Implementing security

When you think about creating data with an API like the one we've just designed, what's the first concern that comes to your mind? If it was security, then good for you. Accessing data is not always without a security risk, but it's when we allow for modification of data that we need to really start thinking about security.

In our case, read data is totally benign. If someone can access all of our blog entries via a GET request, who cares? Well, we may have a blog on embargo or accidentally exposed sensitive data on some resource.

Either way, security should always be a concern, even with a small personal project like a blogging platform, similar to the one we're building.

There are two big ways of separating these concerns:

  • Are the requests to our APIs secure and private?
  • Are we controlling access to data?

Lets tackle Step 2 first. If we want to allow users to create or delete information, we need to give them specific access to that.

There are a few ways to do this:

We can provide API tokens that will allow short-lived request windows, which can be validated by a shared secret. This is the essence of Oauth; it relies on a shared secret to validate cryptographically encoded requests. Without the shared secret, the request and its token will never match, and an API request can then be rejected.

The cond method is a simple API key, which leads us back to point number 1 in the preceding list.

If we allow cleartext API keys, then we might as well not have security at all. If our requests can be sniffed off the wire without much effort, there's little point in even requiring an API key.

So this means that no matter which method we choose, our servers should provide an API over HTTPS. Luckily, Go provides a very easy way to utilize either HTTP or HTTPS via Transport Layer Security (TLS); TLS is the successor of SSL. As a web developer, you must already be familiar with SSL and also be aware of its history of security issues, most recently its susceptibility to the POODLE vulnerability, which was exposed in 2014.

To allow either method, we need to have a user registration model so that we can have new users and they can have some sort of credentials to modify data. To invoke a TLS server, we'll need a secure certificate. Since this is a small project for experimentation, we won't worry too much about a real certificate with a high level of trust. Instead, we'll just generate our own.

Creating a self-signed certificate varies by OS and is beyond the scope of this book, so let's just look at the method for OS X.

A self-signed certificate doesn't have a lot of security value, obviously, but it allows us to test things without needing to spend money or time verifying server ownership. You'll obviously need to do those things for any certificate that you expect to be taken seriously.

To create a quick set of certificates in OS X, go to your terminal and enter the following three commands:

openssl genrsa -out key.pem
openssl req -new -key key.pem -out cert.pem
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -key key.pem -in cert.pem -out certificate.pem

In this example, I generated the certificates using an OpenSSL on Ubuntu.


Note: OpenSSL comes preinstalled on OS X and most Linux distributions. If you're on the latter, give the preceding commands a shot before hunting for Linux-specific instructions. If you're on Windows, particularly newer versions such as 8, you can do this in a number of ways, but the most accessible way might be through the MakeCert tool, provided by Microsoft through MSDN.

Read more about MakeCert at

Once you have the certificate files, place them somewhere in your filesystem that is not within your accessible application directory/directories.

To switch from HTTP to TLS, we can use the references to these certificate files; beyond that it's mostly the same in our code. Lets first add the certificates to our code.


Note: Once again, you can choose to maintain both HTTP and TLS/HTTPS requests within the same server application, but we'll be switching ours across the board.

Earlier, we started our server by listening through this line:

http.ListenAndServe(PORT, nil)

Now, we'll need to expand things a bit. First, let's load our certificate:

  certificates, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("cert.pem", "key.pem")
  tlsConf := tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{certificates}}
  tls.Listen("tcp", PORT, &tlsConf)


Note: If you find that your server apparently runs without error but does not stay running; there's probably a problem with your certificate. Try running the preceding generation code again and working with the new certificates.

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