Chapter 3. Connecting to Data

In the previous chapter, we explored how to take URLs and translate them to different pages in our web application. In doing so, we built URLs that were dynamic and resulted in dynamic responses from our (very simple) net/http handlers.

By implementing an extended mux router from the Gorilla toolkit, we expanded the capabilities of the built-in router by allowing regular expressions, which gives our application a lot more flexibility.

This is something that's endemic to some of the most popular web servers. For example, both Apache and Nginx provide methods to utilize regular expressions in routes and staying at par with common solutions should be our minimal baseline for functionality.

But this is just an admittedly important stepping stone to build a robust web application with a lot of varied functionality. To go any further, we need to look at bringing in data.

Our examples in the previous chapter relied on hardcoded content grabbed from static files—this is obviously archaic and doesn't scale. Anyone who has worked in the pre-CGI early days of the Web could regale you with tales of site updates requiring total retooling of static files or explain the anachronism that was Server-Side Includes.

But luckily, the Web became largely dynamic in the late 1990s and databases began to rule the world. While APIs, microservices and NoSQL have in some places replaced that architecture, it still remains the bread and butter of the way the Web works today.

So without further ado, let's get some dynamic data.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Connecting to a database
  • Using GUID for prettier URLs
  • Handling 404s

Connecting to a database

When it comes to accessing databases, Go's SQL interface provides a very simple and reliable way to connect to various database servers that have drivers.

At this point, most of the big names are covered—MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, MSSQL, and quite a few more have well-maintained drivers that utilize the database/sql interface provided by Go.

The best thing about the way Go handles this through a standardized SQL interface is that you won't have to learn custom Go libraries to interact with your database. This doesn't preclude needing to know the nuances of the database's SQL implementation or other functionality, but it does eliminate one potential area of confusion.

Before you go too much farther, you'll want to make sure that you have a library and a driver for your database of choice installed via go get command.

The Go project maintains a Wiki of all of the current SQLDrivers and is a good starting reference point when looking for an adapter at


Note: We're using MySQL and Postgres for various examples in this book, but use the solution that works best for you. Installing MySQL and Postgres is fairly basic on any Nix, Windows, or OS X machine.

MySQL can be downloaded from and although there are a few drivers listed by Google, we recommend the Go-MySQL-Driver. Though you won't go wrong with the recommended alternatives from the Go project, the Go-MySQL-Driver is very clean and well-tested. You can get it at Postgres, grab a binary or package manager command from The Postgres driver of choice here is pq, which can be installed via go get at

Creating a MySQL database

You can choose to design any application you wish, but for these examples we'll look at a very simple blog concept.

Our goal here is to have as few blog entries in our database as possible, to be able to call those directly from our database by GUID and display an error if the particular requested blog entry does not exist.

To do this, we'll create a MySQL database that contains our pages. These will have an internal, automatically incrementing numeric ID, a textual globally unique identifier, or GUID, and some metadata around the blog entry itself.

To start simply, we'll create a title page_title, body text page_content and a Unix timestamp page_date. You can feel free to use one of MySQL's built-in date fields; using an integer field to store a timestamp is just a matter of preference and can allow for some more elaborate comparisons in your queries.

The following is the SQL in your MySQL console (or GUI application) to create the database cms and the requisite table pages:

CREATE TABLE `pages` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `page_guid` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `page_title` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
  `page_content` mediumtext,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `page_guid` (`page_guid`)


As mentioned, you can execute this query through any number of interfaces. To connect to MySQL, select your database and try these queries, you can follow the command line documentation at

Note the UNIQUE KEY on page_guid. This is pretty important, as if we happen to allow duplicate GUIDs, well, we have a problem. The idea of a globally unique key is that it cannot exist elsewhere, and since we'll rely on it for URL resolution, we want to make sure that there's only one entry per GUID.

As you can probably tell, this is a very basic content type of blog database. We have an auto-incrementing ID value, a title, a date and the page's content, and not a whole lot else going on.

While it's not a lot, it's enough to demonstrate dynamic pages in Go utilizing a database interface.

Just to make sure there's some data in the pages table, add the following query to fill this in a bit:

INSERT INTO `pages` (`id`, `page_guid`, `page_title`, `page_content`, `page_date`) VALUES (NULL, 'hello-world', 'Hello, World', 'I'm so glad you found this page!  It's been sitting patiently on the Internet for some time, just waiting for a visitor.', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

This will give us something to start with.

Now that we have our structure and some dummy data, let's take a look at how we can connect to MySQL, retrieve the data, and serve it dynamically based on URL requests and Gorilla's mux patterns.

To get started, let's create a shell of what we'll need to connect:

package main

import (
  _ ""

We're importing the MySQL driver package for what's known as side effects. By this, it's generally meant that the package is complementary to another and provides various interfaces that do not need to be referenced specifically.

You can note this through the underscore _ syntax that precedes the packages import. You're likely already familiar with this as a quick-and-dirty way to ignore the instantiation of a returned value from a method. For example x, _ := something()allows you to ignore the second returned value.

It's also often used when a developer plans to use a library, but hasn't yet. By prepending the package this way, it allows the import declaration to stay without causing a compiler error. While this is frowned upon, the use of the underscore—or blank identifier—in the preceding method, for side effects, is fairly common and often acceptable.

As always, though, this all depends on how and why you're using the identifier:

const (
  DBHost  = ""
  DBPort  = ":3306"
  DBUser  = "root"
  DBPass  = "password!"
  DBDbase = "cms"

Make sure to replace these values with whatever happens to be relevant to your installation, of course:

var database *sql.DB

By keeping our database connection reference as a global variable, we can avoid a lot of duplicate code. For the sake of clarity, we'll define it fairly high up in the code. There's nothing preventing you from making this a constant instead, but we've left it mutable for any necessary future flexibility, such as adding multiple databases to a single application:

type Page struct {
  Title   string
  Content string
  Date    string

This struct, of course, matches our database schema rather closely, with Title, Content and Date representing the non-ID values in our table. As we'll see a bit later in this chapter (and more in the next), describing our data in a nicely-designed struct helps parlay the templating functions of Go. And on that note, make sure your struct fields are exportable or public by keeping them propercased. Any lowercased fields will not be exportable and therefore not available to templates. We will talk more on that later:

func main() {
  dbConn := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s", DBUser, DBPass, DBHost, DBDbase)
  db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dbConn)
  if err != nil {
    log.Println("Couldn't connect!")
  database = db

As we mentioned earlier, this is largely scaffolding. All we want to do here is ensure that we're able to connect to our database. If you get an error, check your connection and the log entry output after Couldn't connect.

If, hopefully, you were able to connect with this script, we can move on to creating a generic route and outputting the relevant data from that particular request's GUID from our database.

To do this we need to reimplement Gorilla, create a single route, and then implement a handler that generates some very simple output that matches what we have in the database.

Let's take a look at the modifications and additions we'll need to make to allow this to happen:

package main

import (
  _ ""

The big change here is that we're bringing Gorilla and net/http back into the project. We'll obviously need these to serve pages:

const (
  DBHost  = ""
  DBPort  = ":3306"
  DBUser  = "root"
  DBPass  = "password!"
  DBDbase = "cms"
  PORT    = ":8080"

We've added a PORT constant, which refers to our HTTP server port.

Note that if your host is localhost/, it's not necessary to specify a DBPort, but we've kept this line in the constants section. We don't use the host here in our MySQL connection:

var database *sql.DB

type Page struct {
  Title   string
  Content string
  Date    string

func ServePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  vars := mux.Vars(r)
  pageID := vars["id"]
  thisPage := Page{}
  err := database.QueryRow("SELECT page_title,page_content,page_date FROM pages WHERE id=?", pageID).Scan(&thisPage.Title, &thisPage.Content, &thisPage.Date)
  if err != nil {

    log.Println("Couldn't get page: +pageID")
  html := `<html><head><title>` + thisPage.Title + `</title></head><body><h1>` + thisPage.Title + `</h1><div>` + thisPage.Content + `</div></body></html>`
  fmt.Fprintln(w, html)

ServePage is the function that takes an id from mux.Vars and queries our database for the blog entry ID. There's some nuance in the way we make a query that is worth noting; the simplest way to eliminate SQL injection vulnerabilities is to use prepared statements, such as Query, QueryRow, or Prepare. Utilizing any of these and including a variadic of variables to be injected into the prepared statement removes the inherent risk of constructing a query by hand.

The Scan method then takes the results of a query and translates them to a struct; you'll want to make sure the struct matches the order and number of requested fields in the query. In this case, we're mapping page_title, page_content and page_date to a Page struct's Title, Content and Date:

func main() {
  dbConn := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@/%s", DBUser, DBPass, DBDbase)
  db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dbConn)
  if err != nil {
    log.Println("Couldn't connect to"+DBDbase)
  database = db

  routes := mux.NewRouter()
  routes.HandleFunc("/page/{id:[0-9]+}", ServePage)
  http.Handle("/", routes)
  http.ListenAndServe(PORT, nil)


Note our regular expression here: it's just numeric, with one or more digits comprising what will be the id variable accessible from our handler.

Remember that we talked about using the built-in GUID? We'll get to that in a moment, but for now let's look at the output of local host:8080/page/1:

Creating a MySQL database

In the preceding example, we can see the blog entry that we had in our database. This is good, but obviously lacking in quite a few ways.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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