What this book covers

Chapter 1, Introducing Aurelia, explains why JavaScript is a very good code language and how it is changing over time, the common syntax used (ES6), and a brief exploration about other modern frameworks, such as Angular and React, and why Aurelia is the best choice.

Chapter 2, Styling the User Interface, introduces you to the modern web development tools, very useful and in demand nowadays. You will learn how to make your stylesheets more friendly and readable and create automated task to execute commands to process your files. Also, you will see the current tendency in web design through the most used CSS libraries in the world.

Chapter 3, Testing and Debugging focuses on how to test your Aurelia applications to avoid potential bugs and deliver high-quality apps.

Chapter 4, Creating Components and Templates, states that it's time to start abstracting our business components and create isolated pieces that are highly reusable and easy to maintain to build your application. You will learn how to manage events and lifecycles of each part of your application, giving you total control over them.

Chapter 5, Creating Our RESTful API, deals with how to implement the backend for your example application using Node.js. Also, you will learn how to design strong APIs.

Chapter 6, Storing Our Data in MongoDB, teaches you how to integrate your Node.js backend application to MongoDB to store your application's information.

Chapter 7, Advanced Features on Aurelia, shows you more advanced features regarding data binding and other very common scenarios in your day to day work.

Chapter 8Security, explains how to implement Authentication/Authorization and Single-Sign-On in AureliaJS using a common third-party service called Auth0. 

Chapter 9, Running E2E Tests, is the most important part in the development lifecycle. It's time to test whether all your code work and meet your business requirements, but not as isolated pieces. You will also test whether the functionality of all your components works well together.

Chapter 10, Deployment, describes how to deploy your Aurelia applications in your on-premise servers using Docker and NGINX; also, it shows you how to deploy the application to Heroku and Amazon Web Services.

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