JavaScript framework comparison

One problem always has more than just one solution, and JavaScript developers know that. Before 2010, developers had very limited options to implement their functionality in their day-to-day work. The most popular option in these times was jQuery, used a lot nowadays too. Although jQuery was not a bad choice, but it has a great weakness. For example, if your project growth and your business code become more complex, jQuery will be really difficult to maintain, your concerns will be mixed, and you will be involved in one of the most common anti-patron—Spaghetti code.

In 2010, Google released one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks—Angular. Different from jQuery, Angular comes with a complete set of tools and a new way to organize the JavaScript code, introducing new concepts such as modules, components, routes, and templates. After Angular, many JavaScript frameworks were appearing; some of them became very popular for the company sponsoring them, such as Facebook with React.js, others gained fame by the adoption of the community, such as Meteor and Vue, and others are really new in the neighborhood.

As innovation is the essence of technology, one of the main engineers of Angular 2 project developed a new awesome framework called Aurelia, which, in just three years in the market, is becoming the new rock star in the neighborhood.

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