Introducing testing in Go

Go comes packaged with a great deal of wonderful tools for making sure your code is clean, well-formatted, free of race conditions, and so on. From go vet to go fmt, many of the helper applications that you need to install separately in other languages come as a package with Go.

Testing is a critical step for software-development. Unit testing and test-driven development helps find bugs that aren't immediately apparent, especially to the developer. Often we're too close and too familiar with the application to make the types of usability mistakes that can invoke the otherwise undiscovered errors.

Go's testing package allows unit testing of actual functionality as well as making certain that all of the dependencies (network, file system locations) are available; testing in disparate environments allows you to discover these errors before users do.

If you're already utilizing unit tests, Go's implementation will be both familiar and pleasant to get started in:

package example

func Square(x int) int {
  y := x * x
  return y

This is saved as example.go. Next, create another Go file that tests this square root functionality, with the following code:

package example

import (

func TestSquare(t *testing.T) {
  if v := Square(4); v != 16 {
    t.Error("expected", 16, "got", v)

You can run this by entering the directory and simply typing go test -v. As expected, this passes given our test input:

Introducing testing in Go

This example is obviously trivial, but to demonstrate what you will see if your tests fail, let's change our Square() function as shown:

func Square(x int) int {
  y := x
  return y

And again after running the test, we get:

Introducing testing in Go

Running command-line tests against command-line applications is different than interacting with the Web. Our application being the one that includes standard HTML endpoints as well as API endpoints; testing it requires more nuance than the approach we used earlier.

Luckily, Go also includes a package for specifically testing the results of an HTTP application, net/http/httptest.

Unlike the preceding example, httptest lets us evaluate a number of pieces of metadata returned from our individual functions, which act as handlers in the HTTP version of unit tests.

So let's look at a simple way of evaluating what our HTTP server might be producing, by generating a quick endpoint that simply returns the day of the year.

To begin, we'll add another endpoint to our API. Lets separate this handler example into its own application to isolate its impact:

package main

import (

func testHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  t := time.Now()
  fmt.Fprintln(w, t.YearDay())

func main() {
  http.HandleFunc("/test", testHandler)
  http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

This will simply return the day (1-366) of the year through the HTTP endpoint /test. So how do we test this?

First, we need a new file specifically for testing. When it comes to how much test coverage you'll need to hit, which is often helpful to the developer or organization—ideally we'd want to hit every endpoint and method to get a fairly comprehensive coverage. For this example, we'll make sure that one of our API endpoints returns a proper status code and that a GET request returns what we expect to see in the development:

package main

import (

func TestHandler(t *testing.T) {
  res := httptest.NewRecorder()
  path := "http://localhost:4000/test"
  o, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil)
  http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(res, req)
  response, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  if string(response) != "115" || err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected [], got %s", string(response))

Now, we can implement this in our actual application by making certain that our endpoints pass (200) or fail (404) and return the text we expect them to return. We could also automate adding new content and validating it, and you should be equipped to take that on after these examples.

Given the fact that we have a hello-world endpoint, let's write a quick test that validates our response from the endpoint and have a look at how we can get a proper response in a test.go file:

package main

import (

func TestHelloWorld(t *testing.T) {

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/page/hello-world", nil)
  if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Creating 'GET /page/hello-world' request failed!")
  rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
  Router().ServeHTTP(rec, req)

Here we can test that we're getting the status code we expect, which is not necessarily a trivial test despite its simplicity. In practice, we'd probably also create one that should fail and another test that checks to make sure that we get the HTTP response we expect. But this sets the stage for more complex test suites, such as sanity tests or deployment tests. For example, we might generate development-only pages that generate HTML content from templates and check the output to ensure our page access and our template parsing work as we expect.


Read more about the testing with http and the httptest package at

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