Chapter 4. Using Templates

In Chapter 2, Serving and Routing, we explored how to take URLs and translate them to different pages in our web application. In doing so, we built URLs that were dynamic and resulted in dynamic responses from our (very simple) net/http handlers.

We've presented our data as real HTML, but we specifically hard-coded our HTML directly into our Go source. This is not ideal for production-level environments for a number of reasons.

Luckily, Go comes equipped with a robust but sometimes tricky template engine for both text templates, as well as HTML templates.

Unlike a lot of other template languages that eschew logic as a part of the presentation side, Go's template packages enable you to utilize some logic constructs, such as loops, variables, and function declarations in a template. This allows you to offset some of your logic to the template, which means that it's possible to write your application, but you need to allow the template side to provide some extensibility to your product without rewriting the source.

We say some logic constructs because Go templates are sold as logic-less. We will discuss more on this topic later.

In this chapter, we'll explore ways to not only present your data but also explore some of the more advanced possibilities in this chapter. By the end, we will be able to parlay our templates into advancing the separation of presentation and source code.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Introducing templates, context, and visibility
  • HTML templates and text templates
  • Displaying variables and security
  • Using logic and control structures

Introducing templates, context, and visibility

It's worth noting very early that while we're talking about taking our HTML part out of the source code, it's possible to use templates inside our Go application. Indeed, there's nothing wrong with declaring a template as shown:

tpl, err := template.New("mine").Parse(`<h1>{{.Title}}</h1>`)

If we do this, however, we'll need to restart our application every time the template needs to change. This doesn't have to be the case if we use file-based templates; instead we can make changes to the presentation (and some logic) without restarting.

The first thing we need to do to move from in-application HTML strings to file-based templates is create a template file. Let's briefly look at an example template that somewhat approximates to what we'll end up with later in this chapter:

<!DOCTYPE html>



Very straightforward, right? Variables are clearly expressed by a name within double curly brackets. So what's with all of the periods/dots? Not unlike a few other similarly-styled templating systems (Mustache, Angular, and so on), the dot signifies scope or context.

The easiest way to demonstrate this is in areas where the variables might otherwise overlap. Imagine that we have a page with a title of Blog Entries and we then list all of our published blog articles. We have a page title but we also have individual entry titles. Our template might look something similar to this:

{{range .Blogs}}
  <li><a href="{{.Link}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>

The dot here specifies the specific scope of, in this case, a loop through the range template operator syntax. This allows the template parser to correctly utilize {{.Title}} as a blog's title versus the page's title.

This is all noteworthy because the very first templates we'll be creating will utilize general scope variables, which are prefixed with the dot notation.

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