Using ofPoint

Maybe you noted a problem when considering the preceding flower example: drawing primitives by specifying the coordinates of all the vertices is a little cumbersome. There are too many numbers in the code, so it is hard to understand the relation between primitives. To solve this problem, we will learn about using the ofPoint class and then apply it for drawing primitives using control points.

ofPoint is a class that represents the coordinates of a 2D point. It has two main fields: x and y, which are float type.


Actually, ofPoint has the third field z, so ofPoint can be used for representing 3D points too (we use this capability in Chapter 7, Drawing in 3D). If you do not specify z, it sets to zero by default, so in this case you can think of ofPoint as a 2D point indeed.

Operations with points

To represent some point, just declare an object of the ofPoint class.

ofPoint p;

To initialize the point, set its coordinates.

p.x = 100.0;
p.y = 200.0;

Or, alternatively, use the constructor.

p = ofPoint( 100.0, 200.0 );

You can operate with points just as you do with numbers. If you have a point q, the following operations are valid:

  • p + q or p - q provides points with coordinates (p.x + q.x, p.y + q.y) or (p.x - q.x, p.y - q.y)
  • p * k or p / k, where k is the float value, provides the points (p.x * k, p.y * k) or (p.x / k, p.y / k)
  • p += q or p -= q adds or subtracts q from p

There are a number of useful functions for simplifying 2D vector mathematics, as follows:

  • p.length(): This function returns the length of the vector p, which is equal to sqrt( p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y ).
  • p.normalize(): This function normalizes the point so it has the unit length p = p / p.length(). Also, this function handles the case correctly when p.length() is equal to zero.


See the full list of functions for ofPoint in the libs/openFrameworks/math/ofVec3f.h file. Actually, ofPoint is just another name for the ofVec3f class, representing 3D vectors and corresponding functions.

All functions' drawing primitives have overloaded versions working with ofPoint:

  • ofLine( p1, p2 ) draws a line segment connecting the points p1 and p2
  • ofRect( p, w, h ) draws a rectangle with top-left corner p, width w, and height h
  • ofTriangle( p1, p2, p3 ) draws a triangle with the vertices p1, p2, and p3
  • ofCircle( p, r ) draws a circle with center p and radius r

Using control points example

We are ready to solve the problem stated in the beginning of the Using ofPoint section. To avoid using many numbers in drawing code, we can declare a number of points and use them as vertices for primitive drawing. In computer graphics, such points are called control points.

Let's specify the following control points for the flower in our simplest flower example:

Using control points example

Now we implement this in the code.


This is example 02-2D/03-FlowerControlPoints.

Add the following declaration of control points in the testApp class declaration in the testApp.h file:

ofPoint stem0, stem1, stem2, stem3, leftLeaf, rightLeaf;

Then set values for points in the testApp::update() function as follows:

stem0 = ofPoint( 300, 100 );
stem1 = ofPoint( 300, 270 );
stem2 = ofPoint( 300, 300 );
stem3 = ofPoint( 300, 400 );
leftLeaf = ofPoint( 200, 220 );
rightLeaf = ofPoint( 400, 220 );

Finally, use these control points for drawing the flower in the testApp::draw() function:

ofBackground( 255, 255, 255 );           //Set white background
ofSetColor( 0, 0, 0 );                   //Set black color

ofCircle( stem0, 40 );                   //Blossom
ofLine( stem0, stem3 );                  //Stem
ofTriangle( stem1, stem2, leftLeaf );    //Left leaf
ofTriangle( stem1, stem2, rightLeaf );   //Right leaf

You will observe that when drawing with control points the code is much easier to understand.

Furthermore, there is one more advantage of using control points: we can easily change control points' positions and hence obtain animated drawings. See the full example code in 02-2D/03-FlowerControlPoints. In addition to the already explained code, it contains a code for shifting the leftLeaf and rightLeaf points depending on time. So, when you run the code, you will see the flower with moving leaves.

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