A note on immutability

Note that whenever possible, we'll avoid using the string type for comparative operations, especially in multithreaded environments. In the previous example, we use integers and Booleans to decide availability for any given user. In some languages, you may feel empowered to assign the time values to a string for ease of use. For the most part, this is fine, even in Go; but assuming that we have an infinitely scalable, shared calendar application, we run the risk of introducing memory issues if we utilize strings in this way.

The string type is the sole immutable type in Go; this is noteworthy if you end up assigning and reassigning values to a string. Assuming that memory is yielded after a string is converted to a copy, this is not a problem. However, in Go (and a couple of other languages), it's entirely possible to keep the original value in memory. We can test this using the following example:

func main() {

  testString := "Watch your top / resource monitor"
  for i:= 0; i < 1000; i++ {
    testString = string(i)


  time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)


When run in Ubuntu, this takes approximately 1.0 MB of memory; some of that no doubt overhead, but a useful reference point. Let's up the ante a bit—though having 1,000 relatively small pointers won't have much impact—using the following line of code:

for i:= 0; i < 100000000; i++ {

Now, having gone through 100 million memory assignments, you can see the impact on memory (it doesn't help that the string itself is at this point longer than the initial, but it doesn't account for the full effect). Garbage collection takes place here too, which impacts CPU. On our initial test here, both CPU and memory spiked. If we substitute this for an integer or a Boolean assignment, we get much smaller footprints.

This is not exactly a real-world scenario, but it's worth noting in a concurrent environment where garbage collection must happen so we can evaluate the properties and types of our logic.

It's also entirely possible, depending on your current version of Go, your machine(s), and so on, and this could run as efficiently in either scenario. While that might seem fine, part of our concurrent strategy planning should involve the possibility that our application will scale in input, output, physical resources, or all of them. Just because something works well now doesn't mean it's not worth implementing efficiencies that will keep it from causing performance problems at a 100x scale.

If you ever encounter a place where a string is logical, but you want or could benefit from a mutable type, consider a byte slice instead.

A constant is, of course, also immutable, but given that's the implied purpose of a constant variable, you should already know this. A mutable constant variable is, after all, an oxymoron.

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