Git aliases

In Chapter 2, Git Fundamentals – Working Locally we already mentioned Git aliases and their purpose; in this paragraph, I will suggest only a few more to help you make things easier.

Shortcuts to common commands

One thing you can find useful is to shorten common commands like git checkout and so on; therefore, these are some useful aliases:

$ git config --global checkout
$ git config --global branch
$ git config --global commit
$ git config --global status

Another common practice is to shorten a command by adding one or more options that you use all the time; for example set a git cm <commit message> command shortcut to alias git commit –m <commit message>:

$ git config --global "commit -m"
Shortcuts to common commands

Creating commands

Another common way to customize the Git experience is to create commands you think should exist, as we did in Chapter 2, Git Fundamentals – Working Locally with the git tree command.

git unstage

The classic example is the git unstage alias:

$ git config --global alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'

With this alias, you can remove a file from the index in a more meaningful way as compared to the equivalent git reset HEAD <file> syntax:

$ git unstage myfile.txt
$ git reset HEAD myfile.txt

git undo

Do you want a fast way to revert the last ongoing commit? Create a git undo alias:

$ git config --global alias.undo 'reset --soft HEAD~1'

You will be tempted to use the --hard option instead of the --soft option, but simply don't do it as it's generally a bad idea to make it too easy to destroy information, and sooner or later, you will regret for deleting something important.

git last

A git last alias is useful to read about your last commit, which is shown here:

$ git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
git last

git difflast

With git difflast alias, you can indeed see a difference from your last commit, as shown here:

$ git config --global alias.difflast 'diff --cached HEAD^'
git difflast

Advanced aliases with external commands

If you want the alias to run external shell commands instead of a Git subcommand, you have to prefix the alias with a !:

$ git config --global alias.echo !echo

Suppose you are annoyed by the canonical git add <file> plus git commit <file> sequence of commands, and you want to do it in a single shot; here you can call the git command twice in sequence creating this alias:

$ git config --global '!git add -A && git commit -m'

With this alias you commit all the files, adding them before, if necessary.

Have you noted that I set again the cm alias? If you set an already configured alias, the previous alias will be overwritten.

There are also aliases that define and use complex functions or scripts, but I'll leave it to the curiosity of the reader to explore these aliases. If you are looking for inspiration, please take a look at mine at

Removing an alias

Removing an alias is quite easy; you have to use the --unset option, specifying the alias to remove. For example, if you want to remove the cm alias, you have to run:

$ git config --global --unset

Note that you have to specify the configuration level with the appropriate option; in this case, we are removing the alias from the user (--global) level.

Aliasing the git command itself

I already said I'm a bad typewriter; if you are too, you can alias the git command itself (using the default alias command in Bash):

$ alias gti='git'

In this manner, you will save some other keyboard strokes. Note that this is not a Git alias but a Bash shell alias.

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