Chapter 1. Setting Up a Spark Virtual Environment

In this chapter, we will build an isolated virtual environment for development purposes. The environment will be powered by Spark and the PyData libraries provided by the Python Anaconda distribution. These libraries include Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Blaze, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Bokeh. We will perform the following activities:

  • Setting up the development environment using the Anaconda Python distribution. This will include enabling the IPython Notebook environment powered by PySpark for our data exploration tasks.
  • Installing and enabling Spark, and the PyData libraries such as Pandas, Scikit- Learn, Blaze, Matplotlib, and Bokeh.
  • Building a word count example app to ensure that everything is working fine.

The last decade has seen the rise and dominance of data-driven behemoths such as Amazon, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. These corporations, by seeding, sharing, or disclosing their infrastructure concepts, software practices, and data processing frameworks, have fostered a vibrant open source software community. This has transformed the enterprise technology, systems, and software architecture.

This includes new infrastructure and DevOps (short for development and operations), concepts leveraging virtualization, cloud technology, and software-defined networks.

To process petabytes of data, Hadoop was developed and open sourced, taking its inspiration from the Google File System (GFS) and the adjoining distributed computing framework, MapReduce. Overcoming the complexities of scaling while keeping costs under control has also led to a proliferation of new data stores. Examples of recent database technology include Cassandra, a columnar database; MongoDB, a document database; and Neo4J, a graph database.

Hadoop, thanks to its ability to process huge datasets, has fostered a vast ecosystem to query data more iteratively and interactively with Pig, Hive, Impala, and Tez. Hadoop is cumbersome as it operates only in batch mode using MapReduce. Spark is creating a revolution in the analytics and data processing realm by targeting the shortcomings of disk input-output and bandwidth-intensive MapReduce jobs.

Spark is written in Scala, and therefore integrates natively with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) powered ecosystem. Spark had early on provided Python API and bindings by enabling PySpark. The Spark architecture and ecosystem is inherently polyglot, with an obvious strong presence of Java-led systems.

This book will focus on PySpark and the PyData ecosystem. Python is one of the preferred languages in the academic and scientific community for data-intensive processing. Python has developed a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools in data manipulation with Pandas and Blaze, in Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, and in data visualization with Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Bokeh. Hence, the aim of this book is to build an end-to-end architecture for data-intensive applications powered by Spark and Python. In order to put these concepts in to practice, we will analyze social networks such as Twitter, GitHub, and Meetup. We will focus on the activities and social interactions of Spark and the Open Source Software community by tapping into GitHub, Twitter, and Meetup.

Building data-intensive applications requires highly scalable infrastructure, polyglot storage, seamless data integration, multiparadigm analytics processing, and efficient visualization. The following paragraph describes the data-intensive app architecture blueprint that we will adopt throughout the book. It is the backbone of the book. We will discover Spark in the context of the broader PyData ecosystem.


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Understanding the architecture of data-intensive applications

In order to understand the architecture of data-intensive applications, the following conceptual framework is used. The is architecture is designed on the following five layers:

  • Infrastructure layer
  • Persistence layer
  • Integration layer
  • Analytics layer
  • Engagement layer

The following screenshot depicts the five layers of the Data Intensive App Framework:

Understanding the architecture of data-intensive applications

From the bottom up, let's go through the layers and their main purpose.

Infrastructure layer

The infrastructure layer is primarily concerned with virtualization, scalability, and continuous integration. In practical terms, and in terms of virtualization, we will go through building our own development environment in a VirtualBox and virtual machine powered by Spark and the Anaconda distribution of Python. If we wish to scale from there, we can create a similar environment in the cloud. The practice of creating a segregated development environment and moving into test and production deployment can be automated and can be part of a continuous integration cycle powered by DevOps tools such as Vagrant, Chef, Puppet, and Docker. Docker is a very popular open source project that eases the installation and deployment of new environments. The book will be limited to building the virtual machine using VirtualBox. From a data-intensive app architecture point of view, we are describing the essential steps of the infrastructure layer by mentioning scalability and continuous integration beyond just virtualization.

Persistence layer

The persistence layer manages the various repositories in accordance with data needs and shapes. It ensures the set up and management of the polyglot data stores. It includes relational database management systems such as MySQL and PostgreSQL; key-value data stores such as Hadoop, Riak, and Redis; columnar databases such as HBase and Cassandra; document databases such as MongoDB and Couchbase; and graph databases such as Neo4j. The persistence layer manages various filesystems such as Hadoop's HDFS. It interacts with various storage systems from native hard drives to Amazon S3. It manages various file storage formats such as csv, json, and parquet, which is a column-oriented format.

Integration layer

The integration layer focuses on data acquisition, transformation, quality, persistence, consumption, and governance. It is essentially driven by the following five Cs: connect, collect, correct, compose, and consume.

The five steps describe the lifecycle of data. They are focused on how to acquire the dataset of interest, explore it, iteratively refine and enrich the collected information, and get it ready for consumption. So, the steps perform the following operations:

  • Connect: Targets the best way to acquire data from the various data sources, APIs offered by these sources, the input format, input schemas if they exist, the rate of data collection, and limitations from providers
  • Correct: Focuses on transforming data for further processing and also ensures that the quality and consistency of the data received are maintained
  • Collect: Looks at which data to store where and in what format, to ease data composition and consumption at later stages
  • Compose: Concentrates its attention on how to mash up the various data sets collected, and enrich the information in order to build a compelling data-driven product
  • Consume: Takes care of data provisioning and rendering and how the right data reaches the right individual at the right time
  • Control: This sixth additional step will sooner or later be required as the data, the organization, and the participants grow and it is about ensuring data governance

The following diagram depicts the iterative process of data acquisition and refinement for consumption:

Integration layer

Analytics layer

The analytics layer is where Spark processes data with the various models, algorithms, and machine learning pipelines in order to derive insights. For our purpose, in this book, the analytics layer is powered by Spark. We will delve deeper in subsequent chapters into the merits of Spark. In a nutshell, what makes it so powerful is that it allows multiple paradigms of analytics processing in a single unified platform. It allows batch, streaming, and interactive analytics. Batch processing on large datasets with longer latency periods allows us to extract patterns and insights that can feed into real-time events in streaming mode. Interactive and iterative analytics are more suited for data exploration. Spark offers bindings and APIs in Python and R. With its SparkSQL module and the Spark Dataframe, it offers a very familiar analytics interface.

Engagement layer

The engagement layer interacts with the end user and provides dashboards, interactive visualizations, and alerts. We will focus here on the tools provided by the PyData ecosystem such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Bokeh.

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