Chapter 1. An Introduction to Concurrency in Go

While Go is both a great general purpose and low-level systems language, one of its primary strengths is the built-in concurrency model and tools. Many other languages have third-party libraries (or extensions), but inherent concurrency is something unique to modern languages, and it is a core feature of Go's design.

Though there's no doubt that Go excels at concurrency—as we'll see in this book—what it has that many other languages lack is a robust set of tools to test and build concurrent, parallel, and distributed code.

Enough talk about Go's marvelous concurrency features and tools, let's jump in.

Introducing goroutines

The primary method of handling concurrency is through a goroutine. Admittedly, our first piece of concurrent code (mentioned in the preface) didn't do a whole lot, simply spitting out alternating "hello"s and "world"s until the entire task was complete.

Here is that code once again:

package main

import (

type Job struct {
  i int
  max int
  text string

func outputText(j *Job) {
  for j.i < j.max {
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)

func main() {
  hello := new(Job)
  world := new(Job)

  hello.text = "hello"
  hello.i = 0
  hello.max = 3
  world.text = "world"
  world.i = 0
  world.max = 5

  go outputText(hello)



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But, if you think back to our real-world example of planning a surprise party for your grandmother, that's exactly how things often have to be managed with limited or finite resources. This asynchronous behavior is critical for some applications to run smoothly, although our example essentially ran in a vacuum.

You may have noticed one quirk in our early example: despite the fact that we called the outputText() function on the hello struct first, our output started with the world struct's text value. Why is that?

Being asynchronous, when a goroutine is invoked, it waits for the blocking code to complete before concurrency begins. You can test this by replacing the outputText() function call on the world struct with a goroutine, as shown in the following code:

  go outputText(hello)
  go outputText(world)

If you run this, you will get no output because the main function ends while the asynchronous goroutines are running. There are a couple of ways to stop this to see the output before the main function finishes execution and the program exits. The classic method simply asks for user input before execution, allowing you to directly control when the application finishes. You can also put an infinite loop at the end of your main function, as follows:

for {}

Better yet, Go also has a built-in mechanism for this, which is the WaitGroup type in the sync package.

If you add a WaitGroup struct to your code, it can delay execution of the main function until after all goroutines are complete. In simple terms, it lets you set a number of required iterations to get a completed response from the goroutines before allowing the application to continue. Let's look at a minor modification to our "Hello World" application in the following section.

A patient goroutine

From here, we'll implement a WaitGroup struct to ensure our goroutines run entirely before moving on with our application. In this case, when we say patient, it's in contrast to the way we've seen goroutines run outside of a parent method with our previous example. In the following code, we will implement our first Waitgroup struct:

package main

import (

type Job struct {
  i int
  max int
  text string

func outputText(j *Job, goGroup *sync.WaitGroup) {
  for j.i < j.max {
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)

func main() {

  goGroup := new(sync.WaitGroup)

  hello := new(Job)
  hello.text = "hello"
  hello.i = 0
  hello.max = 2

  world := new(Job)
  world.text = "world"
  world.i = 0
  world.max = 2

  go outputText(hello, goGroup) 
  go outputText(world, goGroup)



Let's look at the changes in the following code:

  goGroup := new(sync.WaitGroup)

Here, we declared a WaitGroup struct named goGroup. This variable will receive note that our goroutine function has completed x number of times before allowing the program to exit. Here's an example of sending such an expectation in WaitGroup:


The Add() method specifies how many Done messages goGroup should receive before satisfying its wait. Here, we specified 2 because we have two functions running asynchronously. If you had three goroutine members and still called two, you may see the output of the third. If you added a value more than two to goGroup, for example, goGroup.Add(3), then WaitGroup would wait forever and deadlock.

With that in mind, you shouldn't manually set the number of goroutines that need to wait; this is ideally handled computationally or explicitly in a range. This is how we tell WaitGroup to wait:


Now, we wait. This code will fail for the same reason goGroup.Add(3) failed; the goGroup struct never receives messages that our goroutines are done. So, let's do this as shown in the following code snippet:

func outputText(j *Job, goGroup *sync.WaitGroup) {
  for j.i < j.max {
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)

We've only made two changes to our outputText() function from the preface. First, we added a pointer to our goGroup as the second function argument. Then, when all our iterations were complete, we told goGroup that they are all done.

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