How to do it...

After the initial installation and setup, we can start building deep learning models by simply loading the TensorFlow library into the R environment:

  1. Let's start by simulating some dummy data:
x_data = matrix(runif(1000*2),nrow = 1000,ncol = 1)
y_data = matrix(runif(1000),nrow = 1000,ncol = 1)
  1. Now, we need to initialize some TensorFlow variables; that is, the weights and biases:
W <- tf$Variable(tf$random_uniform(shape(1L), -1.0, 1.0))
b <- tf$Variable(tf$zeros(shape(1L)))
  1. Now, let's define the model:
y_hat <- W * x_data + b
  1. Then, we need to define the loss function and optimizer:
loss <- tf$reduce_mean((y_hat - y_data) ^ 2)
optimizer <- tf$train$GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5)
train <- optimizer$minimize(loss)
  1. Next, we launch the computation graph and initialize the TensorFlow variables:
sess = tf$Session()
  1. We train the model to fit the training data:
for (step in 1:201) {
if (step %% 20 == 0)
cat(step, "-", sess$run(W), sess$run(b), " ")

Finally, we close the session:


Here are the results of every 20th iteration:

It is important that we close the session because resources are not released until we close it.
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