What you need for this book

For working with this book's examples and creating your openFrameworks projects, you need a computer with the Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux operating system.

You will also need to install some development environment (Visual Studio C++ Express, Xcode, or Code::Blocks) and openFrameworks itself. In the first chapter of the book, you will find detailed instructions for installation. All required software are free.

Some examples can require additional equipment:

  • The video synthesizer example section in Chapter 5, Working with Videos, and the The streaming images example section in Chapter 11, Networking, need a webcam for grabbing live video. If you are using a laptop, it most probably has a built-in webcam.
  • The loop sampler example section in Chapter 6, Working with Sounds, needs a microphone. If you are using a laptop, it most probably has a built-in microphone.
  • The furry carpet example section in Chapter 8, Using Shaders, uses a geometry shader, and therefore needs a modern video card.
  • The Creating interactive surface section in Chapter 10, Using Depth Cameras, needs a depth camera like Microsoft Kinect, Asus Xtion, or PrimeSense Carmine. Having a projector would be ideal, but is not compulsory.
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