Identifying our requirements

The most critical step in our architectural design process is really zooming in on the required features, packages, and technologies that we'll need to implement. For our file management and revision control application, there are a few key points that will stand out:

  • A web interface that allows file uploads, downloads, and revisions.
  • A command-line interface that allows us to roll back changes and modify files directly.
  • A filesystem listener that finds changes made to a shared location.
  • A data store system that has strong Go tie-in and allows us to maintain information about files and users in a mostly consistent manner. This system will also maintain user records.
  • A concurrent log system that maintains and cycles logs of changed files.

We're somewhat complicating things by allowing the following three different ways to interface with the overall application:

  • Via the Web that requires a user and login. This also allows our users to access and modify files even if they happen to be somewhere not connected to the shared drive.
  • Via the command line. This is archaic but also extremely valuable anytime a user is traversing a filesystem, particularly power users not in a GUI.
  • Via the filesystem that changes itself. This is the shared drive mechanism wherein we assume that any user with access to this will be making valid modifications to any files.

To handle all of this, we can identify a few critical technologies as follows:

  • A database or data store to manage revisions to our filesystem. When choosing between transactional, ACID-compliant SQL and fast document stores in NoSQL, the tradeoff is often performance versus consistency. However, since most of our locking mechanism will exist in the application, duplicating locks (even at the row level) will add a level of potential slowness and cruft that we don't need. So, we will utilize a NoSQL solution.
  • This solution will need to play well with concurrency.
  • We'll be using a web interface, one that brings in powerful and clean routing/muxing and plays well with Go's robust built-in templating system.
  • A filesystem notification library that allows us to monitor changes to files as well as backing up revisions.

Any solutions we uncover or build to satisfy these requirements will need to be highly concurrent and non-blocking. We'll want to make sure that we do not allow simultaneous changes to files, including changes to our internal revisions themselves.

With all of this in mind, let's identify our pieces one-by-one and decide how they will play in our application.

We'll also present a few alternatives with options that can be swapped without compromising the functionality or core requirements. This will allow some flexibility in cases where platform or preference makes our primary option unpalatable. Any time we're designing an application, it's a good idea to know what else is out there in case the software (or terms of its use) change or it is no longer satisfactory to use at a future scale.

Let's start with our data store.

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