Chapter 6. Using Critical Kubernetes Resources

In this chapter, we will design a massive-scale platform that will challenge Kubernetes' capabilities and scalability. The Hue platform is all about creating an omniscient and omnipotent digital assistant. Hue is a digital extension of you. Hue will help you do anything, find anything, and, in many cases will do a lot on your behalf. It will obviously need to store a lot information, integrate with many external services, respond to notifications and events, and be smart about interacting with you.

We will take the opportunity in this chapter to get to know kubectl and related tools a little better and explore in detail familiar resources we've seen before, such as pods, as well as new resources such as Jobs. At the end of this chapter, you will have a clear picture of how impressive Kubernetes is and how it can be used as the foundation for hugely complex systems.

Designing the Hue platform

In this section, we will set the stage and define the scope of the amazing Hue platform. Hue is not Big Brother, Hue is Little Brother! Hue will do whatever you allow it to do. Hue will be able to do a lot, but some people might be concerned, so you get to pick how much or how little Hue can help you with. Get ready for a wild ride!

Defining the scope of Hue

Hue will be manage your digital persona. It will know you better than you know yourself. Here is a list of some of the services Hue can manage and help you with:

  • Search and content aggregation
  • Medical
  • Smart home
  • Finance – bank, savings, retirement, investing
  • Office
  • Social
  • Travel
  • Wellbeing
  • Family
  • Smart reminders and notifications

    Let's think of the possibilities. Hue will know you, but also know your friends, the aggregate of other users across all domains. Hue will update its models in real-time. It will not be confused by stale data. It will act on your behalf, present relevant information, and learn your preferences continuously. It can recommend new shows or books that you may like, make restaurant reservations based on your schedule and your family or friends, and control your house automation.

  • Security, identity, and privacy

    Hue is your proxy online. The ramifications of someone stealing your Hue identity, or even just eavesdropping on your Hue interaction, are devastating. Potential users may even be reluctant to trust the Hue organization with their identity. Let's devise a non-trust system where users have the power to pull the plug on Hue at any time. Here are a few ideas in the right direction.

  • Strong identity via a dedicated device with multi-factor authorization, including multiple biometric reasons:
    • Frequently rotating credentials
    • Quick service pause and identity reverification of all external services (will require original proof of identity to each provider)
    • The Hue backend will interact with all external services via short-lived tokens
    • Architecting Hue as a collection of loosely-coupled microservices

    Hue's architecture will need to support enormous variation and flexibility. It will also need to be very extensible where existing capabilities and external services are constantly upgraded, and new capabilities and external services are integrated into the platform. That level of scale calls for microservices, where each capability or service is totally independent of other services except for well-defined interfaces via standard and/or discoverable APIs.

Hue components

Before embarking on our microservice journey, let's review the types of component we need to construct for Hue.

User profile

The user profile is a major component, with lots of sub-components. It is the essence of the user, their preferences, history across every area, and everything that Hue knows about them.

User graph

The user graph component models networks of interactions between users across multiple domains. Each user participates in multiple networks: social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, professional networks, hobby networks, and volunteering communities. Some of these networks are ad-hoc and Hue will be able to structure them to benefit users. Hue can take advantage of the rich profiles it has of user connections to improve interactions even without exposing private information.


Identity management is critical, as mentioned previously, so it deserves a separate component. A user may prefer to manage multiple mutually exclusive profiles with separate identities. For example, maybe users are not comfortable with mixing their health profile with their social profile at the risk of inadvertently exposing personal health information to their friends.


The authorizer is a critical component where the user explicitly authorizes Hue to perform certain actions or collect various data on its behalf. This includes access to physical devices, accounts of external services, and level of initiative.

External service

Hue is an aggregator of external services. It is not designed to replace your bank, your health provider, or your social network. It will keep a lot of metadata about your activities, but the content will remain with your external services. Each external service will require a dedicated component to interact with the external service API and policies. When no API is available, Hue emulates the user by automating the browser or native apps.

Generic sensor

A big part of Hue's value proposition is to act on the user's behalf. In order to do that effectively, Hue needs to be aware of various events. For example, if Hue reserved a vacation for you but it senses that a cheaper flight is available, it can either automatically change your flight or ask you for confirmation. There is an infinite number of things to sense. To reign in sensing, a generic sensor is needed. The generic sensor will be extensible, but exposes a generic interface that the other parts of Hue can utilize uniformly even as more and more sensors are added.

Generic actuator

This is the counterpart of the generic sensor. Hue needs to perform actions on your behalf. For example, reserving a flight. To do that, Hue needs a generic actuator that can be extended to support particular functions but can interact with other components, such as the identity manager and the authorizer, in a uniform fashion.

User learner

This is the brain of Hue. It will constantly monitor all your interactions (that you authorize) and update its model of you. This will allow Hue to become more and more useful over time, predict what you need and what will interest you, provide better choices, surface more relevant information at the right time, and avoid being annoying and overbearing.

Hue microservices

The complexity of each of the components is enormous. Some of the components, such as the external service, the generic sensor, and generic actuator, will need to operate across hundreds, thousands, or more external services that constantly change outside the control of Hue. Even the user learner needs to learn the user's preferences across many areas and domains. Microservices address this need by allowing Hue to evolve gradually and grow more isolated capabilities without collapsing under its own complexity. Each microservice interacts with generic Hue infrastructure services through standard interfaces and, optionally, with a few other services through well-defined and versioned interfaces. The surface area of each microservice is manageable and the orchestration between microservices is based on standard best practices.


Plugins are the key to extending Hue without a proliferation of interfaces. The thing about plugins is that often, you need plugin chains that cross multiple abstraction layers. For example, if we want to add a new integration for Hue with YouTube, then you can collect a lot of YouTube-specific information – your channels, favorite videos, recommendation, and videos you watched. To display this information to users and allow them to act on it, you need plugins across multiple components and eventually in the user interface as well. Smart design will help by aggregating categories of actions such as recommendations, selections, and delayed notifications to many different services.

The great thing about plugins is that they can be developed by anyone. Initially, the Hue development team will have to develop the plugins, but as Hue becomes more popular, external services will want to integrate with Hue and build Hue plugins to enable their service.

That will lead, of course, to a whole eco system of plugin registration, approval, and curation.

Data stores

Hue will need several types of data store, and multiple instances of each type, to manage its data and metadata:

  • Relational database
  • Graph database
  • Time-series database
  • In-memory caching

Due to the scope of Hue, each one of these databases will have to be clustered and distributed.

Stateless microservices

The microservices should be mostly stateless. This will allow specific instances to be started and killed quickly, and migrated across the infrastructure as necessary. The state will be managed by the stores and accessed by the microservices with short-lived access tokens.

Queue-based interactions

All these microservices need to talk to each other. Users will ask Hue to perform tasks on their behalf. External services will notify Hue of various events. Queues coupled with stateless microservices provide the perfect solution. Multiple instances of each microservice will listen to various queues and respond when relevant events or requests are popped from the queue. This arrangement is very robust and easy to scale. Every component can be redundant and highly available. While each component is fallible, the system is very fault-tolerant.

A queue can be used for asynchronous RPC or request-response style interactions too, where the calling instance provides a private queue name and the collie posts the response to the private queue.

Planning workflows

Hue often needs to support workflows. A typical workflow will get a high-level task, such as make a dentist appointment; it will extract the user's dentist details and schedule, match it with the user's schedule, choose between multiple options, potentially confirm with the user, make the appointment, and set up a reminder. We can classify workflows into fully automatic and human workflows where humans are involved. Then there are workflows that involve spending money.

Automatic workflows

Automatic workflows don't require human intervention. Hue has full authority to execute all the steps from start to finish. The more autonomy the user allocates to Hue the more effective it will be. The user should be able to view and audit all workflows, past and present.

Human workflows

Human workflows require interaction with a human. Most often it will be the user itself that needs to make a choice from multiple options or approve an action. But it may involve a person on another service. For example, to make an appointment with a dentist, you may have to get a list of available times from the secretary.

Budget-aware workflows

Some workflows, such as paying bills or purchasing a gift, require spending money. While, in theory, Hue can be granted unlimited access to the user's bank account, most users will probably be more comfortable with setting budgets for different workflows or just making spending a human-approved activity.

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