
Altman Z-score, 111112

American natural gas markets, case study, 9697

Asian Options. See Average Rate Options

Asset backed commercial paper, and 2008 crisis, 6568

Average Rate Options, 88

Bad risk, 2, 106107

Bankers Trust, 45, 130

Bankruptcy, 105, 107

and interest rate, 6364

Barings Bank, case study, 140142

Barrick Gold Corporation, case study, 118120

Barrier option, 123124

Basic necessities, for risk management governance

clear lines of control, accountability, and limits, 139140

Barings Bank, case study, 140142

data management system, 137139

objectives, setting of, 135137

risk management philosophy, develop and communicate, 132134

Florida electric utilities, case study, 134135

Basis risk, 9495, 120122

Basis swap, 9697, 121122

Basket Option, 8889

BBB-rated company, 110

Beta, 51

Big Mac Index, case study, 78

Black Swan, 60

Bloated risk framework, 3334

Blockchain, 6

Brent Crude, 100

Business risk, 6768, 148149

Canceling trade. See Closing trade

Capacity, credit analysis technique, 113

Capital, credit analysis technique, 113

Capital structure management, for interest rate risk, 6465

Case study

American natural gas markets, 9697

asset backed commercial paper, and 2008 crisis, 6568

Barings Bank, 140142

Barrick Gold Corporation, 118120

Big Mac Index, 78

Corney & Barrow, 126127

Florida electric utilities, 134135

Irving Oil, 57

Long Term Capital Management, 61

Procter and Gamble, 129131

Southwest Airlines, 2325

Cash Flow at Risk, 56

Cash-settled derivative, 82

versus physically settled, 2526

Catastrophe risk, 9

Character, credit analysis technique, 112113

Closing trade, 2830

Collateral, credit analysis technique, 113

Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 6

Commodity risk, 9, 17, 117


Barrick Gold Corporation, case study, 118120

basis risk, 120122

Corney & Barrow, case study, 126127

with financial derivatives, 123124

introduction to, 117118

operational strategies, 122123

weather derivatives, 125126

Commodity swap, 3132, 84

Complex adaptive systems, 3, 13

Compliance, credit analysis technique, 114

Conditions, credit analysis technique, 113

Contract. See Derivatives

Corney & Barrow, case study, 126127

Correlation, 49

calculation of, 50

in risk management, 4950

Credit agencies, 4

Credit default swap, 108109

Credit policy, of firm, 114115

Credit risk, 89


credit derivatives, 108109

credit policy, developing, 114115

introduction to, 105108

metrics. See Metrics, for credit risk

Cryptocurrencies, 6

Currency exposure, 80, 82, 85, 133

Currency risk, 8, 1718, 75


Big Mac Index, case study, 78

Caterpillar, case study, 8485

currency fundamentals, 7679

currency swap, 8289

with derivatives, 8184

introduction to, 7576

operational strategies, hedging with, 7981

strategic, 75

transactional, 75

translational, 75

Currency swap, 8289

Caterpillar, case study for, 8485

Data management system, 137139

Debt-to-equity ratio, 113

Derivatives, 1821

commodity risk management with, 123124

credit, 108109

exchange traded, versus over-the-counter, 2628

forward type, 1920

option type, 1920

physically settled, versus cash-settled, 2526

weather, 125126


guidelines for, 145146

risk training for, 143

Dollar Value of a Basis Point, 50

DV01. See Dollar Value of a Basis Point

Earnings at Risk, 55, 56

Effective governance, elements of, 142145

Emergence, 3, 13, 149

Energy price risk, 9294

Energy risk management, 8

American natural gas markets, case study, 9697

basis risk, 9495

energy price risk, 9294

geopolitical risk, 9899

hedging tools, application of, 100102

introduction to, 9192

legislative risk, 99100

process, 103

regulatory risk, 99100

seasonality, 9798

trends, 102103

Enterprise risk management, 43, 132, 142

Eurodollar futures, 7273

Exchange rates, 8, 76

Exchange traded derivatives, 2829, 73

versus over-the-counter, 2628

Explicit costs, 34

Exposure, 110

degree of, 9192

Extensive risk framework, 3435

External credit risk management, 105

Fat-tails. See Leptokurtosis

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 99

Financial risk management

commodity risk. See Commodity risk, management

credit risk. See Credit risk

currency risk. See Currency risk, management

defined, 12

energy risk. See Energy risk management


good, essentials of, 3644

introduction to, 3336

questions for, 4446


Barings Bank, case study, 140142

basic necessities for, 132142

effective, elements of, 142145

Florida electric utilities, case study, 134135

introduction to, 129

Procter and Gamble, case study, 129131

senior managers and directors, guidelines for, 145146

importance of, 25

financial risk, types of, 79

Irving Oil, case study, 57

strategic, 7

interest rate risk management. See Interest rate risk, management

metrics. See Metrics, for financial risk management

personal basis, role of, 151

structural issues for, 147150

technology issues for, 150

tenets. See Tenets, financial risk management

tools, and tactics, 1832

choosing between doing nothing, hedging with forward, and option contract, 2123

closing/canceling trade, 2830

financial derivatives. See Derivatives

operational strategies, 1618

responses to risk, 1516

Southwest Airlines, case study, 2325

swaps, 3032

Financial Risk Manager, 6

Fintech technologies, 4, 6, 147, 150

Five(six) Cs, of credit analysis, 112114

Floor level, 70

Florida electric utilities, case study, 134135

Forward contract, 1920, 26

Forward rate agreements (FRAs), 68, 7172

Framework, financial risk management

good, essentials of, 3644

introduction to, 3336

questions for, 4446

Geopolitical risk, 9899

Global Association of Risk Professionals, 6

Global economy, and currency risk, 8

Globalization, 23, 147148

Good framework, essentials of, 3644

appropriate accountability, 4243

appropriate training, 42

clear objective, 37

effective reporting, and communication, 41

implement risk action, choose and, 3940

integration, 43

measuring risks, 3839

monitoring and assessing, 4041

risks, identification of, 38

Good risk, 107, 144

Hard currency, 77

Heating degree day (HDD) swap, 125126

Hedging, 10

choosing between doing nothing, forward contract, and option contract, 2123

currency, with operational strategies, 7981

strategy, of firm, 7

tools, application of, 100102

Homeostasis, risk, 34

Implicit costs, 35

Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), 96

Interest rate

cap, 6970

collar, 7071

floor, 70

swap, 30, 6869, 84

Interest Rate Parity, 7879

Interest rate risk, 8

effects of, 6364

management, 6873

capital structure, 6465

case study, 6568

Internal credit risk management, 105

Investment grade, 110

Irving Oil, case study, 57

Knock-in option, 123124

Knock-out option, 123124

Legislative risk, 99100

Leptokurtic distribution, 58

Leptokurtosis, 57, 5859

Loan, expected loss on, 110

Locational basis risk, 9495

in American natural gas markets, 9697

London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR), 3031, 6869

Long Term Capital Management, case study, 61

Long-term debt, 73

versus short-term debt, 65

Main Street, 148


for credit risk, 110111

Altman Z-score, 111112

five (six) Cs of credit analysis, 112114

for financial risk management

historical relationships, 4853

introduction to, 4748

Long Term Capital Management, case study, 61

Monte Carlo Simulation, 5355

risk metrics, dangers of, 5760

value at risk, 5557

Mitigation, financial risk, 15, 39, 95, 131, 136

Model risk, 49

Monte Carlo Simulation, 5355, 137

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS), 66

Multinational companies, 133

Negative correlation, 49

Negative risk, 15

New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), 96

Normal distribution, 5758

Operational strategies

for commodity risk management, 122123

for financial risk management, 1618

Option contract, 1920, 26

Option type strategies, 81

Over-the-counter derivatives, 2930, 123

versus exchange traded, 2628

Philosophy, financial risk management, 132135

Physical contracts, 101

Physically settled derivative, 82

versus cash-settled, 2526

Positive correlation, 49

Positive risk, 15, 35

culture, 144145

Present Value of a Basis Point, 50

Price Cap program, 5

Primary, degree of exposure, 92

Procter and Gamble, 4546, 129131

Product basis. See Quality basis

Professional Risk Manager designation, 6

Professional Risk Manager’s International Association (PRMIA), 6

Purchasing Power Parity, 77

Big Mac Index, case study for, 78

PV01. See Present Value of a Basis Point

Quality basis risk, 95

Quants, 47, 48

Regression analysis, 51

Regulators, 45, 39

Regulatory risk, 99100


bad, 2, 106107

basis, 9495, 120122

catastrophe, 9

commodity, 9, 17, 117

credit, 89

currency, 8, 1718

dashboard, 41, 138139

definition of, 12

elements of, 2

energy price, 9294

financial, types of, 79

geopolitical, 9899

good, 107, 144

homeostasis, 34

interest rate, 8

legislative, 99100

management, 1213, 142145. See also Financial risk management

metrics, dangers of, 5760

negative, 15

perception of, 148

positive, 15, 35

regulatory, 99100

responses to, 1516

weather, 9

Scenario analysis, 53

Secondary, degree of exposure, 92

Semi-standard deviation, 53

Senior managers

guidelines for, 145146

risk training for, 143

Share price volatility, 4

Short-term debt, versus long-term debt, 65

Skew, 52

Southwest Airlines, case study, 2325

Stakeholders, 4, 7, 45, 133

Standard deviation, 5152

Strategic currency risk, 75

Structural issues, for financial risk management, 147150

Swap, 3032

basis, 121122

commodity, 3132, 84

currency, 8284

heating degree day, 125126

interest rate, 3031, 6869, 84

rate, 6869

Technology issues, for financial risk management, 150

Tenets, financial risk management

adds value, 14

financial risk is still risk management decision, ignoring/being unaware of, 1011

firms are not in business to take financial risk, 910

hope is not prudent, strategy, 11

is as much an art as it is a science, 1112

only perfect hedge is in Japanese Garden, 1213, 15

risk management is complex, 13

Tertiary, degree of exposure, 92

Thumb, general rule of, 134

Tools, for financial risk management, 1832

Training, for risk management, 142143

Transactional currency risk, 75

Translational currency risk, 75

Treasury Bond futures, 73

Trends, 102103

Value at Risk (VAR), 5557, 138

Volatile energy price, 8

Wall Street, 148

Weather derivatives, 125126

Corney & Barrow, case study, 126127

Weather risk, 9

West Texas Intermediate crude, 100

Wild Card Option, 73

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