Drawing line segments and points

Instead of mesh.draw(), you can use the following functions:

  • The mesh.drawWireframe() function draws only surface edges without the interiors of the triangles. Such a mode of drawing is called wireframe drawing; it is very useful for debugging, and of course, can be used as an effect.
  • The mesh.drawVertices() function draws only vertices of the mesh. It is useful for debugging and also as an effect.

Also, to represent not only triangular surfaces but also objects consisting of line segments or points, use the mesh.setMode( mode ) function, where mode has type ofPrimitiveMode enumeration. To see all the possible values for mode, check its definition. We will mention only three values:

  • OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES is a default value, which draws a mesh as triangles. We had considered how to use this mode in the pyramid examples mentioned earlier.
  • OF_PRIMITIVE_LINES draws a mesh as a number of line segments.
  • OF_PRIMITIVE_POINTS draws a mesh as a number of points.

Let's consider the last two modes in detail.

Drawing line segments

Calling mesh.setMode( OF_PRIMITIVE_LINES ) switches mesh to a mode in which it draws line segments. After calling this function, add all vertices of segments using mesh.addVertex( p ), and for each segment, it adds the indices of the vertices using the following code:

mesh.addIndex( i1 );   //Index of segment's first vertex
mesh.addIndex( i2 );   //Index of segment's second vertex

For example, to draw a tripod, create the mesh using the following code:

mesh.setMode( OF_PRIMITIVE_LINES );
mesh.addVertex( ofPoint( 0, 0, 0 ) );          //Vertex 0
mesh.addVertex( ofPoint( -100, -100, 0 ) );    //Vertex 1
mesh.addVertex( ofPoint( 100, -100, 0 ) );     //Vertex 2
mesh.addVertex( ofPoint( 0, 100, 0 ) );        //Vertex 3

mesh.addIndex( 0 ); mesh.addIndex( 1 ); //Segment 0
mesh.addIndex( 0 ); mesh.addIndex( 2 ); //Segment 1
mesh.addIndex( 0 ); mesh.addIndex( 3 ); //Segment 2

Note that for correct lighting you need to specify normals, which normally cannot be defined for lines. So the best idea is to disable lighting using the ofDisableLighting() function before drawing and then enabling it again using the ofEnableLighting() function:

ofDisableLighting();         //Disable lighting
mesh.draw();                 //Draw lines
ofEnableLighting();          //Enable lighting

Drawing points

Calling mesh.setMode( OF_PRIMITIVE_POINTS ) switches mesh to a mode in which it draws its vertices as points.

Additionally, call glPointSize( size ) to specify point size in pixels, and call glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH ) to draw circular points (instead of square points as on some graphics cards). For example, add the following lines after specifying tripod vertices in the previous example:

mesh.setMode( OF_PRIMITIVE_POINTS );
glPointSize( 10 );
glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH );

Once you run the code, you will see four circles, corresponding to the tripod's vertices.

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