room, all we need to do is redirect to the chat room, with the name for the new room in the URL parameters:

      window.location = '/chatroom?room=' + 

Next, we need to add a get_rooms handler on the server to return the list of the rooms. For this, we will add the handler on the chat_infra namespace in sockets.js:

this.chatInfra.on("connection", function (socket) {

    socket.on("get_rooms", function(){
      var rooms = {};
      for(var room in io.sockets.manager.rooms){
        if(room.indexOf("/chat_infra/") == 0){
          var roomName = room.replace("/chat_infra/", "");
          rooms[roomName] = io.sockets.manager
      socket.emit("rooms_list", rooms);

We can get the list of all the rooms using io.sockets.manager and then we can build the map expected by our client by looping over the list. In our case, we filter to get rooms only from chat_infra as they will also be created in chat_com, and we don't want duplicates. Once we have the map, we will emit it as rooms_list. Following this we will need to add the entry to our routes/index.js file, as shown here:

exports.rooms = function(req, res){
  res.render('rooms', { title: 'Express Chat' });

We also need to add the mapping in app.js to server rooms at /rooms:

app.get('/rooms', routes.rooms);

Finally, let us add some CSS styling for our new room's page in style.css:

    margin: 20px;

#new_room {
    font-size: 17px;

#new_room span{
    padding-right: 15px;

#allrooms #header{
    border-bottom: 1px solid;
    border-top: 1px solid;
    font-size: 17px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    margin-top: 16px;
    padding: 5px 0;

.room_div {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    padding-bottom: 5px;
    padding-top: 12px;

.room_name {
    display: inline-block;
    font-weight: bold;
    width: 165px;

.room_div a{
    position: absolute;
    right: 40px;

Go to /rooms and create a few rooms, and then when you open the room's page in a new browser, you'll see something similar to this:

Listing the rooms

List of rooms on our chat server

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