
Accounts, 35

Ambiguity, of misinterpreted gesture, 37

Apology, 34

Area graphs, 22

Argument, in crises, 8992

Assertive strategies, for impression management, 2932

Audit. See Communication audit

Bar chart, 21

Barrett’s three-phased change communication model, 6768

Blended approach, for communication audit, 110

Blockbuster, 73

Netflix destroyed, change makes demands, 7475

Borders Books, 73

Bush, George W., 95

Career coaching, 37

Change communication

aspects of, 6667

channel choice for, 8083

defined, 66

demands, 7376

dislodging ingrained practices, 7273

expectation, 7879

perception, 7677

receptivity to change, 6872

strategy, 6768

Channel choice, in change communication process, 8083

Charisma, 8183

President Reagan changed America by, 82

Charts, 2025

Coaching, 60. See also Career coaching

Cognitive underpinnings, for communication strategies, 72

Collegial style, 81

Commitment, in change process, 80


change. See Change communication

crisis. See Crisis

employment. See Employment communication

Communication audit

approaches, 108110

defined, 105106

essential elements in, 111

goals and information gathering activities, 108

instruments, 110112

method selection, 106108

optimizing, 113114

pitfalls of, 118

reliable measure, 107108

report writing, 115

strategic implications, 115118

valid measure, 107108

Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ), 110111

versus International Communication Association, 112

Concession. See Apology

Constructs, 107

Content analysis, for communication audit, 110

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 100


communication mistakes

failing to identify public’s sentiment, 9496

failing to unify empathy, 96102

off-the-cuff speaking, 9293

defined, 8586

lessons for managing, 88

management plan, 8689

types of, 88

use of argument in, 8992

CSQ. See Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire

CSR. See Corporate social responsibility

Daly’s seven tests of communication skills, 113114

Dean, Paula, and discriminatory language, 34

Deductive syllogism, 8990

Defensive strategies, for impression management, 3235

Demands, change communication, 7376

Direct observation, for communication audit, 109

Disney’s grand illusion, 30

Duration, in change process, 80

EEOC. See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Effort, in change process, 80

Elevator presentation, 8

Emotional intelligence, 1415

Empathy, 96102

Employment communication

equity theory, 54

expectancy theory, 5455

firings, 6162

formal reprimand, 5559

hiring right people

conducting legal interview, 4951

correspondence with candidates, 5253

equal employment opportunity laws, 4447

impression management, 52

job qualifications, 4849

offer letter, 52

rejection letter, 53

human capital, 4344

layoffs, 5861

piecework incentive system, 4243

Entertainment presentations, 34

Enthymeme, 90

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 44, 46

Equal employment opportunity laws, 4446

Equity theory, 54

Excuses, 33

Exemplification, 31

Expectancy theory, 5455

Expectation, change communication, 7879

Extemporaneous method, for presentation, 78

Eye contact, and presentation, 11

Fallout of change, 116

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 95

FedEx, garnering trust at, 79

Feed-forward, 67

Feedback, 67

FEMA. See Federal Emergency Management Agency

Figures of speech, 1519

Filled pauses (FP), 1314

Firings, 6162

Focus groups, for communication audit, 109

Formalistic style, 81

FP. See Filled pauses

General Patton’s 1944 Normandy Invasion speech, 910

Goals, defined, 68

Google Alerts, 87

Graphs, 2025

Group discussions, 115

Hayward, Tony, damaging comments to media, 93

Henry, Patrick, Liberty or Death presentation, 1516

Hierarchy of goals, 80

Hootsuite, 87

Human capital, 4344

motivation theories, 5459

Hurricane Katrina disaster, 95, 100, 103

ICA. See International Communication Association

Image, 15, 29, 3133, 39, 46, 86, 89, 102

Impression management

assertive strategies, 2932

by celebrities, 2728

Dean, Paula, and discriminatory language, 34

defensive strategies, 3235

Disney’s grand illusion, 30

by dress and behaviors, 3738

during interviews, 52

by managers, 2829

nonverbal, 3637

in office environment, 3839

with others, 3940

Starbuck’s grand disillusion, 30

Weiner, Anthony, and liar’s paradox, 35

Impromptu method, for presentation, 7

Inductive syllogism, 90

Information openness, 117

Informative presentations, 34

Ingrained practices, dislodging, 7273

Ingratiation, 30

Innocence, 33

Integrity, in change process, 80

Interaction supportiveness, 117118

International Communication Association (ICA), 106, 110

versus Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire, 112

Interview, 4951

for communication audit, 109

impression management, 52

Intimidation, 32

Job qualifications, 4849

Justifications, 33

Layoffs, 5861

Leader, 1, 39, 116, 118

charisma for, 8183

Leadership, 28, 39, 61, 8082, 86, 114

Lincoln, Abraham, Gettysburg Address in Pennsylvania, 101102

Line graphs, 2122

Logs, for communication audit, 109

Management orientation, 115116

Managerial interaction skills, 118

Managerial reprimand model, 5558

example for, 59

Managers, in crisis response, 89

Manuscript method, for presentation, 7

Memory method, for presentation, 7

Montgomery Ward, 7374

Netflix destroyed Blockbuster, change makes demands, 7475

Nonverbal impression management, 3637

Off-the-cuff speaking, 9293

Offer letter, for candidate, 52

Office environment, impression management in, 3839

Organizational change, 67

Passion, underestimating, 94

Perception, change communication, 7677

Personalistic style, 81

Persuasion, 89

Persuasive presentations, 24

Pictograms, 23

Pie chart, 2021

“Pigs in a Blanket—Fry Like Bacon,” 1819

Plans, defined, 68


charts, graphs, and tables, 2025

delivery, 811

with emotions, 1415

figures of speech, 1519

filled pauses, 1114

General Patton’s 1944 Normandy Invasion speech, 910

objectives, 3

occasions, 3

preparation, 48

purpose, 24

speech dangers, 1114

tips, 12

President Reagan Changed America by being charismatic, 82

Receptivity to change, 6872

Rejection letter, for applicants, 53

Reliable measure, 108

Report writing, communication audit, 115

Reprimand, 5558

Risk communication, 99100

Robertson’s managerial communication climate model, 117

Roosevelt, Franklin D., war presentation, 1618

Self-promotion, 31

Sincerity, 14

Skill testing, for communication audit, 110

Social media, 87

Social Mention, 87

Stakeholders, 86

Starbuck’s grand disillusion, 30

Strategic planning, 68

Supplication, 3132

Surveys, for communication audit, 110

Tables, 2324

Taylor, Frederick W., piecework incentive system, 4243

Team, for crisis management, 86

Three-quarter high, rule-of-thumb, 25

Toulmin’s model, 91

Training programs, 76, 82, 116

Trust, 28, 36, 60, 79, 81, 87, 117

Tweet Deck, 87

TweetBeep, 87

Twitter Search, 87

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 96

USDA. See United States Department of Agriculture

Valid measure, 108

Venting, 71

Vick, Michael, interview with

media, 94

Walmart, 4647

Weiner, Anthony, and liar’s paradox, 35

Wells Fargo, Stumpf’s resignation from, 9798

Wiggin’s change curve communication quadrants, 7071

Workplace behaviors, 55

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