The project structure

The Aurelia CLI will generate the source code with its base structure, which has everything configured and ready to start writing our application's source code.

The following screenshot shows the root application folder:

Let's start talking about the aurelia_project folder, which contains the main aurelia.json configuration file with all the settings about the dependencies, blunder, build target, loaders, testing run-time tool such as Karma, testing framework, and more. You will modify this file frequently to specify new dependencies our application needs to use.

The next element in the aurelia_folder is the environments folder, which contains three files: dev.json, stage.json, and prod.json. These files contain values depending on the environment you are running on. Do you remember the --env flag in the run option? The CLI will use one of these files to configure our app's environmental values.

The remaining two folders are generators and tasks. They are used to generate Aurelia custom reusable components and to declare gulp tasks, respectively.

The scripts folder contains the bundles generated after we execute the au build command.

As you might guess, the src folder contains our application source code, followed by the test folder, which contains our source code to test our project.

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