Analyzing the data

Let's get a first feel for the data extracted from each of the social networks and get an understanding of the data structure from each these sources.

Discovering the anatomy of tweets

In this section, we are going to establish connection with the Twitter API. Twitter offers two connection modes: the REST API, which allows us to search historical tweets for a given search term or hashtag, and the streaming API, which delivers real-time tweets under the rate limit in place.

In order to get a better understanding of how to operate with the Twitter API, we will go through the following steps:

  1. Install the Twitter Python library.
  2. Establish a connection programmatically via OAuth, the authentication required for Twitter.
  3. Search for recent tweets for the query Apache Spark and explore the results obtained.
  4. Decide on the key attributes of interest and retrieve the information from the JSON output.

Let's go through it step-by-step:

  1. Install the Python Twitter library. In order to install it, you need to write pip install twitter from the command line:
    $ pip install twitter
  2. Create the Python Twitter API class and its base methods for authentication, searching, and parsing the results. self.auth gets the credentials from Twitter. It then creates a registered API as self.api. We have implemented two methods: the first one to search Twitter with a given query and the second one to parse the output to retrieve relevant information such as the tweet ID, the tweet text, and the tweet author. The code is as follows:
    import twitter
    import urlparse
    from pprint import pprint as pp
    class TwitterAPI(object):
        TwitterAPI class allows the Connection to Twitter via OAuth
        once you have registered with Twitter and receive the 
        necessary credentiials 
    # initialize and get the twitter credentials
         def __init__(self): 
            consumer_key = 'Provide your credentials'
            consumer_secret = 'Provide your credentials'
            access_token = 'Provide your credentials'
            access_secret = 'Provide your credentials'
            self.consumer_key = consumer_key
            self.consumer_secret = consumer_secret
            self.access_token = access_token
            self.access_secret = access_secret
    # authenticate credentials with Twitter using OAuth
            self.auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth(access_token, access_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret)
        # creates registered Twitter API
            self.api = twitter.Twitter(auth=self.auth)
    # search Twitter with query q (i.e. "ApacheSpark") and max. result
        def searchTwitter(self, q, max_res=10,**kwargs):
            search_results =, count=10, **kwargs)
            statuses = search_results['statuses']
            max_results = min(1000, max_res)
            for _ in range(10): 
                    next_results = search_results['search_metadata']['next_results']
                except KeyError as e: 
                next_results = urlparse.parse_qsl(next_results[1:])
                kwargs = dict(next_results)
                search_results =**kwargs)
                statuses += search_results['statuses']
                if len(statuses) > max_results: 
            return statuses
    # parse tweets as it is collected to extract id, creation 
    # date, user id, tweet text
        def parseTweets(self, statuses):
            return [ (status['id'], 
                      status['text'], url['expanded_url']) 
                            for status in statuses 
                                for url in status['entities']['urls'] ]
  3. Instantiate the class with the required authentication:
    t= TwitterAPI()
  4. Run a search on the query term Apache Spark:
    tsearch = t.searchTwitter(q)
  5. Analyze the JSON output:
    {u'contributors': None,
     u'coordinates': None,
     u'created_at': u'Sat Apr 25 14:50:57 +0000 2015',
     u'entities': {u'hashtags': [{u'indices': [74, 86], u'text': u'sparksummit'}],
                   u'media': [{u'display_url': u'',
                               u'expanded_url': u'',
                               u'id': 591976255156715520,
                               u'id_str': u'591976255156715520',
                               u'indices': [143, 144],
     u'text': u'RT @bigdata: Enjoyed catching up with @ApacheSpark users & leaders at #sparksummit NYC: video clips are out http://tu2026',
     u'truncated': False,
     u'user': {u'contributors_enabled': False,
               u'created_at': u'Sat Apr 04 14:44:31 +0000 2015',
               u'default_profile': True,
               u'default_profile_image': True,
               u'description': u'',
               u'entities': {u'description': {u'urls': []}},
               u'favourites_count': 0,
               u'follow_request_sent': False,
               u'followers_count': 586,
               u'following': False,
               u'friends_count': 2,
               u'geo_enabled': False,
               u'id': 3139047660,
               u'id_str': u'3139047660',
               u'is_translation_enabled': False,
               u'is_translator': False,
               u'lang': u'zh-cn',
               u'listed_count': 749,
               u'location': u'',
               u'name': u'Mega Data Mama',
               u'notifications': False,
               u'profile_background_color': u'C0DEED',
               u'profile_background_image_url': u'',
               u'profile_background_image_url_https': u'',
               u'screen_name': u'MegaDataMama',
               u'statuses_count': 26673,
               u'time_zone': None,
               u'url': None,
               u'utc_offset': None,
               u'verified': False}}
  6. Parse the Twitter output to retrieve key information of interest:
    tparsed = t.parseTweets(tsearch)
      u'Sat Apr 25 15:01:23 +0000 2015',
      u'Josxe9 Carlos Baquero',
      u'Big Data systems are making a difference in the fight against cancer. #BigData #ApacheSpark',
      u'Sat Apr 25 14:50:57 +0000 2015',
      u'Mega Data Mama',
      u'RT @bigdata: Enjoyed catching up with @ApacheSpark users & leaders at #sparksummit NYC: video clips are out http://tu2026',
      u'Sat Apr 25 14:48:51 +0000 2015',
      u'Emma Clark',
      u'RT @bigdata: Enjoyed catching up with @ApacheSpark users & leaders at #sparksummit NYC: video clips are out http://tu2026',
     ... (snip)...  
      u'Sat Apr 25 08:19:08 +0000 2015',
      u'Mario Molina',
      u'#ApacheSpark speeds up big data decision-making',
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