Displaying the repository information

It is fairly common to have some scripts that use repository information, for example, builds or release note generation. This small example will show some examples of the rev-parse command that can be very useful for scripting.

Getting ready

Clone the data-model repository from Chapter 1, Navigating Git:

$ git clone https://github.com/dvaske/data-model.git
$ cd data-model

How to do it...

First, let's figure out the ID of the commit at HEAD:

$ git rev-parse HEAD

This can, of course, also be obtained by git log -1 --format=%H, but with the rev-parse command, you don't need all the options. We can also get the current branch from the rev-parse command:

$ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD

We can also just get the abbreviated name:

$ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD

We can also get the ID of other refs:

$ git rev-parse origin/feature/2

There's more…

The rev-parse command can also be used to give some information about the repository, especially the directory structure relative to the current working directory.

We can find the top-level directory from a subdirectory using the following snippet:

$ cd a_sub_directory
$ pwd
$ git rev-parse --show-toplevel

We can also get the number of cd .. we need to get to the root directory using the following command:

$ git rev-parse --show-cdup

And we can get the relative path from the root directory to the current working directory using the following command:

$ git rev-parse --show-prefix

Finally, we can get Git to show the path to the .git directory:

$ git rev-parse --git-dir

We can check whether the current repository is a bare repository using the following command:

$ git rev-parse --is-bare-repository
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