Choosing and managing the cluster capacity

With Kubernetes' horizontal pod autoscaling, DaemonSets, stateful sets, and quotas, we can scale and control our pods, storage, and other objects. However, in the end, we're limited by the physical (virtual) resources available to our Kubernetes cluster. If all your nodes are running at 100% capacity, you need to add more nodes to your cluster. There is no way around it. Kubernetes will just fail to scale. On the other hand, if you have very dynamic workloads then Kubernetes can scale down your pods, but if you don't scale down your nodes correspondingly you will still pay for the excess capacity. In the cloud you can stop and start instances.

Choosing your node types

The simplest solution is to choose a single node type with a known quantity of CPU, memory, and local storage. But that is typically not the most efficient and cost-effective solution. It makes capacity planning simple because the only question is how many nodes are needed. Whenever you add a node, you add a known quantity of CPU and memory to your cluster, but most Kubernetes clusters and components within the cluster handle different workloads. We may have a stream processing pipeline where many pods receive some data and process it in one place. This workload is CPU-heavy and may or may not need a lot of memory. Other components, such as a distributed memory cache, need a lot of memory, but very little CPU. Other components, such as a Cassandra cluster, need multiple SSD disks attached to each node.

For each type of node you should consider proper labeling and making sure that Kubernetes schedules the pods that are designed to run on that node type.

Choosing your storage solutions

Storage is a huge factor in scaling a cluster. There are three categories of scalable storage solution:

  • Roll your own
  • Use your cloud platform storage solution
  • Use an out-of-cluster solution

When you use roll your own, you install some type of storage solution in your Kubernetes cluster. The benefits are flexibility and full control, but you have to manage and scale it yourself.

When you use your cloud platform storage solution, you get a lot out of the box, but you lose control, you typically pay more, and depending on the service you may be locked in to that provider.

When you use an out-of-cluster solution, the performance and cost of data transfer may be much greater. You typically use this option if you need to integrate with an existing system.

Of course, large clusters may have multiple data stores from all categories. This is one of the most critical decisions you have to make, and your storage needs may change and evolve over time.

Trading off cost and response time

If money is not an issue you can just over-provision your cluster. Every node will have the best hardware configuration available, you'll have way more nodes than are needed to process your workloads, and you'll have copious amounts of available storage. Guess what? Money is always an issue!

You may get by with over-provisioning when you're just starting and your cluster doesn't handle a lot of traffic. You may just run five nodes, even if two nodes are enough most of the time. Multiply everything by 1,000 and someone will come asking questions if you have thousands of idle machines and petabytes of empty storage.

OK. So, you measure and optimize carefully and you get 99.99999% utilization of every resource. Congratulations, you just created a system that can't handle an iota of extra load or the failure of a single node without dropping requests on the floor or delaying responses.

You need to find the middle ground. Understand the typical fluctuations of your workloads and consider the cost/benefit ratio of having excess capacity versus having reduced response time or processing ability.

Sometimes, if you have strict availability and reliability requirements, you can build redundancy into the system and then you over-provision by design. For example, you want to be able to hot swap a failed component with no downtime and no noticeable effects. Maybe you can't lose even a single transaction. In this case, you'll have a live backup for all critical components, and that extra capacity can be used to mitigate temporary fluctuations without any special actions.

Using effectively multiple node configurations

Effective capacity planning requires you to understand the usage patterns of your system and the load each component can handle. That may include a lot of data streams generated inside the system. When you have a solid understanding of the typical workloads, you can look at workflows and which components handle which parts of the load. Then you can compute the number of pods and their resource requirements. In my experience, there are some relatively fixed workloads, some workloads that vary predictively (such as office hours versus non-office hours), and then you have your completely crazy workloads that behave erratically. You have to plan according for each workload, and you can design several families of node configurations that can be used to schedule pods that match a particular workload.

Benefiting from elastic cloud resources

Most cloud providers let you scale instances automatically, which is a perfect complement to Kubernetes' horizontal pod autoscaling. If you use cloud storage, it also grows magically without you having to do anything. However, there are some gotchas that you need to be aware of.

Autoscaling instances

All the big cloud providers have instance autoscaling in place. There are some differences, but scaling up and down based on CPU utilization is always available, and sometimes custom metrics are available too. Sometimes, load balancing is offered as well. As you can see, there is some overlap with Kubernetes here. If your cloud provider doesn't have adequate autoscaling with proper control, it is relatively easy to roll your own, where you monitor your cluster resource usage and invoke cloud APIs to add or remove instances. You can extract the metrics from Kubernetes.

Here is a diagram that shows how two new instances are added based on a CPU load monitor:

Autoscaling instances

Mind your cloud quotas

When working with cloud providers, some of the most annoying things are quotas. I've worked with four different cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, and Alibaba cloud) and I was always bitten by quotas at some point. The quotas exist to let the cloud providers do their own capacity planning, but from your point of view it is yet one more thing that can trip you up. Imagine that you set up a beautiful autoscaling system that works like magic, and suddenly the system doesn't scale when you hit 100 nodes. You quickly discover that you are limited to 100 nodes and you open a quota to increase support. However, a human must approve quota requests, and that can take a day or two. In the meantime, your system is unable to handle the load.

Manage regions carefully

Cloud platforms are organized in regions and availability zones. Some services and machine configurations are available only in some regions. Cloud quotas are also managed at the regional level. Performance and cost of data transfers within regions is much lower (often free) than across regions. When planning your cluster, you should consider carefully your geo-distribution strategy. If you need to run your cluster across multiple regions, you may have some tough decisions to make regarding redundancy, availability, performance, and cost.

Considering is a container-aware hosting service. You just start containers. The service takes care of allocating the hardware. Containers start within seconds. You never need to wait minutes for a new VM. Hypernetes is Kubernetes on, and it completely eliminates the need to scale the nodes because there are no nodes as far as you're concerned. There are only containers (or pods).

In the following diagram, you can see on the right how Hyper Containers run directly on a multi-tenant bare-metal container cloud:

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