Controlling the video playback

There are a number of additional functions in ofVideoPlayer for controlling video playing and positioning:

  • The stop() function is used to stop playing the video.
  • The setPaused( bPause ) function sets/resets pause of video playing, where bPause has type bool. If you pause the video, you can still switch its frames using the setFrame() or setPosition() function. It is extremely useful for the exact frame number control.
  • The setPosition( pos ) function sets playing position in file, where pos is a float number in range [0, 1].
  • The setFrame( frame ) function sets current frame to frame, where frame is an integer value from 0 to video. getTotalNumFrames() - 1.
  • The getCurrentFrame() function returns current frame number.
  • The getTotalNumFrames() function returns number of frames in video.
  • The getDuration() function returns internal duration of video in seconds as a float number.
  • The isLoaded() function returns true if video is successfully loaded, this can be used for handling errors like a mistake in filename.
  • The isPaused() and isPlaying() functions return value of type bool on pausing and playing state correspondingly.
  • The getIsMovieDone() function returns true when the last frame of the video is achieved.

You can freely change the speed of playing using the following functions:

  • The setSpeed( speed ) function where speed is a float value. Value 1.0 means the normal video speed and value 2.0 means the double speed. Negative speed plays the video backwards; for example, value -1.0 means backward playing with normal speed.
  • The getSpeed() function returns float value equal to the current playing speed.


Please note that you can change the speed continuously. It is an important feature for adding lifelikeness to the video backgrounds. For example, if you are playing a video of a rotating mill, you can slowly change the speed of the video to simulate wind changes using Perlin noise. See Appendix B, Perlin Noise, for more details.

For creating nonstop playing videos, it is possible to set up and control the loop mode using the following functions:

  • The setLoopState( state ) function sets the looping mode, where state can be one of the three values:
    • OF_LOOP_NONE: Looping is disabled and playing stops when the video reaches the last frame.
    • OF_LOOP_NORMAL: When playing reaches the last frame, it jumps to the first frame. This is default loop state.
    • OF_LOOP_PALINDROME: Also known as ping-pong looping, this loop goes forward and backward infinitely, and is good for creating a smooth "infinite video" from any video piece.
  • The getLoopState() function returns the current loop mode.

If the video contains an audio track, you can adjust its playing volume, changing it using the setVolume( volume ) method, where volume is a float number in range [0, 1].

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