Fundamental Principle of Dynamics

The movement equations that have been presented in the previous volumes of this series on non-deformable solid mechanics are the scalar expression of the fundamental principle of dynamics and the different consequences that stem from it. But in using this principle, the choice of the frame in which to apply it (depending on the motion being studied) is crucial. The step is therefore to see how this decision can be made so that mechanics users may have a proper frame for the studied motion that is suitable for its context.

1.1. The fundamental principle of dynamics and its scalar consequences

The fundamental principle of dynamics is one of the general laws that govern mechanics just as the secondary principles that will be presented in section 1.2 later on. Their formulation is the result of experimental observations and measures; their validity is essentially based on the fact that they are universally used.

1.1.1. Fundamental principle of dynamics

There exists at least one reference frame imagesgimages, called Galilean, and a way to measure time (called the preferred time scale), such as, at any given time and whatever the considered physical set images, the dynamic torsor images of the set motion through the frame imagesgimages is equal to torsor images representing the efforts exerted on images by all in the universe, that are outside of it, which we call images. So that we state:


Figure 1.1. Set images in the universe

1.1.2. Choosing a frame

The application of this principle thus suggests the existence of at least one frame considered to be preferred, serving to locate a body during its motion, and of at least one preferred time scale that allows us to follow its evolution. But there are in fact an infinity of frames and ways to measure time; it is therefore important to select a frame that is suitable to the motion in question, to be able to apply this principle.

We consider that the choice of a reference frame must depend on the motion that is studied and from where we wish to observe it. The Galilean frame is the primary one in which the fundamental principle of dynamics applies. It must respect three conditions during the study of the motion of a mechanical set images. First of all, it must be in a fixed position and orientation in the space where the motion is taking place; secondly, any moving body in this space, if it doesn’t experience any exterior effect, moves uniformly on a straight line; thirdly, any body which, by its presence and the action it is likely to exert onto the motion of images, also obeys the condition that its own motion may be observed and studied in the same frame (the Galilean frame is then said to be closed).

In fact, if such bodies are subject to actions from bodies outside of the frame and which are not accounted for, they could have unidentified secondary effects on the body images in motion; this explains the importance of the Galilean frame being closed.

The fundamental principle of dynamics only references, concerning the motion of images in imagesgimages, the dynamic torsor images that is defined from the acceleration images of any particle of M of images, considered as vector density per unit of mass. This observation leads to considerations that will not be expanded upon here, that show, when a preferred frame is identified as well as a preferred time scale to create a Galilean frame, that any other frame will be considered Galilean as well if it includes:

  • – a timescale defined from the preferred scale that has already been identified and using an arbitrary transformation of the following type: t = t0 + (see section 1.1.2);
  • – and a reference frame presenting a straight-line uniform motion in relation to the preferred frame previously identified, with a zero rotation rate between the two frames (see section 1.3.5).

First of all, if we are studying the observable motion of objects from our terrestrial environment, the first preferred Galilean imagesgimages which naturally stands out as offering the most global view. Its origin is the center of inertia GE of the center of the solar system with three base vectors images pointed towards the stars, E1, E2, E3 apparently fixed.

As the Sun represents more than 99% of the mass of the solar system, its center of inertia GH is close to that of the solar system. We therefore introduce a direct orthonormed system images where


as our preferred Galilean frame.


Figure 1.2. The solar Galilean frame

However, most solid motion that we study takes place within the Earth’s environment under the effect of actions that emanate from it; it therefore seems reasonable to use a frame of work that would be more accessible, joined to the Earth, with its center of inertia as origin and to which three orthogonal and normed vectors – that could either be collinear to those of the Solar system or fixed in relation to our planet (along the North-South axis and two other directions orthogonal between one another in the equatorial plane) – would be attached.

Even if we admit that the North-South axis of rotation of our planet maintains a constant direction as it travels along its ellipse around the Sun, this last frame, called the terrestrial frame imagesTimages, is not in translation with the solar frame; it cannot serve as a frame for the application of the fundamental principle. And if we apply the corresponding equations to it, we are led to introduce corrective terms due to the relative motion of the frame imagesTimages in relation to the solar frame. These terms are often negligible, which justifies the use of this frame when the characteristics of motion allow it.

As for considerations about the time scale, they rely on the assumed uniform nature of the Earth’s rotation around its axis and reinforce the benefits of using the terrestrial frame imagesTimages as our Galilean reference frame and applying the fundamental principle of dynamics. This frame is then described as pseudo Galilean.

1.1.3. Preferred time scale

With preferred time scale t, according to the fundamental principle, we have


With a different preferred time scale τ, we would have


and the velocity and acceleration vectors would be written


With this new time scale, the reduction elements at OS of kinetic and dynamic torsors have the following expressions:


If we examine the relation between velocities on the one hand and accelerations on the other within the two scales, we obtain




and lastly


The fundamental principle of dynamics is then formulated as follows with the new time scale:


When the relation between the two time scales is linear: τ = at + b, τ″ is null and τ′ = a; the fundamental principle is then written:


For this new time scale to be used as preferred, the following statement: a = 1 must be verified so that τ = t + b. We can then write


The origin of this preferred time scale is arbitrary, since in reality it is a matter of observing a motion during a corresponding time interval, and from a suitable point of origin.

1.2. Secondary principles

These principles form the framework for general use of the fundamental principle.

1.2.1. First secondary principle of the separation of effects

In solid mechanics, the efforts exerted by images over images are remote actions gravitational or electromagnetic in nature, and contact actions.

Contact actions can be fluid (liquid or gas), solid (non-deformable) or elastic types.

We generally group into a first torsor written images the given or calculable terms of images due to gravitational or electromagnetic actions and assessable contact actions.

We group into a second torsor written images the unknown link terms of images.

The first secondary principle allows us to therefore state


If we now consider a partition of set images such as


and an exterior partition images of images such as


we can express the two following secondary principles.

1.2.2. Second secondary principle of effort generators

For a considered law '', whether it is gravitational, electromagnetic or of contact, we can state


This principle can extend to a finite number of disjoint sets that constitute a partition of images.

1.2.3. Third secondary principle of effort receivers


This principle can also extend to a finite number of disjoint sets that constitute a partition of images.

Considering these principles, the fundamental principle of dynamics takes on the more general following form


where subscript symbols α′ and i′ refer to the only partitions of images and images that are in contact.

1.3. Motion of a set images in a given frame imagesλimages

We consider the motion of a mechanical set images in a given frame imagesλimages that is mobile in relation to the Galilean frame imagesgimages and the question is to know how, in such a case, it is possible to apply the fundamental principle of dynamics.

1.3.1. Presentation of the context

We first examine the mobility of the frame imagesλimages in comparison to another frame imagesμimages on which we make no hypotheses for the time being.


Figure 1.3. Relative position of the two frames imagesλimages and imagesμimages

The relative movement of the two frames is known, that is:

  • – the situation bipoint of Oλ relative to images of which the first and second derivatives according to time in this last frame are: images and images;
  • the rotation rate vector imagesλimages compared to images of which the first derivative according to time in the two frames is images.

1.3.2. Combination of accelerations

We also know the motion of the mechanical set images within frame imagesλimages and we wish to observe its motion from frame imagesμimages. The formula for combination of accelerations applied to a particle M of images


introduces the Coriolis acceleration of M in the motion of imagesλimages relative to imagesμimages


and the drive acceleration of M in this same motion


where vectors images and images are independent of M.

1.3.3. Coriolis inertial torsor

To the material particle images corresponding to point M, given its elementary mass dm(M), we attribute the vector


We therefore attach to the kinetics of the material set images, in the motion of the frame imagesλimages in relation to imagesμimages, the following torsor, called the Coriolis inertial torsor and written images, of which the reduction elements at a given point Q are


1.3.4. Drive inertial torsor

To the material particle images corresponding to point M, given its elementary mass dm(M), we also assign the vector


We also attach to the kinetics of the material set images, in the motion of the frame imagesλimages relative to imagesμimages, the torsor known as drive inertial torsor and marked images, of which the reduction elements at a given point Q are


1.3.5. Relation between the dynamic torsors in the two frames

In each one of the frames imagesλimages and imagesμimages, the dynamic torsor is marked


According to combination of accelerations, the reduction elements of the dynamic torsor of the motion relative to frame imagesμimages expand as follows


Thus the torsor equality that expresses the relation between the dynamic torsors of the motion of images in both frames is


which is valid whatever the set images or the frames imagesλimages and imagesμimages.

1.3.6. Applying the fundamental principle

We consider here that the frame imagesμimages is the preferred Galilean frame imagesgimages. From the previous results, we can therefore state that


and that the fundamental principle of dynamics is expressed as follows


This leads to the torsor expression of the motion of the set images relative to the given frame imagesλimages


Analyzing this relation shows that the relative situation of the frame imagesλimages in relation to the considered Galilean frame imagesgimages is not indifferent because, in the relation above, the outside images of images is considered from a Galilean frame and not from imagesλimages.

In the case where the sources of the efforts acting upon images, and emanating from images, coincide with the ones present in imagesλimages, and that the corrections introduced by the Coriolis and drive terms are sensibly negligible compared to the efforts, the frame imagesλimages is considered as pseudo-Galilean and the fundamental principle can be applied.

We therefore see that it is possible to express the torsor equation of the motion of a mechanical set images relative to a given frame imagesλimages provided the Coriolis and inertial drive torsors are incorporated to the external efforts torsor.

However, when the frame imagesλimages moves with a uniform translation on even straight line relative to imagesgimages, the rate of rotation images is null and the Coriolis and drive inertial torsors will be also. The frame imagesλimages is then Galilean.

1.4. Motion of a non-deformable solid in a given frame

We now consider the case where the material set images is a non-deformable solid (S), of mass m and center of inertia G, of origin OS.

The motion of solid (S) in imagesλimages is characterized by the velocity distribution torsor




1.4.1. Coriolis inertial torsor

The resultant of the Coriolis inertial torsor is then expressed as follows


Its moment at Os is expressed


The last integral above involves the triple vectorial product images which can be expressed as follows




According to the definition of the inertia operator IOs (S), we can verify that

images, which is the sum of the diagonal terms of the matrix representing the operator,


hence the expression of the moment at Os of the Coriolis inertial torsor of the non-deformable solid (S) in the motion of imagesλimages relative to imagesμimages


The moment at G of this torsor is equal to


1.4.2. Drive inertial torsor

The resultant of the drive inertial torsor is written


and its moment at Q has the following development




According to the easily verifiable property of the vectorial product: images, the last integral above is marked


hence the moment at Q of the inertial drive torsor of the non-deformable solid (S) in the motion of imagesλimages relative to imagesμimages


and at its center of inertia G

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