Subject Index


Absolute misfit indices, 72

ADF estimator, see Asymptotic distribution-free estimator

Ad hoc indices of fit, 69

AIC, see Akaike's Information Criterion

Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), 69

Alternative models (AM) scenario, 8

AM scenario, see Alternative models scenario

Analysis of covariance structures (factorial equivalence of measuring instrument), 193226

configural model, 195, 196, 206

error message, 211

expected parameter change statistic, 201

hypothesized model, 197208

establishing baseline models (elementary and secondary teachers), 198206

establishing baseline models (general notion), 197198

testing invariance (configuration model), 206208

model-specific commands, 211

modification index, 198

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 208225

factor loadings, 212218

input file 1, 208212

residual covariances, 219221

testing invariance (measurement model), 212221

testing invariance (structural model), 221222

multigroup invariance item reliability and, 195

popular strategy, 198

testing of (across independent samples), 197

testing of (general notion), 194197

noninvariant unstandardized estimates, 222, 223

partial measurement invariance, 198

scaling correction factor, 217

Asymptotic distribution-free (ADF) estimator, 100, 131


Bayes Information Criterion (BIC), 69

Between-cluster effects, 348

Between-level variability, see Within- and between-level variability

BIC, see Bayes Information Criterion


Categorical data, 126133

categorical variables, 129133

continuous variables, 128129

general analytic strategies, 131133

theory, 129130

underlying assumptions, 131

Causal structure, equivalence of (full structural equation model), 259282

cross-validation in structural equation modeling, 259261

Heywood cases, 265

hypothesized model, 262

latent variable covariance matrix, 265

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 264281

establishing baseline model for calibration group, 264272

testing multigroup invariance, 273281

Teacher Stress Scale, 265

testing invariance across calibration and validation samples, 261262

Causal structure, validity of (full structural equation model), 147189

asymptotic distribution-free estimator, 131

chi-square-difference values, 168

endogenous variables, 156

estimation difficulties, 131

exogenous variables, 156

expected parameter change statistic, 163, 177

hypothesized model, 147152

confirmatory factor analyses, 150152

formulation of indicator variables, 149150

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 153167

input file 1, 153155

model assessment, 157162

model misspecification, 163167

model parameter estimation, 162163

output file 1, 155167

summary information, 155157

post hoc analyses, 168188

output file 2, 168172

output file 3, 172173

output file 4, 173175

output file 5, 175177

output file 7, 179180

output file 8, 180188

selected Mplus output (model 6), 177179

PSI matrix, 159

robust maximum likelihood estimator, 157

warning message, 173

weighted least squares estimator, 131

CFA, see Confirmatory factor analysis

CFI, see Comparative Fit Index

Change, testing of over time (latent growth curve model), 313344

hypothesized covariate model (age and surgery as predictors of change), 338343

input file, 339340

output file, 341343

hypothesized dual-domain LGC model, 316- 321

modeling interindividual differences in change, 320321

modeling intraindividual change, 317- 320

individual growth parameters, 320

latent growth curve models, 314

measuring change in individual growth over time (general notion), 316

mood, 320, 335

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 321338

final model, 335338

hypothesized model, 321333

model 2, 334335

nested model, 343

psychological morbidity, 344

quadratic factor, 317

social adjustment, 320, 335

structural model, 320

unequal twins, 314

Chi-square test

baseline model, 67, 92

configural model, 279

correlated traits/correlated methods, 292

covariance model, 341

equality constraints model, 281

final model, 336

hypothesized model, 139, 158

MLM estimation and, 109, 217

MLV model, 363

parameter estimation and, 157

residual covariance and, 113

test of model fit, 66, 103, 182

two-factor model, 92

Clustered data, 345

Communalities, 82

Comparative Fit Index (CFI), 69, 152, 354

Configural model, 195, 196, 206

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), 5, 22

Congeneric indicators, 31, 126, 140, 289

Construct validity, evidence of (multitrait-multimethod model), 285311

congeneric indicators, 289

correlated uniquenesses approach to MTMM analyses, 303310

input file, 305

output file, 306310

general CFA approach to MTMM analyses, 286287

hypothesized model, 287288

independent measures of different traits, 300

matrix level, 295301

convergent validity, 297300

discriminant validity, 300301

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 288295

freely correlated traits/uncorrelated methods, 295

input file 1, 288290

no traits/correlated methods, 293

output file 1, 290292

perfectly correlated traits/freely correlated methods, 294

nested model, 300

parameter level, 301303

convergent validity, 301

discriminant validity, 302303

self-perceptions, 310

Correlated traits and correlated methods (CTCM), 288

Correlated traits/uncorrelated methods (CTUM), 295

Correlated uniquenesses (CU) model, 306

Cross-loading, 87, 105, 247, 355

CTCM, see Correlated traits and correlated methods

CTUM, see Correlated traits/uncorrelated methods

CU model, see Correlated uniquenesses model


Dependent variable, 16

Diagonally weighted least squares (DWLS) estimator, 132

Disturbance terms, 17

DWLS estimator, see Diagonally weighted least squares estimator


Ecological analysis, 371

Ecological fallacy, 348

ECVI, see Expected Cross-Validation Index

EFA, see Exploratory factor analysis

EM algorithms, see Expectation maximization algorithms

Endogenous variables, 156

EPC statistic, see Expected parameter change statistic

Error uniqueness, 11

Estimator(s), 62

asymptotic distribution-free, 131

development of, 128

diagonally weighted least squares, 132

maximum likelihood, 52, 53, 104

MLMV, 121

MUML estimator, 349, 361, 367

primary, 132

robust maximum likelihood, 99, 100, 101, 104, 157

statistical, 24

unweighted least squares, 132

weighted least squares, 131

Exogenous variables, 156

Expectation maximization (EM) algorithms, 349

Expected Cross-Validation Index (ECVI), 72

Expected parameter change (EPC) statistic, 86, 87, 163, 177, 201

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), 5


Factor analytic model, 5

Factors, 17

First-order confirmatory factor analysis model, factorial validity of scores from measuring instrument, 95124

addendum, 122124

cross-loading, 105

hypothesized model, 96101

kurtosis values, 99

maximum likelihood estimator, 104

measuring instrument under study, 96

MLMV estimator, 121

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 101121

comparison of ML and MLM output, 102106

input file 1, 101

input file 2, 107

model assessment, 102104

model misspecification, 104106

output file 2, 107110

post hoc analyses, 106107

testing validity of model 2, 107

testing validity of model 3, 110121

robust maximum likelihood estimator, 99, 100, 101, 104

First-order confirmatory factor analysis model, factorial validity of theoretical construct, 4393

absolute misfit indices, 72

absolute model fit index, 69

ad hoc indices of fit, 69

Akaike's Information Criterion, 69

Bayes Information Criterion, 69

communalities, 82

Comparative Fit Index, 69

comparative model fit index, 69

confirmatory mode, 88

cross-loading, 87

“error of approximation” index, 74

estimator, 62

expected parameter change statistic, 86, 87

exploratory mode, 88

Heywood cases, 78

hypothesized model, 4348

incremental model fit index, 69

independence model, 67

lambda matrix, 48

maximum likelihood estimator, 52, 53

model fit indices, 69

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 4889

appropriateness of standard errors, 78

assessment of individual parameter estimates, 7782

assessment of model as a whole, 6477

estimation process, 65

feasibility of parameter estimates, 7778

goodness-of-fit statistics, 6677

input file, 89

input file specification, 4854

issue of statistical significance, 6465

model-fitting process, 64

model misspecification, 8289

output file, 8991

output file results, 5456

statistical significance of parameter estimates, 7882

summary of model and analysis specifications, 5664

nested model, 69, 71

noncentrality parameter, 74

nontarget loadings, 45

null model, 67

overfitted model, 88

parsimony-corrective indices of fit, 70

practical indices of fit, 69

predictive indices of fit, 70

psi matrix, 48

saturated model, 70, 93

secondary factor loading, 87

self-concept as one-factor structure, 9192

self-concept as two-factor structure, 89

specification searches, 88

subjective indices of fit, 69

target loading, 45

theta matrix, 48

Tucker-Lewis Fit Index, 69

z-statistic, 78

Fixed factor method, 34

Full latent variable model, 67

Full structural equation model, 67, 3839

Full structural equation model, equivalence of causal structure, 259282

cross-validation in structural equation modeling, 259261

Heywood cases, 265

hypothesized model, 262

latent variable covariance matrix, 265

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 264281

establishing baseline model for calibration group, 264272

testing multigroup invariance, 273281

Teacher Stress Scale, 265

testing invariance across calibration and validation samples, 261262

Full structural equation model, validity of causal structure, 147189

asymptotic distribution-free estimator, 131

chi-square-difference values, 168

endogenous variables, 156

estimation difficulties, 131

exogenous variables, 156

expected parameter change statistic, 163, 177

hypothesized model, 147152

confirmatory factor analyses, 150152

formulation of indicator variables, 149150

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 153167

input file 1, 153155

model assessment, 157162

model misspecification, 163167

model parameter estimation, 162163

output file 1, 155167

summary information, 155157

post hoc analyses, 168188

output file 2, 168172

output file 3, 172173

output file 4, 173175

output file 5, 175177

output file 7, 179180

output file 8, 180188

selected Mplus output (model 6), 177179

PSI matrix, 159

robust maximum likelihood estimator, 157

warning message, 173

weighted least squares estimator, 131



adequacy of sample data, 6

alternative indices, 69

baseline model, 233

causal structure, 269

CFA structure, 355

configural model, 279

correlated uniquenesses model, 304, 306

covariance model, 341

equality constraints model, 281

exclusive reliance on indices, 77

inadequate, 64

incremental fit indices and, 73

invariance testing and, 300

model cross-validation, 262

Mplus output information, 25

MTMM models, 299

NTCM model, 293

postulated relations among variables, 3

residual and, 7

revised baseline model, 272

sample data and, 76

Satorra-Bentler-scaled χ2

statistic and, 132

statistics, 137

category characteristics, 70

first-order confirmatory factor analysis model, 6677

InvModel.2, 214

InvModel.4, 218

InvModel.6, 222

link between the χ2 statistic and, 68

MBI three-factor structure, 198

ML estimation, 103

teacher group, 202, 204

two-factor model, 92


Heywood cases, 78, 265

Hypothesized model

full structural equation model

equivalence of causal structure, 262

validity of causal structure, 147152

latent growth curve model, 338343

means and covariance structures, 231

measuring instrument, factorial equivalence of (analysis of covariance structures), 197208

measuring instrument, factorial validity of scores

first-order confirmatory factor analysis model), 96101

second-order confirmatory factor analysis model), 126

multilevel model, 350354

multitrait-multimethod model, 287

theoretical construct, factorial validity of (first-order confirmatory factor analysis model), 4348


ICCs, see Intraclass correlation coefficients

Independence model, 67

Indicator variables, formulation of, 149150

Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs), 354


Lambda matrix, 48

Latent factor means, equivalence of (means and covariance structures), 227257

cross-loading, 247

hypothesized model, 231

modification indices, 233

moment matrix, 228

Mplus input file specification and output file results (testing invariance), 241254

common residual covariance, 244246

configuration model, 241242

factor loadings, 242244

intercepts, 247248

latent means, 248254

multigroup equivalence, original technique, 256

testing latent mean structures (basic notion), 227231

factor identification, 230

model identification, 229230

model parameterization, 229230

testing strategy, 230231

testing multigroup invariance, 231240

establishing baseline models, 233240

Mplus output, 235, 236

testing multigroup invariance (other considerations), 254256

partial measurement invariance, 254255

statistical versus practical evaluative criteria, 255256

Latent growth curve (LGC) model, testing change over time, 313344

hypothesized covariate model (age and surgery as predictors of change), 338343

input file, 339340

output file, 341343

hypothesized dual-domain LGC model, 316321

interindividual differences in change, 320321

intraindividual change, 317320

individual growth parameters, 320

latent growth curve models, 314

measuring change in individual growth over time (general notion), 316

mood, 320, 335

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 321338

final model, 335338

hypothesized model, 321333

model 2, 334335

nested model, 343

psychological morbidity, 344

quadratic factor, 317

social adjustment, 320, 335

structural model, 320

unequal twins, 314

Latent variables

exogenous versus, 5

observed versus, 45

scaling, 3334

LGC model, see Latent growth curve model, testing change over time

Longitudinal analyses, 345


MACS, see Means and covariance structures

Manifest variables, 4

Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), 152, 194

Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation, 102, 126

MBI, see Maslach Burnout Inventory Means and covariance structures (MACS), 193, 227257

cross-loading, 247

hypothesized model, 231

modification indices, 233

moment matrix, 228

Mplus input file specification and output file results (testing invariance), 241254

common residual covariance, 244246

configuration model, 241242

factor loadings, 242244

intercepts, 247248

latent means, 248254

multigroup equivalence, original technique, 256

testing latent mean structures (basic notion), 227231

factor identification, 230

model identification, 229230

model parameterization, 229230

testing strategy, 230231

testing multigroup invariance, 231240

establishing baseline models, 233240

Mplus output, 235, 236

testing multigroup invariance (other considerations), 254256

partial measurement invariance, 254255

statistical versus practical evaluative criteria in determining evidence of invariance, 255256

Measurement error, 11

Measurement model, 6, 14

Measuring instrument, factorial equivalence of (analysis of covariance structures), 193226

configural model, 195, 196, 206

error message, 211

expected parameter change statistic, 201

hypothesized model, 197208

establishing baseline models (elementary and secondary teachers), 198206

establishing baseline models (general notion), 197198

testing invariance (configuration model), 206208

model-specific commands, 211

modification index, 198

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 208225

factor loadings, 212218

input file 1, 208212

residual covariances, 219221

testing invariance (measurement model), 212221

testing invariance (structural model), 221222

multigroup invariance

item reliability and, 195

popular strategy, 198

testing of (across independent samples), 197

testing of (general notion), 194197

noninvariant unstandardized estimates, 222, 223

partial measurement invariance, 198

scaling correction factor, 217

Measuring instrument, factorial validity of scores from (first-order confirmatory factor analysis model), 95124

addendum, 122124

cross-loading, 105

hypothesized model, 96101

kurtosis values, 99

maximum likelihood estimator, 104

measuring instrument under study, 96

MLMV estimator, 121

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 101121

comparison of ML and MLM output, 102106

input file 1, 101

input file 2, 107

model assessment, 102104

model misspecification, 104106

output file 2, 107110

post hoc analyses, 106107

testing validity of model 2, 107

testing validity of model 3, 110121

robust maximum likelihood estimator, 99, 100, 101, 104

Measuring instrument, factorial validity of scores from (second-order confirmatory factor analysis model), 125146

analysis of categorical data, 126133

categorical variables, 129133

continuous variables, 128129

general analytic strategies, 131133

theory, 129130

underlying assumptions, 131

asymptotic distribution-free estimator, 131

congeneric indicators, 126, 140

development of estimators, 128

diagonally weighted least squares estimator, 132

hypothesized model, 126 Mplus input file specification and output file results, 133146

input file, 133136

output file, 136146

primary estimators, 132

unweighted least squares estimator, 132

weighted least squares estimator, 131

MG scenario, see Model generating scenario

MIs, see Modification Indices

ML estimation, see Maximum likelihood estimation

MLM estimation, see Robust maximum likelihood estimation

MLV model, see Multilevel model

Model generating (MG) scenario, 8

Model identification, 30

degrees of freedom, 136

just-identification, 32, 93, 136

overidentification, 32, 33, 229, 360

underidentification, 32, 33, 212, 252, 277

Model-specific commands, 211

Modification Indices (MIs), 152, 198, 233

Moment matrix, 228

Mplus notation and input file components and structure, 1926

Mplus program use, 1940

confirmatory factor analysis model, 22

congeneric indicators, 31

dependent variable, 38

fixed factor method, 34

latent variable scaling, 30

model identification, 30, 3139

full structural equation model, 3839

latent variable scaling, 3334

second-order CFA model, 3437

model specification from two perspectives, 2731

Mplus language generator, 26

Mplus notation and input file components and structure, 1926

ANALYSIS command, 24

DATA command, 21

DEFINE command, 24

MODEL command, 2223

MONTECARLO command, 26

OUTPUT command, 2425

PLOT command, 2526

SAVEDATA command, 25

TITLE command, 21

VARIABLE command, 22

observed variables, variance-covariance matrix, 32

overview of remaining chapters, 39

reference variable method, 33

residuals, 28

statistical estimators, 24

statistical identification, 30

MTMM model, see Multitrait-multimethod model, evidence of construct validity

Multigroup invariance

item reliability and, 195

original technique, 256

popular strategy, 198

testing, 231240, 273281

across independent samples, 197

establishing baseline models, 233240

general notion, 194197

Mplus output, 235, 236

Multilevel (MLV) model, 345371

between-cluster effects, 348

clustered data, 345

confirmatory factor analysis model, 355

cross-loading, 355

ecological analysis, 371

ecological fallacy, 348

error message text, 360

expectation maximization algorithms, 349

exploratory factor analysis, 351

hypothesized model, 350354

analytic process, 353354

current approach to analyses of hypothesized MLV model, 353354

estimation, 353

item scaling, 353

sample size, 353

intraclass correlation coefficients, 354

latent growth curve modeling, 345

longitudinal analyses, 345

modification indices, 355

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 354370

CFA of FV scale structure, 354358

MLV model of FV scale structure, 359367

potential analytic extensions, 367370

MUML estimator, 349, 361, 367

nested data, 345

overview of multilevel modeling, 346350

aggregated approach, 347348

disaggregation approach, 347

MLV model estimation, 348349

MLV model-testing approaches, 349350

multilevel analyses of hierarchical data, 348350

single-level analyses of hierarchical data, 347

saturated model, 363

within-cluster effects, 348

Multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) model, evidence of construct validity, 285311

congeneric indicators, 289

correlated uniquenesses approach to MTMM analyses, 303310

input file, 305

output file, 306310

general CFA approach to MTMM analyses, 286287

hypothesized model, 287288

independent measures of different traits, 300

matrix level, 295301

convergent validity, 297300

discriminant validity, 300301

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 288295

freely correlated traits/uncorrelated methods, 295

input file 1, 288290

no traits/correlated methods, 293

output file 1, 290292

perfectly correlated traits/freely correlated methods, 294

nested model, 300

parameter level, 301303

convergent validity, 301

discriminant validity, 302303

self-perceptions, 310


NCP, see Noncentrality parameter

Nested data, 345

Nested model, 69, 71, 300, 343


CFI values, 256

comparison, 343

descriptions, 288

indicators of comparisons, 298

taxonomy of comparisons, 286

Noncentrality parameter (NCP), 74

Nonrecursive model, 7

Nontarget loadings, 45

No traits/correlated methods (NTCM), 293

NTCM, see No traits/correlated methods

Null model, 67


Observed variables, 4

latent versus, 45

variance-covariance matrix, 32

Overfitted model, 88


Parsimony-corrective indices of fit, 70

Path diagrams, 9

PCTCM, see Perfectly correlated traits/freely correlated methods

Peer activity, 13

Peer network, 11

Perfectly correlated traits/freely correlated methods (PCTCM), 294

Practical indices of fit, 69

Predictive indices of fit, 70

Psi matrix, 48

Psychological morbidity, 344


Quadratic factor, 317


Random measurement error, 11

Recursive model, 7

Reference variable method, 33

Residual error, 11

Residuals, 11, 28

RMR, see Root Mean Square Residual

RMSEA, see Root Mean Square Error of Approximation

Robust maximum likelihood (MLM) estimation, 102, 126, 152

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), 72

category, 72

CFA structure, 355

confidence intervals, 75, 76

configural model, 279

correlated traits/uncorrelated methods, 295

correlated uniquenesses model, 307

covariate model, 341

discrepancy measured by, 73

equality constraints model, 281

final model, 116, 182, 244, 336

first proposal, 73

hypothesized model, 139, 158

inferior goodness-of-fit and, 91

invariance of MBI, 225

InvModel.1, 212

MI results, 168

MLM model, 102, 104

MLV model, 362, 370

model complexity and, 74

MTMM models, 299

no traits/correlated methods, 293

parsimonious model, 334

residual covariance and, 113

respecified means model, 253

teacher group, 198, 202

tests of model fit, 66

two-factor model, 92

Root Mean Square Residual (RMR), 76


Satorra-Bentler images2, 100, 132

Saturated model, 70, 93, 169, 256, 298, 363

SC, see Self-concept

SC scenario, see Strictly confirmatory scenario

Secondary factor loading, 87

Second-order confirmatory factor analysis model, factorial validity of scores from measuring instrument, 125146

analysis of categorical data, 126133

categorical variables, 129133

continuous variables, 128129

general analytic strategies, 131133

theory, 129130

underlying assumptions, 131

asymptotic distribution-free estimator, 131

congeneric indicators, 126, 140

development of estimators, 128

diagonally weighted least squares estimator, 132

hypothesized model, 126

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 133146

input file, 133136

output file, 136146

primary estimators, 132

unweighted least squares estimator, 132

weighted least squares estimator, 131

Self-concept (SC), 38

SEM, see Structural equation modeling

Specification searches, 88

SRMR, see Standardized Root Mean Square Residual

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR), 72

category, 72

CFA structure, 355

configural model, 279

correlated traits/uncorrelated methods, 295

correlated uniquenesses model, 307

covariate model, 341

equality constraints model, 281

final model, 116, 182, 244, 336

hypothesized model, 139, 158

invariance of MBI, 225

InvModel.1, 212

MI results, 168

MLM model, 104

MLV model, 362, 370

MTMM models, 299

no traits/correlated methods, 293

parsimonious model, 334

residual covariance and, 113

respecified means model, 253

teacher group, 198, 202

two-factor model, 92

Statistical identification, 30

degrees of freedom, 136

just-identification, 32, 93, 136

overidentification, 32, 33, 229, 360

underidentification, 32, 33, 212, 252, 277

Strictly confirmatory (SC) scenario, 8

Structural equation modeling (SEM), 317

alternative models scenario, 8

basic concepts, 48

exogenous versus endogenous latent variables, 5

factor analytic model, 56

full latent variable model, 67

general purpose and process of statistical modeling, 78

latent versus observed variables, 45

confirmatory factor analysis, 5

dependent variable, 16

disturbance terms, 17

error uniqueness, 11

exploratory factor analysis, 5

factors, 17

general Mplus structural equation model, 1517

generically labeled model, 17

Mplus notation, 1517

general structural equation model, 915

basic composition, 14

formulation of covariance and mean structures, 1415

nonvisible components of model, 13

path diagram, 912

structural equations, 1213

symbol notation, 9

manifest variables, 4

measurement error, 11

measurement model, 6, 14

model generating scenario, 8

model-testing procedure, primary task, 7

nonexistence of certain parameters, 13

nonrandom measurement error, 11

nonrecursive model, 7

observed variable, direct measurement of, 4

peer activity, 13

peer network, 11

random measurement error, 11

recursive model, 7

residual error, 11

residuals, 11

strictly confirmatory scenario, 8

structural model, 14

Structural model, 14

Subjective indices of fit, 69


Target loading, 45

Teacher Stress Scale (TSS), 265

Theoretical construct, factorial validity of (first-order confirmatory factor analysis model), 4393

absolute misfit indices, 72

absolute model fit index, 69

ad hoc indices of fit, 69

Akaike's Information Criterion, 69

Bayes Information Criterion, 69

communalities, 82

Comparative Fit Index, 69

comparative model fit index, 69

confirmatory mode, 88

cross-loading, 87

“error of approximation” index, 74

estimator, 62

expected parameter change statistic, 86, 87

exploratory mode, 88

Heywood cases, 78

hypothesized model, 4348

incremental model fit index, 69

independence model, 67

lambda matrix, 48

maximum likelihood estimator, 52, 53

model fit indices, 69

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 4889

appropriateness of standard errors, 78

assessment of individual parameter estimates, 7782

assessment of model as a whole, 6477

estimation process, 65

feasibility of parameter estimates, 7778

goodness-of-fit statistics, 6677

input file, 89

input file specification, 4854

issue of statistical significance, 6465

model-fitting process, 64

model misspecification, 8289

output file, 8991

output file results, 5456

statistical significance of parameter estimates, 7882

summary of model and analysis specifications, 5664

nested model, 69, 71

noncentrality parameter, 74

nontarget loadings, 45

null model, 67

overfitted model, 88

parsimony-corrective indices of fit, 70

practical indices of fit, 69

predictive indices of fit, 70

psi matrix, 48

saturated model, 70, 93

secondary factor loading, 87

self-concept as one-factor structure, 9192

self-concept as two-factor structure, 89

specification searches, 88

subjective indices of fit, 69

target loading, 45

theta matrix, 48

Tucker-Lewis Fit Index, 69

z-statistic, 78

Theta matrix, 48

TLI, see Tucker-Lewis Fit Index

TSS, see Teacher Stress Scale

Tucker-Lewis Fit Index (TLI), 69, 158


ULS estimator, see Unweighted least squares estimator

Unweighted least squares (ULS) estimator, 132


Variability, see Within- and between-level variability

Variance-covariance matrix, 32


Weighted least squares (WLS) estimator, 131, 132

Within- and between-level variability (multilevel model), 345371

between-cluster effects, 348

clustered data, 345

confirmatory factor analysis model, 355

cross-loading, 355

ecological analysis, 371

ecological fallacy, 348

error message text, 360

expectation maximization algorithms, 349

exploratory factor analysis, 351

hypothesized model, 350354

analytic process, 353354

current approach to analyses of, 353354

estimation, 353

item scaling, 353

sample size, 353

intraclass correlation coefficients, 354

latent growth curve modeling, 345

longitudinal analyses, 345

modification indices, 355

Mplus input file specification and output file results, 354370

CFA of FV scale structure, 354358

MLV model of FV scale structure, 359367

potential analytic extensions, 367370

MUML estimator, 349, 361, 367

nested data, 345

overview of multilevel modeling, 346350

aggregated approach, 347348

disaggregation approach, 347

MLV model estimation, 348349

MLV model-testing approaches, 349350

multilevel analyses of hierarchical data, 348350

single-level analyses of hierarchical data, 347

saturated model, 363

within-cluster effects, 348

Within-cluster effects, 348

WLS estimator, see Weighted least squares estimator


z-statistic, 78

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