Underfitting and overfitting

Underfitting and overfitting are the concepts closely associated with bias and variance. These two are the biggest causes for the poor performance of the models, therefore a practitioner has to pay very close attention to these issues while building ML models.

A situation where the model does not perform well with both training data as well as test data is termed as underfitting. This situation can be detected by observing high training errors and test errors. Having an underfitting problem means that the ML algorithm chosen to fit the model is not suitable to model the features of the training data. Therefore, the only remedy is to try other kinds of ML algorithms to model the data.

Overfitting is a situation where the model learned the features of the training data so well that it fails to generalize on other unseen data. In an overfitting model, noise or random fluctuations in the training data are considered as true signals by the model and it looks for these patterns in unseen data as well, therefore impacting the poor model performance.

Overfitting is more prevalent in non-parametric and non-linear models such as decision trees, and neural networks. Pruning the trees is one remedy to overcome the problem. Another remedial measure is a technique called dropout where some of the features learned from the model are dropped randomly from the model therefore making the model more generalizable to unseen data. Regularization is yet another technique to resolve overfitting problems. This is attained by penalizing the coefficients of the model so that the model generalizes better. L1 penalty and L2 penalty are the types of penalties through which regularization can be performed in regression scenarios.

The goal for a practitioner is to ensure that the model neither overfits nor underfits. To achieve this, it is essential to learn when to stop training the ML data. One could plot the training error and validation error (an error that is measured on a small portion of the training dataset that is kept aside) on a chart and identify the point where the training data keeps decreasing, however the validation error starts to rise.

At times, obtaining performance measurement on training data and expecting a similar measurement to be obtained on unseen data may not work. A more realistic training and test performance estimate is to be obtained from a model by adopting a data-resampling technique called k-fold cross validation. The k in k-fold cross validation refers to a number; examples include 3-fold cross validation, 5-fold cross validation, and 10-fold cross validation. The k-fold cross validation technique involves dividing the training data into k parts and running the training process k + 1 times. In each iteration, the training is performed on k - 1 partitions of the data and the kth partition is used exclusively for testing. It may be noted that the kth partition for testing and k - 1 partitions for training are shuffled in each iteration, therefore the training data and testing data do not stay constant in each iteration. This approach enables getting a pessimistic measurement of performance that can be expected from the model on the unseen data in the future.

10-fold cross validation with 10 runs to obtain model performance is considered to be a gold standard estimate for a model's performance among practitioners. Estimating the model's performance in this way is always recommended in industrial setups and for critical ML applications.

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