About the Reviewers

Manuel Ignacio Franco Galeano is a software developer from Colombia. He holds a computer science degree from the University of Quindío. At the moment of publication of this book, he was studying to get his MSc in computer science from University College Dublin, Ireland. He has a wide range of interests that include distributed systems, machine learning, micro services, and so on. He is looking for a way to apply machine learning techniques to audio data in order to help people learn more about music.

Rahul Kavale works as a software developer at TinyOwl Ltd. He is interested in multiple technologies ranging from building web applications to solving big data problems. He has worked in multiple languages, including Scala, Ruby, and Java, and has worked on Apache Spark, Apache Storm, Apache Kafka, Hadoop, and Hive. He enjoys writing Scala. Functional programming and distributed computing are his areas of interest. He has been using Spark since its early stage for varying use cases. He has also helped with the review for the Pragmatic Scala book.

Daniel Lemire has a BSc and MSc in mathematics from the University of Toronto and a PhD in engineering mathematics from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Université de Montréal. He is a professor of computer science at the Université du Québec. He has also been a research officer at the National Research Council of Canada and an entrepreneur. He has written over 45 peer-reviewed publications, including more than 25 journal articles. He has held competitive research grants for the last 15 years. He has been an expert on several committees with funding agencies (NSERC and FQRNT). He has served as a program committee member on leading computer science conferences (for example, ACM CIKM, ACM WSDM, ACM SIGIR, and ACM RecSys). His open source software has been used by major corporations such as Google and Facebook. His research interests include databases, information retrieval and high-performance programming. He blogs regularly on computer science at http://lemire.me/blog/.

Chet Mancini is a data engineer at Intent Media, Inc in New York, where he works with the data science team to store and process terabytes of web travel data to build predictive models of shopper behavior. He enjoys functional programming, immutable data structures, and machine learning. He writes and speaks on topics surrounding data engineering and information architecture.

He is a contributor to Apache Spark and other libraries in the Spark ecosystem. Chet has a master's degree in computer science from Cornell University.

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