Chapter 5. Obtaining the Most – Good Commits and Workflows

Now that we are familiar with Git and versioning systems, it's time to look at the whole thing from a much higher perspective to become aware of common patterns and procedures.

In this chapter, we will walk through some of the most common ways to organize and build meaningful commits and repositories. We will obtain not only a well-organized code stack, but also a meaningful source of information.

The art of committing

While working with Git, committing seems the easiest part of the job: you add files, write a short comment, and then, you're done. However, it is because of its simplicity that often, especially at the very beginning of your experience, you acquire the bad habit of doing terrible commits: too late, too big, too short, or simply equipped with bad messages.

Now, we will take some time to identify possible issues, drawing attention to tips and hints to get rid of these bad habits.

Building the right commit

One of the harder skills to acquire while programming in general is to split the work in small and meaningful tasks.

Too often, I have experienced this scenario. You start to fix a small issue in a file. Then, you see another piece of code that can be easily improved, even if it is not related to what you are working on now. You can't resist it, and you fix it. At the end and after a small time, you find yourself with tons of concurrent files and changes to commit.

At this point, things get worse, because usually, programmers are lazy people. So, they don't write all the important things to describe changes in the commit message. In commit messages, you start to write sentences such as "Some fixes to this and that", "Removed old stuff", "Tweaks", and so on, without anything that helps other programmers understand what you have done.

Building the right commit

Courtesy of

At the end, you realize that your repository is only a dump where you empty your index now and then. I have seen some people committing only at the end of the day (and not every day) to keep a backup of the data or because someone else needed the changes reflected on their computer.

Another side effect is that the resulting repository history becomes useless for anything other than retrieving content at a given point in time.

The following tips can help you turn your Version Control System (VCS) from a backup system into a valuable tool for communication and documentation.

Make only one change per commit

After the routine morning coffee, you open your editor and start to work on a bug, BUG42. While working around fixing the bug in the code, you realize that fixing BUG79 will require tweaking just a single line of code. So, you fix it. However, you not only change that awful class name, but also add a good-looking label to the form and make a few more changes. The damage is done.

How can you wrap up all that work in a meaningful commit now? Maybe, in the meantime, you went home for lunch, talked to your boss about another project, and you can't even remember all the little things you did.

In this scenario, there is only one way to limit the damage: split the files to commit among more than one commit. Sometimes, this helps to reduce the pain, but it is only palliative. Very often, you modify the same file for different reasons, so doing this is quite difficult, if not impossible. The last hope is to use git add -p command, that let's you to stage only some modification on a file, grouping them in different commit to separate topics.

The only way to definitely solve this problem is to only make one change per commit. It seems easy, I know, but it is quite difficult to acquire this ability. There are no tools for this. No one, but you, can help. It only needs discipline, the most lacking virtue in creative people such as programmers.

There are some tips to pursue this aim; let's have a look at them together.

Split up features and tasks

As said earlier, breaking up the things to do is a fine art. If you know and adopt some Agile movement techniques, you will have probably faced these problems. So, you have an advantage; otherwise, you will need some more effort, but it is not something that you can't achieve.

Consider that you have been assigned to add the Remember me check in the login page of a web application, like the one shown here:

Split up features and tasks

This feature is quite small, but implies changes at different levels. To accomplish this, you'll have to:

  • Modify the UI to add the check control
  • Pass the "is checked" information through different layers
  • Store this information somewhere
  • Retrieve this information when needed
  • Invalidate (set it to false) following some kind of policy (after 15 days, after 10 logins, and so on)

Do you think you can do all these things in one shot? Yes? You are wrong! Even if you estimate a couple of hours for an ordinary task, remember that Murphy's law is in ambush. You will receive four calls, your boss will look for you for three different meetings, and your computer will go up in flames.

This is one of the first things to learn: break up every work into small tasks. It does not matter whether you use timeboxing techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique; small things are always easy to handle. I'm not talking about split hairs, but try to organize your tasks into things you can do in a defined amount of time, hopefully a bunch of half hours, not days.

So, take a pen and paper and write down all the tasks, as we did earlier with the login page example. Do you think you can do all those things in a small amount of time? Maybe yes, maybe not: some tasks are bigger than others. That's OK; this is not a scientific method. It's a matter of experience. Can you split a task and create two other meaningful tasks? Do it.

Are you unable to do it? No problem; don't try to split tasks if they lose meaning.

Split up features and tasks

Write commit messages before starting to code

Now, you have a list of tasks to do; pick the first and… start to code? No! Take another piece of paper and describe every task's step with a sentence. Magically, you will realize that every sentence can be the message of a single commit, where you describe the features you deleted, added, or changed in your software.

This kind of prior preparation helps you define modifications to implement (letting better software design to emerge). It also focuses on what is important and lowers down the stress of thinking at the versioning part of the work during the coding session. While you are facing a programming problem, your brain floods with little implementation details related to the code you are working on. So, the fewer the distractions, the better.

This is one of the best versioning-related hints I ever received. If you have just a quarter of an hour to spare, I recommend that you read the Preemptive commit comments blog post ( by Arialdo Martini. This is where I learnt this trick.

Include the whole change in one commit

Making more than one change per commit is a bad thing. However, splitting a single change into more than one commit is also considered harmful. As you may know, in some trained teams, you do not simply push your code to production. Before that, you have to pass some code quality reviews, where someone else tries to understand what you did to decide if your code is good or not (that is, why there are pull requests, indeed). You could be the best developer in the world. However, if the person at the other end can't get a sense of your commits, your work would probably be refused.

To avoid these unpleasant situations, you have to follow a simple rule: don't do partial commits. If time's up, if you have to go to that damn meeting (programmers hate meetings) or whatever, remember that you can save your work at any moment without committing, using the git stash command. If you want to close the commit, because you want to push it to the remote branch for backup purposes, remember that Git is not a backup tool. Back up your stash on another disk, put it in the cloud, or simply end your work before leaving, but don't do commits like they are episodes of a TV series.

One more time, Git is a software tool like any other and it can fail. Don't think that just because you are using Git or other versioning systems, you don't need backup strategies. Back up local and remote repositories just like you back up all the other important things.

Describe the change, not what you have done

Too often, I read (and often I wrote) commit messages such as "Removed this", "Changed that", "Added that one", and so on.

Imagine that you are going to work on the common "lost password" feature on your website. Probably, you will find a message like this adequate: "Added the lost password retrieval link to the login page". This kind of commit message does not describe what modifications the feature brings to you, but what you did (and not everything). Try to answer sincerely. If you are reading a repository history, do you want to read what every developer did? Or is it better to read the feature implemented in every single commit?

Try to make the effort, and start writing sentences where the change itself is the subject, not what you did to implement it. Use the imperative present tense (for example, fix, add, implement), describing the change in a small subject sentence, and then, add some details (when needed) in other lines of text. "Implement the password-retrieval mechanism" is a good commit message subject. If you find it useful, then you can add some other information to get a well formed message like this:

"Implement the password retrieval mechanism

 - Add the "Lost password?" link into the login page - Send an email to the user with a link to renew the password"

Have you ever written a changelog for a software by hand? I did; it's one of the most boring things to do. If you don't like writing changelogs, like me, think of the repository history as your changelog. If you take care of your commit messages, you would get a beautiful changelog for free!

In the next section, I will group some other useful hints about good commit messages.

Don't be afraid to commit

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions. It can drive a person to do the craziest thing on Earth. One the most common reactions to fear is breakdown. You don't know what to do, so you end up doing nothing.

This is a common reaction even when you begin to use a new tool such as Git, where gaining confidence can be difficult. For the fear of making a mistake, you don't commit until you are obligated. This is the real mistake; be scared. In Git, you don't have to be scared. Maybe the solution is not obvious; maybe you have to dig on the Internet to find the right way. However, you can get off with small or no consequences, ever (well, unless you are a hard user of the --hard option).

On the contrary, you have to make the effort to commit often, as soon as possible. The more frequently you commit, the smaller are your commits; the smaller are your commits, the easier it is to read and understand the changelog. It is also easier to to cherry-pick commits and do code reviews. To help myself get used to committing this way, I followed this simple trick: write the commit message in Visual Studio before starting to write any code.

Don't be afraid to commit

Try to do the same in your IDE or directly in the Bash shell; it helps a lot.

Isolate meaningless commits

The golden rule is to avoid meaningless commits. However, sometimes, you need to commit something that is not a real implementation, but only a cleanup, such as deleting old comments, formatting rearrangement, and so on.

In these cases, it is better to isolate this kind of code change in separate commits. By doing this, you prevent another team member from running towards you with a knife in his hand, frothing at the mouth. Don't commit meaningless changes and mix up them with real ones. Otherwise, other developers (and you, after a couple of weeks) will not understand them while diffing.

The perfect commit message

Let me be honest; the perfect message does not exist. If you work alone, you will probably find the best way for you. However, when in a team, there are different minds and different sensibilities, so what is good for me may not be as good for another.

In this case, you have to sit around a table and discuss. You should try to end up with a shared standard that probably would not be the one you prefer, but at least is a way to start a common path.

Rules for a good commit message really depend on the way you and your team work every day, but some common hints can be applied by everyone. They are described in the following sections.

Writing a meaningful subject

The subject of a commit is the most important part; its role is to make clear what the commit contains. Avoid technical details of other things that a common developer can understand on opening the code. Focus on the big picture. Remember that every commit is a sentence in the repository history. So, wear the hat of the changelog reader and try to write the most convenient sentence for him, not for you. Use the present tense, and write a sentence with a maximum of 50 characters.

A good subject is one like this, "Add the newsletter signup in homepage".

As you can see, I used the imperative past tense. More importantly I didn't say what I have done, but what the feature does: it added a newsletter signup box to my website.

The 50 char rule is due to the way you use Git from the shell or GUI tools. If you start to write long sentences, reviewing logs and so on can become a nightmare. So, don't try to be the Stephen King of commit messages. Avoid adjectives and go straight to the point. You can then write additional details lines.

Another thing to remember is to start with capital letters. Do not end sentences with periods; they are useless and even dangerous.

Adding bulleted details lines, when needed

Often, you can't say all that you want in 50 chars. In this case, use details lines. In this situation, the common rule is to leave a blank line after the subject, use a dash, and go no longer than 72 chars:

"Add the newsletter signup in homepage

- Add textbox and button on homepage
- Implement email address validation
- Save email in database"

In these lines, add a few details, but not too many. Try to describe the original problem (if you fixed it) or the original need, why these functionalities have been implemented (what problem solves), and understand the possible limitations or issues.

Tie other useful information

If you use some issue and project-tracking systems, write down the issue number, bug IDs or everything else that helps:

"Add the newsletter signup in homepage

- Add textbox and button on homepage
- Implement email address validation
- Save email in database 

#FEAT-123: closed"

Special messages for releases

Another useful thing is to write special format commit messages for releases so that it will be easier to find them. I usually decorate subjects with some special characters, but nothing more. To highlight a particular commit, such as a release one, there is the git tag command, remember?


At the end, my suggestion is to try to compose your personal commit message standard by following previous hints, looking at message strategies adopted by great projects and teams around the Web, but especially by doing it. Your standard will change for sure as you evolve as a software developer and Git user. So, start as soon as possible, and let time help you find the perfect way to write a commit message.

At least, don't imitate them:

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