Using SQLite as a local store for the MyTasks App

In this recipe let's explore how to use the SQLite file we created in the first recipe, Overview of SQLite Studio, as the local data store for our MyTasks app.

Getting ready

For this recipe we shall use the project template we created in the Chapter 1,Data Binding to UI Elements.

How to do it...

In the following steps, we will create a MyTasks project to use the sample SQLite database file we created in the preceding recipe and then learn how to use the SQLite Client API to insert and display the results.

  1. Create a project from the CH1_MyTasks template and name it Ch5_MyTasks_SQLiteClient.
  2. Add the existing file MyDatabase.sqlite we created in the first recipe, Overview of SQLite Studio, and add it to the project root folder.
  3. Copy the DBHelper.cs file from the SQLite Client project in the new folder Helpers.
  4. Add a project reference to the assembly Community.CsharpSqlite.WP.dll.
  5. Open the App.xaml.cs file and add using declaratives at the top of the file:
    using Ch5_MyTasks_SQLiteClient.Helpers;
    using System.Reflection;
  6. Next in the App class, declare the following get property:
    private DBHelper _db;
    public DBHelper db
    Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    if (_db == null)
    _db = new DBHelper(assem.FullName.Substring(0, assem.FullName.IndexOf(',')), "MyDatabase.sqlite");
    return _db;
  7. Now open MainPage.xaml and add the declaration for myTasks collections:
    private ObservableCollection<DataClass> myTasks;
  8. Next, add the method IntializeList, which will query the data collection class and return the results. The result from the query is databound to a list box control's ItemsSource:
    private void InitalizeList()
    string selectQuery = "Select * from MyTasks";
    myTasks = (Application.Current as App). db.SelectObservableCollection<DataClass>(selectQuery);
    lstTasks.ItemsSource = myTasks;
  9. In the Main_Loaded event, call the method InitializeList().
  10. Press F5 and run to see the resulting listing from the local database, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  11. Now we shall update using the form. Open the .cs file, and replace the Add_Click method, as follows:
    private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    DateTime createdDate = DateTime.Now;
    int rec;
    string strInsert = "Insert into MyTasks values (@Name,@Notes,@Priority, @DateDue)";
    MyTasks newTask = new MyTasks
    Name = txtName.Text.ToString(),
    Notes = txtNotes.Text.ToString(),
    Priority = txtPriority.Text.ToString(),
    DateDue = DateTime.Parse(txtPrioirty.Text.ToString());
    rec = (Application.Current as App).db.Insert <MyTasks>(newTask, strInsert);
  12. Press F5 and run again. Now you can add the new task to the database.
    How to do it...

How it works...

We initially loaded the database file using the DBHelper class. Then, we used the select query and executed it to return the results. The list is then assigned to a list box for display. Once we have the list displayed, we then add the code to insert the task using the form. Here we used an insert SQL statement.

This recipe demonstrates how easy it is to implement the popular SQLite database as an embedded database in your apps. You can reuse SQLite across other mobile platforms as well. So this makes the SQLite a very portable solution for multiple platforms.

See also

Check the following recipe to see how SQL CE is used as an embedded database. In the following two recipes, we discuss other options available as local database storage. Also, check Chapter 7, Windows Communication Framework - WCF, which discusses how to store the data externally.

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